In A Noble Magic Academy, The Only Spell I Know Is Scan

Chapter 49: Fighting Utopia


"Hm?" Momo turned around, surprised to see Roko approaching her, "What's up?"

"You told me before that your country values martial abilities right?"

"Well, it's more a thing for people in positions with direct influence over the management of the country. The governing body is considered a part of the country's army as well. The rest of the citizens are not expected to have martial abilities though it is semi-common and valued."

"Point is that the academics around the martial arts is pretty well regarded in your country, right?"


"Let me train in your country." Roko requested with a grimace, "If the headmaster is going to continue to send me on missions, I'm going to need to actually learn how to defend myself."

Momo blinked as she processed Roko's request. Then she jumped in the air as she cried, "Oh Roko! I knew you'd learn how to fight eventually! I had hoped you would come to me but I never thought you would!"

"Uh huh."

"Roko." Momo said as she placed her hands on Roko's shoulder and looked him excitedly in the eyes, "We're going to make you one of the best knights ever. Better than Roland at least."

"I'm not going to be a knight!" Roko snapped, "But better than Roland sounds good."

"Then, I'll head to the headmaster and request for a sudden leave of absence!"

"You can just do that?"

"We're princesses. We have circumstances that can come up at anytime."

"Wait, you're coming with me?"

"Of course Roko. You can't just stroll into town and ask someone to teach you."

"I can't?"

"Oh my god, you're serious."

"What? I would have done my research first."

"Roko, I'm going to set you up with the best teacher I can find. In fact, he's the one who taught me."

"I mean, I would have liked to do this on my own merit."

"Roko, this is fighting we're talking about. Genuine threats to your life. I'd say taking a bit of high class help is not something to be ashamed about."

A few days and several carriage rides later, Roko could see the capital of the Battousai Dynasty, Momokami. As Roko had guessed from the names alone, the city resembled many Asian architecture, in particular of the developing era of Japan, though with much more modernization that, while noticeable, also seemed to blend well into the landscape. Like Aporia, the buildings seemed to remain short with the only exception being the castle in the distance but unlike Aporia, the castle was by far the biggest that Roko had ever seen. If Aporia's castle was a landmark, Momokami's castle was the size of an entire district. From what Roko could tell, the castle stretched from one side of the city to the other, taking up the entire section with only large courts and a smaller collection of buildings to surround it. What's more, the castle was tall as well. Taller than anything else in the city. Roko estimated 10 stories at least. And each story built on top of each other like stacking layers, growing smaller as they went up but at the same time taking up only a bit less space than the one below it which still meant that the lower stories still took up space comparable to a small district or dock. Roko had no doubt he could get lost in the castle itself, not even considering the high class district that surrounded this extravagant castle and the rest of the city beyond that. Roko's mind boggled at how one building could possibly need that much room, a thought that only grew more concerning as he was brought closer and closer to the castle and it began to tower over him like a looming giant.

"We're here!" the driver announced, "OmomoCastle."

Taking his eyes off the concerning large castle, Roko stepped down from the carriage with Momo and took some time to examine the courtyard which was wide open with paved paths sectioning off smaller sandy garden. Tastefully decorated with boulders of various sizes and artfully arranged trees, Roko felt like he was in a whole new social class just by standing there.

"Roko!" Momo called him, snapping his attention away from how beautiful the scenery was, "I'm sure you've been though this already but we're going to get you to your room and then introduce you to daddy-I mean the king. And the queen."

"I don't suppose you have a map of the place?" Roko asked as he followed Momo into the castle, "I'm afraid I will get lost."

"Yeah, the castle's pretty big." Momo laughed, "That's because all governing nobles live here alongside the king. It's a founding tradition."

"What about the buildings outside?"

"Those are all storage and barracks for the standing army. Momokami is a pretty powerful nation, military wise. We were one of few human settlements that managed to defend itself despite being surrounded by demons back during the war against the Demon King."

"I've heard of this Demon King but never really got a good explanation about them." Roko mused, "Same with Archeomancy."

"Well, I probably can't help with Archeomancy." Momo laughed shyly, "And the history of the war against the Demon King is pretty long and I don't remember all of it. You can probably find some good books on those subjects though."

Momo lead them to a compact room with a long table taking up the majority. Roko was expecting a throne room like the castles before him but this seemed more like a meeting room. On the far end of the table was Momo's parents, sitting there with stacks of paper all over the desk. Her father seemed to be signing papers while her mother read over a rather extensive document.

"Mommy, Dadd-I mean, father, mother! I'm back!"

"Ah." Her father looked up as he placed down his quill, "I'm glad to see you again, Momo. I assume this is the friend you spoke so highly of?"

"Yes, this is Roko." Momo said, "He's a very interesting individual with some unique abilities. He's been helping me with my training and has helped out in many perilous events. He's here now to properly study the art of fighting."

"I see." The king nodded, "Well, anyone who wants to learn how to fight is welcome in Momokami. I assume you're referring him to your old teacher then?"


"Well, he's been searching for a new student ever since you left. I'm sure he'd be happy to teach a friend of yours."

"Where is he now?"

"He's returning from scouting the nearby town for talent. From what I hear, he actually managed to find one this time. He should have time to train two students though that'll depend on how he's feeling."

"Of course." Momo nodded.

"That all said." Momo's mother smiled as she placed down the document she was reading, "Come. Spend some time with your mommy and daddy. We'll have an attendant take your friend to his room."

"M-Mom, don't use mommy and daddy in front of my friend..." Momo mumbled embarrassed.

"I'll go ahead then." Roko said as he picked up his luggage, "Have some fun with your family."

"T-Thanks, Roko."

"But seriously, is there a map for this place?"

Momo came over early the next morning to pick up Roko and guide him to the cafeteria for breakfast. One of many cafeterias all over the castle but Momo insisted on bringing him to a specific one.

"Our best cook is working in this one today." She explained, "He'll treat you to some real Momokan cuisine."

"Momokan huh?" Roko yawned, "You share a name with your city?"

"Oh yes, I was named after it." Momo smiled, "My parents thought it would be appropriate for the future Queen of our land."

"I guess they have to consider things like that for their first born heir."

"Oh, I'm not the first born."

"Wait, what?" Roko said, surprised, "I thought the first born was usually the one to inherit the throne."

"Oh, it is. It's just that all my brothers and sisters has abdicated their right to the throne."

"All many siblings do you have?"

"Two brothers and two sisters." Momo smiled, "I'm the fifth child."

"There were four people in front of you that were supposed to inherit the throne but they all gave it up?!"



"Hmm...they all have their own reasons but I guess it just boils down to 'They wanted to do what they loved without restrictions.'"

"They all had their own things they wanted to do?"


"And your parents are okay with this?"

"Well they weren't okay with it but there wasn't anything they could do and so long as I'm there to take the throne, they'll allow it albeit begrudgingly." Momo chuckled as they finally walked into the cafeteria. As they walked in a voice called out,

"Oi! Momo!"

"Ah. Brother!" Momo turned around as a man in paint splattered robes walked up to them, "Let me introduce you. Roko, this is my brother. Former third in line, Aoki Shinokami. Brother, this is my friend, Roko."

"Nice to meet you." Aoi smiled warmly, "I hope Momo hasn't been too much of a bother for you."

"She did rope me into making a training program for her but she's been a big help to me as well so I can only be grateful that I met her."

"Is that so? That sounds like Momo alright." Aoki chuckled, "As I understand, you are a student at Memoria Auspice?"


"I see, I see. You understand how rare an opportunity like yours is right?"


"Seeing such noble women everywhere all day long. It's a true wonderland."


"Don't mind my brother." Momo laughed gently, "He's not actually a pervert. He's an artist you see. He gave up the throne to chase his dreams of art."

"Yes, I assure you, I am not a degenerate. I am only envious of the bevy of beautiful art subjects you must see everyday."

"Uh huh."

"I-It's true!" Momo yelped, "He's drawn plenty of art of me! All tasteful! Plus I've seen plenty of his art as well!"

"The ones he shows you anyway." Roko smirked.


"A-Anyway, you're all here for breakfast right?" Aoki laughed awkwardly, "I recommend the miso soup. It has a surprisingly refreshing taste."

"Right!" Momo cried, "We're meeting my teacher soon so let's get ourselves full of energy before we get down to training!"

"Oh, you're meeting with your old master?" Aoki smiled, "I'll come along. I always enjoy talking with him."

After eating a very Momokan breakfast, Momo lead Roko to an empty training field off to the side of the castle. Roko gripped the sheath of his sword nervously as he waited for his new teacher to arrive. His original plan was to find a teacher himself once he got here and while he's glad that Momo was so enthusiastic about his training to get him a high class teacher, Roko now had to live up to the expectation of such an esteemed teacher. And for all the fighting he has done since he got to this world, he had no idea how to wield a sword beyond just swinging and stabbing with it. And he didn't really see any other way to use it. Roko didn't think he would be able to wow the teacher with any surprise potential he doubted even exists but he was trying to learn so it's not like he was there to show off. But this was a high class teacher and they could be rather picky so-

"Ah! Sensei!"

Momo's cry cut into Roko's thoughts and he looked up. A short old man in a brown gi walked leisurely towards them while a rather serious looking girl followed behind him.

"Momo, my dear!" The old man grinned, "It's been too long! Growing up well are you?"

"Yes! I've been practicing everyday!"

"Hmm...good good. You've developed a few extra centimeters from what I can see."

"I don't think I've gotten any taller." Momo blinked.

"Not taller. Outwards."

"Am I getting fat?" Momo asked, worried.

"Not at all. Just...rounder in the behind."

"Behind me?" Momo turned around, still confused.

"Sensei, don't tease her too much please." The girl behind the old man sighed.

"Alright, alright." The old man laughed, "But don't be jealous. You're growing up very well as well, Murasaki."

"Yes sir." Murasaki said, only the slightest hint of annoyance crossing her tone.

"By the way, Momo." The old man leaned forward, pretending to whisper to Momo, "Do you have any of the stuff I talked about?"

"I don't have any photos of Corissa for you." Momo sighed.

"What?! Why not?! You're friends with her now right? Surely you can get a photo or two of her for me!"

"I'm not taking any pictures of her for you."

"Come on, it's only a photo! It doesn't even have to be risque!"


"I'll pay you for it."

"Don't bother." Momo said crossly, "Besides...I don't know how to use my phone."

"Oh my dear." The old man sighed, "You need to learn how to do things other than training."

"A-Anyway!" Momo cried, "This is Roko! He's the one I wanted you to teach!"

"Hm?" The old man seemed to finally notice Roko standing there. He squinted at him, looking Roko over with a studious glare, "Well, I don't normally take male students but if it's your request, princess… Murasaki."

Murasaki removed a sword from her hip and handed it over to the old man.

"Come on then." The old man smirked, "Let's see if there's anything worth bringing out in you."

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