I'm Forever on Hold (BL)


Saval dropped onto his desk chair with a long sigh. His conversation with Dante had left him with more questions than answers, but there was one thing he knew for sure: he couldn't keep ignoring what was happening with Semiel. His friend was drifting away, caught up in something Saval couldn't quite understand. And if he really wanted to help, he had to start by talking to him.

He powered on his computer and opened Discord. Scrolling through his friends list, he saw that Semiel was online. He hesitated for a moment, wondering if his friend would even pick up. But in the end, he clicked the voice call button.


The ringing lasted a few seconds before Semiel answered.

—What's up, Saval? —he asked in his usual tone, though he sounded a bit off.

—Nothing much, just wanted to check in. We haven't talked in days. Also, didn't you mention something about a new game?

—Oh, yeah… I've been busy —Semiel replied evasively.

Saval frowned, as if he could see his friend's expression through the screen.

—Busy with what?

There was a brief pause before Semiel let out a laugh.

—Well, actually, I was testing out a new game I bought.

Saval raised an eyebrow, surprised by the sudden topic shift.

—Oh yeah? What's it called?


Silence. And then, both of them burst into laughter.

—What kind of name is that?! —Saval exclaimed, clutching his stomach from laughing so hard.

—I don't know, but when I saw it on the digital store, I couldn't resist. I mean, imagine telling someone, "Hey, I'm playing YOUR MOM" —Semiel started laughing again.

—HAHAHA, now I want to buy it just so I can say that too.

They kept laughing for a while, enjoying the silliness of the moment. For an instant, everything felt normal. Like nothing had changed. Like Semiel was still the same as always. But then, his laughter faded little by little, leaving an awkward silence on the call.

Saval took a deep breath. It was time to take a risk.

—Hey, Semiel… seriously, are you okay?

His friend took a while to respond. When he finally did, his voice was much quieter.

—Of course… why wouldn't I be?

Saval leaned against his desk, pressing his fingers into the wood as if he needed to hold onto something.

—I don't know. Maybe because you barely talk anymore. Because every time I see you, you seem more… distant. Because when I mentioned Antonella the other day, you tensed up like I had said something wrong.

Semiel didn't respond right away. The silence dragged on for so long that Saval thought he had hung up. But then, his friend let out a sigh.

—I don't want to talk about it.


—Seriously, Saval. I don't want to. It's complicated.

Saval felt a knot in his stomach. He knew that if he pushed too hard, Semiel might end the call and shut down completely. But he couldn't just leave it like this.

—Look, I'm not going to force you to say anything you don't want to. I just want you to know I'm here. If you need help, if something's bothering you, you can count on me.

Another silence. Then, Semiel let out a nervous chuckle.

—You're still the same as always, huh? Always trying to save everyone.

—Well, I do worry about idiots like you.

Semiel smiled faintly, but Saval could tell his laughter lacked the usual energy.

—Thanks, Saval. Really.

Saval felt a slight sense of relief, though he knew this conversation wasn't truly over. There was something else, something his friend wasn't saying. And he wasn't going to rest until he found out what it was.

Semiel abruptly changed the subject.

—Hey, wanna play something? —he asked, his tone a little more upbeat, though Saval could tell it was a deliberate distraction.

—Do you seriously want us to play "YOUR MOM"? —Saval joked, playing along.

—Obviously! Come on, I'll send you the link. It's on sale.

Saval sighed but agreed. Maybe playing for a bit would help get Semiel to open up.

The next twenty minutes were filled with laughter, ridiculous commentary on how absurd the game was, and a few silly jokes. But even in the middle of it all, Saval noticed that Semiel would suddenly go quiet, as if his mind was somewhere else.

After a while, Saval decided it was time to bring things back.

—Semiel… I know you're avoiding the topic. And it's okay if you don't want to talk right now. But I want you to promise me something.

His friend took a few seconds to respond.

—What is it?

—Promise me that, when you're ready, you'll tell me what's going on.

Semiel sighed.

—I'll try.

—No, I don't want you to try. I want you to do it. Because I care about you, Semiel. And I don't want you to keep carrying this alone.

Semiel went silent. When he finally spoke again, his voice sounded more honest, more vulnerable.

—Alright, Saval. I promise.

It was progress. Small, but significant. Saval knew he couldn't force the answers, but at least he had planted the seed. Now, he just had to wait for his friend to feel safe enough to trust him.

—Good —Saval said, forcing a smile—. Now, let's keep playing. And get ready, because I'm going to destroy you in Valorant.

Semiel laughed, and for the first time in the whole conversation, he sounded a little more like the friend Saval remembered.

I would make Semiel go back to being himself, even if I had to go against the person I liked.Because he was my best friend, and I could never betray him.

But first…



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