Chapter 1: Chapter 1: A fated encounter?
—Mom, what's wrong with that boy? she asked, pointing with a finger.
The girl barely glanced at her and quickened her pace.
"Don't pay attention to him, my love. Let's go." The mother said as she hurried her daughter away from the boy who was screaming in the middle of the street.
"Come on, Saval, do you even realize what you're doing?" a young man called out from behind, his tone half amused, half exasperated.
Saval: Sorry, Semiel, but today will be the thirteenth time I tell Antonella that I like her. —He grinned from ear to ear.
Semiel: Saval, it's not that I don't believe in you, but… are you sure? She's not exactly the best girl, and she's already rejected you multiple times. Maybe it's time to look at other people.
(People like… me.)
Saval: What are you talking about? I've known her since we were five, and now that we're both seventeen, I feel like I understand her better than ever. Besides, I have my secret weapon. —He held up a letter, his eyes shining with excitement.
Semiel: This isn't the first time you've given her a letter. What makes this one different? —He glanced upward.
Saval: It's different because this time, I wrote her a poem and… You better not laugh, okay?
Semiel: I've known you for three years now. Do you really think I'd laugh at you? —He smirked slightly.
Saval: In the poem, I tell her how much I like her and that I want her to be there for my subathon. I want everyone to meet her and see what a great person she is. It's also my way of showing her I'm serious about this. I wouldn't invite just anyone to my stream.
Semiel: Are you sure about this, Saval? It'd be the first time you bring someone on stream… if she says yes, of course.
Saval: Yup. I want her to know what I do and what I'm passionate about. I've been streaming since I was twelve, and it's only in the last three years that I started getting real fans and a loyal audience.
Semiel: I know. I was there, remember? Pretty sure I was one of your first loyal viewers.
Saval: Yup, you've always been there for me. You're a great friend, really. I don't know what I would've done without you, with everything going on with my family and the streams.
Semiel: Yeah, yeah, I know I'm the best. No need to remind me. So, where are you meeting Antonella this time?
Saval: We agreed to meet at the plaza, near the pond with the ducks.
Semiel: There? It's a nice spot, but you know she doesn't like going out. Wouldn't it have been better to pick somewhere closer for her?
Saval: It's fine. She said she'd come. She promised, so I believe her.
Semiel: I don't know, Saval… I have my doubts, but fine. I'll wait with you until this Antonella shows up, then I'm out.
Saval: THANK YOU! YOU'RE THE BEST FRIEND EVER! —Saval shouted as he hugged his much taller friend.
Semiel: D-Dude, get off me, it's hot. —He muttered, trying not to blush.
And so, they waited for almost an hour, talking about their day, the games they'd play, and Saval's streaming plans.
Semiel: And then I told him, "GG EZ, almost punched my monitor, camper."
Saval: Hahaha, you're really good at shooters, Semiel. I prefer Minecraft. I like building and PVP. You know, it's great for streams, and I love the freedom of the game.
Semiel: Yeah, yeah, the stream that got me into your channel was actually Minecraft. You were building a mud house, and then a creeper showed up and blew everything up! Hahaha!
Saval: Yup, I didn't know much about the game back then, but now I'm a pro.
Semiel: Yeah, yeah, I've seen your skills. When are we doing a PVP match?
Saval: Tonight. It's still early now.
Semiel: Well… early, early? Not really. It's almost 5 o'clock. —He checked his watch—. Weren't you supposed to meet her at 4:00? She's already an hour late. Let's just go.
(Not that I want her to show up… because you always look like a lovesick fool when you see her. Ugh… why can't you look at me like that?)
Saval: She said she'd come, so I'll wait a little longer. If you wanna go, you can. I'll stay.
Semiel: Ugh, you're so stubborn. I've waited this long, a little more won't kill me… but you owe me ice cream later. And a BIG one!
Saval: Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. Hey, now that I think about it, how did you even find my streaming channel? I doubt I was the only one playing that game.
Semiel: Let's just say… it was fate. —He said with a small smirk.
(I'll never forget that day… the day I met you. If my dad hadn't asked me to find a football channel for him, I probably never would've found you. Who would've thought that the algorithm would randomly recommend your channel… and that I'd see your smile on the screen? Guess it was love at first sight.)
Saval: HEY, SEM! You still there? You've been staring into space for like five minutes.
HUH!? You're the one spacing out! —He said, flicking Saval's forehead.
Saval: Ouch! Even though I'm 1.80 meters, I feel tiny next to you, you big idiot.
Semiel: Hmph. All thanks to basketball and drinking milk. These 1.90 m aren't just luck.
Saval: Yeah, yeah, whatever. But seriously, what was that? You totally zoned out.
Semiel: Nothing… just remembering a few things.
Saval: Mmm, alright… LOOK! There she comes!
Semiel: Ugh, and an hour late. You need to say something, Saval. We waited too long. —Semiel pouted.
Before them appeared a girl their age, wearing a lavender sweater and denim jeans.
Antonella: SAVAL! I'm so sorry! My parents wouldn't let me leave. I had to tell them I'd be with you just so they'd let me go.
Saval: Antonella, you came! I was a little worried, but I'm glad you're here.
Semiel: Well, lovebirds, I'm out. I don't wanna interrupt your date. And Saval, don't forget what I said—you owe me ice cream!
Saval: Yeah, thanks, Sem! I'll buy it for you tomorrow when we meet up.
Antonella: Oh, Sem, what are you even saying? Saval's just my friend. Take care!
Semiel: Yeah, yeah. Bye-bye, Antonella.
(Ugh, what an annoying woman. I won't deny she's pretty, but she seems so insecure… and she keeps looking at me weirdly. Does she know? Could she tell that I'm bisexual? That I like Saval?
Nah, there's no way she figured it out. But still, pretty or not, I don't get why Saval likes her. She's so flat. Even I have more chest than her, thanks to the gym… and I'm a guy.
Oh well… she'll probably reject him again, and Saval will come to Discord later to talk. I'll wait for him so we can play a shooter. Maybe Valorant- said Semiel as he walked to the store to get his extra-large vanilla ice cream, unaware that the news he would hear that night would change his relationship with his best friend forever.