Chapter 56: Chapter 56
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I got to school in my newly bought sports car. So as I drove through the surrounding area, my car gathered maximum stares. Most of the kids who got into the institute were from the middle class. Though if I'm not mistaken, Jubilee had been begging and earning a living with her powers, which she passed off as magic tricks. That's pretty much the effect I was hoping for. Still, if my offer was successful, the label of rich man I had already received would play in my favour.
As I parked at the entrance, I approached Hank, who greeted me.
-Hey, why are you turning blue? -Hey. - Said Pierce, giving the Beast an understanding smile.
-I just decided not to hide my nature. The Professor always said that we should accept who we are. - McCoy replied, not wanting to look Pierce in the eye as he spoke.
-Well, that's what I thought. - Ryan said in a serious voice, nodding his head.
-I've really decided to accept myself. - McCoy raised his voice a little.
-Well, who can argue with that? - Pierce replied, barely holding back a smile.
-All right, you've already told me about your coming-out. Shall we walk to the lab? - Seeing that Hank was about to lose it, Ryan decided to change the subject.
-Okay, but why? - Suppressing indignation asked Hank.
-I learnt about a mercenary who can change her appearance during my last stay here. They say she's a friend of the school and sends young mutants here. - Said Ryan.
-Yes, she sometimes brings kids here who have nowhere else to go. - Hank answered, clearly wanting to keep Mystique out of the loop.
-Well, you spend a lot of time researching mutations. You must have samples of her blood. - Pierce said, asserting rather than asking.
-I have a sample of her blood, but it's quite valuable, and why do you need her DNA? - Hank asked with a frown.
-I want to do some research. But I'm willing to reimburse you for your losses. - Said Ryan pulling two flasks of green coloured blood out of his bag.
-What is it? - McCoy asked.
-These are DNA samples from the Hulk and the Abomination. - Pierce said in a calm tone, clearly enjoying the bulging gaze of his interlocutor. It seemed like another ten seconds and Hank would start shooting lasers like Junior Summers.
-Where'd you get that? - Swallowing saliva, McCoy asked.
-Secret. So, what are you willing to trade? - Pierce asked with an anticipatory smile.
-Yes! -Answered McCoy quickly heading for the sample fridge.
Leaving Hank to hypnotise the microscope, I headed upstairs. There were only two ways to get Mystique's blood. And the second one was too painful. I remembered Hank and his serum, which had turned an almost normal human into a blue beast. To be honest, I wanted to be in a lab for ten months just as much as McCoy did. I had plenty of samples and ideas for research. Mostly I wanted to isolate genes from my blood that were responsible for transforming me back to a normal species. I'd have to find the same genes in the Hulk. But his blood is interesting on a number of other counts. The one ability of almost infinite strength growth was extremely entertaining. And the fact that he's even stronger than Emil in his unstable state is mind-boggling. After all, as it should be, someone who hadn't completed the transformation to the end and hadn't received a fully radiation-adapted body should be weak. But the fully transformed Blonsky, who now has a perfect gamma mutant body, should be at least twice as strong as his predecessor in purple shorts. But no, the Hulk eats up the radiation around him like crazy and can become a dozen times more powerful, but the abomination has got a bar above which Emil can't jump now. Unless he injects himself with a few more litres of Bruce's blood, but that's more like 90/10, where 90% is death in the form of a green, bony balloon that explodes a few minutes after doping.
And I've got some Murbius DNA that can stabilise almost any chemical mess. And I'm wondering what would happen if I stabilised Banner's DNA. Logically, he'd be much stronger and probably stuck in his green role forever. But if we add Mystique's and my appearance-change skills to the mix, that's more interesting. Blonsky, for example, is a bit cuckoo, but given the comics and my knowledge of his blood, it won't last long. He'll be back to normal in a year or two. Right now, because of the drastic change in his body and the constant restructuring, he must have such a hormonal cocktail in his blood that I'm surprised he hasn't been foaming at the mouth since his transformation. Anyway, when he stops leaking, I'll arrange a meeting with Emil and offer him a chance to get a chance to return to normal, if I can make such a cocktail.
I have an appointment with the professor for this evening. He'll have some business out of school before then. Since I have a lot of free time, I thought I'd drop by Kurt's. Check up on my friend and see how the kid's doing. Because if the students keep shunning him, I can offer him a job. Since I don't have magic yet, I'm going to need a teleporter. Though even with the ring and portal opening skills, it won't be useless anymore. At the very least, Wagner is the key to Azazel's plan. And although I don't know about the fate of Kurt's daddy here, but in any case, considering that the demon will become at most 8-10 times stronger in his plan, it will be possible to try to get a good place for an emergency, which, like the microcosm is not affected by the power of stones.
When I got to Kurt, I was immediately subjected to a power hug and inundated with a lot of information about the school. He talked about conflicts and events, which mostly boiled down to squabbles between teenagers with superpowers crashing everything around them. One event that was important to Kurt personally was the arrival of a new student a week ago.
Robert Drake, better known as Iceman, had been betrayed by his own family, his brother having learnt about his relative's abilities and turned him in to a group of radicals. Had it not been for the X-Men arriving in time, the skirmish would have likely ended in a pile of bodies. As I understand it, that's what allowed Drake to appreciate Kurt properly and become his friend. Still, if for his brother he looks like an ordinary man is a monster, then Wagner's appearance is certainly not an indicator of his essence. Another of Robert's pluses was his fight with Scott. According to Wagner after appearing at school he was mostly sullen and unsociable. And Summers often got to him, trying to stir up the guy, intentions seem to be good, but as they say... In general, he got to the point where his goal was just to make Drake show strength. Well, the guy couldn't help himself, and two days ago he beat up Scott, freezing his body and not even letting him turn his head in his direction. According to Kurt Summers, it took three hours to thaw him out.
After describing his high school life, he slowly but surely moved on to prying for information related to me and New York. Like the price of a car, what I was doing, had I heard of the gamma monster showdown in Queens, etc. Anyway, while answering a lot of his questions and clarifying a lot of things, I accidentally blurted out about my music career.
-Come on, are you kidding me? - Kurt said with undisguised scepticism.
-Come on, back off. - Said Pierce chasing Wagner away from the computer, then logged into his YouTube account.
-Fuck it! - Said Kurt, looking at Ryan with the look of a devoted cult follower.
-Listen, we're having a party tonight with a few guest bands, will you play? - With a Shrek cat look, Wagner asked.
-Umm... I can, just stop looking at me like that. - Said Pierce with a shrug. Still, when a guy looks at you like that, and he's blue in colour with his tail waving in the background, it's scary.
-Will you do the new songs? - Wagner started to strike while the iron was hot.
-I will. - Ryan gave in right away.
-But then I'll have to borrow your pc for a couple of hours, okay?
-Sure, sure, go ahead. - Said Kurt, hanging on the bar he'd set up for himself and staring at Rain's back.
I immediately started searching my memory for a song for the party and after a few minutes I was able to find one suitable song. I could also play something for Robert, and the lovely Summers shouldn't be left out....
At that moment Kurt, who was hovering over Pierce, felt uncomfortable for some reason and moved a little away from his friend.
Having finished composing the songs and rewriting the lyrics, I asked Kurt to give them to the band. Of course, they wouldn't perform them perfectly. No band can play new pieces perfectly with only 1-2 hours of practice. But since this band is already made up of teenagers, I will consider an average performance to be the height of professionalism. While Kurt is dealing with the band I went to meet the professor.
When I walked into Xavier's office, I saw Charles' scowling face looking at the papers. His desk was littered with a pile of folders with various documents. On some of them I saw an extremely interesting title "Weapon X".
-Hello, Professor. - Said Pierce, taking a seat across from Xavier.
-Ah... yeah, hi Bruce. Hank told me you wanted to talk. I was so caught up in the paperwork I didn't even notice you, sorry. - Said Xavier again, noting the unfamiliar feeling of emptiness in Wayne's seat.
-Ah, what's the X weapon? Are you putting together a new team? - Pierce asked, already knowing the answer.
-No, those aren't my files. They were obtained by the guys on the last mission. Over the last six months we've come across several labs where mutants were being experimented on. Among the staff at these facilities were mutant fighters loyal to this organisation. I believe they may be responsible for your injuries. - Said Charles, watching Bruce's reaction to this news.
-Experiments on humans to breed weapons? Great. Such ventures are 100% overseen by someone in the government. - Played off Raen's displeasure.
-I've come to the same conclusions. Their people have found a way to quickly identify mutants. Previously you had to wait about 5-6 hours to determine the X gene even in one person, but now they have 20-30 minutes to do it. And they have access to blood samples from many hospitals. - Xavier was saddened by the enemy's capabilities.
-It's unfortunate. But I may have some finances, but I'm definitely not in politics. - Pierce said disparagingly.
-Bruce, I didn't expect you to do anything. I just warned about the rather wide possibilities of the enemy who attacked you. - Said Xavier.
-If we've sorted that out so far, then perhaps it's time to move on to the purpose of my visit. Let's start by saying my name is Ryan Pierce. When I came to you, I didn't have much faith in the school or in you in particular. My father has quite a bit of money and a certain level of connections. So I knew about the school and the principal's telepathic abilities. - Raine said with a smile.
-And what made you tell me the truth now? - Charles asked with a slight frown.
-Totally convinced of my invulnerability to telepaths. Charles you must realise that any telepath will always have problems with the trust of people close to him. How does a person know their thoughts weren't imposed on them? You hear people's thoughts all the time and you realise that even if they aren't, it's still quite easy to plant the worm of doubt in a person. - With a sad expression on his face, Pierce said.
-What are you getting at? - Xavier asked unhappily.
-I'm saying that I'm the best option for co-operation. I'm already making about 30-40 million dollars a month, and I've recently started my own company, which will need smart workers. Professor, you know that most teenagers are not ready for normal life. Some of your students have obvious physical... "peculiarities" that will not allow them to integrate normally into human society. - Said Ryan pulling a folder of documents out of his bag.
-Let's say I understand what you're getting at, but why do you need this? - Xavier took the folder in his hands without understanding.
-If I were to describe the benefits more succinctly, it's abilities, genetic engineering, loyalty, and a fresh perspective. The abilities of many mutants are extremely useful in scientific endeavours. I also know that McCoy is studying the DNA of his students, I could gather a much larger staff of experts on the subject, who for a generous salary could accomplish a great deal in that direction. Imagine how advanced medicine would be if a person could get Logan's regeneration for an hour? I also understand these kids, so I know that when faced with neglect from society, they'll be able to appreciate my offer. And the final benefit is, again, superpowers. They make them see the world differently. What a normal scientist might not see, some mutant will see for the rest of his life. - Pierce described the outlook.
-You can stay here for a day, I need to think about your offer... Raine. - Said Xavier looking at the contract papers with a thoughtful look.
-I didn't expect you to make an instant decision. Kurt has persuaded me to perform at the party tonight. So I couldn't go anywhere if I wanted to. - Said Raine leaving the professor's office.
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