Chapter 43: Chapter 43
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In the depths of the royal palace of Asgard there is the most protected room. In it, in a specialised capsule, Allfather lay recuperating. He was having a wonderful dream. In it, he was in a marvellous place. The view unfolding before him spoke at once of a world far away from Asgard. Something similar he had seen on Earth. Giving in to the mood of the place Odin sat down on a rock to enjoy the sea more comfortably. Thor sat to his left and Loki, thought to be dead, sat on his right. He was saying something to them, but the Allfather could not hear it. Out of the corner of his eye he could see a humanoid shadow behind him. Turning round, he saw a man, but his face was hidden by a shroud of darkness. Using strange powers, he summoned a large syringe into his hands. Odin only had time to turn around before his body was pierced by the device and the man began to drain his blood.
-Don't worry, it's like a mosquito bite. - Said the creature.
The Allfather did not even have time to respond to such an insolent act, as his body felt weak and his consciousness began to sink into darkness. In the last moments of his life, he heard echoes of the dialogue between the creature and his sons.
-"Thor bro, put the hammer down. How did I know it was so fragile? And you're Loki? Save Hela! - At the sound of the scream, the Allfather's consciousness was swallowed by darkness.
It wasn't until the middle of the day that I was able to come to my senses. I don't know what made me feel so good. A cocktail or a new feature. But now, with a clear head, we need to go over the details of the night. Firstly, let's start with those fine fellows with the crossbows. I mean, who in the modern world uses crossbows? They had firearms, and they probably didn't have regular bullets. They should have fired a couple of rounds before they used a stupid weapon like that. The reticle's really good, though. It's almost impossible to spot, and for such a small size, it's a pretty good charge. If I hadn't fused the wires, it might not have been so good. Replace a couple of parts in it with more refractory ones and..... Whoa. Am I now coming up with the most efficient way to catch myself?
I should be more concerned with something else. That huntress seemed a little too relaxed about my appearance. That could be chalked up to professionalism, of course. But her age, not exceeding twenty-two or three years, did not speak in favour of such a theory. So that raised the question of whether werewolves existed in this world. And if there are, why did Fury classify me as a mutant and not a werewolf? Or did he think my ability was just similar? Still, I don't remember canon lycans having that kind of howl or weak but pyrokinesis. I didn't even doubt that the one-eyed man knew about my ability to summon small flames. Another thing that it does not carry a threat, but he will most likely take into account the development of power.
And if there are other Lycans, how do I reach them? I still remember that description of my peculiarity. So if I was developing my strength constantly, and knowledge was beginning to accumulate, I didn't know what to do with the pack. Although the knowledge is probably different. But let's hope that my problem can be solved by the magical side of this world. A magical hellfire wolfhound sounds interesting.
Well, what can I say on the merits. Light is at least unpleasant to him, and ideally it could even be deadly. It's got a good jumping ability. This thing jumped 10, 13 metres at least. It's hard to judge its combat capabilities, as the creature only attacked ordinary humans. But its claws, five or six centimetres long, stuck out from under its cloak and spoke of a good stabbing potential. And given the special poison in their fangs, one could start to worry about the same channels in the creature's fingernails. This unsub's intelligence is also spot-on. I don't know if he recognised me as a hunter, but he hurried away as soon as he encountered them. I'm also curious as to the reason for this particular mode of escape. Did he choose the sewers because of the tunnels, or was he aware of my scent and tried to throw me off the trail?
Raine spent the day thinking about his encounter and the dream. By the end of the day he had some theory about his vision. The last time before it, he had taken Thor's blood in its purest form. He walked to the room with a heap of unbridled energy. Then he thought he was going to sit up all night reading books or something. But when he got to the bed he passed out almost immediately. It was strange, to say the least. So taking two more drops of blood from his stash Pierce took them before going to bed at two in the morning.
If it worked, Raine hoped to see where the creature was located. Power began to flow through his body again and energy began to surge through his body. Back in the room Pierce lay down on the bed and tried to sleep. The minutes ticked away and Raine was about to get up from the bed when the familiar darkness enveloped him. Only this time it was no longer so strange and cosy. His consciousness began to emerge from the darkness again.
A familiar sight appeared before him. Only it wasn't a city. The owner of the body was on the territory of the institute. Standing on the edge of the roof of one of the buildings, the creature was slowly creeping up on its next victim. A drunken kid was returning to his dormitory after a very productive evening. The creature waited until he was in an unlit nook and jumped down. The guy was immediately pinned down by the weight of the creature landing on him from the roof. Watching this scene, Rain screamed and tried to somehow influence the owner of those eyes, but his efforts were useless. The creature's landing broke several ribs and the guy's left arm. His attempt to scream in pain was killed by the jaws of the creature, which sank into the teenager's neck. His gaze was once again covered in the familiar bloodshot veil. After that, Pierce was thrown from the creature's body.
I don't know how long I spent in weightlessness in the middle of an infinite void, but at some point I felt slaps. Not immediately, but I woke up. My hand grabbed my neighbour's wrist preparing to administer another round of slaps.
-What the.... doesn't matter anyway you've been getting calls from some Leopold for about ten minutes. - Said the guy, quickly coping with fright.
-Fitz? - Asked Ryan immediately grabbed the phone and put on the first things he could find and left the room.
As he left, he didn't notice the look his neighbour was giving him.
-I could have sworn his eyes were glowing red at first. - The teenager said quietly to the empty room.
-Alew. What happened. - Pierce asked, already guessing what his friend might have called him about. But the next phrase shattered all his expectations.
-"I think Simmons is a mutant. - Said the voice on the other end of the phone.
-What? -What makes you think that? Tell me where you are. - Having received information about the position of Leopold Raine at maximum human speed moved in that direction.
Within minutes, Pierce was at his friend's house.
-So, now let's get on with it. - Said Raine, who had come running.
-"On my way back from the workshop, I noticed Simmons. She was acting strange. She was going somewhere really fast. I decided to follow her and saw her jump that fence without bothering. - Said Fitz, pointing to a four-metre high concrete wall.
-Are you sure about that?! She jumped that fence without a problem?! - Pierce grabbed his friend by the shoulders.
At this point, Rain's mind began to piece together a picture of events. The noises in the lab, the appearance shortly after the murder, Simmons' disappearance from the cinema, the hunt on the institute grounds, her strange behaviour in the corridor. It's all falling into place. But if it was her, where did this connection come from? At that moment, one fragment of memory stabbed painfully. Exactly the tests with blood. So what happened to Gemma was my fault? Something has to be done about that.
-Listen, Fitz, keep what you see to yourself. And stay in touch. - Said Pierce.
-Will I? What are you-- - Leopold staggered backwards, unable to finish his question. Before his eyes, his friend's face was furred in some parts of his face. His face had taken on slight animal features, and his hands had claws.
Without giving Fitz time to collect his thoughts, Pierce jumped with all his might and caught the top of the fence with his hand on the other side. Catching in the air, almost scattered parts of a familiar scent he headed down the trail.
After forty minutes of searching, losing the trail several times and being sometimes guided only by his sixth sense, he found his target. Rain saw a dark silhouette perched on one of the rooftops. With the wind blowing in Pierce's direction, the distinct scent of blood coming from Gemma hit him in the nose. It looked like she'd had a decent meal before he arrived. Once again, the dark figure struck a pose to dive on another victim. It seemed that yesterday's hunger had whetted the young vampire's appetite. With maximum acceleration, Pierce leapt to the cut. In mid-fall, the shadow was able to spot Rain and tried to move out of the path of the attack. But her inexperience in facing equal opponents played against her. So the vampiress received a blow in the side and was sent flying into the wall of a neighbouring building.
A couple of seconds after the blow, a dark figure jumped out of the hole and ran in the opposite direction from Pierce.
-You won't escape today. - Said Raine squeezing the most out of his body. If he had to, he would have used even the spare points to achieve his goal. But his speed, even if it was a little, was faster than that of the fleeing girl.
The run did not last very long. After five minutes of running, the victim realised that the collision would happen in any case and that this run would simply deprive her of the strength that could be used to kill the enemy. So the creature went into battle.
-Simmons, calm down. -I can help you. - Pierce tried to get through to his friend by dodging blows.
At one point in the battle, the vampire's cloak was set on fire by Ryan. So the killer decided to get rid of the ruined piece of wardrobe. But to the shock of Pierce, who tried to grab the creature painlessly, it wasn't Gemma.
-But how?
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