I, The True Monarch

Chapter 44: Chapter 44. The Systems Functions 2.


Vincent Walker ' So I'm inside a webnovel.... How is this possible? Well having a nigh Omnipotent father answers that..... This still feels unreal.

But why are things Different? In the webnovel Victor's father was a Bricklayer, Why is he currently a Ceo? '


Pov : 3rd Person.

[ Time 1:06am ]

[ Bedroom ]


Vincent sat on his bed pondering.... His memories, the words of his system and his reality in a world he thought was a mere figment of someone's imagination.

Vincent Walker ' What about me? How am I here?, If i'm here then does that mean my father is stronger than future Victor?

But doesn't my existence alone change things? Is my existence the reason for the change in Leon? Status '


 [ System Menu ]

 [ Status ]


Name : Vincent walker

Race : Human

Bloodline : RH Null [ Better ]

Level : 0

Class : None

Sub Class [1] : None [+]

Titles : None

Hp : 1.0 / 1.0

Mp : 0 / 0

Exp : 0% [ To Next Level ]


Strength : 0.01

Agility : 0.007

Vitality : 0.006

Intelligence : 0.09

Sense : 0.007

Charm : E+

Free Stat Points : 0

Gold : 0


| Active Skills |


| Passive Skills |


| Special Skills |

Cold Heart

 [ End ]


Vincent Walker ' I don't know how my stats compare to a normal person's, I'll ask her the next time we meet, What is this Cold heart skill? and the charm attribute ' He thought while looking at his status, after a few seconds he closed the status screen and went to his bathroom, he turned on the lights and looked at himself im the mirror.

What looked back at him were emotionless blue eyes that has lost their light of life, beautiful black hair fell smoothly on his fore head, and Reddish pink lips, a face that is losing baby face fat, Overall a very cute face by this earth's standard.

Vincent Walker " How repulsive " He muttered with no change in tone or expression as he stared at his reflection.

Make no mistake Vincent and his brother are very good looking, In the story it was stated that Victor looks were a little above average, But that changed when their Bloodline grade was upgraded to [ Good ], It only happens in the [ Good ] grade but this grade enhances the looks of the bearer.

So if the most handsome guy on earth Is grade S+ excluding the Gods or any supernatural being, Then in the Novel Victor's looks were grade D+, Currently their looks were a solid grade S-.

The reason for his negative words were because of his sense of beauty, In the Prime Universe his current looks will make people turn their heads because of how Ugly he looked, to them he would looked like a person had a plastic surgery that failed badly.

Even before the Nexus Event, People were very Good looking due to their Technological Advancement where one can could increase their looks through a Genetics Enhancer, In that time he would be average looking at best.

There is all this but the major reason was that he compared his looks with his Father's, He father Is Divinely handsome, He is Handsome enough to be called unfair, Looks of his grade shouldn't exist.

He went back to his bedroom after switching off the bathroom lights, He sat on his couch, He had more to worry about instead of his looks which he didn't really care about as after living in a word where everyone is handsome or beautiful, People cared little for looks, What mattered more were Strength and Achievements.

Vincent Walker ' How does this class thing work? Is it similar to God's Ascension where there are thousands of Classes or is it similar to The special abilities the beings of the prime Universe gain after Awakening ' He thought carefully.

The Special Abilities varied within the Prime Universe, You could see an ability called Book Reading, Where the owner can read and memorise anything written on books, Or an Ability called Ice Manipulation, Where the owner can do anything that Ice is capable of doing like attacking, defending, constructing and more.

He wondered if it was a one ability type class or one with several branches, He thought that there was a high chance it was one with a single ability since there is sub class.

Vincent Walker ' Status ' He thought and the screen appeared. ' Sub Classes ' He thought and then the screen changed.


 [ System Menu ]

 [ Status ]

 { Sub Classes }

Main Class : None

Sub Class 1 : None

Sub Class 2 : None

Sub Class 3 : None

Sub Class 4 : None

Sub Class 5 : None

 [ End ]


Vincent Walker ' I see, I can have up to Six different classes, One main and five subs, I wonder how I'll Obtain them ' He was lost in thoughts before he heard a sound.

[ Ding ]

Vincent Walker ' What was that?... System Menu ' The screen changed in front of him.


 [ System Menu ]

{ Status }

{ Shop }

{ Quests (1) }

{ Dungeon }

{ Notifications (1) }

{ Inventory }

 [ End ]


Vincent Walker ' ... Open Notifications '


 [ System Menu ]

 { Notifications }


{ Recent Notifications }

1. You Have A Daily Quest!

Note/ Once Read Notification Disappears /

 [ End ]


Vincent Walker ' *Sigh* Open Quests Bar '


 [ System Menu ]

 { Quests }

Daily Quests (1)

Major Quests 

Side Quests 

Emergency Quests

 [ End ]


Vincent Walker ' .... Daily Quests '


 [ System Menu ]

 [ Quests ]

 { Daily Quests }


{ Quest : The Preparation To Become Powerful }

 [ Push - Ups ] : 0 / 20 - Incomplete

 [ Sit - Ups ] : 0 / 20 - Incomplete

 [ Squats ] : 0 / 20 - Incomplete

 [ Running ] : 0 / 200m - Incomplete


Rewards : [ 10 Stat Points ]

 : [ Status Recovery ]

 : [ 50XP ]

 : [ 100 Gold ]

Penalty : None

 [ End ]


Vincent Walker ' I see, But what is the status recovery?... I find out later when I complete the quest, What's the time.... It's already 5:03am, Let's do this ' He thought before he got up from his couch, He did the first three in his room and one thing he found out is that, He had to continue until he finished a task before stopping.

For example, when doing the push ups he couldn't rest like at 12 / 20, anytime he did, the numbers resets, So it took him an hour and ten minutes to complete the first three tasks, and at the end he lying weakly on the ground panting with sweat all over his body, He laid on the floor for a little over ten minutes before he moved, he took off his pajamas and wore work out clothes, He had them but never wore them, they were a sweatshirt a little too big for his body and jogging pants, he also wore running shoes before he stepped out of his room.

Vincent Walker ' Daily Quest ' He thought and the quest log appeared in front of him.


 [ System Menu ]

 [ Quests ]

 { Daily Quests }


{ Quest : The Preparation To Become Powerful }

 [ Push - Ups ] : 20 / 20 - Completed

 [ Sit - Ups ] : 20 / 20 - Completed

 [ Squats ] : 20 / 20 - Completed

 [ Running ] : 0 / 200m - Incomplete


Rewards : [ 10 Stat Points ]

 : [ Status Recovery ]

 : [ 50XP ]

 : [ 100 Gold ]

Penalty : None

 [ End ]


As he walked past his brother's room the door open with Victor stepping out, When Victor stepped out he was surprised to see his brother in all black, wearing workout clothes.

Victor Walker " O-oh, G-good morning Vin, Where are you going? " Victor asked a little nervous as he looked at the back of his brother.

Vincent said nothing but turned his head and looked at Victor with his lifeless eyes which caused great shock to Victor which he felt but said nothing, He turned and walked down the stairs.

Victor Walker ' !! H-his Eyes!! What's wrong with them?! So I didn't see wrongly... I should tell mum- No Dad! yes, I should tell Dad, He's the only one he'll listen to ' Victor thought before he ran towards the Bedroom of their parents.

[ Meanwhile Outside Their House ]

Vincent stood as he his stretched his body a little before he started running around the house.

A little over Sixty meters he started panting, But he didn't stop knowing that if he were to stop he would have to start all over again, so he continued even when his muscles screamed from the previous workout, He ran even with the pain all the while telling himself ' I have been through worst '

As he absentmindedly ran a noise brought back his senses.

[ Ding ]

He stopped running after hearing the ding and collapsed on the ground panting heavily.

Vincent Walker *Pant* *Pant* *Pant* *Pant* " D-daily q-quests " He said short of breath.


 [ System Menu ]

 [ Quests ]

 { Daily Quests }


{ The Preparation To Become Powerful }

 [ Push - Ups ] : 20 / 20 - Completed

 [ Sit - Ups ] : 20 / 20 - Completed

 [ Squats ] : 20 / 20 - Completed

   [ Running ] : 200 / 200m - Completed


Rewards : [ 10 Stat Points ]

 : [ Status Recovery ]

 : [ 50XP ]

 : [ 100 Gold ]

Penalty : None


Daily Quest : [ Completed! ]

Rewards : [ Received! ]

 [ End ]


Vincent Walker *Pant* *Pant* *Pant* " S-status "


 [ System Menu ]

 [ Status ]


Name : Vincent walker

Race : Human

Bloodline : RH Null [ Better ]

Level : 0

Class : None

Sub Class [1] : None [+]

Titles : None

Hp : 1.0 / 1.0

Mp : 0 / 0

Exp : 50% [ To Next Level ]


Strength : 0.01

Agility : 0.007

Vitality : 0.006

Intelligence : 0.09

Sense : 0.007

Charm : E+

Free Stat Points : 10 [ Locked ]

Status Recovery : 1

Gold : 100 [ Locked ]


| Active Skills |


| Passive Skills |


| Special Skills |

Cold Heart

 [ End ]


Vincent Walker ' Status Recovery? ' As soon as he said those words in his mind a noticeable faint green glow shinned all over his body for two seconds and when it stopped, Vincent found out that all the exhaustion from the lack of sleep, the aching pains from the muscle strain and panting were all gone, He felt energized as though he could complete the quest again.

Vincent Walker ' So that's what it does ' He thought before he rose from the ground and stretched a little, He found out that though barely noticeable, felt a little stronger.

Vincent Walker ' status '


 [ System Menu ]

 [ Status ]


Name : Vincent walker

Race : Human

Bloodline : RH Null [ Better ]

Level : 0

Class : None

Sub Class [1] : None [+]

Titles : None

Hp : 1.0 / 1.0

Mp : 0 / 0

Exp : 50% [ To Next Level ]


Strength : 0.01 > 0.02

Agility : 0.007 > 0.009

Vitality : 0.006 > 0.009

Intelligence : 0.09 > 0.01

Sense : 0.007 > 0.009

Charm : E+

Free Stat Points : 10 [ Locked ]

Status Recovery : 1 > 0

Gold : 100 [ Locked ]


| Active Skills |


| Passive Skills |


| Special Skills |

Cold Heart

 [ End ]







To Be Continued.....


Task : Power stones

Description: Give power stones to, I, The True Monarch, When the power stones gets to 20 you earn a new chapter, with every additional 20 power stones you earn another chapter.

Rewards : +1 or more chapters.

Duration : Till the end of the week.

Penalty: None

Current Progress 4/20 .


Bonus : The person who gives the most power stones this week, gets one question answered.

Ranks ...

1. Hamid_Bahmani_0185 = 15

2. Jimmy_Cast456 = 5

2. Daoist2ucyPO = 3

3. Damian_Gold = 2

4. Sokphearon12428187 = 1

4. Elfphy = 1


A/n : Since this may be the last chapter of the week, Hamid_Bahmani_0185 you have won a free answer.

So what is your question.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.