Chapter 34: Divine Tea
A week passed by quickly, and on the way up the mountain the group didn't meet any more strange phenomenon—aside from a few monsters that were easily dealt with. Soon after passing the final monument, they entered a larger cave structure with an open sky above. It didn't take long for them to find the first ores of pink metal.
"Wow!" Hikari was genuinely surprised. On masses of stone the pink metal shone brightly, twinkling like little pink stars, and there were even some pure pink nodes that glowed super bright.
Esalda looked over the elf. "Miss Hikari, do you perchance have something that can mine these rocks?"
"Of course I do," Hikari said and looked over towards her dragon, "Kurayami break one of the pure nodes."
"Yes, Master." The dragon walked over towards one of the biggest shining pink rocks the size of a semi truck. She threw a single punch towards the rock, and in an instant, hundreds of cracks spread across it's surface. The cave rumbled, and the node shattered.
Sordra sighed watching the scene as Hikari began pocketing the pieces in her inventory. "I am not even surprised anymore. I feel like my sense of reason will be slowly lost."
Alfa patted the girl's shoulder. "These two are a bit of an anomaly, especially the little 'elf'."
"Who're you calling little!?"
As soon as Hikari said that, the dragon picked her up and put her on her shoulders. Kurayami gripped Hikari's fair legs. "Master, you don't need to dirty your boots on this Amelia Mountain anymore. You can simply ride up here."
Hikari pouted and crossed her arms as the other three laughed. "Next time I will give you even less skewers, you silly dragon."
"No, Master! You can't be serious!"
As the group kept walking forward, they finally reached a ramp in the natural cave. At the top of the mountain, they stood on a small peak—just large enough to fit them all.
They overlooked several regions from their position. In the north, the elf could see a dense forest. To the east, the elf could see a desert. To the west, the elf could see the ocean so far away, and to the South, she could even see the capital of Amalin.
The group of girls in the back all had the same exclamation.
In that moment, Hikari felt a pull on her very being. If she wanted to, she could have resisted, but she let it pull her as she couldn't sense any malice from the mana. When everyone opened their eyes, they were in a vast plane. The edges and skyline were pale white.
A large wooden house stood in the center. Pillars at the front supported a small porch, and in front of the house, a woman sat on a wooden chair with her arms resting on the wooden table in front of her.
The girls surrounding Hikari and the dragon gave confused looks, but once they noticed Amelia, they couldn't help but admire her figure.
She had vibrant pink hair, and her eyes shone in the same color, much like those nodes from before. Her face was perfect just like Hikari's. However, this woman was actually well-endowed in the chest department. Hikari couldn't help but think the woman almost looked like a divine version of Alfa, and she kept comparing the two with her eyes.
The only difference was this woman's face and skin bore no imperfections, and she was adorned with a pink robe that flowed smoothly over her curvaceous body.
Upon seeing the group, the goddess didn't stand up. Instead, she couldn't help but release a small giggle.
"Your first time visiting and you ride on top of your dragon like a child."
Hikari's face heated as she leapt off her dragon's shoulders. "The first thing you do is compare me to a child. Are you trying to pick a fight?"
Esalda rushed forwards and prostrated herself before the divine being. "Goddess Amelia!"
Alfa had a much different reaction. Her body shook, and her eyes were narrowed as if she couldn't believe what she was saying. "You're truly real!"
"Of course, I am real. You think all of the tales of your homeland were a myth? Or did you think your mother simply made up the quest to come and see me?"
Amelia didn't seem upset. Instead, she gestured to the chairs on the other side of her table. "Come, sit down. I'm sure you're all fatigued." Then she looked at the kneeling Esalda. "Raise your head. There is no need for such things in my home."
"R-right," Esalda said jumping up to join the others at the table.
Hikari gave another look around the place. In the vast plane, there was a single tree that towered next to the goddess' house. Though, unlike other trees, this one had many pink leaves adorning its branches. Even the tree's trunk had strands of pink running up it like veins.
"I never saw so much pink until I came into this world."
The other goddess smiled at the elf's observation. "It's lovely, isn't it?"
"I don't know about lovely, but it definitely gives this place it's own atmosphere." At that moment, Hikari had the idea to investigate the woman's stats.
Name: Amelia
Age: 8,450
Race: Goddess (Human)
Level: 1,000
Title: [Goddess of Light and Healing]
Strength: 300,000
Agility: 900,000
Intelligence: 5,000,000
Wisdom: 3,000,000
Faith: 9,000,000
Health: 1,000,000
Mana: 4,000,000
Stamina: 1,000,000
The moment the elf did that, she felt an uncomfortable sensation on her body. Gazing at Amelia's eyes, she could see that they were now shining. The pink glow was vivid.
"Hey, what are you doing?"
"I am only repeating what you did. Though, my results are quite astounding."
"Oh? What did you see?"
Amelia frowned at the question. "Nothing. I couldn't glimpse anything from you." After a short pause, she decided to say something else related. "I can tell you are new to this. You're demeanor is much different from those other elder gods. However, I do need to give a warning. Don't trust whatever you see when you inspect something."
The elf nodded. "I understand. This ability has been quite strange since arriving here. The moment I arrived, I tried it on myself as well, but the effects could hardly be classified as the same ability I remember."
Amelia placed a thoughtful hand on her chin. "What did the inspection of yourself reveal?"
Hikari shook her head at the goddess. "It didn't reveal much. It only revealed some stats numerically and question marks in regards to my title. By the way, would you happen to know anything."
"You mean regarding yourself?" At Hikari's nod, the other goddess shook her head. "I know nothing. I doubt anyone else does either. Your existence is like a cog that shouldn't be there. Not only that, you are free to walk on the mortal plain, yet the ire of the elder Gods of Order has not been provoked."
"And what about you? Why can't you descend on the mortal realm? I've read enough to know that you joined in a war over a thousand years ago."
The goddess sighed and looked down at the table. She clapped her hands, and in the next instant, a maid with pink wings and a pink maid outfit walked out from the cabin. The biggest surprise to Hikari was that the cabin was not also pink.
"My Lady," the maid said and poured glasses of tea for everyone.
To the surprise of no one around, even the tea had a faint pink color. Hikari could only look in the porcelain cup with a wry smile.
"Go ahead. I assure you that this will be the best tea you've ever had."
Hikari obliged the request before the members of her group. She lifted the glass to her lips, and sipped on a small amount of the odd beverage. Instantly, she felt rejuvenated. It lifted her spirits, and the taste was truly divine. It had a faint sweetness mixed with the natural subtle flavor of the perfect tea leaves. For the first time since coming to this world, Hikari didn't get the sense that the tea could be better. She sipped it down and sighed after finishing half the glass.
"Master, is it really that good? I don't trust anything coming from this pink haired woman."
The pink haired woman in question pouted and frowned. "You are quite the rude one, you know. Just look at your master's expression. That is the expression of bliss from the divine tree leaves."
Hikari's eyes widened as she looked towards the towering pink tree.
"That's right. These leaves come from this divine tree, planted a few millennia ago."
With Amelia's assurance everyone began to gulp down the tea, and their surprised expressions didn't escape her eyes.
Once Hikari was satisfied, she finally looked towards Amelia again. "Let's get to business. I am sure you didn't bring me here just to drink divine tea. So, about the question before...Why can you not interfere in the mortal world?"