Chapter 8: Who are you?
"I asked every shop owner in the capital about the cufflink but all of them said that they aren't selling that kind of design. It seems that it was customized." Napoleon explained.
Aria nodded, her brow furrowed. "Finding its owner will be a challenge."
Napoleon's eyes gleamed with a hint of optimism. "Don't worry, I know someone who might help."
"Really?" Aria leaned in, intrigued.
"He's the leader of the Watchers, an information guild based in the middle of the black market. They are selling information, investigating and even doing dirty jobs for money. They also sell rare items."
Aria's curiosity deepened. "Do you think he can identify the cufflink's owner?"
Napoleon paused, considering. "He doesn't usually sell information to anyone, but if he trusts you, he will."
"If you mention that the Princess was the one requesting, will he sell us information?" she questioned.
Napoleon nodded. "Possibly. I visited the guild yesterday, but his assistant informed me he's away from the capital. He'll be back in three days."
Aria resolved herself. "Then I will come with you to meet him."
"Are you sure?" he, cautioning her, said. "The black market is a dangerous place."
"I'll disguise myself," Aria countered with determination.
Napoleon smiled, appreciating her resolve. "All right, three days from now, we'll go together."
"ARIAAAA!" The sudden voice startled both of them.
Aria and Napoleon spun to find Rasheen standing there. Napoleon maintained a poker face and remarked, "Don't you know how to knock?"
Rasheen, undeterred, exclaimed, "Why are you two together? I want to have tea with you too!"
Napoleon shot a quick glance at Aria. "Can't you see I'm her guest, and we're discussing something important?"
Rasheen crossed his arms. "Huh? If it's about business, I can help! I always assist Father with trading."
Aria smiled, addressing his concerns. "I didn't ask you earlier because I didn't want to trouble you."
Rasheen pouted, saying, "But I'm willing to be bothered for you."
Napoleon decided it was time to leave and stood. "I'll take my leave now, Your Highness. See you in three days." He shot a smirk at Rasheen before exiting.
"Psh…that guy!" Rasheen grumbled.
Aria comforted him, patting his head. "Did you miss me?"
"Yes! I missed you so much that I couldn't sleep at night." He hugged her tightly.
She contemplated her feelings. There was nothing wrong with sharing her attention among her husbands—they were all good people.
She has no choice anyway, since she's inside of this body.
"Why don't we take a walk outside? The weather is beautiful today," Aria suggested.
Rasheen's face lit up. "Really? Sure!"
"Aria, look!" Rasheen pointed to two birds playing on a tree. "They are like a couple just like us."
"Pft. Yes, they are." she agreed, watching the birds.
Rasheen's excitement bubbled. "Next time I will take you to Targaryan. There are so many animals you can pet there."
Aria's eyes sparkled. "I'd love to visit."
Rasheen held her hand and gazed into her eyes. "I remember when I first saw you. You were the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen, and I promised myself that I would marry you someday. That promise has come true."
Her heart was touched by his words. "Why do you love me so much, despite the rumors about me being the evil princess?"
Rasheen shook his head. "Nahh, I don't believe those rumors. I only trust what I see. You're kind, Aria. I've seen how you treat your servants, smiling at them, giving them snacks and rewards."
Aria looked down, conflicted. "But I married another man."
Rasheen brushed that aside. "I don't care about that. As long as I'm by your side, that's all that matters."
Moved by his words, Aria caressed his face. "I'm so lucky to have you as my husband."
The Princess was so lucky, it's so rare to find a husband who will understand and accept her flaws.
If she could only fully give her love to him. But she can't for she wasn't the true princess. If they discovered her true identity, she'd be seen as a betrayer.
It will pain her.
Arf! Arf!
"Hachi wait!"
They saw Cedrik, chasing after it. Hachi dashed towards Aria.
"Hachi!" she carried it.
"I'm sorry, Your Highness," Cedrik explained. "We were taking a walk when Hachi suddenly bolted."
"Maybe he ran because he saw me." She said.
Cedrik's gaze shifted toward Rasheen, sparking a silent tension.
Are they glaring at each other?
"The leader of the child traffickers has been captured, Your Highness," Philip reported.
"Good, ensure that those criminals will be tortured to death."
"As you wish, Your Highness."
Mikhail gazed at the sky, appreciating the pleasant weather. Today, he didn't catch sight of his cousin's shadow.
"I've heard that the Princess is treating the captive well. How disappointing. I expected her to punish him severely," Mikhail remarked.
"The Princess has vowed to no longer accept slaves," Philip informed.
Mikhail raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
"Her former slave has been appointed as her butler. The servants say she went through a significant change after losing her memories in the accident," Philip added.
Mikhail recalled the details of her accident. "How did her accident happen again?"
"Her horse went out of control, and she fell, hitting her head on a large rock."
Philip always kept a close eye on palace affairs. Despite being by Mikhail's side during the war, he made it a point to gather information about events in the palace during their absence.
"She seems to attract trouble. How about the masked man?" Mikhail asked again.
"I couldn't find any information about his identity, but I did discover he was the mastermind behind the kidnapping of the Princess' butler. After the kidnappers were released from jail, they were found dead in their village," Philip revealed.
It was clear that they were targeting the Princess. But why? What does that witch do to make those people harm her?
"Investigate thoroughly, we need to capture that masked guy." Mikhail ordered.
"Yes, Your Highness."
Arf! Arf!
Hachi barked again, catching Mikhail's attention.
Mikhail turned to the source of the familiar voice. Since when did they have a dog at the palace?
"Haha don't lick me, it tickles!"
It was Aria's voice.
He followed the sound and found her by the fountain, cradling the dog.
His eyes widened.
Aria…is carrying a dog?
His expression darkened.
Mikhail hastily returned to his room.
Since when had she lost her dog allergy?
He could vividly recall their childhood when his father had gifted her a puppy to keep her company in his absence. He stole the puppy and threw it far away. On his way to Aria's room, he'd glimpsed her scratching her body, rashes covering her.
Aria had noticed him and grinned, signaling him to stay quiet.
He hadn't shared what he'd seen with anyone then, as he hadn't cared.
But now…
She was nonchalantly carrying a dog.
The head butler promptly entered his room.
"You summoned me, Your Highness?"
"Since when does the Princess have a dog?"
"It's been two months, Your Highness. It was a gift from Lord Gawain."
Obviously, no one knew about her allergy except him.
Two months…
She had been keeping that dog by her side for two months?
There's really something wrong here.
"I want nobody, nobody but you! I want nobody, nobody but you!" Aria cheerfully sang as she walked her dog.
"You're in a good mood today, Your Highness," Cedrik remarked, smiling.
She still hadn't acquired any information about the masked man. She'd heard that the spy Mikhail had captured was now dead.
But she didn't want to burden herself too much. Ryu was conducting a thorough investigation. It was time for her to take a break. Tomorrow, Leon (Napoleon) and she would meet the leader of the Watchers Guild.
"Hehe, the weather is lovely today, so I can't help but sing. By the way, has Maximilian come out of his room?" she asked.
"Yes, Your Highness. He is now resting in the palace backyard," Cedrik replied.
"In the backyard?" What is he doing there?
Aria decided to check on Maximilian. Cedrik, William and she hid in the bushes. They saw him practicing with a sword stick.
"Where did he get that sword stick?" she wondered.
"You gave it to him, Your Highness. You thought he might be bored, so you gave him something to alleviate his boredom," Cedrik reminded her.
She had forgotten about it.
"I don't think it's wise to treat him so specially, Your Highness. He's still our captive, and if he keeps training, there's a chance he might plan an escape," William cautioned.
"I'm aware of that, but I can't help feeling sorry for him," she admitted.
"But excessive empathy may jeopardize your safety," Cedrik warned.
Maximilian stopped and drank his water. Gosh…he looks so hot while sweating.
No! Kaye stop thinking about hotness!!!
Maximilian heard noises and turned around, spotting the Princess, her butler, and her knight hiding in the bushes.
"Ack! He saw us!"
Maximilian glanced at her, then chose to ignore her.
"Didn't you want to talk to him?" Cedrik asked.
"It seems he doesn't wish to be disturbed. I won't bother him," she said, standing up and walking away. The two followed her.
Aria was taken by surprise when Hans approached her with an invitation from the Crown Prince, Mikhail.
"An invitation from the Crown Prince?" Aria inquired, her brows furrowing in confusion.
"Yes, Your Highness," Hans replied, his head lowered.
Aria pondered the sudden invitation. "I thought he didn't want to see my face because he's sick of me. Why did he suddenly decide to invite me?"
"The Emperor left to visit the South, so the Crown Prince was left alone in the Main Palace. He wants you to accompany him." Hans explained.
"But I promised my husbands that we would have lunch together. Besides, I don't wanna see him." she said.
"But," Hans continued, "it was an order, Your Highness."
She sighed. There was a nagging feeling that Mikhail had ulterior motives, but she couldn't refuse the Crown Prince's invitation. After all, he held a position of authority. "Fine, I will come!"
As she entered the dining room, Aria couldn't help but look around. It was her first time having a meal in this place, and it was with the Crown Prince.
Mikhail tried to ease the atmosphere, saying, "Don't be shy, just enjoy the food. I've asked the royal chef to prepare your favorite dishes."
"Really?" Aria wondered what the Princess' favorite foods were.
The servants finally came and started serving the dishes. The aroma of the food filled the room.
Wow, it smells delicious! Let's forget that Mikhail is here and just enjoy the food.
When the maid opened it, her face turned pale. "C-Crabs?"
She's allergic to crabs.
Mikhail looked at her. "That's your favorite. Have you forgotten?"
"N-No, hehe... it looks delicious," she stammered, trying to hide her discomfort.
Mikhail continued to watch her closely.
She gulped.
No, I am inside the Princess' body. My allergy shouldn't affect her body, right?
Mikhail's gaze remained on her.
"Let's eat," he suggested.
Aria reluctantly picked up her utensils. She struggled to remove the crab shells.
"Help her with the shells," Mikhail ordered the butler.
The shells were carefully removed, and Mikhail began eating.
Aria observed him for a moment. He was eating silently, which gave her some relief.
Can I really eat this? She worried about her allergy.
"Why aren't you eating? Is there a problem with your food?" Mikhail asked.
"N-Nothing," she responded with a forced smile. "I was just amazed by the smell."
She tried to eat, but after just five minutes, her stomach began to ache. She gripped her belly.
N-No…this can't be. Why is this body reacting to my allergy?
She glanced at Mikhail, hoping he hadn't noticed. She needed to endure this, she has to finish the food quickly so she can return to Ruby Palace.
She forced herself to eat
Endure it Kaye..
After the last bite, she suddenly clutched her chest.
I…I can't..b-breath!
Mikhail was startled when Aria abruptly stood up, clutching her chest in distress.
"Hey, are you all right?" he asked urgently.
"I... I can't... breathe!" Aria gasped and fell to the floor.
"Aria!" Mikhail quickly stood up.
"Your Highness!" the servants were alarmed.
"What's happening to you?" he questioned.
"I... I can't breathe," Aria struggled to say, she grabbed his clothes. Her face and arms breaking out in rashes.
Isn't this a symptom of an allergy?
He carried her and immediately took her to the nearest room.
"Call the doctor!" he urgently ordered.
"What's going on? What happened to Aria?" Gawain asked, concerned.
"Why aren't you letting us in? We are her husbands!" Rasheen protested.
"We are worried about her. How is she?" Xerxes added.
The knights are trying their best to prevent them from entering the room.
"I'm sorry, but the Crown Prince has ordered that no one is allowed to see the Princess for the time being," Philip explained.
"But why?" Rasheen pressed, worried.
"She's sick and needs rest. The Crown Prince is looking after her right now." Philip responded.
"The Crown Prince?" Gawain's concern deepened. Aria and the Crown Prince weren't on good terms.
"You can come back when she awakens." Philip added.
"Tsk!" Rasheen rolled his eyes.
Cedrik, who was watching from a distance, is also worried about her.
What really happened? Why did she suddenly become sick after having meals with the Crown Prince?
Mikhail is staring at Aria while she's asleep.
"The Princess experienced an allergic reaction," the doctor explained.
"But how can she suddenly have allergies to her favorite food? She's been eating it since we were young," Mikhail questioned.
"People can develop late-onset allergies, Your Highness. It's not uncommon for adults to start experiencing allergies as they age," the doctor explained further.
"Really? Then is it possible for someone with allergies to animals to overcome them and not have allergic reaction?" he asked.
"If she isn't exposed too much to that animal, the severity of the symptoms can be reduced." the doctor answered.
He looked at the doctor. "But she hugs that animal every day. Why doesn't she have any allergic reactions then?"
"But the symptoms may worsen when a person is exposed to greater amounts of allergens. Is she really allergic to that animal?" the doctor scratched his head in puzzlement.
He's sure she's allergic to it.
Since that day, she stopped playing with dogs and avoided physical contact with other animals, except for horses.
He continued to gaze at her, deep in thought.
I don't believe that you have already overcome your allergy.
Considering the doctor's explanation, too much exposure can worsen the symptoms. And having allergies to her favorite food that she's been eating since young? Before he left the empire for a war, he also saw her eating crabs.
Also, the sudden changes in her behaviors and the way she treats others nicely…
You're not the Princess…
Who are you?
Claudius stopped walking when he received the news that the Princess was unwell.
"Is that true?" he asked his secretary.
"Yes, Your Grace. A friend of mine who serves as a knight in the Palace informed me," the secretary replied.
Aria…you're making me worried.
"Prepare the carriage. I will visit the Princess." He ordered.
His secretary was surprised.
"Hurry!" he shouted.
"Y-Yes, Your Grace!" The secretary hurriedly called the servants.
"Hey Claude, why are you shouting? Is there something wrong?" Nikolai asked while walking downstairs.
"I'm going to the Imperial Palace." Claudius stated.
"Huh? But why? Did the Emperor summon you? I thought he was in the South right now." Nikolai said.
"No, the Princess is sick."
"Are you going to visit her? Claude, have you forgotten? You're no longer her husband."
"I know…"
"Then why are you so concerned about her? Her husbands are there to take care of her."
"But I want to see her."
Nikolai was surprised. "What? Are you truly in love with her?"
"I don't care what you think, but these feelings that are burning inside of me, I can't hold this anymore. I desperately want to see her. I've tried to ignore these feelings, but the more I do, the more I miss her."
Nikolai tightened his grip on the handrail. "Tss. Do whatever you want." He went back upstairs.
"Your Grace, the carriage is ready." His secretary said.
"Let's go." Claudius said, heading toward the carriage.
"Hmm…" Aria slowly opened her eyes, finding Cedrik by her side.
"Y-Your Highness…" he said, his voice filled with concern. He was holding her hand.
"W-What happened?" she asked.
"Your Highness, you had us all worried!" Cedrik's eyes welled up with tears.
She sat up and tried to console him. "Stop crying." Aria gently wiped away his tears.
"I-I'm sorry... I-I was just so worried…"
She smiled.
Ah right, she remembered everything, her allergy had suddenly attacked.
"Don't worry, I am fine now. How long have I been sleeping?"
"You've been unconscious since yesterday."
What? Today was the scheduled meeting with the leader of the guild.
She attempted to stand but felt dizzy.
"Don't push yourself, Your Highness. The Crown Prince said you need to rest and take your medicine."
"Where is the Crown Prince?"
"He left the palace today, but he's not allowing anyone to see you, not even your husbands. I'm the only one he let in because I'm your butler. Sir William is also outside and guarding."
"What about Jenny?"
"She's looking after Hachi. She also wanted to see you, but the rules within the Main Palace are very strict. She can't enter without His Highness' permission."
"Why won't he allow my husbands in?"
"I don't know, Your Highness. Lord Claudius also visited you yesterday, but the Crown Prince denied him entry as well."
"Claudius came too?"
Cedrik nodded.
Is Claudius concerned about her too?
She sighed.
"Drink your medicine now, and I'll inform Sir William that you're awake."
Cedrik handed her the medicine, and she obediently took it.
"Thank you, Ced."
Cedrik offered a warm smile.
In Ruby Palace.
"Aria is finally awake?" Rasheen exclaimed.
"Yes, Your Highness. Cedrik informed me about it." Jenny replied while carrying Hachi.
"Damn that Crown Prince! Why is he still not allowing us to see our wife?" Rasheen grumbled.
"I'm also puzzled. After their meal, Aria fell ill, and he's keeping her in the Imperial Palace," Xerxes added.
"They mentioned it's an allergy," Gawain chimed in.
Arf! Arf!
"It's bath time for Hachi. I'll take my leave now, my Lords," Jenny said, bowing.
Xerxes couldn't help but cast a glance at the dog she was carrying.
There's something strange about that dog.
Maximilian overheard their conversation.
Tsk. Once the Princess returns to Ruby Palace, I'll begin executing my plans...
Aria stood by the window, her thoughts racing as she contemplated the situation.
"Why is he keeping me here? He could bring me back to my palace to rest, but he's choosing not to? I thought he didn't want to see me? The Emperor is still in the South, and I believe he hasn't informed him, or the Emperor would probably return to the Palace."
The door opened, and Mikhail entered.
"You're awake," he said, his stern expression unchanged.
She noticed a shift in Mikhail's demeanor. He appeared more intimidating now.
"I am totally fine now, I want to return to my palace."
"B-But why?"
"Because there's something you need to explain to me first."
"Your answer will be the basis for whether I will let you return to Ruby Palace or imprison you."
Her face paled. "W-What do you mean?"
Mikhail drew his sword and pointed it at her. "Tell me, who the hell are you?"
Her eyes widened.
Does he know already?
Aria stepped back, stammering, "W-What are you saying?"
"Stop pretending! You can't fool me. I know you're not the Princess. There's no reason for her to act differently, it's impossible for her to change!"
"I..I can change!"
He laughed. "Are you still denying it? Then how will you explain your allergies? The real Princess is allergic to dogs, but you?'re hugging your favorite dog without experiencing any allergic reaction."
Aria was stunned. She had no idea..
"And the food..that's her favorite food! But you're allergic to it. Obviously, you're not Aria!"
Tears streamed down her face, and she knelt. "I..I'm sorry."
Mikhail also knelt, his sword at her neck. "Are you admitting it now? That you're an impostor."
She was nervous. Is he going to kill her? Is this the end for her?
She didn't want to die in this world.
"What should I do to an impostor like you?" he whispered.
She cried. "P-Please..f-forgive me." she begged. She was trembling in fear.
He smirked. "Why would I?" he stood up. "What's the reason for me to forgive you?"
"P-Please! I will do anything, just don't kill me!" she begged. She hugged his leg while crying. "I had no idea why I ended up here, it's not my fault that my soul was trapped inside her body!"
"I..I don't know how, but when I woke up I was already here..inside her body. I came here after her accident."
Mikhail stared at her. Then where the hell is the real Aria?
Tears continued to fall, and she kept begging. Her hands shook in fear.
He threw his sword aside and faced her. "What's your name?"
She looked at him, confused.
"I'm asking you, what's your name?" he repeated.
"K-Kaye.." she answered in a low voice.