I Accidentally Became The Evil Princess Of This Empire

Chapter 20: The Reunion

Rasheen glanced around cautiously, ensuring there were no onlookers, and then swiftly made his way outside.

"Damn it! It's been three days, I hope Aria is safe." he muttered to himself, concern etched on his face.

"Your Highness, where do you think you're going?" a knight approached him.

"Tsk. Damn it!" He cursed under his breath and dashed away from the knight.

"Your Highness, wait!" the knight pursued him, alerting the others. Soon, a group of knights were chasing him.

"Why won't these guys leave me alone?" Rasheen muttered as he sprinted.

He successfully made his way out of the palace, slipping into a nearby alley.

"Quick! Find him!" the knights shouted, but Rasheen's quick thinking led the knights in the opposite direction.

With a relieved sigh, Rasheen was out of immediate danger but now faced the challenging task of finding Aria and her companions. "Now, how can I find them?"

Jenny found herself in a jail cell, and though she was questioned about Aria, all she revealed was that Aria had escaped with Cedrik. Rasheen began to roam the capital, desperate to locate them.



Cedrik's stomach rumbled loudly, and he couldn't help but murmur, "I'm hungry."

He then noticed that Aria had been unusually quiet. He couldn't help but wonder if she was feeling hungry too.

Their wanted posters adorned the walls, and their situation grew more perilous.

"This is troublesome," Aria remarked.

"Your Highness, how can we find Sir Arthur?" Cedrik inquired, his stomach rumbling again.

Aria had no clear answer. "I'm not certain. All we can do is hope that he managed to escape."

"Go there!" A voice commanded, and they quickly concealed themselves when they spotted approaching knights.

"We need to leave, we're not safe here," Aria urged, taking Cedrik's hand.




"Any news about the Princess?" Izekiel inquired.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but she's still missing. Our knights are doing their utmost to locate her," Ludwig replied.

"Find her immediately! Tell those idiots they have two days to find her, or else I will fire them!" he yelled.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Ludwig said with a bow.

Izekiel then proceeded to the prison. Claudius and the others stood up when they saw him approaching.

"Release us!" Napoleon demanded through gritted teeth.

"Pft..why are you all so anxious? This place suits you well," Izekiel quipped.

"Stop fooling around. What happened to Aria? Where is she?" Claudius asked.

"Oh, she'll be back soon. Don't worry, when she returns, I'll set you free," Izekiel replied with a smile.

"Tss..what the hell are you plotting?" Napoleon muttered.

"Ah, by the way, get ready to sign your divorce papers when she returns. Bye bye!" Izekiel added, before departing with a wicked grin.

"What did you say?" Gawain exclaimed, grasping the cell bars.

"Damn it!" Napoleon said, rubbing his temples.

"Why on earth would we have to divorce the Princess?" Gawain questioned.

"I'm not sure, but I have a bad feeling about this." Claudius expressed.

"Guys, Aria is not going to divorce you. She's not the type to follow Izekiel's whims," Napoleon said.

"Napoleon is right. Let's just wait and pray for Aria's safety." Valentine said.

They all nodded.




Ryu examined the distinct footprints on the forest floor, unmistakably left by two different individuals. He scoured the wilderness, fervently searching for Aria's trail. One set of footprints, undoubtedly belonging to a woman, pointed to her presence.




"Are you planning another visit to the Emperor today?" Hadrian inquired, eyeing his brother as he adjusted his cuffs.

The Duke responded with a sly grin, "Yeah, why? Do you wanna come with me?"

Hadrian declined with a shake of his head. "I'm just curious."

Drawing closer, the Duke placed a comforting hand on Hadrian's shoulders. "Curiosity can lead you down perilous paths. Why not find solace in playing your harp?"

Hadrian cherished his harp, a dream of becoming a musician he'd reluctantly abandoned after a life-altering accident five years ago. He, his parents, and their carriage had tumbled off a cliff on their way to the Imperial Ball. He awoke to the grim sight of his parents' lifeless bodies and the cruel reality of his own paralysis.

Depression overcame him, his parents are dead and he's now crippled. His brother tried to comfort him, but his responsibilities grew exponentially after he assumed the role of the new Duke of the South, leaving Hadrian feeling increasingly isolated.

The harp became his refuge, soothing the profound loneliness that enveloped him.

"I'll return late tonight. Don't wait up, just retire to bed after dinner," the Duke declared before departing.

He watched him from the window.

"My brother has changed since he became the Duke. He's keeping secrets from me," Hadrian mused. "I'll uncover the truth."

He watched the carriage leaving.




Elsewhere, a commotion erupted as knights closed in on Rasheen. "Catch him!" their leader commanded.

He was eating at the shop when they saw him.

"Arghh!!! I only wanted a quiet meal before searching for my wife!" he said.

He came to a halt, surrounded by knights.

"Damn it!" he was cornered.

"Your Highness, let us now return to the Palace." The knight said.

"No!!!" he punched the knight, then ran again.

Oh c'mon! Why don't they ever tire?

Suddenly, a familiar hand tugged at his arm. "Aria?" he exclaimed, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Shh, let's go," Aria whispered.

They dashed into an abandoned house, with Cedrik securing the door. The trio remained silent, their hearts pounding.

They heard the knights running outside.

After a minute, Aria peeked through the window. "They're gone."

Relief washed over them.

"Aria!" Rasheen clung to Aria, his worry giving way to joy. "I was so worried about you."

Aria reciprocated the embrace and whispered softly, "I missed you so much."

"Are you hurt? Do you have any wounds?" he asked and examined her.

Aria reassured Rasheen, "I'm fine. After we left you at the port, we sought refuge in the forest, and we returned here to search for you, Jenny, and Arthur."

Rasheen's face darkened as he delivered the grim news. "Jenny was captured, she's now in jail."

Anxious, Aria bit her fingernail. "We must rescue Jenny."

"How about Sir Arthur?" Cedrik asked.

"I can't locate him. He managed to escape." Rasheen answered.

Aria proposed a plan, "We need to locate Sir Arthur, he's a merchant and a guild leader. He might have connections here who can assist us."

Rasheen nodded in agreement, "But for now, we'll remain hidden. Tonight, we'll venture out under the cover of darkness, it's our best chance to escape and search for him."

Aria affirmed their course of action with a determined nod.




Meanwhile, in a rowdy tavern.

"Whoooo! Do it! Do it!" the crowd cheered.

Arthur and the other man are playing arm wrestling. He's now at the tavern, he's safe here since the owner of the tavern was his friend.


"Damn it!" the defeated opponent swore.

"Whoooo! I won again!" Arthur celebrated with the crowd.

After playing, he approached the bar counter, greeted by the tavern's owner, a woman with long, curly hair. "You seem to be enjoying yourself, have you forgotten that you still can't find your friends?" the owner remarked.

"Don't worry, I've hired some of your men to search for them." He replied, then drank his beer.

The owner merely shook her head.

"Madam, someone is here." a waiter interrupted, gesturing toward a newcomer at the door.

Ryu had arrived, scanning the tavern for any sign of Aria and the others.

The owner, intrigued by Ryu's presence, "Hi, how can I help you?" she inquired, her gaze lingering on Ryu. He's so handsome!

"I'm searching for someone. Have you seen them?" Ryu asked, displaying wanted posters.

The owner, surprised, glanced at Arthur, who, was engrossed in his drink.

"Are you a knight in disguise? I'm sorry, but our tavern is always crowded so I haven't noticed them." She said.

"I'm not a knight, I'm their friend. I was separated from them while we were escaping." Ryu explained.

She stared at him, checking if he was really telling the truth.

"Hey, you guys!" Arthur joined them while holding his beer. "Is he your boyfriend?" he asked.

Ryu stared at him. "You are…"

"Huh? Do you know me?" he asked.

He looked at the posters in his hand. His eyes widened.

As Arthur prepared to run, Ryu's grip suddenly tightened on his collar. "You're the one who aided the Princess in escaping the empire, aren't you? Arthur Morem, the leader of the Watchers Guild."

Panic flickered in Arthur's eyes as he stammered, "I don't know what you're talking about," desperately attempting to break free.

But Ryu revealed his true identity, "I'm Ryu from the Crimson Blades."

Realization dawned on Arthur as he gaped, "Ryu? You mean Ryu Ishikawa, the leader of the Crimson Blades?"

Ryu nodded in confirmation, and a sheepish grin formed on Arthur's face. "Hehe, I'm sorry for earlier."

Ryu released his grip. "I came here for the Princess."

They proceeded to a more private setting, the owner discreetly excusing herself.

Arthur explained to Ryu what happened.

"I believe they are still here in the capital," Ryu opined.

"I've hired men to search for them, and they should return tomorrow," Arthur disclosed.




Rasheen carefully peeked through the door before the group cautiously stepped outside. Aria voiced her concern, "How can we find Arthur during the night?"

Rasheen hushed her with a finger to his lips. "Merchants and guild leaders often visit taverns at night, socializing to expand their connections. I know a well-known tavern in the area."

They eventually arrived at the tavern Rasheen had mentioned, its lively atmosphere undiminished even in the late hour.

The waiter welcomed them as they entered. "Hello, can we speak with the owner?" Aria inquired.

Rasheen shielded his face, wary of being recognized.

"Why do people keep looking for Madam?" one of the patrons remarked.

Laughter filled the air as another patron chimed in, "That's because she's pretty!"

Amused, the owner emerged. "Someone's looking for me?"



The door swung open, revealing the panting tavern owner.

Arthur asked, "What's happened?"

Grabbing his clothes, she gasped, "We found them!"



The news sent Arthur and Ryu rushing downstairs to the reunion.

"Aria!" Ryu embraced Aria, relieved.

"Thank God, you are all safe." Arthur expressed his joy.

They have closed the tavern.

"We must return to the Serolf Empire immediately. I'm worried about the others, and I need to know about Mikhail." She nervously bit her lower lip.

Rasheen consoled her, gently rubbing her back.

"I've already arranged for a friend to help you leave this kingdom safely. He's the captain of a sailing ship, and he's willing to assist." The owner said.

"Thank you. Tomorrow, early in the morning, we'll set sail for the empire." Rasheen said.

Aria remained concerned about Jenny. "But what about Jenny? We can't leave her behind. What if they harm her?"

Ryu stepped forward with determination. "I'll stay behind to rescue her. Don't worry, Your Highness, I'll ensure that we return to the empire together."

"Thank you," Aria gratefully acknowledged his commitment.



The next morning.

Aria expressed her gratitude to the tavern owner. "Thank you, I will never forget your kindness."

The tavern owner responded with a warm smile. After bidding their farewells, they set off for the sailing ship the owner had arranged for them. They were on their way when they overheard a troubling conversation among some nearby people. "Have you heard the news?" one asked.

"What is it?"

"A trespasser was captured a few days ago, and they're going to behead her," another person informed.

"Poor girl, I heard she's from the other empire."

Aria's heart sank as she dropped her bag, trembling. "J-Jenny..."




In a frantic rush, they made their way to the plaza, where they witnessed a horrifying sight: Jenny, tied and blindfolded. Aria covered her mouth, tears streaming down her face. "J-Jenny..."

Then, Ludwig's voice echoed through the plaza, a sinister ultimatum. "PRINCESS ARIA YVONNE SEROLF FAULKERSON! WE KNOW YOU'RE STILL HERE! WE'VE GOT YOUR SERVANT!"

Aria's disbelief grew. How did he manage to arrive here so quickly?


The crowd murmured in confusion, unaware of the unfolding drama.

"Who is Princess Aria?"

"What's going on?"

Rasheen tried to convince Aria, "Aria, don't listen to him. This is just bait."

But Aria was resolute. "No! I can't leave her alone. Jenny is like my sister!"

Cedrik began to object, "B-But, Your Highness..."

Ignoring the caution, Aria walked to the center of the plaza, and the people watched in anticipation.

"I'm finally here! Now let her go!" she demanded.

Ludwig wore a sinister smirk as he signaled his knights to release Jenny. "Your Highness!!!" Jenny cried, running into Aria's arms, tears streaming down her face. "Y-Your Highness… I'm so scared!"

Aria hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry for being late."

Ludwig approached them, bowing before Aria. "I'm happy to see you again, Your Highness. It's time for us to return to our empire," he declared.

Rasheen, Arthur, and Cedrik all arrived, ready to confront the situation. "No! You can't!" Rasheen protested, his voice filled with anger.

"Prince Rasheen.." Ludwig responded with a bow to Rasheen. "The King was deeply concerned when you left the palace."

Rasheen's tone grew more serious. "Don't you dare lay a hand on my father!"

Ludwig assured him, "Calm down, Your Highness. My only mission is to bring the Princess back to our empire and not to harm your kingdom."

He then turned to Aria, saying, "Your Highness, I have released your servant."

"I know." Aria acknowledged this and made a decision, looking at Rasheen and her companions. "We will return to our empire now."

"What?" Rasheen questioned, clearly taken aback.

"But, Your Highness," Arthur attempted to dissuade her.

Aria remained firm, stating, "This is the only method to ensure everyone's safety."

Reluctantly, they had no other option but to follow Ludwig, returning to the palace.

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