Hunter’s Sexy Snippets

Chapter 408: Kidnapped into Sexual Slavery by oliver57

Brian never quite knew what to make of Ellen Fitzgerald. She was a distant relative of his stepfather's, second or third cousin he thought, who came for a visit maybe two or three times a year. And Brian wasn't all that close to him, much less his relatives. (Brian's own father had passed away when he was very young and his mother had remarried just two years ago.)

Ellen rarely paid much attention to him when she stayed for a visit. She was an imposing, distant woman it seemed. She was at least 5'11" tall, maybe a little taller with an apparently thick build. Brian thought she looked a little chunky, if not fat, under her loose fitting clothing. She was 29 years old and widowed a year and half earlier, although Brian knew few details about what happened.

Her height and frame made her seem formidable compared to himself. He was four inches shorter and could be described as reedy. He had a trim body, befitting that of a 19-year about to enter college next week. He honestly never gave her much thought other than the requisite pleasantries when she visited.

Still, he was now set to go to drive to New York tomorrow, with Ellen---although that had been a decision made without him. Ellen, who lived there, offered to drive Brian to school the next day and his parents thought this a good time and money-saving idea. He dreaded the five-hour car ride with her. Fortunately, he thought, he had his phone and his iPod.

When they left the next day, Brian packed his few belongings he was taking with him in Ellen's SUV, figuring on buying new most of the stuff he needed. It amounted to little more than a couple of bags of clothes and a few electronic devices and his laptop. The ride passed uneventfully and quietly. Brian made a little small talk and so did Ellen, it seemed, to be polite, but they largely kept to themselves.

When they finally arrived, Ellen parked fairly far in the parking lot from his dorm.

"She could have parked a little closer," he muttered under his breath.

"All right, Brian, here we are. Before we get out of the car, call your parents and tell them I have dropped you off and I am on my way, so you are on your own."

Brian dutifully did so. The conversation with his mother made it sound very much like he was at school and Ellen had already driven away. While he had his talk, Ellen had gotten out of the SUV with her purse and, out of his sight, retrieved a cloth and poured some liquid on it. Brian ended his call and got out of the car and was about to get his belongings from the back.

"Brian, dear, before you go, can you help me. I seemed to have lost my good pen under the driver's seat. I can't reach it from the front. Could you get down on the floor and see if you can see it?"

"Sure." Brian climbed onto the floor in front of the back seats of the truck and started to reach his hand under the driver's seat. Once his hand was extended he felt an incredible weight on his body, realizing in the same instant that Ellen was now on top of him pushing him to the floor as she placed the cloth over his mouth and nose, muffling his cries and sending him quickly into unconsciousness. He attempted to resist but her weight made her unmovable with his much weaker body until he blacked out.

Once she was sure the boy was out, Ellen stood up slowly, pushed his legs all the way in, and closed the door. She looked around. No one was close by. No one was looking at her. People were walking about some distance away, but no one had any clue that one of the entering freshman class had just been kidnapped. Ellen nonchalantly got back into her vehicle and drove away. She smiled to herself. It had gone according to plan and had been easier than she had expected.

Ellen drove for two hours out of the city, deep in the country and ultimately wilderness areas, periodically stopping along the way to ensure Brian stayed asleep on the floor of the back seat. She finally arrived at her destination, a small cabin at the end of a very long dirt road, at least 5 miles from the highway and probably a good 20 miles from any sign of civilization or humanity.

She got out of the car, pulled Brian out, and hoisted him on her shoulders. He weighs less than I thought, Ellen said to herself. She carried him inside the cabin and, with difficulty, down a steep set of stairs under a trap door in the cabin floor. She laid him down on a cot inside what could only be described as a jail cell, for it had only a cot, a sink, a toilet, and small shower. There was also a curtain drawn to block the cell's occupant of any view of the rest of the downstairs living area, which was actually quite large.

Ellen stripped him of every scrap of clothing. She then locked her prisoner in and went upstairs. Ellen collected all of his clothing and promptly burned it all in a barrel. She gathered his electronics and computer, carrying them in and storing them in a large safe with a combination lock in the basement. She fixed herself some lunch and took a shower. Then she waited for her newly arrived prisoner—her sex slave, though he didnt that part yet—to wake up.

The first thing Brian noticed when he began to wake up was that his head hurt. He woke slowly, not remembering immediately what had happened. But the memory quickly came to him—the car, the pen, and Ellen on top of him. As he regained more of his senses, he also realized he had no clothes on whatsoever. Nor were any in sight. And it was then that he saw where he was: in jail, it seemed, with none of his possessions. In about another minute, he realized he wasn't in jail and had no idea where he was. Finally he managed to find his voice.

"Hey! Let me out! Help!" Brian shouted at the top of his voice. At first, he heard nothing in response, but then he heard the heels of a woman's boot on some floor a room or two away. Then nothing. Suddenly Ellen appeared from behind the curtain that marked his small area. She was wearing three-inch high black ankle boots and sweats.

"Good! Awake at last!"

Brian wasn't sure whether he was expecting to see Ellen or not but felt embarrassed by his nakedness just the same. Unfortunately, all he had to cover himself was a pillow. He made the best of it and stood up, angry.

"Ellen! What the fuck is going on here? Give me my clothes and let me out of here!"

Ellen just stared at Brian for a moment and then laughed at him. When she stopped, she began with a tone Brian found menacing and frightening—and the words soon matched the tone—and it sapped much of the bravado he had just put on.

"Let's be clear right now, Brian. You demand nothing! I am your only link to survival—to food and water. Getting something to eat should be your only concern right now because if I decide not to provide it, you will starve here. Something I am perfectly willing to let happen. It would be regrettable because I think we can have lots of fun, but it really is your choice. As a matter of fact, you probably need a little taste of starvation right now. See you tomorrow. I have errands to run."

With that, Ellen turned and went up the steep stairs. Brian screamed after her but once he heard the door slam shut he didn't know what to do.

As Ellen drove away, she thought this was a useful lesson. Brian needed to learn right off who was in charge. And I need to show my face in New York for a bit. Just to be seen, by her doorman, and friends.

And for the next 24 hours, Brian explored every inch of his cell for a way out. There wasn't one. The floor was a concrete slab and the bars went all around as well as overhead. No breaking through the ceiling. He was able to drink only water to satisfy his increasing hunger. By the next morning, he thought, she's right. I'll starve unless she comes back. He didn't like what was going on but he figured he would have to go along for a while and see what happens. He sure couldn't escape so long as he was locked in this cell.

Late the next day, Ellen returned to her little cabin in the middle of nowhere. As she emerged at the bottom of the stairs, Brian sat up, albeit with the pillow over his lap.

"Well, Brian, are we in a more polite mood this afternoon?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Oooohh. Very good start. I take it we are hungry?"

"Yes, ma'am, I am. May I please have some food? I promise to behave and cooperate." Brian used the politest voice he had.

Ellen held out a bag with submarine sandwiches and sodas to him. Hesitating because he would have to drop his pillow protection, Ellen read his mind.

"You might as well put the pillow down. I obviously saw you naked when I took off your clothes and I have no intention of giving you anything to wear. You will need to get used to being naked around me because, well, you are always going to be naked around me."

Brian realized the futility of his modesty, let go of the pillow and grabbed the sandwiches. Ellen went through the curtain and brought back a folding chair for her to sit on. She watched Brian eat without saying anything. She found she enjoyed watching her naked prisoner, trapped behind her iron bars.

She was very satisfied by what she saw. Her instincts were correct. Brian was beautiful to look at, in a subtle sort of way. Perhaps more cute than beautiful. He looked younger than his 19 years. She liked that. He was thin, wiry—a runner's or swimmer's body. Fit, not muscular. Short-haired, virtually no body hair, naturally. Smooth, perfect skin. His cock was average in size. Adequate to the job.

She had determined he was no physical match for her. Not even close. (She was pretty sure of that already, from the few times they had met over the past two years.) She liked that, too. She knew she was much stronger than he was just by looking at him and had maybe 40 pounds on him. She would be using those strength and weight advantages to god and very satisfactory—to her—effects.

She had always liked and preferred the clearly weaker men and boys. She loved imposing her will, mentally and physically, on such creatures. She had enjoyed that since the elementary school playground. As an adult, those desires manifested themselves in many ways, but especially sexually.

Such men—such boys—were like prey to her. She hungered to capture them, to control them, to inspire their fear of her, and, if possible, their eventual love and devotion. The same way a dog loves its master—or mistress.

Brian said nothing while he eat, as she watched him and rolled all these thoughts through her mind.

When he had finished, Ellen broke the silence.

"Feel better?"

"Uh, yes ma'am." Ellen then continued to stare at him in silence, which finally got the better of him.

"Why am I here?"

"I was wondering when you would ask." Ellen paused a moment.

"The simple fact is, Brian, is that you are going to be my slave, my sex slave. Probably for the rest of your life."

"Wh, what?" Ellen knew Brian had heard her. She saw his cock twitch ever so slightly at the words "sex slave." The foundation is indeed there, she thought. This is going to work.

Ellen explained her story. "When Robert—my husband—died, he left me, well, very rich. I don't have to work ever again. And ever since I became sexually aware I have wanted to sexually dominate men. Indeed, Robert and I played along those lines, quite often actually, and I have had some experiences since then, too. But you know, it was just that. Game playing.

"My most intense and erotic fantasy has always been to take a man against his will and break him to be mine. I wanted to kidnap some young male and make him my slave, forever. I would do whatever I wanted to him, regardless of whether he liked or not or had 'limits.' Every day we would live the life of mistress and slave. That's where you come in, Brian. That will happen, here, to start, but perhaps over time we can do things elsewhere. Ultimately that will be up to you, but for now get used to the idea that for a good long while your sole reason for being will be to do whatever I want. Suffer whatever I wish."

She emphasized "suffer"ever so slightly but noticeably.

Ellen paused again and then continued. "What's more, I know you are not totally adverse to what I am talking about, but there is a lot you won't like about it but you will have to get used to it."

"What do you mean you know I am not totally adverse to this? I'm supposed to be starting school! I don't want to be here!"

"Oh, that. Well, truthfully, you were not the one I had in mind for this at first. I am not sure who I had in mind, but it wasn't you. being the son of my cousin andball. However, about a year ago when I visited I went through your room one day while you were out."

Brian looked appalled at this invasion of privacy.

Ellen noticed his reaction. "Hey, it's what I do. Anyway, I came across your porn stash, Brian. While you had a nice variety in there, I noticed a substantial percentage of female muscle magazines and femdom pages folded over. Admit it. You have fantasized about being dominated by women."

Brian said nothing at first but eventually felt compelled to talk under Ellen's relentless, silent gaze.

"I, I guess I do, some, but that doesn't mean I want to be kidnapped, by you, and kept here forever!"

"Don't be so sure. And no, it certainly doesn't. Indeed, if it did, you wouldn't do at all. Remember, I wanted an UNWILLING male. At least to some degree. Still, an unwilling male who nevertheless is going to be excited by many of the things we are going to do together fits the bill well. A big macho, muscle-bound asshole wouldn't work. And frankly isn't my type, physically and otherwise.

"But on my visit before this recent one, I began to look at you differently, and I realized you could, and probably would, be the perfect slave to me. You're shorter, weigh less me, and are obviously weaker than I am. Controlling you physically would not be a problem.

"You were usually quiet, timid even, but polite and fundamentally decent. I detected no ass-holery in you.

"When I learned you would be going to college in New York, it was not hard to arrange to be the one to take you there. It provided the crucial component—an opportunity to kidnap you without others suspecting me. Your parents were agreeable that I take you and you didn't seem to mind. And when you told them I had driven off and left you at school, that provided extra protection."

"Yeah, what about my parents? They are going to call the police when they don't hear from me in a few days and they will come looking for me."

"Yes, well, I am still working on that. I mean, there is no danger of the police or your parents of ever finding you, but perhaps in time, if you cooperate, we can figure out a way to ease your mother's inevitable worry. Regardless, I figure I have several weeks before they start to worry too much. You see, you are now many, many miles away from New York and at least 20 miles from another human being.

"This property, while technically owned by me, is untraceable to me through a variety of dummy and shell corporations. Even if the police were to suspect that I was involved, which I very much doubt—I don't fit any of the profiles after all—you can't be found. Oh, by the way, I have burned all of your clothes. This "home" is almost entirely underground and soundproofed. There is only a small, run-down-looking cabin up above. We have well-water, geothermal energy, propane, and discreetly placed solar panels. There is no reason for anyone to ever come here or find us. Come, let me show you. But first. . ."

Brian grew increasingly horrified at what Ellen was saying. If it was true, then he didn't see how he could escape other than somehow overpowering her and taking the car. He thought, she is bigger but she probably is slower and less agile carrying all that fat. . .

But precisely as he was thinking that very thought, Ellen took off her sweats. What Brian saw amazed him. She now wore only a push-up bra in which large, round breasts spilled out and a black thong. Ellen was not "chunky" or "fat," as he had long thought. She was the quintessential Amazon! She was well-muscled all over: her arms, legs, back, chest, and especially buttocks sported substantial, though not overwhelming, muscle definition. Her legs and arms, he thought, must be at least half as big again as his own, which, to make matters worse, sported considerably less muscle.

Despite the circumstances, he couldn't help but be excited at what he saw and, unfortunately, his cock betrayed every thought along those lines. While not fully erect, it had engorged considerably since Ellen took off her sweats and took the key out to the cell.

"You like what you see, apparently. Robert loved my muscles and strength, too. He loved being overpowered and 'raped.'" She said the word "raped" slowly, lasciviously, while looking at Brian.

At that point, Brian saw little point in denying it: between the magazines Ellen had found and his physical reaction. "Uh, well, you do have a magnificent body. But it doesn't mean I want to be here!"

"Thank you. And no, perhaps not, but perhaps you will in time. I am okay with it either way. But for now, as I said, I WANT you to be unwilling. And Brian, I hope you realize, now, seeing me as you do, that you can't overpower me. I suggest you don't try, at least not now. I might have to hurt you in a way that we both find would regrettable. You will have plenty of opportunities to test your strength against mine. But I weigh 175lbs and can bench press more than that. What do you weigh?"

"Uh, about 140."

"What can you bench press?"

"I, uh, I don't know. I never tried."

Ellen smiled. "And there we are."

Ellen walked over to the cell. "Put your hands out." Brian did as he was told and Ellen put a pair of handcuffs on him.

"What is this for? You just said I can't take you."

"True, but come, come. You must know from your reading. Among the many, many perverted, twisted, and cruel things I intend to do you, keeping you in prolonged bondage, of some kind, will be one."

"Why? If as you say I can't escape anyway?"

"Because I like it. What's the fun of having a sex slave if you don't keep him tied up most of the time? Here, you might as well start getting used to this, too." Ellen put a black leather collar around Brian's neck, which had several rings attached it."

Ellen led him up a long stairs and out of a trap door in the floor. After they had emerged from underground, Brian watched Ellen close the trap door, which was heavy and well-insulated. She then put floor boards over the area. When she was done, no one could tell there was room—a house!—beneath them. Brian realized that she did all that for his benefit, to reinforce that he would never be found unless she wanted it to happen.

Ellen opened the door to the outside. Brian saw that she had told the truth. He was in the middle of absolutely nowhere. He could see nothing but wilderness.

"By the way, don't even try to think about stealing my truck. It has unique ignition. It will only start with my touch and, even if you could get it started, unless you know where to go, you'll run out of gas before you find anything. You'll be lost, naked, and eventually starve."

Brian spent a long time looking around. The cabin looked like nothing. No one would give it a second thought. The energy sources were indeed well hidden.

"So do you like it?" Ellen didn't watch Brian too carefully, because the sun was setting and he literally had nowhere to go. "Oh, there are also bears in the woods, too."

Brian finally spoke as his predicament continued to set in. Truthfully, at that moment, he felt a little conflicted. On the one hand, he wanted to just sit down and cry. But part of him was indeed titilated by the idea of serving as this amazon's sex slave. "Okay, I guess I am not going anywhere. Now what?""Now. . .we begin." She grabbed Brian by the collar and forcefully pulled him over to a a large tree a few dozen feet from the cabin. Ellen unlocked the handcuffs and relocked them with the boy hugging the tree. "Don't wander off," she said cheerfully. "I will be right back."

Brian couldn't see Ellen leave because the cabin was to the back of him. But after about 10 minutes, Ellen returned. When she stepped in front of him, Brian saw she was carrying a long black whip, like a bullwhip.

"Oh, god, please don't!"

"Let's start getting things right, shall we? You will call me 'Mistress.' So, it's 'oh, god, please don't, Mistress!' Got it?

"Yes, Mistress. Please don't whip me Mistress!" Brian's protestations were genuine. His sexual fantasies never involved heavy whippings. Mild spankings, perhaps, but nothing that involved a bullwhip. His cock had completely deflated at the sight of the whip.

"Well, Brian, while you should feel free out here to beg, plead, cry, and scream all you want—indeed, I would love it if you do, the louder the better, and will make you eventually if you try to be stoic—pain, sometimes severe pain, is part of your new life with me. Among many things, I am a true sadist and, alas, I have chosen you to bear the brunt of that. I really want to hear your screams echo across this wilderness, knowing no one—no one—can hear you!" Ellen said all this as she took up position behind Brian and uncoiled her whip.

"Now I intend to mark you all over. I'll start slowly but this will be painful. But don't worry: it's not like I am going to flog like out of some sort of Roman colliseum experience. Unless, of course, you try to hurt me in some stupid escape attempt. Then I would probably have to kill you and I can think of no better way than whipping you to death."

With that, the first crack of the whip landed in the middle of Brian's back. Intending to or not, he screamed in pain and the whip left a perfect red line. Ellen proceeded at a nice steady pace, taking at least 30 seconds between each strike, partly to savor every blow but also to enjoy Brian's howls of pain and pleadings to stop.

Ellen systemically covered Brian's backside with red marks, generally trying to avoid hitting twice in the same place. She preferred the look on him of red stripes from the shoulder blades to the ankles. She was an accomplished expert with her whip and generally succeeded. By the time the 20th blow hit Brian, he was a blubbering mess, begging for mercy.

"Oh, god, please, please, please stop, Mistress! I just can't take any more!" Brian cried out through a flood of tears and spit.

Ellen loved it! Loved what she was doing, loved Brian's reaction. It was everything she had hoped for!

"The beauty of our 'relationship' Brian is that what you want matters not one whit. I told you I'm a sadist. If I can't inflict pain on you, I might as well just get rid of you now. Think about that. But, feel free to continuing screaming!"

And with that Ellen landed another blow and nine more followed before she stopped. All told the whipping had taken an hour, but now the evening had all but descended on them. Ellen released Brian and let him stumble back to the house on his own, letting him thank her for finally stopping the whipping.

Once they were inside and back down the stairs, Brian headed for his cell.

"No, no, not yet Brian. The night has just begun. Come let me help you first."

Brian turned around to see what Ellen wanted and it was then that he saw that Ellen's thong was damp, as if she had wet herself. It was at that moment that Brian realized how much of a sadist Ellen was. It looked to him as if she had had an orgasm while whipping him and he knew that did not bode well for him.

Ellen grabbed a ring on Brian's collar and drew him past the cell toward the curtain which she pushed back. What Brian saw widened his eyes. The downstairs was at least 10 times larger than his cell area, with plush red carpeting, a leather couch and chair, a TV and computer table. But there were also numerous pieces of bondage equipment like he had seen in magazines and racks and racks of implements for punishing, bondage, and things he no idea what they were for.

"Lay down on the couch, Brian, on your stomach." Brian did as he was told and was grateful for the moment of comfort. Ellen disappeared for a moment and then came to him with a bottle in hand. "This will sooth the pain and help you heal." Ellen then carefully applied the ointment to all of the affected areas. "After all, the sooner these welts improve, the sooner we can do it again!" Brian groaned. Ellen laughed.

"I love the look of welts on a man's body, Brian. I just love it. It makes you so much more attractive. I get wet just looking at them"

The ointment, while stinging slightly at first, did have the effect of easing his discomfort after the skin had absorbed it.

While Brian just laid on the couch, Ellen walked over to her racks of toys that she had so painstakingly assembled over the past two years. She had bought the many numerous items at the various shops in New York with only cash. She wanted no paper record of the products she was buying.

Even the larger pieces, which would have been easier and cheaper by mail order. Sometimes she had to persuade a shopowner to order them especially for her, at a healthy markup of course, but no one could find any written record of her buying a dungeon's worth of S&M equipment.

Ellen finally selected a few items and walked back to Brian. Brian had not noticed what Ellen was doing after she had applied the ointment. He had closed his eyes in an attempt to shut off the pain. He jolted them open, however, the second his tormentress came back to him and pulled his arms behind his back. Ellen had brought with her wrist and ankle cuffs, a leash, and some rope.

Brian put up no resistance as Ellen bound his arms behind his back, his legs together, and attached the leash to his collar. Ellen then went to a chest of drawers in one corner of the expansive room and pulled a black sheet from it and put it on the chair.

"All right, Brian, that's enough rest for now. Time to pay the rent."

Ellen pulled Brian up by the neck with the leash and ordered him on his knees in the front of the couch. Ellen then spread the sheet on the couch and sat down in front of him. Before she did so, she removed her bra and her panties. The sight caused Brian's flaccid cock to start to come back to life. Ellen's huge breasts were everything the push-up bra suggested they were. Her pussy was hairy, though slightly trimmed. She looked like the all-woman that she clearly is.

Ellen sat on the edge of the couch and leaned towards Brian and began stroking his cock. Whatever he thought of his situation, it was impossible for him to avoid becoming fully erect. A naked, muscled amazon goddess was right in front of his face sensually caressing his dick. He was hard as a board in less than a minute.

Once in that condition, Ellen took the thin rope she had brought with her, tied one end to Brian's collar and then snaked the other end first around the base of his genitals a couple of times—tightly!—and then criss-crossing his balls, around and around the shaft of his cock until she finally tied off at the rope coming down from his collar. His penis was now encased in it is own bondage, which was not wholly uncomfortable but made for a peculiar sight as well as preventing it from softening.

"Ever eat pussy Brian?" Brian had figured where this was going by now.

"Yes. Some. With a couple of the girls I dated in high school, they insisted I had to give to get."

"Well good for them! But you shouldn't have that expectation here. While we'll have fun and you'll get relief, my mouth will never touch your cock. So put any hope for that out of your mind!"

Ellen leaned back on the couch and spread her legs, pulling on the leash as she did so. Brian scambled forward on his knees as Ellen pulled him in. When his head was less than an inch from Ellen's sex, Ellen brought her clearly powerful muscular legs around Brian's head, locking her legs over the boy's back and his head in place.

"Begin slowly. You'll be at this for a long time and I want to enjoy it rather than rush forward."

Brian found Ellen's pussy actually quite pleasant, lacking in odor but having a pleasing, salty taste. He did as she instructed. He began kissing around her opening before actually touching it. He first rubbed her with his chin and then kissed her protruding lips. His technique advanced then to short licks with his tongue, followed by much longer laps.

He could not move at all from the tight grip Ellen's legs had on the back of his head but this was the first part of his captivity that he found appealing. He did enjoy reading femdom articles, especially ones where the women used their slaves orally. This was a fantasy coming to reality. He also knew Ellen approved by the sounds, sighs, and groans she was making as he proceeded. He lost all sense of time.

After numerous long laps, Ellen in her excitement gripped his head and pushed him into her. He took this as an indication he should begin using his tongue to push in as far as he could and, alternately suck on Ellen's swollen clitoris. As he did so, he knew Ellen's excitement was rising because she held onto him harder and soon took over his movements, using his mouth as her dildo until she finally unleashed a torrent of loud noises and juices indicating that she had come.

"Nicely done, slave! I'm glad I don't have to waste too much time improving your technique!"

"Thank you. . .Mistress."

Ellen rested for a few minutes as the after-glow subsided. She then pulled Brian back down and said simply: "Again."

It went that way for almost two hours. Brian knew this because after that first time, Ellen turned on the TV while he went about his business. She must have come a half dozen times over that period, and Brian was beginning to understand why she needed a sex slave. She was far more insatiable, it seemed, than any of the girls he had ever dated, for whom once and done was usually enough—at least for one day.

When Ellen was finally prepared to let Brian go, he was nearly begging her to stop, pleading that his tongue was so tired he was losing feeling in it and his knees hurt. Ellen gave him some mocking sympathy but assented. She wanted a break herself and wanted to move on to other activities. Brian just laid on the floor while Ellen got up. She spread the sheet on the floor in front of the TV and then got up to go to the kitchen. She brought back a bottle of water, half of which she drank and then held it for Brian to drink the other, as well as wipe his face clean with a cloth.

Ellen booted Brian onto the sheet and disconnected his cuffs from behind his back and reconnected them to his collar. Ellen grabbed some strange looking devices from one of her drawers and came over and sat herself down on Brian's chest, with her ass just touching his face.

The weight of her body was not trivial, being all muscle as far as he could tell, especially against his backside. At that moment he was grateful to be on a sheet rather than the rough fibers of the carpet. He could feel Ellen removing the rope from his cock and then stroking it a bit just to firm it up. After she did so, he could feel her manipulating it, it seemed, putting something else on it. Then she turned to look at him.

"Here's something your girlfriends never had, I'm sure. This is an electrical control device and its wires are connected to loops around your dick. With this little box I can inflict pain or pleasure with the touch of a switch. Want to see?"

"No, Mistress," Brian answered truthfully.

"Ah, yes, well it wasn't really a question and I wasn't really giving you a choice. By the way, if you in anyway try to hurt me with your teeth as we proceed, I will butcher your back with my whip."

Ellen then turned the device on, which at first was pleasurable to Brian and then as she played around made it painful, teasing and taunting him along the way. Ellen particularly delighted in smothering Brian's face with her ample, muscular ass as she turned the dials on the controller, thrilling at the muffled screams her slave male made underneath her by her hand.

She tortured Brian for quite some time this way, knowing many of her settings Brian enjoyed but a few caused him severe pain. The torture of Brian's cock with electrical devices and other implements went on for the better part of an hour until Ellen tired of the game. Finally she got up and left Brian on the floor and went back to the couch to watch TV in earnest while he got a breather.

She let him lay there for half an hour, while she savored the past two days. She was at home, naked, with an unwilling slave male bound and prostrate on the floor, whom she had tortured repeatedly during the day. No one knew where they were. No one could ever know they were here. The occasional groans and sounds coming from Brian as he recovered added ambiance to her thoughts.

Finally, however, she wanted to complete the day. Ellen walked back over to Brian and looked down at him from her towering height as he lay on the floor. Brian, too, thought how magnificent she looked, even if she was the bitch who was hurting him.

"Now for something slightly different. Brian, there is one thing I particularly enjoyed doing with my late husband and a few recent lovers who were game. Face-sitting and breath control. I love cutting off the air of a subjugated male until he literally struggles for breath, struggles for his very life. I don't know if you're game but it will now be your reality."

Before Brian could formulate much of an answer, Ellen's substantial muscular, naked ass came down, centering on his face. With the most minor adjustment, with her superior strength and weight, Ellen's ass formed the most perfect impenetrable seal on his face. Not a molecule could get into his lungs.

Ellen sat and waited. She thought Brian would struggle instantly. He didn't. But one minute later he began to thrash and scream into the deep vacuum of her dominating butt. She relented and gave him some air, but then reestablished the seal.

Over and over she did this, waiting for him to struggle, desperate for air, waiting until his thrashing became a terrified struggle for life itself, and then waited just a few seconds more beyond that before letting life-giving oxygen back in. Brian panted and sucked in air after each time. Once he was more or less back to normal breathing, Ellen would lower the only thing in the world that mattered to Brian at that moment in time again.

This went on for quite some time until finally it stopped.

"I promised you some fun and now we will have it!" Ellen got down on top of Brian and came to rest with her groin on top of his flaccid cock. As she began to rub her own breasts, however, putting on the little show for her slave, she could feel him spring back to life, a change which she encouraged by rubbing her pussy over his cock. As soon as he was hard enough, Ellen mounted Brian and impaled herself on him.

There was nothing gentle or sweet that followed. Ellen began an immediate pounding of her large muscular body against his smaller frame. In particular, he felt every crashing down of her muscular bottom on his balls. Not only was the physical pounding itself uncomfortable, the motion agitated the wounds on his back and buttocks. Ellen was going so hard and fast on him that it actually hurt his cock but also continued to excite it. Because of that, Ellen came before he did, and then stopped to rest a minute.

But when she realized Brian had not yet come and would remain hard so long as he remained inside her, Ellen ratcheted up her movements. Ellen pounded into him again and occasionally worried that she might break something in him but when he came in a grunting, groaning, explosive orgasm shortly thereafter, Ellen then stopped, content for the moment.

For his part, Brian wasn't at all sure he enjoyed that. When he came, it was the best orgasm he had ever experienced but at the same time he now knew what women must feel like when they are raped. But his body hurt. Ellen took him, violently, without regard to what she was doing to him. It excited him! Yet, he now hurt like hell.

"We're done for the evening, Brian. Get up! Back to your cell. Feel free to shower." Ellen handed him a towel. She decided to leave his cuffs on, however, which were locked with small padlocks. She really had every intention of keeping her slave in bondage most of the time.

Brian hobbled back into his cell, which Ellen closed with a decisive slam and locked the door. Ellen left the curtain open so she could watch him—after all, he was part of the aesthetics of the room—a decoration of sorts when she wasn't using him. Brian didn't mind that she watched him shower, but he sure hated it when she watched him go to the bathroom.

When he was all done, he asked: "That's it?"

"Do I detect a note of insolence in that question?" Ellen got up from the couch and went to the cell.

"No, Mistress, no!" Brian answered, fearful of his captor's response. "I just meant. . ."

"Get over here!" Ellen said from outside the bars. "If I have to come in there, it will be much, much worse."

Brian advanced to where Ellen stood and took a sharp blow to the face from her hand and then was yanked to his knees by the collar.

"You forget your place! Yes, that's it for today. We aren't boyfriend and girlfriend. We are Mistress and slave—and if you don't work out, I will get rid of you, permanently. I'd hate for thatnto happe, truly, but I obviously can't just let you go. I suggest you remember that when you are talking to me."

Brian, crying just a little from the blow, answered meekly and softly. "Yes, Mistress. I'm sorry, Mistress."

Ellen pushed him back so forcefully, he fell over as she walked back to her couch to continue watching TV. Brian then crawled into his cot and fell asleep long before Ellen retired for the night.

In the morning, Ellen was nowhere to be seen but Brian found a plate of three peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, some fruit, and a quart of milk on the floor outside his cell. He ate them all readily. With nothing else to do, Brian spent the better part of the day sleeping, which was surprisingly easy to do in light of the punishment he had received the day before. He didn't know what time it was—Ellen had drawn the curtain again—but by the time she returned he was quite hungry again. He figured she was gone at least half a day or more—but with no clock or outside light to tell—Brian had no idea other than what his stomach was telling him.

When he finally heard Ellen coming down the stairs, he sat up. Ellen walked over with a McDonald's bag and handed it to him. "Here's your dinner." Brian at first thought that Ellen must have been lying about how far away from everything they were. But when he realized the hot food was cold and the soda was room temperature with no ice left, clearly it had travelled quite a while. Still, he ate it without complaint. It was better than nothing, which he knew would be the alternative if he said anything.

Ellen then carried in a bunch of bags of groceries and put them away. She made no mention of where she had been. In fact, she had returned to New York for a few hours to meet a few people and clean up some matters and only bought groceries on her return as well as some food.

"Oh, I have a message for you from your parents. They hope you are doing well and send you their love."

"What! You spoke to them?"

"No, of course not. I did play around with your phone, though, and discovered you communicate with them a lot by text message. So, I used the opportunity to bring them up to date with how your are doing at college, how busy you are, etc., with just a hint that maybe this college life isn't for you, but you'll have to see. You won't tell them you are quitting college to go backpacking across the country and Europe for another month or so. You really should secure your phone with a better password."Brian was dismayed. He had placed some hope that he might be found when his parents didn't hear from him, despite how remote Ellen had made that possibility seem. But she was right. By impersonating him via text messaging, she will keep his parents at bay for a very long time, since he mostly communicates that way.

Brian continued to eat without any more conversation. Slowly but surely, she was breaking him and he knew it. He thought for a moment if he could get ahold of his phone at some point, he could text for help, but then he realized he had no idea where the phone was, and it probably wouldn't work here in the woods anyway. She probably keeps it in New York and does the messaging when she is there. He wondered if there was any means of outside communication at all in this secluded cabin.

"How's your back?" Ellen finally asked.

"Uh, it's better. . . Mistress, thank you for asking."

"Turn around. I want to see for myself."

Brian stood up and turned for Ellen to look.

"Yes, not bad at all. You mark easily but you seem to heal quickly. A truly excellent combination in slave for a sadistic mistress. We can have more fun tonight!"

Brian let out a little weep.

"Oh, don't worry, Brian. I am not going to whip you again today. Next week, but not today. No, tonight we're going to put to rest any notion that you can take me. Not quite yet, though. We both need to digest our dinner a little first."

Brian wasn't sure what she had in mind until she retrieved some folding mats from a closet and spread them out on the floor. The big room now had a 10x10 space in which one could, obviously, wrestle. He knew a little about wrestling but also knew that Ellen outclassed him. Still, he couldn't help but get a little excited by this prospect: fantasies of being wrestled by powerful women were why he had the female muscle magazines that Ellen had found in his room.

Ellen then came over and let him out of his cell, although his hands and ankles were still handcuffed. "Come, make yourself useful." Ellen gestured that he was to go over to the couch and TV area. She followed him, stripped down to a running bra and skin-tight bicycle shorts and laid down on the couch. "We have to wait at least an hour before we can engage in a true test of strength. You will massage my body from head to toe until then."

This Brian did not mind. Although it was a little difficult with the cuffs on, he did not mind running his hands over a muscular woman's body for an hour, although by the end of that time his hands were a bit tired. Still, Ellen seemed to like this activity and they managed to engage in a little small talk along the way, although a fair amount of that small talk was a critique of Brian's technique or directing to do more or less of some particular thing. When he was done, Ellen actually smiled at him.

He felt compelled to ask: "Did you like that Mistress?"

"Very much, slave. You did a real nice job. I was thinking that this is what it is all about. It almost makes me a feel a little guilty that now I am going to kick your ass. But it is all part of your training."

Ellen then stood up and undid Brian's bonds, including his collar. She also retrieved a jock strap from one of the drawers nearby.

"Here, put this on. I don't want to destroy your manhood so early on. I have too many delicious plans for it."

Brian put on the first item of clothing he had worn now for three—or was it four?—days.

"As I assume you have figured out, we are going to have a wrestling contest. Feel free to try to win, but I wouldn't expect to if I were you. It is submission wrestling, you tap legs or mats or whatever to indicate you submit and want to be released from a hold. We wrestle for 30 minutes and whoever taps the least loses." Ellen giggled to herself, thinking she was unlikely to have to tap even once. "Okay, let's begin."



"What do I get if I win the contest?"

Ellen smiled and then laughed.

"I must admit I never entertained that as a possibility. Hmmm. How about, I let you go? Is that proper incentive enough for you to try to win?"

"Oh, yeah!" and Brian smiled, determined to get out of this if he could. He had done a little wrestling in high school and even though Ellen outclassed him, he was sure he knew the moves better and thought he had a 50-50 chance to score more submissions. Being with Ellen had its rewards, as last night showed, he thought, but all told, he didn't want to be here. It was the first time in almost a week Brian thought he could get out of this.

Ellen and Brian began circling each other on the mat. Each knew that the take-down would almost certainly lead to the first tap-out. Perhaps a little impatient, Brian darted in, grabbed Ellen's arm and cut under her legs causing her to fall.

What Brian had not anticipated, however, was that Ellen had taken hold of Brian with her other arm and thus went down with her. Brian landed on top of Ellen on his back and, unfortunately, with his torso between Ellen's powerful thighs, which immediately close around him and locked him as if he had been taken by a massive python. Quick as lightening she also trapped his arms under hers. He was on top but Ellen had total control. She instantly began to squeeze her legs shut.

Brian could not believe what had happened and so fast and the massive strength Ellen was demonstrating. Ellen had a firm grip on him but the pressure was so great that he felt the need to tap. Struggling pitifully in her grasp but he could not escape. Then he slowly began to realize that Ellen was tightening her holds and the pressure of her legs on his body intensifying. It didn't matter if he struggled or did not nothing, Ellen continued to tighten and soon he knew he had to tap out.

Ellen had been amused by Brian wanting to know what would happen if he should win. She had offered to let him go in the hope he would put some real effort into the contest. It never would have happened, of course. Dangling his freedom but then yanking it away would have been just one more sadistic game she would have played on her prisoner. But it was never in doubt.

After Brian tapped the first time, she released his body and let him recover his breath for a few moments. Then she went after him again twisting his body into various unnatural positions and putting him into a number of holds—full nelsons, half nelsons, grapevine—making him tap-out each time.

She even let him up to try and start from a standing position again, only this time she took him down, landing on top of him, pinning his arms, grapevining his legs, and suffocating him with her ample, aroused breasts until he tapped, and then she did it five more times for good measure.

She locked his head repeatedly between her thighs, from behind, favoring a position that forced his nose to press a bit between her cheeks and insisted he tap out by kissing her ass. At one point, near the end of the 30 minutes, when Brian was now clearly exhausted, she manipulated him to laying across her lap and gave the boy a hell of spanking—for no other reason than she could.

"Okay, Brian, stand up. One more time."

"No, no, that's okay. I concede."

"I SAID one more time—and take off your jockstrap."

As Brian complied, Ellen removed her few bits of clothing as well. Despite how bad and humiliated he felt, Brian loved the way Ellen's massive breasts spilled out of her bra and filled her chest when the garment was removed. And he couldn't help but sport a massive erection as Ellen approached him.

Ellen took Brian down with little effort and quickly locked his head between her thighs again with one leg coming around the back of his head, which was now held in place by her the calf of her right leg. His face was now pressed against her bare pussy. Brian knew the method of her madness now and did not particularly mind if it stopped her from beating him up more.

"Well, Brian, would you say we established who is the stronger between us?"

"Yes, Mistress. You are."

"Say it some more."

"You are superior. You are superior to me in every way."

"Go on."

'I am nothing but a pathetic weak male compared to your overwhelming superiority."

Ellen sighed. "Yes, indeed. You have to admit, deep down you like what I am doing to you. Your cock betrays you. You're hard as a rock. But it doesn't really matter one way or another." Ellen then pressed Brian's head into her pussy with her leg and simply said, "Get to work. You know what to do."

In that physically beaten position, Brian was forced to repeat the previous night's activities, licking, sucking, and worshipping Ellen's pussy to multiple orgasms. When she had enough of that, she brought his mouth to her breasts and had him continue there for some time, before she climbed on top of him and mounted him again, pounding his battered body into the mats until she came twice.

Once again, Brian managed to hang on to satisfy his mistress but he came as well, convinced that if he didn't while Ellen was pounding him, she wouldn't care whether he got any relief or not. Or worse, she might keep fucking him until he was black and blue. Still, as things were going, the sex was the only bright spot about his situation.

Once done, however, Ellen unceremoniously cuffed Brian back up, put his collar back on, and locked him in his cell for the night. After he had showered, he laid down and watched the TV through the bars, and wondered if she would ever let him sleep with her, in a real bed. He resolved that eventually he would ask in another week if she didn't.

He increasingly accepted that what had been saying was reality: he would never leave here, alive, and so thought he should try to make the best of it. Certainly sleeping in a bed with his Mistress was better than on this cot in a cell. As he drifted to sleep, he did not even realize that he had in his own mind begun to think of Ellen as his Mistress rather than his kidnapper.

When he awoke the next day, he saw Ellen sitting on the couch reading. He noticed she had, as usual, left him some breakfast—once again, it was a pile of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and milk. Well, at least it isn't gruel, he thought. Ellen made no motion to acknowledge him in any way. He ate in silence and then brushed his teeth.

Once he was done, Ellen got up and went over to the cell. She was once again dressed in a running bra, which flattered her muscles and breasts, and running shorts, which really flattered her muscular buttocks, of which Brian had had so much intimate contact with yesterday. He thought at first they were going to wrestle again but then noticed the mats were nowhere in sight.

"All right, slave-boy, there is going to be actual work for you to do, everyday, other than be my plaything. I mentioned to you earlier that his place had geothermal heating. That is because it is underground—a constant 55 degrees, summer or winter. But obviously I have kept this place much warmer, through propane heating from a very large tank buried underground. However, it is expensive and inconvenient to have that brought in. Fortunately, there is a solution.

"I also had installed down here a slow-burning, high-efficiency wood stove with ducts to distribute the heat throughout this lower living area. The upstairs is just a shell—technically, it has water and all that but I keep it drained. It is separate from the real space here. In any event, we are going to keep warm mostly by the wood burning stove, although we have the propane if we ever need it.

"That is where you come in. You will need to collect and cut firewood for us to use, pretty much all year round. It will have the salutary benefit of giving you a chance to get exercise. I expect you will need to spend about 3-4 hours every morning getting wood. I might give you the weekends off, it will depend on how efficient you are."

Ellen unlocked the cell and attached a leash to his collar. She loved leading her slave around by a leash, a simple gesture that was so completely controlling and humiliating at the same time. "Come, let me show you." Ellen led Brian over to one of two back rooms, which she opened. Inside was a sophisticated looking wood stove, but unattractive, you couldn't enjoy looking at the fire for example and a large storage area for wood. The walls and floor and ceiling were all concrete.

"The room holds about four cords, which is enough at our rate of usage to last three months. Alas, there is very little here now as you can see, which is where you come in. Once you are done each day collecting and cutting wood, you have to bring it in and then clean up. All that will probably take you 4-5 hours a day, now that I think about it."

"Aren't you afraid I will do something you won't like with the saws?"

"Not really, Brian. First of all, remember if you were to try to hurt me and FAIL, I would beat you to a bloody pulp. After yesterday, you know that I can do that with my bare hands, if necessary. Second, one of the reasons you will need to spend so much time doing this each and every day is because you will have only small handsaws to use. No chainsaws, no axes. The surrounding woods have lots and lots of deadwood for you to cut up. You just won't be able to do anything with the really large pieces."

Ellen brought Brian back out. She then separated his hand and ankle cuffs but placed two-foot chains on them. They allowed more movement for his arms and especially to walk with his legs, but he couldn't run. They both went up and out and Ellen provided Brian with his small saws and showed him a small cart he could use to cut the wood. He was still naked.

"Don't I get to wear anything while I work?"

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot." Ellen went back in the cabin and brought out a pair of work gloves. "Here."

"I mean, should I wear some clothes for this type of thing."

"No," Ellen replied quite nonchalantly. "Where's the fun of having one's slave perform menial labor if he isn't naked?" Ellen sat down on a chair on the cabin's small porch and gestured to the deadwood just a few feet from the cabin. Brian sighed, but got started.

All morning long, Brian sawed and hauled. Ellen did nothing to help. She watched him the entire time, however, but was usually reading, working on the computer, working out, and occasionally talking on her cell phone. She fed him lunch, peanut butter and jelly again, and he resumed work after he had eaten. Ellen on the other hand, was enjoying better looking sandwiches, cheese, and fruit, along with ice tea. It was still September, so the weather was warm but it wouldn't be long before Fall came.


"Yes, slave?"

"What happens when it gets cold? I am going to need something to wear then."

"Good point. I suggest you work hard over the next month or two. Maybe then you won't have to go out naked in the snow to collect wood."

Brian thought she couldn't be serious but chose not to argue the point. No reason to do so now, he thought, but I'll get frostbite if I have to work in the snow without proper clothing.

Ellen just smiled at the question. She had no intention of making Brian work in the snow naked, but she didn't mind letting him think she would until the first snow came.

By mid-afternoon, Ellen ordered Brian to stop his work and clean up. He had managed to generate a respectable little pile in the wood room, but it was clear he would need a couple of months to fill it. Small hand-saws don't make for quick work. Once everything was all cleaned up, Ellen relocked his cuffs together and ordered him to shower. She said she would not have a filthy slave. Brian thought that maybe if he refused to shower, Ellen would improve his conditions. Then he thought better of it. She would just whip him extra hard for disobedience.

Once he was all cleaned up, Ellen declared it was play time. Rather than the skimpy clothes she had favored over the past week, today Ellen put on thigh-high leather boots, crotchless latex shorts, a tight leather vest, long black gloves, a black military style hat, and sunglasses.

Brian's mouth went dry when he saw her She was the ideal image of a magnificent dominatrix!

Ellen admired admired herself in the mirror. She was the ideal image of a magnificent dominatrix!

Ellen trussed Brian up to a one of the pieces of bondage furniture. Ellen called it a bondage bench: she laid Brian down on it, so that his headed rested at waist height, he was lying on his stomach but with lower ledges for his knees to rest on—essentially, he was on all fours but at chair height. Ellen secured him with numerous straps and some rope, tied up his cock and balls again (the image of her meant she did not need to stroke Brian to erection—he was already excited), and she put a black hood on his head with the ability to blindfold him or zipper his mouth shut. As it was, she wanted both his eyes and mouth open.

Ellen began with paddling his ass. It was not the hardcore whipping he received earlier in the week, but it did redden him nicely. She also spent a lot of time teasing, tormenting, and torturing his imprisoned cock. Ellen delighted in the various sounds and noises Brian would make as she did things to him. When she tired of that activity—after a VERY long time—she went around to Brian's face. Quite by design, the face of his immobile body was positioned right at Ellen's pussy. She pushed in, grabbing Brian's head with both her hands.

"Go ahead, Brian. Worship me until I tell you to stop."

Brian attempted to repeat his activities there of the past few days, but found today that his Mistress wasn't really interested in that. She quite quickly took control of the process and essentially masturbated herself with Brian's face, sometimes forgetting to let him breathe properly. After she had satiated herself, Ellen walked over to her various toys and began putting some on, but Brian couldn't see what because her back was to him and his sightline was limited. Strapped as he was to the bondage bench.

"Now Brian, something completely different for you. I am fairly certain none of your high school girlfriends ever put one of these on." Ellen turned around and Brian saw she was now wearing a rubber phallus attached to a harness that Ellen had put on her groin.

Brian was alarmed.

"Mistress, please, please! I don't want that! I beg you, please don't use that on me."

Ellen just laughed.

"Brian, you are the gift that just keeps on giving! Here you are, trussed to my 'raping bench' (that was the first time Ellen called it that and he knew why) with a hard-on from eating my pussy, but yet you fear my strap-on. I just couldn't have picked any better! If you weren't interested in being dominated, it would be hard to get you to do many of things you already have. But there is still enough fear, reluctance, and downright unwillingness to make this fun for me and for quite some time until you are completely broken to my will."

Brian actually started to cry a little.

"Oh, yes, Brian, that's it! I will just love it if you scream and cry through this. Hopefully every time! But you are going to have to get used to it, it is one of my favorite activities!"

Ellen moved behind her slave and slathered Brian's anus and her strap-on liberally with lube. She then leaned down to him—he felt the dildo against his body as she whispered in his ear.

"You get the big end, of course, but it also is inside me! It will stimulate me as I thrust. I will literally get off as I rape you!"

Ellen stood back up.

"Here it comes!" Brian involuntarily constricted his sphincter.

"Loosen up, Brian, you're taking all of this, but the more you resist, the more difficult it will be for you."

Try as he might, Brian couldn't relax himself enough to allow Ellen to penetrate him with ease. So she penetrated him with difficulty. With her strap-on resting on his anus and her legs pushing and her hands holding onto Brian's thighs to pull, Ellen forced her sex toy into Brian's body, invading his most intimate space. Brian let out a loud shriek of pain as Ellen pushed all 8 inches of the device in.Once in, however, she did not move right away. She wanted Brian to get used to the full feeling and took the opportunity to stroke his cock. In time she hoped that he would eventually associate the activity with sexual pleasure. Hopefully, Ellen thought, hoped, he would eventually cum while she raped his ass because the act certainly had the effect of making HER cum.

Brian did harden up again as he slowly got used to the feeling of the large thing inside him. Ellen's stroking of his cock certainly helped. But her touch dropped off as she began to thrust in an out, raping him through and through. Brian screeched and groaned repeatedly throughout the experience which must have gone on in various degrees and stages for half an hour.

Ellen herself came twice, partly because of the sensation against her clitoris caused by the thrusting and partly because of the sheer physical domination and humiliation she was inflicting on her slave. It gave her an electrical thrill just thinking about it!

When she was finished, she untied Brian's cock and made him cum, quickly and without much fuss. They needed to eat some dinner and the evening would require more uses of Brian's cock. She figured she needed to empty him out now to get him to last more later when she would take him in a more conventional fashion.

This how the days went on.

After three or four more weeks of this, including several times in which Ellen left, and Brian was required to stay in his cell, he found himself enjoying his activities and the time he spent with Ellen more and more. He supposed it was partly due to the fact that she had sex with him nearly every day.

It helped that she regularly worked out with her weights when he was confined to his cell and could watch. She had begun about two weeks ago to improve the quality and variety of the food he was eating. The collecting of the firewood wood was hard and he did not always like the Ellen's more sadistic practices, but there was increasingly no doubt in his mind that he liked things better when she was there compared to when she left him alone.

For her part, Ellen could see what she was doing was working. She could see Brian's eyes light up when she returned from her frequent trips back to New York. She noticed that as she stimulated his cock while whipping or torturing him, he was more and more associating the pain with sexual pleasure. She knew that increasingly he would crave the pain because it would bring forth pleasure, which would allow her to inflict even more pain on him. This pleased her more and more as she strengthed the salutary relationship between pain and pleasure in his mind.

Then, one day after returning from New York, Ellen had an annoucement.

"We have a small problem. Your mother is getting tired of your text messages and insists that you call. You explained how busy you are, but she has left a number of phone messages for you. So, this is the way it is going to go. You are going to call her, assure her all is well, etc. If you in any way deviate from that, I will punish you. If you give me away, I will kill you. I may go to prison, but you will be dead. Do you understand?"

Brian looked at the menace in her eyes. It was clear that she meant every word. It was a clear reminder of where he stood but he still couldn't help but feel happy she was back.

"Yes, Mistress."

Ellen relaxed a little.

"Good. It would be a shame to spoil what we have going here, but I will protect myself first and foremost."

"I understand. I won't give you any trouble. It is clear that it wouldn't do any good anyway."

Ellen looked at him and saw sincerity in his eyes.

"Wonderful! I am glad you agree. Just the same, I will have to take appropriate precautions when you call her, which I texted would be right about now."

Ellen unlocked Brian's cell, put the leash on him and led him out. As was typical, he was completely naked and she had already stripped down to her bra and thong. That was how they spent almost all of their time together. Ellen led him over to the couch where he saw she had put a large, very menacing looking hunting knife as well as his cell phone—the first time he had seen in it almost two months.

Ellen unlocked his handcuffs and gave him the phone. She picked up the knife, sat down on the couch, widening her legs, and then told Brian to turnaround and sit in front of her. Once the boy had done so, she quickly wrapped over long, powerful legs around his body and put her right arm around his torso, pinning his arm, and used her left hand to press the knife to Brian's throat. It was so tight, he was sure she was breaking the skin a little.

"Now," Ellen began, "you will call, you will have your conversation, you will assure her all is well. Keep it generic, no reference to things i might not know about. No past stories, orthings, nothing like that. At the slightest hint of betrayal I will either snap your body in two with my legs or cut your throat—most likely both. Do we understand each other?"

"Yes, Mistress," Brian rasped out.

Ellen loosened the knife slightly to allow Brian a more normal sounding voice. He pressed the necessary buttons on his phone—surprised it would work so far away and in this room. When his mother picked up, they exchanged the usual pleasantries and greetings and caught up on the latest comings and goings at home. When she asked about how school was going, Brian's answer surprised Ellen.

"Uh, so-so. You know, Mom (he felt Ellen's legs tightening on his body to an almost painful point) I am not so sure this is right for me, right now. I may take some time off, do a little traveling."

"Really, dear, are you sure? You're going to need a college degree to be able to support yourself."

"Well, I am not saying I wouldn't go back or am giving up college, but I don't feel motivated. I need some time away, to myself, you know, but I would probably finish eventually. I do love New York, though, so I probably would end up back there."

"Back there?"

Ellen moved the knife just a little. "Sorry, here." Brian said, "I'm with a friend in the suburbs at the moment, so I am not really here but will go back 'there' tonight."

After that, they chatted a little more but then said goodbye. He reminded her he hates calling but would keep in touch by text. Once he closed the phone, Ellen released her grip but then pushed Brian down on the couch and climbed on top of him, leaning forward so that her face was almost touching hers and he could feel her hot breath on his lips.

"What was that about? I didn't tell you to say anything like that."

"Well, you had said early-on that I would eventually quit school and go backpacking. Seemed like a good time to mention it. To lay the groundwork and make it easier for you to keep me. You're my Mistress, after all. I can't help it, but I have come to love being with you and I hate it when you are not here."

Ellen looked at Brian silently for a number of seconds. She thought to herself: I've captured him; he's truly mine; I can do anything i want with him. And then she squarely and forcefully kissed Brian on the lips, repeatedly. It was the first time she had done so. Finally, she stopped kissing him and simply said, "thank you." It was the first time Brian had taken any steps or done anything to help make his enslavement to her permanent.

Later that night, Ellen subjected Brian to a fairly severe whipping because she was so excited about what had happened and it had gotten her juices going. However willing or accepting he was becoming, she still wanted—needed!—to hurt him. That could not change.

As she whipped him, however, in between Brian's screams, she promised him a great reward. When their evening S&M coitus was done, Ellen didn't lock Brian back in his cell but led him to her bedroom and bed.

He was bound thoroughly before going to sleep but they slept together for the first time. After Ellen had put him in bed and climbed in herself, she draped her arms and legs over him, protectively and possessively, it was then Brian knew that this was indeed what he wanted. He didn't want to go back to his old life, he wanted to remain Mistress Ellen's slave forever.

And that is what happened. Brian withdrew from college and went on a "backpacking trip" for six months. For six months he served as Ellen's increasingly devoted slave. Nothing much else changed but his state of mind. Ellen was just as sadistic—and horny—as ever.

Actually her sadism increased with his acquiescence and devotion. She even tattoed him on his ass as "Property of Mistress Ellen." Brian didn't always like what she did, but he endured and was always rewarded.

Eventually, he told his Mom that he was going back to college in New York and that Ellen had convinced him to go into accounting. She needed a good, honest accountant for her complex finances and hoped he might be the one. His mother was thrilled when he decided to go back and it took away any potential questions about spending time with Ellen in the future. While he was back in New York for school, the two lovers, Mistress and slave, spent many weekends and summer vacations in her mountain lair, engaging in extreme forms of bondage and whips, leather and love.

Eventually they would marry, secretly perhaps, or maybe not so secretly. But that he would be hers and hers alone, crawling in her presence, utterly subjugated and subservient, fulfilling her every wish and demand, suffering for pleasure, worshipping her as his Goddes on earth, was never again in doubt.

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