HP X LOTM : Please Call Me Mr. Error.

Chapter 465: The Hidden Eye.

Loki summoned all the things he needed for the ritual.

The Sequence 3 Blatherer Beyonder Characteristic he grabbed when he defeated Voldemort's Slytherin Locket Horcrux, Tom's soul which had been perfectly bound to his old body, but then he frowned.

'I don't have all the herbs needed to perform the ritual.'

'Hmm…I could get it from various places, but I can find the closest one.'

Loki pulled out his wand and used a modified version of the point me spell after appending the Hermit Pathway symbol to the end and clearly transferring his intent of the list of the herbs and potions he needed Loki cast the short ritual.

It was a ritual reminiscent of the ritual Old Neil did to ask for money from the goddess to repay his debt.

Even after becoming a demigod, Loki couldn't really see what his spells did in how they were connected to the Chaos Sea. But he didn't mind that much since he knew that if it were so easy, everyone in the wizarding world would've learnt how it worked by now.

However, since this promised there was another secret about how the entire system worked, it left Loki a little intrigued and curious.

Perhaps Salazar had used his concealment abilities to mask the connection? Or they were using some other ability like the concealment of the Fool pathway using its uniqueness or Sequence 1 Beyonder Characteristic.

As such, Loki observed the spell until it was responded to and his wand tilted to point in a direction he was already expecting it to go to.

Loki had directly asked Rowena Ravenclaw where he could find the list of ingredients he wanted.

"Professor Snape's private stash?"

"Well, not like I didn't expect this…but I guess I'm going to owe Professor Snape a little for this…and isn't all this for the great cause of helping me? Helping me fight off the looming threat of the outer gods!? So it's a good thing for him to do so. Maybe the Wizarding world too has tax writeoffs for business expenses."

Loki quickly closed his eyes and sensed the exact location of the dungeons before locating the Potions classroom and by extension Snape's private stash of ingredients.

Loki was about to twist space and teleport the ingredients in the cupboard that he needed, but he paused at the very last second as he noticed a little demonic dog hiding in the shadows of the classroom.


'How come I never noticed this guy here before?'

'Does Professor Snape hide him to keep track of anyone stealing from him?!'

'Oh! Was it this guy that flared my instincts when I and Sunny stole from his stash for Sunny's potion ingredients!?'

As such, Loki quickly turned invisible using illusions before reappearing in Snape's office, and instead of moving to the cupboard and stealing the items he required from there, Loki walked over to a particular corner of the room where the shadows were the darkest.

Loki's hand slowly reached out as he touched the shadow before his hand started to sink into the wall as if he were touching a deep puddle.

Yet, the demonic dog inside the shadow didn't realise that Loki was present anywhere near itself.

'How curious…' Loki thought as he touched the demonic dog in various places, examining everything about it with precision like a surgeon.

'This isn't a devil…it's the spirit of one…'

'But…I didn't know that devils could become spirits…'

'Are there more of this sort in the spirit world?'

'How did this guy even become a spirit in the first place?'

'Humans can become spirits either by drinking the Chained Pathway Beyonder potion or by dying while having extreme emotions of regret and sadness.'

'But devils becoming spirits?'

'That ought to be rarer than a talking Niffler, right?'

Loki then stroked the fur of the demonic dog while it looked around in confusion, trying to figure out what was going on with its tens of eyes each searching frantically in every direction as it tried to sniff and catch the scent of any intruder.

But Loki was completely invisible to it.

'....I didn't know Professor Snape was into cute dogs…is that why we have such a good rapport? Because we love animals!?'

'Hmm…I should gift Professor Snape some dog food this Christmas.'

After spending a little more time with the dog while making sure to keep stealing its thoughts of contacting Professor Snape regarding the matter, Loki quickly stole the necessary ingredients required for his ritual and returned to the Room of Requirements.

With the ingredients arranged out nicely before him, Loki cast a glance at the two empty crystals that held the spirit bodies of Helga Hufflepuff and Godric Gryffindor before flicking his spirituality over a candle wick and kicking off the ritual.

"I", Loki said lighting up the left-most candle on the altar.

"I pray for the power of desire.", Loki said lighting up the central-most candle on the altar.

"I pray for the power of the Abyss.", Loki said lighting up the right-most candle on the altar.

"I pray for the Grace of the Devil Monarch's Followers."

"Please accept my sacrifice and bestow the knowledge of the Abyss and its secrets onto this mind!"

"Sacrifice of the enemy you desperately hate, willingly given calling to revenge an emotion of the devil, I pray for you to bestow your powers onto my incantation."

"Sacrifice of a high ranked Beyonder Characteristics willingly given calling to the horrors of the Abyss, I pray for you to bestow your powers onto my incantation."

Loki's incantation was clear and well-enunciated, each word carried the required intent and proper care towards his targets.

Except, to increase his chances of success, Loki was cleverly following the ripples of his prayer's call through the astral world, tracing and waiting patiently for the person who would come in contact with it to be manipulated into having a favourable impression of him.

Nothing happened for a few minutes entirely.

It was as if Loki had done something wrong and the ritual had failed to work its magic, making Loki wonder what was missing.

'Did the demons who were hiding die out?'

'Maybe they don't want to come out because they fear that Voldemort might be watching them and will catch them when they do?'

Loki frowned but kept waiting since the ripples hadn't settled yet, they had travelled far around the planet but not everywhere yet.

Since Loki wasn't a member of the Door Pathway, he didn't have complete comprehension of what was going on in the astral world and this was just his guess, but it wasn't unfounded, especially since the astral world like the spirit world wasn't a one to one representation of the real world.

So waiting was the only option available and that was what Loki did, he kept feeding the ritual his spirituality while patiently waiting for a result.

'Did I do something wro-'

And just as Loki was starting to doubt himself, a sudden *clink* caught his attention.

In the vast ripple through the astral world, Loki's prayer had been intercepted.

Loki turned his gaze in its direction and to his surprise there wasn't anyone present there, no human, no devil either.

The thing that had intercepted his prayer seemed to be a simple mystical item of some sort and it wasn't the last.

Almost immediately after Loki watched the item catch his prayer, several other *clinks* sounded simultaneously.

Loki was confused, but he still patiently watched everything as the ripple spread out and started to light up various points in the astral world.

It took a few more minutes but by the end, Loki was sure about what he was seeing. Especially since he knew a lot more about it than most other people.

As Loki observed it, the items all formed a simple symbol.

The symbol was a Pupil-less Eye and the Contorted Lines which represented secrecy and change.

The symbol of the Fool pathway.

'So the demons are concealed using the fool pathway, and not the Darkness pathway…'

'Or is it a mix of both?'



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