How A Billionaire's Forbidden Love Shattered Worlds

Chapter 1: The Name That Changed Everything


The clean window glasses made Walmart a bond of light and warmth; as the sunshine trudged through them, it gave the hall square an outlook of radiance. The most sunny side of the store where the cashier stood like a blushing bride—a satisfying smile for the moment. Perhaps, for the customers who were so engrossed in checking out the varieties of fruits arranged in bins and baskets, most especially for the labels and prices. And for those other things that anyone tied to the anchor of a fragrant fruit would consider—whether it is organic, locally grown, or imported. Despite the busy endeavour of the shoppers who could not even spare their sight time to see the flash of the cashier, she didn't stop. Yet, when Chloe walked to her with her basket of grapes, pears, peaches, and nectarines, she nodded, maybe to acknowledge her patronage or to confirm that she had indeed enjoyed satisfaction. She smiled. Chloe did, too.

" The total bill is 46 bucks, ma'am..."

" Hold on, please...." Chloe quickly said and reached out for her phone inside her blue handbag, which she strapped across her shoulder

 " Hi, Zoe! What's up?" she asked humorously. " Are you serious... tell me you are all right. I am coming. I am rushing down." Chloe said on a different apron of emotion. This shows that all was not well. Something significant demanded her attention. It was either one who had been sick, maybe being nursed and subsequently late or someone somewhere mysteriously ill. This was only what could have happened because Chloe never stopped trembling, even as she handed over her debit card to the cashier.

 "Thanks for your patronage, " the cashier noted. These words went into the populous clouds because, as for Chloe, she had no time for what the Cashier had to tell her. All she wanted was to quickly attend to that thing that made her heart race as she hurried out of the Mart with her selection of fresh and packaged fruits now in a branded white-colored polythene bag. Going through her phone, multiple scrolls. Multiple taps. She bumped into a gentleman at the exit.

 " I am very sorry. I never meant to. " She started to apologize. Her heel lift had stepped on the guy's white loafer. His face, which had turned soured due to the pitch of the hit, died down. He wore a sudden smile. At least Chloe was now at ease.

She rushed into Zoe's arms. Zoe was lying on the bed with her guide - the apparatus slowly releasing a liquid into her bloodstream. Chloe was very mean—what if she complicated things for her friend, Zoe, by causing issues to the drip that was her Dear John at that moment? Would that consolidate that she cared and had a place in her heart for her best friend? All these Chloe did not think about. It was her friend she knew, her own very good friend whom she flew with like a bird in the class, in the park, in the canteen—everywhere in the University.

 " Zoe... Are you getting better? What's wrong?" Chloe questioned un-reluctantly, not freeing her body for a second.

 " It's not that deep. It is just a migraine..." Zoe said with a sharpened smile

 " I was just bored. Dad and Mom are off to work. And you know, my Kiddo is in College. I needed company." She confessed

 " Shut up! And I am not keeping you company." Chloe said in a serious tone tantamount to none

 " Then, be ready to bid your crush goodbye!"

 "WTF, Zoe! you are threatening me?"

 "Nope! But I have got to do what I have to. Aren't you a shy?"

 "OMG, " Chloe chuckled. "What's your favorite fruit again, Zoe?" she asked sheepily, reaching out for the polythene bag from Walmart.

 "Dear Lord, save us from love." Zoe mocked.

 "You would be the first to be saved." Chloe replied as she moved to twist Zoe's lips, thereby falling into her. "Wait a minute; I told you my dad promised to introduce me to a tall, cute guy after my 24th birthday, right? " Chloe said in defense

 "And who told you he could be like your crush? " Zoe fired

 "All right! You got me, " Chloe stated, jocularly raising her hand like how a criminal would do on sighting the army

It was clear that these two social work Undergraduates in their penultimate year, though on holidays, were allies—soldiers, bees, flocks. Anything that could ever move in on each other could be likened to them.

Chloe jumped down from the Taxi. It was late. She hurried to the door and unlocked it.

 " Dad, mum...!" she kept calling, but the house was quiet. She took the backdoor that led to the small garden.

 "Here you are... enjoying the tranquility and the beautiful flowers."

 "Yeah! We have to, kid. Where have you been all day?"

 "Gosh.. I need a drink, " she requested softly

 " You can have mine." Mia, her mom, offered.

 "Thanks, Mom..." she sipped from it. "You wouldn't believe Zoe made me stay behind all day at the hospital..."

 " Who isn't fine? Is Zoe all right...?" Mia couldn't let Chloe finish

 "Pretty old girl. It was just a migraine, but she sounded on the phone like that was the last time I could hear her talk."

 "Guess she was bored. The both of you are just the same two pretty birds sitting on top of the world, inseparable." Jackson Cooper stated

 "Dad, not again!" Chloe said as they all burst into wild laughter

"You go freshen up. Your mom already had the dining set."

 "Guess what, my teddy!" Mia said

 " What is the surprise mom?" Chloe asked anxiously.

 "BBQ Ribs it is!"

 "Wooo...! My favorite. But that's not what is on the menu." she said excitedly.

 "That is because tonight is a night of surprises. Got freshened up and meet us at the dining." He told as Chloe hurried off excitedly, but not without a perk on each of their lips.

Clearly, all enjoyed the cooked ribs, coated with the barbeque sauce and served with baked beans and cornbread. Mia's delicacy was a brain enhancer, as Jackson Cooper, her husband, a trained lawyer, who was the head of Jackson Cooper and Associates, would say. She had an Associate degree in culinary arts. Yet, Mia never bothered to work elsewhere as a food scientist, product developer, culinary instructor, or pastry Chef for any gigantic company but solely for herself–her husband–and her dear only daughter, Chloe, which gave her enough satisfaction.

 " Chloe, your dad kept to his promise. " Mia broke the silence in the room.

 "Yeah. Wyatt Hayles–an ambitious and responsible man I would love you both to meet." Cooper said. At first, Chloe pretended she would not say anything until her dad forced a word out of her mouth, but her muscle of pride failed her.

 "... and what does he do? Being responsible is not a career, Dad?" Chloe mentioned

 "Of course not. Wyatt is a recent graduate of Environmental sciences from the University of Vermont, and he is a sustainability specialist."

 "Great." Chloe said. For a while, silence erupted in the room. The sound their chops provided was the only thrust into the thick air. It was not that Chloe was becoming uncomfortable. In fact, the more Jackson Cooper unraveled this young man, the more she felt elevated and the more her wings covered the side chair.

 "Common Chloe. You can't just keep mute, " Mia stated

 "I did respond, Mom. He's got a great career."

 "But that's not enough, Chloe, " Cooper said.

 "Really..." Chloe looked into their eyes one at a time as if shocked or surprised.

 "Okay. What do you all want me to say, after all?" This question, which Chloe demanded an answer to, was rather welcome with laughter. First, her mom jeered, and finally, when she couldn't hold it, she freed herself and broke into infectious laughter. James Cooper joined. Chloe was shocked. She sat stupid; whether this performance was planned or a coincidence was something she couldn't tell. She reached for a glass of water and pumped some into her throat. Biting her BBQ Ribs, she maintained her position, watching that closely.

 "I expected to hear that from you. You are an angel. At first, angels seemed challenging to commune with those they believed to be unequaled with them. They like to be chased..."

 "Chase me, chase me, honey, alright. You can chase me. Chase me through the night." James Cooper cut in with a jocular melody.

 "I'm sorry, Daddy! But Cun Funk Shun can still do it better." Chloe said

 "Yeah, you are right; that was why I chose to become a lawyer and not somewhat the man on the mic. See, Chloe, you have every right to accept or reject Wyatts Hayles. It is not possible that your mom and I could be the push in the choices you make, but know that we love you all the time, and we want the best for you."

 "Oh God! I never intended to refuse knowing him, " Chloe said sharply.

 "Okay... Let's take that as a yes to go on a date with him, right?" Mia said

 "Yes; a date it is, Chloe and Wyatt. " Cooper nodded

The old couple left the young adult in her own world, a world that one cannot be escorted to. Chloe could never imagine that she was really thinking about what her parent had told her or whom they told her about. Her thoughts were cloudy. She did not even know if Wyatt was her speck or not. She was an Angel, remember, those who loved to be chased. This, asking for Wyatt's picture, would seem like Chloe broke the Angel's codes and creeds. Even when she was already obliged to go on a date with Wyatt, she couldn't name her choice: her crush at the University or Wyatt? Nonetheless, her first date back at university with another cute guy was messy. Why would a guy call the ladies he has had an affair with by name, even to the extent of describing them and trying to make Chloe know those ladies. As Chloe had told her good friend, Zoe, it was disrespectful, and of course, they both agreed. The guy's audacity was built on the rock of Gibraltar. She could not stand Wyatt being another guy with the same filthy audacity. She would walk away on the spot if it was required. But, clearly, Chloe thought, her dad was good at evaluating truth and detecting deception like every good lawyer. Maybe Wayyt was a gift, a difference for which she would not mind opening her heart. Chloe wanted a guy that would cherish and adore her. Someone she could build the future with like her dad and mom. Though, her mom was a housewife. It was her choice, but Mia was invaluable in ensuring that her dad succeeded as a junior lawyer, even to the extent that he now owns his own law firm. These thoughts robbed her all night. She raised her head upwards, where the clock was hanging inside her well-decorated room at 11:15pm. Yet, the thoughts like the ocean couldn't stop rushing in, but the time she had dozed off, she did not know.

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