Hell's Empress (books 1-4)

Chapter 17: 16: Potato Chips

 It's hard to consider your life 'mundane,' especially since you have managed to dig yourself into some of the most treacherous places in the country! But, I guess there are some days here and there that are quieter than the rest.

 You sat cross-legged on Kai's short bed, stuffing your face with chips. Your eyes were glued to the screen of a TV in the corner of his bedroom. Other than the TV, his room was completely and utterly bland. Along one wall was a closet, along another was his bed and night stand, and along another was a bookshelf, desk, and a couple windows. His last wall was full of short shelves where he stored mostly clothes and cleaning supplies.

 Crumbs were getting all over his blankets, but you came in here with the intent to clean up after yourself. 

 ""But, Martha, my love! You said we would be together until the day we died!!""

 ""I'm sorry, Charles, but my heart has fallen for another! I do hope you will forgive me!""

 You frowned and changed the channel. Stupid movie was supposed to be about aliens invading the planet! Why did they have to shove romance into everything?!

 You had decided to check the English channels today, since you still remembered that language well. Things were a little different overseas. Culturally, you weren't sure if it was just your memory serving you wrong or if things had actually changed over there... Of course this could also be due to the hundred year jump in time too..or whatever. Either way, it was entertaining to see what dem Britts and Muricans were up to! You landed on the gaming section, satisfied to watch a Smash Bros tournament in the meantime.


 Mm! These chips were actually pretty good! New brand you were trying out!

 As you were simply enjoying life for a second, a certain somebody slid the door open to his room. " ರ⁠_⁠ರ " You could sense the aura of rage emitting off of the man. You twisted your neck a little, dropping the chip halfway to your mouth.

 "...Eheh... Well you're here early."

 Chaos noises followed until at last the man dragged your flailing self out of his room by the back of your plain white t-shirt. Your feet dragged along the ground. At the moment your body preferred height over width, so you were a mere noodle person at the moment, even with how much you'd been eating lately. Your new wings were presently nonexistent for the ease of maneuverability.

 "Letmegoletmegoletmego!!" You protested like a little kid as the adult male dragged you toward the center of the house. The master of the house just so happened to be watching the television in the living room as you both approached him.

 "Kai, tell me what the devil is going on!!" He griped at the eldest.

 "This little brat was making a mess in my room!" Kai glared down at you as he shook you by the collar of your shirt, which you hung from.

 "I swear I'll clean it up, alright!? I just wanted to use your TV since Pops was using this one!"

 "It's about more than just being tidy! What don't you get about my room being MY ROOM?!"

 "Would you two quit bickering already?!" The poor old man rubbed his tired head. "First of all, Kai, drop (Y/n)."


 "Ow.." You groaned. "A little warning woulda been nice." You swore, you could sense the hidden smirk radiating from the masked man.

 "Second of all, (Y/n), you need to have some respect for Kai's personal space. You don't see him barging into your room now, do you?"

 The moment you were standing, your arms fell limp. "Hhufff, no I guess not." Not like there was anything interesting in your room.

 "Then you shouldn't intrude into his room. Now, apologize to each other at once!"

 As you turned to the brunette to make a swift apology, he struck his hand out to accusingly point at you. "Not only was she making a mess, but she was scarfing potato chips like a pig in there too! There's gotta be some rule of conduct against that."

 "Hey! It's not my fault I'm super hungry all the time!"

 "Well I don't remember you eating like that when you first got here! She must be taking advantage of your hospitality, Pops." Both turning angrily toward the old man.

 You gasped. "I WOULD NEVER!"

 "Oh please. (Y/n) here is sprouting like a bamboo shoot! It isn't surprising that she would be hungry." Seeing as this dispute had cut through his free time, the master of the house pushed himself up to stand. As always, he wore a traditional kimono and lounging sandals. He chuckled as he rose. "You know, sometimes I wonder how tall your parents were, (Y/n)."

 Forcing a chuckle. "Heheh, yeah.. They were pretty big." Then your eyes set on the brunette beside you. You rose your left hand and used it to measure the height between you, finishing off with a smirk. "Might even end up taller than you, Kai~?"

 The man rolled his eyes and shoved you away. "In your dreams, pipsqueak. You've still got half a foot to go and you're already fourteen."

 "While we are on the topic of diets, (Y/n), might I suggest taking better care of what you eat? I'm afraid chips and crackers won't provide the nutrition you need. Here.." He started toward the kitchen. "Let me teach you how to cook something simple but healthy so you'll know what to eat if nothing else is available."

 Since this offer was so generous, you couldn't bring yourself to decline. So you followed the boss into the kitchen while Kai returned to his room to clean up your mess. He was especially huffy the rest of the day.

 While the old man was demonstrating how to cook a basic recipe, Pops brought up the idea of you attending school for the first time. You were honest when asked about your education, answering that it had been cut short thanks to your mother pulling you out rather early on. And that you essentially had no middle school education whatsoever.

 The old man was suddenly very invested in getting you back on track. Complained that too much of your time was being poured into learning how to fight and honing your quirks. There were still plenty more things to master before going out into the real world. A basic education was something he encouraged you to shoot for. And since you got the feeling he wasn't going to leave you alone until you agreed, you signed on to the idea of entering school again. But first and foremost came catching up to your peers. After lunch was made -- enough for everyone -- Pops called on another new guy for his assistance.

 Hari Kurono. Aka, arrow hair guy. Double Aka, flashy demon hunter wannabe guy. A very stern and strict fellow he was. You hardly ever saw him even though he lived in the same house. And when you did, it was usually at the least preferable of moments -- like the times he caught you raiding the fridge late at night on three separate occasions... Now that you thought about it, he was probably on his way to raid the fridge too.

 Hari was dragged out of his hermit hole of a room and forced to socialize for a little bit. Apparently, flashy demon slayer wannabe guy had an impressive degree in education he never ended up using. And since his IQ was apparently above average, Pops asked him to tutor you until you were again grade level.


 This shouldn't be all too hard, right? ... It wasn't. In a twist of fates, math was your easiest subject simply because math is always math no matter the language. You still struggled a little with Japanese, mostly in using proper sentence structure, and your handwriting wasn't the best either. History was also a problem. There was just...so much..

 You could see why Hari never pursued education. He was simply bad with kids. You were a little easier, he admitted, but that still didn't change the fact that the man was impatient at best and downright terrifying at worst. Didn't help him that his quirk wasn't exactly the best thing to threaten you with, since it only made people slower.

 The following month was spent with this guy, though. You had to pull away from many fights just to focus on this new challenger. Even at the Yakuza headquarters, Pops made it so that you didn't have to work so much so you could study instead. Studying was certainly not as fun as playing with quirks, but it was alright I guess. You had some pride in seeing just how far you had come in only one month.

 You even started using some basic chemistry, math, and historical lessons to help you view quirks in a whole new light.

 One that helped you to unlock something you didn't even know needed to be unlocked!


 Turns out there is a big difference between combining quirks and using two or more quirks at the same time. As you began to experiment with in the training field the Shie Hassaikai provided, you began to distinguish between the two.

 Using multiple quirks at once feels like juggling balls in your hands. You can get a little better with time and practice, but there is only so much you can do before your brain and or body are overwhelmed.

 Combining quirks, however, is like taking two different colors of playdough and shoving them together into one mass. At first, the colors do not blend well. But, as you repeatedly pull apart and shove together the same dough, their attributes slowly start to seep into one another on a molecular level, until eventually the colors have combined to make a completely new color. Of course, the greatest drawback from doing this is that it is hard to split the quirks afterwards, since you have essentially created a brand new one.

 You knew you were onto something when you successfully combined both Decay and Blueflame. All it took was to touch a dummy with all five fingers and suddenly it would catch ablaze, decay helping the flame to eat away at the straw man almost instantaneously! Likewise, this worked for longer ranged attacks as well. By setting something on fire even from afar, Decay would take effect, and the object would be nothing but dust in four times the original time! This was an ability to be awed but also feared. After all, Decay even by itself was a dangerous ability. Combining that with flame was no laughing matter. For that very reason, you severed these two quirks again. Maybe someday this discovery would come in handy.. but not today. Not yet at least.

 You did, however, permanently combine your two "Immortal" quirks, so that way you would no longer have to activate your late mother's every time you needed. Instead, it was mixed in with one of your two base quirks, Immortal, which was always active. So that way, now you could be shot eleven times in the head while sound asleep and heal instantly. Only waking to a small migraine.

 Dang, it was like nothing could take you down!


 An inky void swallowed your feet, black hands made up of the slimy substance crawling up your legs. You fought for freedom but nothing was working. In a panic, your right hand opened up, blue flames sprouting between your fingers. But just as you were about to burn the ink up, someone's hands came to close yours. One hand on top and one below, pulling your hand closer to the being who owned them. Your head twisted, meeting eye-to-eye the similar in appearance teen boy.

 Age sixteen. White hair. Blue eyes... Face so caught with pain. As his hands latched onto yours, his eyes filled with tears.

 Your eyes broadened... Toya?

 "Please...just let me go!" He cried, yanking your hand closer to his chest. You stumbled, the inky hands latching onto your knees as they bent. You tugged your legs and shook your head rapidly.

 "N-no! I need this quirk! I- I can't just let you go!"

 "WHY?! You didn't help me!! What makes you think you can use my quirk to help anybody else?!" He stepped back, tugging you after him. The inky hands grappled around you until they were dragging you down by the waist. You struggled uselessly to break free. Didn't take long before your head was sinking beneath the ink, your outstretched hand held by the boy the last thing to enter. With tears in your eyes, you didn't break eye contact with the ghost.

 "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." You uttered softly as you were drowned. But, he held no sympathy for you and your predicament. Rather, he let your hand go.


 "GAAAH!" You gasped, sitting up suddenly in your short bed. The mattress was damp with sweat. Your heart was thumping frantically against your ribs. The moonlight from outside poured through your window, landing on your lap. You dug your fingers through your hair, taking a moment to steady your breath.

 "You alright in there?" Hari's voice was muffled through your bedroom door. Alright, it was official. He was a night owl.

 You rubbed your eyes and swallowed the lump in your throat. "Yeah... Just a bad dream.." Yet it felt so real.. There was a aura of certainty about it, especially around those boy's words.

 "Oh..." The silver haired young man spoke. "Well.. alright then." He then wandered off down the hall. You sat there for a while. Even as your breaths calmed, your heart thumped wildly. After half an hour strolled by without you being able to fall asleep, you stood up and ambled out to the bathroom. For another thirty minutes or so you just stared into your reflection, leaning into the sink which your hands bracing the cold countertop surface.

 Your memories trailed back to the occasional nights when you found your father up late in the exact same position. Just...staring at himself intensely while his breaths calmed. ... Now you knew how he felt. Your stomach turned as it dawned on you that this wouldn't be your last nightmare -- essentially one last ditch attempts the remaining wills of the quirks you had stolen made in your time of peace just to spite you.

 No... You weren't going to give in to these requests. You needed these quirks to accomplish your mission to bring an end to your father.

 "I'm sorry, Toya.. but this is my quirk now..."

 Maybe it would help you to merge the quirks you had a little more... Make them truly your own.


 "Hey, (Y/n)." Kai knocked on your door. "Pops wants to see you."

 "Hm?" Your head perked up from the papers on your desk. Presently, you were drawing some new and improved design ideas for your Decay persona's costume. Everyone here knew about your little fighting gig. They just didn't care enough to watch a match or ask much about it. Which was fine, preferable even. "Alright.."

 You exited your room with your white coat rolled up under your arm. "You won't need that. He's in the living room."

 "Oh." You threw it on your bed and followed Kai into the heart of the house. There, Pops sat on the sofa with a little bundle in his arms. Your eyes widened at once.

 You gasped faintly. "Is that Eri??"

 "Mhm" smiling up at you, "I'm babysitting her for my daughter today. Isn't she precious?" The old man never looked so happy and at peace as he was now, gently cradling the small child he held dear. You tiptoed nearer to him, then sat on your knees beside the chair. The baby was sleeping at the moment. Her short fuzzy hair was a bright silver. Every feature on her face was just so adorable, your heart melted at the sight of her. "Want to hold her?" You nodded frantically, rewarded with the small child gently slid into your arms. "Careful now. Make sure to support her head. She is only a month old." Such a precious creature. You cradled the baby against your chest, smiling softly at her little face. It was so rewarding to finally see her after so long.

 'This...is what I have been fighting for.'

 It was great to look back upon your struggles in the past year with fondness now. Toya was wrong. What you were doing actually was making a difference. You were still saving people.


 "...Is there any chance you can take her quirk at this age?" Standing just behind you, Kai at last said something.

 "Wh?" Already? You looked down again at the baby. "I guess.. I can give it a shot." People are born with quirks, after all. They just don't manifest until the child reaches a certain level of maturity. "But... it might be dangerous, so nobody touch me afterward." This quirk was no joke. One wrong move and you might completely blip somebody out of existence by accident.

 You handed the child back to her grandfather and held your hand over her forehead. Making physical contact with someone made it a whole lot easier to steal their quirk, however, it was possible to steal it from a few inches away. Just took a little longer. But, it was worth the extra time, since you didn't want to put little Eri at risk either. Pale blue energy drifted from the small baby and into your hand. When all was done, you drew your hand back and flexed your fingers. "I might need to wear gloves for a while, since I still don't know how to control this power."

 "And what about that drug you mentioned? How are we going to extract its properties from you if you have multiple quirks?"

 "Drug...?" Pops lifted a brow.

 "Oh right. I can give the quirk to a willing participant for you to experiment on."

 The old man then frowned. "Kai, I told you not to pursue anything as dangerous as that! Do you realize what a quirk erasing drug could do to our country?! To the world?!"

 "That's exactly why I want to be the one to develope it. It would change everything." Kai showed a little passion for once as he stared the boss down. Standing, you elbowed Kai playfully while staring ahead at the eldest.

 "Relax, Pops, I'll be here to make sure this one doesn't go off the rails." Kai tore his arm away from you. Sliding your hands into your pockets, "Besides, I believe the drug can be used as a medicine if developed properly. It can cure harmful quirks that only injure the user, can be used on criminals so that they are less dangerous in the future, and maybe even used against big time villains -- likemyoldman -- to assist the heroes in catching them."

 "But most importantly.. it will put the Yakuza back on top." Kai.

 "Yeah, that too."

 The boss' eyes switched between the two of you before he finally sighed. "Alright... You kids have fun I guess.. Just make sure that your lab experiments consent to it first! Remember, the Shie Hassaikai puts honor above all else!"

 Both you and Kai bowed, you doing so at twice the speed.

 "Yes sir!"

 "Yes sir." 

 So, now was when it really began~! Hopefully, the drug would be complete by the time that battle between AFO and OFA took place.

 You couldn't wait to see it.

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