Haruka (春花)

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

She had started visiting the Ichiraku family all the time, she had most of her meals at their stand near their house. She had also figured out that while it's gross, checking trash cans outside of restaurants typically nets her a meal, but she always has to hold back gagging while eating that stuff.

It had been a month since they rescued her, and she realizes now, a month since she last saw Hinata-chan. Does Hinata-chan miss her, because she misses the girl with white eyes. Maybe she'll go to the park today, she did just get fed by the Ichiraku so she doesn't need to scrounge up food for a little while. When she arrived at their usual playground she was almost immediately knocked to the ground as something landed on top of her. It's enough to knock the wind out of her and make her groan.

"Why did you stop coming for a month, without even telling me?" Ah she recognizes that voice. It's Hinata-chan! She offers an apologetic grin.

"Sorry Hinata-chan, I was busy looking for food." Hinata looks up at her in surprise before bringing her hands down to Haruka's sides. She's much thinner than the last time they saw each other.

"Why isn't the orphanage feeding you?" She asks worriedly. Not far off Ko is wondering the same thing, with his Byakugan activated he's able to easily see this girl hasn't had a truly filling meal in far too long.

"Oh they started pretending that they don't know me and then kicked me out." Haruka said as though she's talking about the weather. "Now come on, we haven't played in forever. What do you want to play first?" The little redhead asks excitedly.

Hinata for her part can almost feel her heart break at hearing how this amazing girl has been out on the streets for a month. But Haruka isn't crying over it and neither will she. The two girls start playing. Well they argue first on what to play, Haruka clamoring for playing ninja, while Hinata claiming the two should play house. Hinata ultimately wins that argument, but only while conceding to playing ninja next time.

Ko for his part is thinking on what to do about this. Does the Hokage know the girl is out on the streets? Perhaps he could bring her to the Hyuuga estate. A few months ago he would have been afraid Hiashi-sama would flay him for even thinking about it. But when he told the man of Hinata's new friend he had actually seemed pleased. Yes he'll invite her to the estate and then Hiashi-sama can bring up her circumstances to the Hokage, either immediately or during the next shinobi council meeting. It's an hour later that Ko said, "Hinata-sama, it's time we head back home."

"Can we not stay a little longer, Ko-san?"

"No, your father wants you home early today, apparently for etiquette training." It's true, there would be a foreign dignitary from Kumo coming in six weeks and the girl needs to be taught how to act around them.

"Oh, well bye then Haruka-chan."

Ko lets out a sigh, before saying, "Well Haruka-san would you like to come with us, Hinata-sama's father would love to meet you."

Hinata gasps at that and looks hopefully at Haruka. The redhead excitedly said, "I'd love to, come on Hinata let's go. Ooh what does your house look like? Does everyone there have eyes like you two?" The girl continues to babble excitedly while being escorted to the estate.

Upon arriving the guards look skeptical at allowing the demon girl in, but if Ko wants to get his seal activated to bring her in then that's on him. Ko immediately brings the two girls to Hiashi. Knocking on the door to his office Ko waits to be allowed entry. It came a few moments later when a stern voice said, "Enter."

Inside sits Hiashi at a desk currently doing paperwork. A few minutes pass by in silence before Haruka breaks it. "Hey, you're Hinata-chan's dad right?" Finally that's enough to make the man look up and what he sees nearly gives him a heart attack. The girl looks so much like her mother one might think she was a small clone. Of course he would never show such a reaction externally and he calmly replies.

"Yes, Hyuuga Hiashi. I take it you're her friend, Haruka, she told me about?" He knew who she was but it's not like he can just tell her he's known her for longer than she can remember.

"Yes, Otou-sama, this is Haruka-chan." Hinata said with a look of determination on her face. Her father has never been against her friendship, but she still won't let anyone be rude to the older girl.

Hiashi gives his daughter an appraising eye, before offering her a rare smile. These girls resemble their mothers to such an amazing degree. Hikari, his wife, will probably squeal when she sees the redhead. He gave a nod and said, "Well alright then Haruka-san, know that you're welcome here any time." Of course the clan elders will probably give him hell for that, but he's the head of the clan for a reason, and he's not going to turn away his friend's child.

"Excuse me Hiashi-sama, but I think you should know the girl has apparently been on the streets for the past month." A loud cracking echos through the room as Hiashi breaks his pen in his grip. His face remains unchanged.

"Thank you for making me aware of this Ko, I'll speak to Hokage-sama about why an orphan is stuck on the streets when we have a perfectly good orphanage." Haruka briefly wonders how he knew she's an orphan before figuring that maybe Hinata told him. "Hinata, why don't you introduce her to your mother and offer to let her have a bath."

"Hai Otou-sama."


It's not even an hour later that Hiashi is staring at the Hokage from across his desk. "She's been living on the streets, Hokage-sama." 

The aged Hokage nodded and said, "Yes I'm aware, I've had Anbu watching her for years, and that has not changed." Hiashi had known there were Anbu but had figured the aged kage must have called them off, how could he have known she was on the streets and not done anything. Raising a hand to silence the man before he can speak, the older man continues. "I've chosen to treat it as a test, to see if she truly is a demon, because surely a demon would be able to fend for itself on the streets."

"Then you should know by now she is no demon, because the girl has been starving."

"Yes, I've come to that conclusion as well. But I had to be sure before I continue to use village resources to protect her." Hiashi was almost feeling sick. It's easy to forget but this man is known as both 'the Professor', and more importantly, and 'the God of Shinobi.' Many tend to think that just means he's powerful, but it's more than that. He is a master in every shinobi art and is what all shinobi should strive to emulate. Among those skills includes ruthlessness of the highest order.

"So will you be getting her a place to stay then?" If the older man won't then he will.

"Yes I've prepared an apartment for her. The Anbu currently watching her is under orders to escort her there once she's done playing with your daughter."

"Then by your leave Hokage-sama." Hiashi said with a bow. The old Hokage nods and dismisses him. 

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