Chapter 35: Chapter 34:
Harry spared Neville a look of slight trepidation and accepted, "Please."
"So then Harry, I bet you're wondering why I called you down 'ere?"
"Yes, sir," Harry said, taking a sip of his tea before carefully putting the toxic liquid down on the table. Shooting Neville a look of warning, the other boy quickly fumbled his cup in his haste to put in down.
"Well ya' see, originally I was going to come 'nd pick ya up for your school shoppin', but ya obviously didn't need it, so I just wanted to meet ya, really," the half giant said.
"Oh, that's nice of you," Harry replied.
A silence fell then, with Neville awkwardly patting Fang, who had come over and rested his giant head on his lap. Harry continued to pretend to drink his tea.
"So anyway, Harry, 'ow's school goin' for ya?" Hagrid asked.
"It's great, really," Harry said enthusiastically.
"I see you've obviously made friends," Hagrid said with a nod to Neville.
"Oh yeah, Neville's great," Harry said, happy to see Neville smile.
"Good, good, an' yer teachers?"
"Oh, they're all fine," Harry said. "I mean, sometimes Professor Snape can be a bit strict, but apart from that there's nothing to complain about."
"Professor Snape, eh? He's a funny one, good man, mind, but ya should watch yourself - I mean, with 'ow much he hated yer father n'all."
Harry couldn't believe Hagrid's warning. In his last life, the giant had preached Snape's innocence when Harry had suspected him about going for the stone. Yet, maybe the ploy was to get Harry suspicious so he would think about the stone?
"He's been rather nice to me, really," Harry said.
"Yeah, you even manage to get points; it's me he hates," Neville said morosely.
"Ah, well, never mind, then," Hagrid said, looking slightly confused.
Another silence fell. "So, ya managed to get all yer shoppin' done okay anyway?" he asked. "I was lookin' forward to helpin' ya, to be honest with ya."
"Oh, yes. I wouldn't have wanted you to come out of your way for me anyway," Harry said.
"No bother, I had to go to Gringotts on the 31st anyway - secret Hogwarts business," Hagrid said, winking.
Neville picked up on that. "That's the day the break in happened."
Harry could have kissed the boy; he had been wondering about how Dumbledore would reintroduce the stone. After their talk in the first week, Harry had done nothing about going after the stone, so he wasn't yet sure what he should do about it.
Hagrid started to shift as though suddenly uneasy. "Yes, well, I wouldn't know nothin' about that," he said, overly suspiciously. "Oh, would you look at the time, you boys best head off," he added hurriedly, practically throwing the boys out.
Walking back towards the castle, Neville looked at Harry with confusion. "That was odd," he commented.
"Very," Harry agreed.
Hogwarts, November 1991
The following weeks passed without much note for Harry, until the morning of November 6th. Harry was sitting at the Ravenclaw table talking to his housemates and Neville, who had decided to join him for once. He had become closer to his fellow Ravenclaws over the term; he wasn't friends as much as just friendly with the group. Sitting there, talking about the homework they had due, Harry felt more than heard somebody approach. Turning, Harry saw that Ron was standing behind him shifting slightly, obviously uncomfortable.
"Hey, mate," the redhead said.
"Ronald," Harry greeted, his voice neutral.
"I was wondering if you wanted to come to have breakfast at the Gryffindor table?" Ron asked hesitantly, a hopeful look on his face.
Harry had to applaud the redhead's skill; he really was selling the image of a boy who just wanted a friend. However, before Harry could answer, the owl post came and, with it, a small brown owl that Harry didn't recognise. The owl landed in front of him, holding out its leg. Harry quickly broke apart some toast and held it out as he took the letter.
"Who's it from?" came Ron's voice, suddenly suspicious as he stared at the letter in Harry's hand.
Harry was almost glad to see that his act had failed. "I don't know yet," Harry said as he opened the letter.
Reading it, Harry fought to keep his smile from forming.
Mr. Potter,
I am writing to you on behalf of our mutual friend about the issue of your godfather.
I have taken the liberty of bringing to light his lack of trial and have started the process of getting him exonerated. This process will not be a quick or an easy one as much of my work shall have to be in secret to avoid certain outside sources interfering. Yet, I am certain I shall be successful.
It has come to my attention that you have, within your grasp, a vital piece of evidence. If you where to obtain such a piece of evidence by the end of the school year, then I foresee our chances of success increasing exponentially.
Edgar Dodge Jr
Law Wizard, Dodge E & Dodge E'r
Slipping the note into his inside pocket, Harry felt a thrill go through him at the thought of having Sirius freed. If there was one person Harry trusted in his life, it was his godfather. Sirius had always tried to be there for Harry; had argued his inclusion in meeting, slipped him notes about them, given him access to books and training guides. He had fought for Harry until the day he died, even with all the restrictions he had been under.
"So?" Ron demanded, his voice coming out quite harsh.
The others shot the redhead various looks of confusion and disgust. Harry just shook his head. "I don't see what it's got to do with you," he said.
"I bet it was a fan letter," Ron said nastily. "What, Potter? Too stuck up to reply to your fans?"
Harry was confused to that leap of logic. "No, I've never received a fan letter, and I honestly don't know what I would do with one."
Ron, however, continued as though Harry had never spoken, "I bet you think you're so great sitting there with all your fans and your fame. Is that why you keep ignoring me? Because you think you're too good for me? I bet that's it!"
Harry looked around and shared incredulous looks with the rest of his year mates. "I would never think that, Ronald," Harry said, keeping his voice placating.
"My name's Ron! You're supposed to call me Ron! We're supposed to be friends!" Ron screamed, reminding Harry of the argument from their first week of school.