Harry Potter: A Different Tale

Chapter 139: A Battle of Dominance

Back in the fight, Harry was slashing at Voldemort repeatedly, his sword broke the marble one that Voldemort had with ease. Voldemort was forced to go on the defence as he used his wand to form shields that Harry kept destroying with the sword.

Voldemort tried to hit Harry with a cutting curse but was cut off by Harry cutting him across his left cheek, Harry spun around and elbowed Voldemort where his nose should be and the dark lord staggered back. Harry took aim and threw his sword, at Adrian.

The sword flew through the air and landed next to Adrian, cutting some of his ropes as it did. Adrian understood what Harry was telling him and quickly began using the sharp blade to start freeing himself.

Harry and Voldemort continued to engage in throwing spells at each other, this continued for several minutes. The death eaters and all watching were in shock, this fourteen year old boy was keeping up with the most feared wizard in Britain. Harry had just dodged a yellow acid spell and threw a blue spell at Voldemort, Voldemort blocked it and responded by shooting a metal spike at Harry.

Harry caught it, spinning around as he did, before throwing it back at Voldemort. Voldemort blocked it and shot another spike, Harry ducked then fired two spikes, followed by a stunner and a snake.

Voldemort swatted away the two spikes and blocked the stunner when the snake landed near his feet, he was about to vanish the snake when he quickly brought his wand up to protect his throat from a cutting curse. The snake sunk it's fangs into Voldemorts right foot, causing the dark lord to yelp out in pain.

"Crucio!" Harry fired the torture curse and it struck Voldemort in the chest "Serpensortia! Crucio! Serpensortia! Flippendo! Crucio! Expelliarmus!"

Another snake appeared and just managed to bite Voldemort in his other foot when Voldemort was hit by the torture curse again and a third snake followed and bit Voldemort in the wrist of his wand arm. Harry's flippendo had caused Voldemort to flip backwards and land on his back which caused the snakes to tighten their grip.

The torture curse hit him once more before his wand shot out of his hand and flew into the hands of Harry Potter.

"Let him go" Harry said in parsletounge, the snakes obeyed and released Voldemort "oi Tom" Harry said in English "nice wand, mines a bit bigger but we can chalk that up to the fact that it's cold tonight"

"Potter" Voldemort growled as he got up to his feet, ignoring the pain with a lot of effort "Give me back my wand!"

"This wand?" Harry said innocently as he placed his own wand back in its holster, he held Voldemorts wand in his hands "Hmm, yew with a phoenix core, very interesting" Harry examined the wand

"Give me my wand back Potter!" Voldemort shouted, mentally thanking his horcruxes, he'd be dead without them. Curse his son for being right! Spoilt, arrogant brat!

"Honestly Voldemort, this wand with those robes" Harry said jokingly "that is a fashion disaster"


"And look at you, you're so pale, you seriously need to get out in the sun more. And those red eyes, they're so last year. They're a super villain cliché, I expected better from you"

"Last chance Potter!"

"Oops" Harry said as he snapped the wand in half, many of the death eaters and audience gasped, snapping someone's wand was the height of insult and he had just done it to Voldemort of all people "clumsy me, I apologise Thomas, how about I give you seven galleons to buy a new wand?"

"Potter!" Voldemort roared

Harry charged at him, he tossed the broken wand pieces at Voldemorts head, Voldemort dodged and shot his arm out, hoping to hit Potter with a wandless killing curse. Harry dodged and pushed Voldemorts arm to the side before he unleashed a fury of punches, striking Voldemort in the face and ribs.

Voldemort tried to use his other hand to hit Potter with the killing curse but Harry was too fast, he quickly moved around and pushed that arm out of the way and restarted his attack on Voldemorts body and head.

With a strong right hook from Harry, Voldemort stumbled back, Harry aimed his hands at Voldemort and hit him with a wandless banishing charm. Voldemort flew back and landed on his back, he had just rolled to his feet when Harry side flipped through the air and kicked him in the chest.

Harry grabbed Voldemort by his bottom row of teeth, and pulled down, causing intense pain in Voldemorts gums and jaw. Harry had pulled Voldemort to his knees, signifying his superiority over the dark lord.

Harry let go of Voldemort and followed up with a hard right, then a left, then a right and then another left. He grabbed Voldemorts head with both hands and kneed him twice in the face, Harry let go with his right hand whilst using his left hand to keep Voldemorts head in place.

Harry punched him in the face repeatedly, Voldemorts blood shot out from his mouth and the slit's where his nose should be. Blood dropped onto Harry's hand but he didn't stop, his speed increased. He punched harder and faster, he was going to get as many punches in as possible.


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