Harry Potter: A Different Tale

Chapter 132: Friends, Family, and Flourishes

Adrian and Harry were called by McGonagall one day to meet their families as part of a family day where the champions would meet their families.

When they arrived there were five different families present. The Diggory's, The Krum's, the Delacour's, Molly and Bill Weasley and the Potters plus Sirius and Remus.

"Ah" Molly said when she had noticed Adrian "it's good to see…" She was cut off by both boys running past her and pulling their parents into big hugs.

"I can't believe you're all here" Adrian smiled as they both let go

"We wouldn't miss this for the world pup" Sirius ruffled his hair

"How are you both doing?" Remus asked

"Fine" Harry shrugged

"I'm surviving thanks to him" Adrian gestured to Harry

"I didn't do that much"

"Sure you didn't" Adrian snorted "all you did was come up with the strategies and plans that got me through both tasks uninjured"

"You're right I did everything" Harry smiled proudly

"I'm so proud of the both of you" Lily smiled at her sons, ecstatic at the fact that they were getting along.

"Yeah" James nodded "you both were unbelievable. Oh, and Harry, that prank with Dumbledore. I have never been so proud"

"Oh, it was nothing" Harry said as he wiped some imaginary dust off his shoulders "rather easy for a Slytherin such as myself"

"By the way" Lily said to the marauders "have you three ever managed to prank Dumbledore?"

"No, never" Remus replied "or at least, not specifically him. We got him a few times with the pranks that were meant for the whole school but never when we tried to specifically prank just him"

"So does that mean I'm better than you?" Harry grinned

"I wouldn't go that far" James said

"I would" Lily smirked

"Adrian" Molly said, brining Adrian's attention back to her

"Mrs Weasley?" Adrian asked "What are you doing here?"

"We've come to support you dear" Molly smiled, in truth she was here partially because Dumbledore wanted Adrian to still consider the Weasleys family. Also because she didn't think that the Potters were particularly good role models for Adrian.

Lily and James were in a coma for years and knew nothing about raising children, while Sirius Black was immature and a bad role model. The man had gotten himself thrown into Azkaban for all of those years, leaving poor Adrian on his own. Remus Lupin wasn't much better, she didn't blame him for being a werewolf but still thought that he shouldn't be around kids too much. Because, like it or not, he could be dangerous. A visit or two was fine, but he should not be interacting with them so much.

And then there was Adrian's brother, the Slytherin who regularly defied Dumbledore if the stories she heard was correct. She didn't trust him and just knew that he'd be a bad influence, it was his fault that Adrian had started eating less. The poor boy was going to starve. There was also the fact that the boy had used dark magic, that was not the type of person that Adrian should be spending time with.

"Hi Adrian" Bill said as he shook Adrian's hand

"Hi Bill" Adrian replied "have you met my brother, Harry?"

"No I haven't" Bill said as he shook Harry's hand "I'm Bill Weasley

"Harry Potter" Harry replied "you must be the curse breaker"

"Yes I am" Bill nodded proudly

"Harry!" A voice squealed and Harry quickly turned fast enough to catch a small girl who hugged him tightly

"Hi Gabrielle" Harry smiled

"Harry!" She let go and kissed him on the cheek, this was followed up by about fifty rapid sentences in French

"Gabrielle!" Harry cut her off "Tu m'as manqué aussi. Je suis content que tu sois là, maintenant descends et je vais te présenter à ma famille." He said as he put her down, he then began pointing at his family and began introducing them in French.

"I didn't know you spoke French" Lily said with surprise

"Harry" Fleur said as she brought her family over "I'm sorry my father could not be here today but you remember my mother"

"Hello Harry" Appoline Delacour hugged him

"Hello" Harry hugged her back "I haven't seen you in a while"

"Ah, we missed you Harry" She smiled when she let go

"Not as much as I've missed you" Harry smiled back "you simply get more beautiful with age"

"Ah, still a charmer"

"Not as charming as your smile" Harry kissed her hand

"Prongs" Sirius whispered into James's ear "he's smoother than you could ever be"

"Harry" Krum said as he walked over with his mother, Victoria Krum "you remember my mother?"

"Of course" Harry smiled as she pulled him into a hug

"My, you've grown" She stepped back to look at him "you've gone from cute to handsome"

"Thank you" Harry blushed slightly

"You're welcome, did you enjoy my cookies?"

"About those cookies" Harry said as Krum paled "did you purposefully give Victor the bigger bag of cookies?"

"I did not" Victoria narrowed her eyes at her son "Victor, would you like to explain why you had Harry's bag of cookies?"

"Yeah Victor" Harry smirked "an explanation would be good?"

"I….got the bags mixed up" Krum lied, weakly

"Uh huh?" Victoria said in a tone that made it clear that she didn't believe him

"Excuse me" Lily interrupted "you both know my son?"


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