Chapter 4: A song to convey her unwavering love
"Tyene! What are you doing here?" Mordred caught her wife and spun her around when Tyene jumped off the horse.
"The Martells have come to visit. Well, that's what Father said, but me? I'm here for you." Tyene kissed Mordred.
Mordred broke the kiss and went over to hug Oberyn.
"Good Father! It's been a while." Mordred breaks the hug and also hugs Elaria.
"Good Mother, you look as fair as always." Mordred smiled.
"Haha, dear daughter, I wish I could say I came to see you, but that isn't it." Oberyn's gaze darkened.
"Gods, this is countr-" Robert stopped when he saw the Martells and scowled.
"Lorch, huh." Mordred clenched her fists, and the leather made some creaking sounds.
Red electricity crackled around her. Mordred may not have personally known her, but she has read the story back on Earth. Mordred could not tolerate a rapist let alone a Rapist and Murderer combination! It's why she took great delight in toying with Gregor Clegan, making him suffer before death.
"Yes, he was an accomplice to my sisters rape and murder. Not to mention her children," Oberyn nearly growled.
"My love, calm down. Lorch will get what's coming to him sooner or later; no need to get worked up." Tyene softly held Mordred's hand. The lightning, as if it had a consciousness, made way for Tyene so that it wouldn't harm her.
"... I just hate rapists and unjust killing... I always have ever since I was a slum rat." Mordred closed her eyes painfully as she remembered seeing little girls get raped and unjust murder happened around.
Mordred had had enough and joined the Lannister Army to escape that life. If it weren't for the cheats she asked for from R.O.B., her fate may have been the same as those little girls she saw. It is thanks to her power that she could kill grown men with the flick of a wrist, blasting them full of red lightning.
Mordred had a 21st century mind-set and was disgusted with it all which is why she put great effort into improving the lives of the people of kings landing, no more shit in the air, proper hygiene, repaired houses, Flea Bottom became a bustling Market and there was concrete streets and walkways. She couldn't do much more than that, but it was a start.
The reason why she knows how to make Kings Landing better like that is because she was a construction worker back on Earth during her College years, not a lot of women choose such heavy duty jobs like that but Mordred pushed through it because it was too good of a paying job to quit, oh how she wanted to quit so much.
Over the years she picked up more trades like plumbing which is how she managed to create some toilets for everyone but she couldn't do much about fixing Black Water Bay, she could only pity any fish that wander to close to the water full of shit and piss.
"And that's why you're a better person than most, dear daughter." Oberyn smiled and held her other hand, and the lightning finally vanished.
"I'm not that good, I still have problems with some unsavory sorts I have to deal with daily, I was tempted to just let Cersei die that day. I have my flaws that can make me seem like... Never mind," Mordred gave a self-deprecating laugh with a shake of her head.
"You're too hard on yourself, dear daughter." Elaria hugged Mordred.
"If I'm not hard on myself, who will be?" Mordred sighed and walked with Tyene.
"She's changing, but it's slow; people can't change their view of the world within a day. Tyene is the light that illuminates Mordred's darkness." Oberyn smiled sadly as he viewed Mordred as one of his daughters already after spending so much time with the young woman over the years.
"Tyene is banishing the darkness slowly but surely. They are quite cute together." Elaria laughed genuinely and with a fond smile as she gazed at her daughters, who were sharing a moment under a tree.
"Oh well, some people are like clouds. Once they're gone, it's a beautiful day." Mordred smirked.
Mordred's words reach the Lannisters and even Robert, who is bowled over laughing. His fat body rippled when it hit the ground, and he kept laughing. Even Tyrion was wheezing from laughing too much, and Jaime gave a rare genuine smile, much to Cersei's displeasure.
"Ignore them, I created a new song for you." Mordred smiled and went over to her horse named Saber and took off the Acoustic Guitar that was hanging at Saber's hip.
"If loving her is a sin, I don't wanna go to heaven.
No, there's nothing else up there I could need
And if I'm sinning every day, I guess I'll sin all seven
If I can still have her by the end of the week
And if loving her is a drug, then I wanna be addicted
Why would I get clean when the high's this good?
And she says I'm the only one that can hit it and all the other druggies
just wish they could
They wish they could~
You see, I used to be ashamed to write a song that said her name
'cause I was too afraid of what they all might say
But if loving her is wrong
And it's not right to write this song
Then I'm still not gonna stop
And you can turn the damn thing off" Mordred sang the song Loving Her by Katie Pruitt and even conjured illusions to show her memories of when their relationship started, It showed how Mordred was awkward around Tyene and constantly confused it then showed Mordred always having a frown on her face with cold eyes and an air of savagery around her. Still, over time, the song showed how Tyene made all the bad fly far away. It showed how Mordred's frown slowly lifted over time until she had a full-blown smile.
"Wah?" Mordred was surprised by her lovers actions as it happened so fast.
After the song ended, Tyene tackled Mordred onto the grass and fiercely kissed her
To be Continued~