Gender Swap: The Introvert’s Broadcast

chapter 125 - High School Graduate

Just hearing the name makes it sound like a really clunky champion.
And it is a pretty clunky champion.
It’s a champion that doesn’t get picked often unless it’s used strategically in high-tier games.
"I’ll explain, but why Sion all of a sudden?"

Sion isn’t a very welcomed pick in mid lane.
I was curious why she was asking about him.
"I watched another stream and in games with mixed low-tier players, mid lane often picks champions like Sion that are sturdy!"
Parsley gave a surprisingly thoughtful answer.
Indeed, Sion is great for holding up in mid lane.
While top lane sees a lot of bruisers, mid lane tends to have champions with less sustained damage.
That’s why Sion, who can just push the wave and roam around, works so well in tournaments with mixed low-tier players.
"I can’t teach you Sion’s skill usage, but I can show you how to manage him."

With a champion like Sion, you really need to play him to get a feel for how to use him effectively.
Talking about it won’t make much of a difference.
[🗡️OmnipotentCthulhu: For real, you gotta try Sion yourself to get it ㅋㅋ]
[🗡️OmnipotentCthulhu: I didn’t know Parsley would be so serious about it ㅋㅋ]
[Didn’t expect her to be so serious about this... Why is she so into it?]
[Prize money really matters, huh]
[KangHoominHere: But is Sion’s management that hard?]
[KangHoominHere: It’s not hard, but...]
Generally, even if low-tier players don’t know how to handle a champion, as long as they know how to manage the game, they can still perform their part.
That’s why I’m going to explain how to manage Sion for Parsley.

"So, how about we play one game? I’ll show you how."
"Oh, sounds good!"
Words alone have limits, so I decided it would be better to show her directly by playing.
It would probably stick in her memory better that way.
A short while later, Parsley immediately queued up for a game.
"I’ll pick Sion right now!"
Parsley was about to pick Sion right away.
But that should be avoided.

"Parsley, mid should always be a last pick. Even in high-tier games, you wait to pick in mid lane. Why are you picking first in low-tier?"
"Ah, yes! Sorry!"
[🗡️OmnipotentCthulhu: For real ㅋㅋ]
[🗡️OmnipotentCthulhu: Even in high-tier games, you request last pick]
[🗡️OmnipotentCthulhu: Why is she picking first in low-tier?]
[KangHoominHere: If you pick Sion last in mid, your head might explode]
[It’s fun though, have a drink]
[It’s fun ㅋㅋ]
[Hwanhee: Mid Sion last pick is a nightmare ㅋㅋ I wanna choke someone]
The perception of Sion as a champion is very ambiguous.
It’s not exactly positive, but not negative either.
It’s one of those champions only certain players use.
So, when Parsley asked for a role swap with the support—

She was immediately rejected.
"Huh, why did they refuse?"
Parsley, bewildered, asked the ADC to swap.
After a moment,
She was rejected again.
[🗡️OmnipotentCthulhu: Why are they rejecting Parsley???]
[KangHoominHere: Low-tier players]
[KangHoominHere: They’ll never swap no matter what]
[They’re the type to bring last game’s failure into the next match ㅋㅋ]
[It’s gotta be infuriating ㅋㅋ]
[Why won’t they swap, those bastards]
[Woah woah, calm down]
[Hwanhee: Time to teach them a lesson]
[Hwanhee: Let’s go ㅋㅋ]

In situations like this, there’s not much to do.
"Parsley, Sion is going to play."
It was right for Sion to be picked.
While it would have been better to last-pick for a slight advantage, it couldn’t be helped when the ADC and support refused to swap.
You can’t force them.
At my command, Parsley immediately picked Sion.

‘She really listens well.’
It would be much easier to play if the whole team was like Parsley.
I thought of KangHoomin and Rimaldo.
‘...This is giving me a headache.’
Just thinking about it made my head ache, so I ignored it and focused on Parsley’s stream.
After Parsley picked mid Sion, an interesting situation began to unfold.
"Huh, why is everyone saying we’re throwing…?"
Immediately, Parsley’s teammates were giving off the vibe that they were going to throw the game, lowering morale.
It was as if they were hoping someone would dodge for them.
"Parsley, don’t listen to those ignorant fools. Just mute them and keep playing."

If Parsley followed my advice and played properly, she could easily win without worrying about one or two people.
Time passed, and—
The game began.
"I’ll explain how to manage mid Sion. The enemy team composition makes it hard to deal with Sion."

In low-tier games, it’s funny how often players pick champions with a lot of physical damage up top, but when a tanky champion like Sion appears in mid, they don’t know how to deal with it.
I’ve never understood it.
[Finally, the lecture starts]
[Everyone sit down]
[But is there really a strategy? Seems like just playing it works]
[🗡️OmnipotentCthulhu: Feels like I’m being brain-dumped ㅋㅋㅋ]
[Guess it’s a brain dump after all]
[KangHoominHere: The enemy team is legendary though, what kind of idiot picks Jhin?]
[In low-tier, they don’t think about the late game…]
"I’ve got the runes set up as you suggested. What’s next?"
"Well, the enemy’s champions are AP, so just trade while pushing the wave. But don’t get hit too much."

"Got it!"
With a simple command, Parsley immediately followed the plan I gave her for lane control.
The enemy was Ahri, who doesn’t have amazing sustained damage, making Sion a good pick for the match.
"Keep trading while pushing the wave, then rotate to other lanes once you’ve pushed."

The strategy was simple.
Take a few hits to push the wave, then rotate and help the other lanes.
This strategy works even in high-tier games, so it’s certainly going to work here in low-tier.
"Just repeat that and you’ll win the game. I don’t even need to tell you anything else."
And not long after—

Parsley won the game.
"Wow… I’ve never won a game like this before!!"
She sounded so excited, clearly thrilled to have won her solo queue match.

"There’s an advanced technique, but I’ll explain that later on Discord. Keep playing solo queue in the meantime."
Parsley enthusiastically agreed and left the Discord.
She seemed satisfied.
‘She should be satisfied.’

After finishing giving Parsley feedback,
"Anyway, back to the entrance exam talk. My younger sibling didn’t do too well in Korean History, but considering that, I think they’ll still get into a good university."
Honestly, it’s not like she got a 9 in Korean History.
‘Even if she got a 9, she’d still get in fine.’

She’ll probably end up in a top university in Seoul, no problem.
[🗡️OmnipotentCthulhu: So what school are you thinking about?]
[🗡️OmnipotentCthulhu: Same school as you?]
[Does Dama go to that university?]
[KangHoominHere: Dama goes to an amazing university, don’t you know?]
[Wait, did I not know that?]
[Of course, Dama’s not a dropout ㅋㅋ]
[Traitor! Traitor! Traitor!]
The chat, which had been discussing the entrance exam, suddenly turned into an attack on me.
Reading through the messages, it seemed like there was a misunderstanding.

"I go to university, though? Where the heck did the rumor that I’m a high school dropout come from?"
Well, technically, I did drop out of university, but...
[🗡️OmnipotentCthulhu: Wow, how many new viewers must there be?]
[🗡️OmnipotentCthulhu: They don’t even know Dama’s in university ㅋㅋ]
[These newbies are so cute, I wanna put my finger in their buttholes, heh heh...]
[Newbies come on in…!]
[Chat’s turning into something weird]
[KangHoominHere: Doesn’t the manager control this stuff?]
[🗡️OmnipotentCthulhu: Yep, it’s my choice]

Without any moderation, the chat quickly spirals into chaos. I was amazed by how wild things got, and I decided to step in.
“I’m planning to return to university next year. I’m going back soon.”
After all, the reason I worked hard in my school days was to go to university.
But dropping out of university?
That would be a huge loss.
So, unless something really unusual happens, I’ll probably return next year.

While I was talking about that,
[Haton has donated 1,000 won!]
“What? Where do you go to school? I thought you graduated high school.”
A random person suddenly appeared and asked a completely unexpected question.

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