chapter 123 - CSAT
So, if we’re talking about five full sets, that means we can't use the same champion repeatedly.
"What do you mean Fearless? You know our team's champion pool, right?"
[Harin: I feel the same way]
[Harin: I don't really want to either]
[Harin: But since it's sponsored, I'll try to avoid picking Fearless as much as I can]
[Although Fearless is actually pretty fun ㅋㅋ]
[🗡️OmnipotentCthulhu: Yeah, watching Fearless in tournaments is honestly pretty fun ㅋㅋ]
[But doing it in a tournament? With champion pool restrictions and against lower-tier players, Fearless might be a bit much...]
It made sense when you put it like that.
‘No wonder the prize pool was huge.’
I had originally thought Harin was personally putting up five million for the prize, and I wondered where that much money came from, but it turned out there was a sponsor.
‘Harin wouldn’t make such a unilateral decision.’
I wondered if it might’ve been better to lower the prize money and host the tournament the way Harin originally wanted, but I figured Harin must have already planned things out.
With that thought, I opened my mouth.
"So, we’re thinking of no Fearless for now, right? Make sure you let the team know."
I didn’t know who the sponsor was, but in a low-tier setting like this, it’s better not to go with Fearless.
Low-tier players aren't skilled enough to handle a variety of champions efficiently.
With that in mind, I finished up the game.
We secured the first win in our first match after getting together as a team.
Sure, it wasn’t an official tournament but a scrim, but still, it wasn’t bad.
The game went way smoother than I had expected, so that was a relief.
With that thought, I entered Pine’s stream, sent a message, and then left.
[DuGong: Thanks for the scrim!]
[DuGong: I’ll contact you again next time]
I sent a quick thank-you and, shortly after, we all gathered on Discord for a strategy session.
"Okay, so the strategy is to have the jungle support the other lanes, so the jungler can roam all the lanes, getting kills and carrying the game, right?"
Sure, there could be a carry strategy through the top lane as well, but we didn’t have the luxury to plan for that yet.
The tournament starts in a week, so if we keep practicing, we should naturally develop a plan where the top lane carries us.
With that in mind, I spoke again.
"So, let’s all pick three champions and practice. Pick champions that can help the team."
They should get it, right?
The champions that help the team are pretty set in stone.
With that, everyone left the Discord.
I needed some time to practice on my own.
[🗡️OmnipotentCthulhu: But do you think the others]
[🗡️OmnipotentCthulhu: are really going to practice that much? ㅋㅋ]
[🗡️OmnipotentCthulhu: I doubt anyone’s going to put in that much effort]
[It’s impressive just to see anyone practicing seriously...]
[If we stick with the jungle-carry strategy, I wonder if we’ll get countered later on.]
[KangHoominHere: This team is rotten from the start anyway]
[Looking for the roots is kind of embarrassing...]
[The idea of looking for the roots is hilarious ㅋㅋㅋㅋ]
With that, everyone logged out of Discord.
"Alright, I’m going to end the stream. I have something else to do today."
I was about to end the stream.
Honestly, I’d have liked to stream more, but I needed to sleep early today.
[Oh, stop it for real]
[Just wait until you end the stream, just wait until you end it]
[I swear if you end it... I’m going to be so disappointed]
[If you end the stream, I’m going to be so pissed...]
[KangHoominHere: Guess you’re ditching the stream now after making all your money...]
[Hwanhee: Where are you going?]
Normally, I wouldn’t have mentioned why, but today, it felt necessary.
"My younger sibling has their college entrance exam today."
IyeRam was taking the entrance exam.
So, I had no choice.
If it was another test, I might have been fine skipping out on it, but the college entrance exam was a huge event that couldn’t be ignored.
‘I need to help manage their condition.’
I wouldn’t be the kind of person to mess up my sibling’s condition by streaming up until exam day.
So, today’s stream would be really short.
[🗡️OmnipotentCthulhu: Ah]
[🗡️OmnipotentCthulhu: The entrance exam, I get it..]
[🗡️OmnipotentCthulhu: Yeah, you should’ve said it earlier so we didn’t look like the bad guys]
[KangHoominHere: What’s the deal with the entrance exam? Just tell them to put in headphones and sleep]
[Temporarily Kicked Out!]
[Public nuisance ㅋㅋ]
[Fine, I get it, entrance exam day, I guess]
[But it’s already entrance exam day? Legendary]
"Anyway, I’ll stream longer tomorrow, so please understand."
I said that and ended the stream.
[Stream has ended!]
With the stream ended, I immediately turned off my computer and set an alarm.
I set alarms in five-minute intervals from 5:30 AM to 6:30 AM.
If I missed it... that’d be a catastrophe.
"…I’m so nervous."
Even though I’d already taken the entrance exam a long time ago, I couldn’t help but be nervous.
How could I not be nervous when my only family member was taking the entrance exam?
I thought about it as I cleaned the house and then closed my eyes.
IyeRam said they’d be in the study room, so I figured I had a little time.
The alarm blared in my ears.
I thought it was a bit eerie as I looked at the current time.
[5:45 AM]
I was relieved that I wasn’t late.
In fact, I was up earlier than usual.
With that thought, I woke IyeRam, who was sleeping beside me.
"Wake up."
But IyeRam didn’t budge.
‘Looks like they stayed up late last night.’
It was pretty obvious that IyeRam had stayed up late since they weren’t usually that hard to wake.
How late could they have stayed up?
I wondered if it’d affect their exam—so, with that thought, I woke them up more forcefully.
Thud Thud-!
I hit IyeRam with all my might.
After a moment, IyeRam woke up with a scream.
"Do you really have to wake me up like this?"
I sighed.
"Wouldn’t it have been better if you just woke up the first time?"
But still, IyeRam didn’t seem fully awake.
It seemed like they’d stayed up way too late last night.
I hit them again.
"I’m up, I’m really up. Stop it..."
Finally, IyeRam seemed to have fully woken up.
They got up and started putting on their clothes.
"We leave in 20 minutes, so get everything ready."
IyeRam moved pretty slowly, but eventually, they finished getting ready.
It was time to go.
"Let’s go."
Honestly, I didn’t need to go with them.
We weren’t even driving; we were taking a taxi.
‘But still, I should go with them.’
I didn’t want to make them nervous before the exam started.
With that thought, I grabbed a taxi.
"Let’s go."
So, IyeRam and I took a taxi to the exam hall.
"We’ve arrived."
"Ah, okay."
When we got out of the taxi, a very cold wind greeted us.
It felt colder than before.
‘Hope it doesn’t get any colder.’
I wished it would warm up as I led IyeRam to the building entrance.
I saw other students in similar attire to IyeRam heading into the school.
"Go in and crush it."
"Ah... hope I don’t mess up."
IyeRam, clearly nervous, asked, "What if I mess up?"
To lighten the mood, I threw a joke.
"I messed up and got four wrong."
"...Are you joking?"
"No, I’m not kidding. Even if you make mistakes, you can still do well."
"Ugh, seriously."
IyeRam hit me a few more times and then—
"...Okay, I’m going in now."
Looking much less tense, IyeRam stepped in with a much lighter step.
"Hmm... I’ll just grab a coffee while I wait."
It was too much trouble to go back home, so I figured I’d wait at a nearby internet café until IyeRam finished.
‘They should do fine on the exam.’
Even though I’d been hard on IyeRam, they were a pretty good student, so I wasn’t too worried.
With that, I entered the internet café, ordered coffee, and tried to get a little rest.
I don’t know how much time passed.
I got a call from IyeRam.
"Oppa, breaking news. I did great on the exam."
I heard good news.
‘But the results aren’t out yet, right?’
I thought something was off.