chapter 121 - Traffic Control Complete, Let's Proceed with the scrim
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: How is the main champion Yasuo Zed lmao]
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: This is really driving me crazy]
[환희: What kind of game is this, with team assignments like this?]
[Seriously ridiculous lol]
[강후민입니다: Let's just mod the champions a bit]
[Champ mods are ridiculous lol Seriously can't believe this]
[다마는 머리가 아프다...]
It was now at the point of disbelief.
I had been expecting someone who could play mid, but the champions they could actually play were those kinds of champions.
“...I’ve checked for now.”
I wrote it down in my notes, thinking I’d need to modify the champions later.
[ Haton - Top ]
[ Parsley - Mid ]
[ Rimaldo - Top ]
[ Kang Hoomin - Top ]
With this, the only places I could modify were two lanes.
It was a real dilemma deciding which lanes to change. Based on experience, I didn’t think the others would willingly switch lanes, they all seemed to have their own firm beliefs.
So, while I was contemplating this, at that moment...
[ Paprika donated 10,000 won! ]
Dama, right now other teams are also frustrated with the position assignments and are pissed off too...
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Oh that’s why lol]
[ Harin wouldn't deliberately mess up only Dama's team ]
[ Yeah lol ]
[ Something felt off ]
[ Hilarious lmao ]
[ So you intentionally messed up every team like this? ]
[ 강후민입니다: As expected, the mastermind is Harin ]
[ Harin is ridiculous lol ]
“Wait, seriously? Ha...”
What on earth was Harin thinking when she assigned these teams? It was truly beyond me.
Assigning teams like this would surely make people give up and quit, wouldn’t it?
As I was thinking that maybe I didn’t have a great sense of things...
Ah, there’s an additional announcement.
Harin said loudly.
An additional announcement? What’s this all of a sudden? I was curious and thought about it.
We previously announced a prize of 20 million won, but thanks to some sponsorship, the prize has now been increased to 50 million won. Please adjust your lanes accordingly and submit them to me. Also, there’s a prize for up to 5th place.
Harin made a bombshell announcement.
So this was why Harin had assigned the teams like this.
She must have had some confidence to assign the teams randomly like that. Just matching tiers and barely touching the lanes.
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Wow wtf]
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: This is crazy]
[ Is this for real? ]
[강후민입니다: Wait, where is Harin suddenly getting this money from? ]
[ What is this? For real??? ]
[환희: Wow lol ]
[ As expected, populism is Harin lol ]
[ But seriously, where is this money coming from? ]
The thought of quitting quickly disappeared.
Now, I was only thinking about how to assign the lanes properly.
And while I was thinking, the moment came...
Uh, Dama?
I’ll just practice the lane you assign me.
Rimaldo answered quite politely.
There was no need to see his face to predict why he was speaking like this.
It was clearly because of the prize money.
If the prize were still 20 million won like before, Rimaldo wouldn’t have been like this.
But with more than double the prize, he was practically begging.
‘Makes sense.’
I would probably be just as excited if there were that much money on the line and follow whatever instructions the higher-tier players gave.
“Alright, then Rimaldo.”
“Go support.”
Rimaldo seemed to have some complaints, but I couldn’t change the decision.
After all, in Leore, I held absolute power.
No matter how high their tier was, they couldn’t beat me.
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Rimaldo’s not saying a word lol ]
[ If there’s 50 million on the line, I guess they can't say anything ]
[ How do you even talk back to that? Lol ]
[강후민입니다: So funny lol ]
[ That’s right, big Dama ]
Thus, the second modified lanes were set.
[ Haton - Top ]
[ Parsley - Mid ]
[ Rimaldo - Support ]
[ Kang Hoomin - Top ]
Now there were two remaining lanes.
I had to go jungle, no question.
If I went mid or top, it would be hard to prevent the other lanes from collapsing.
I had to use the other lanes to steer the game towards jungle.
‘Haton and Kang Hoomin are left.’
I didn’t know much about Haton, but I had a rough idea of Kang Hoomin’s skill, so it was easy to assign lanes.
“Let’s have Hoomin go top.”
As far as I knew, Kang Hoomin wasn’t bad at Leore.
He was decent enough.
After I said that,
I hate ADC. I like top.
Haton pushed back.
If it were a normal situation, I’d try to coax him gently, but with 50 million on the line, I couldn’t afford to be polite.
I had to be firm.
“If you like top, go play solo queue. If you want the 50 million, just follow my lane assignments.”
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Holy shit]
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Why are you being so scary? ]
[ Because money’s involved lol ]
[ How can you speak nicely when 50 million is on the line lol ]
[강후민입니다: As expected, firmness is Dama’s style ]
[ But Hoomin did hit Diamond ]
[환희: Exactly mm]
Thus, the lanes were finalized.
[ Haton - ADC ]
[ Parsley - Mid ]
[ Rimaldo - Support ]
[ Kang Hoomin - Top ]
“This is clean.”
The lanes were now clearly set.
If something seemed off in-game, I could adjust it.
With that thought, I sent the revised lanes to Harin.
[ Top - Kang Hoomin ]
[ Jungle - Dama ]
[ Mid - Parsley ]
[ ADC - Haton ]
[ Support - Rimaldo ]
‘How did I end up forming a team with these people?’
I wondered how on earth I ended up in a team game with them, especially for money.
I had no idea. I thought about it as I waited.
Okay, it looks like everyone’s finished with lane assignments, so please schedule your scrims and practice. Don’t worry about not being able to find a scrim, I’ve put you with people who know others.
With those words, Harin’s stream ended.
“Alright, then I’ll make an announcement tomorrow, so let’s meet up then. For today, that’s all.”
Got it.
I thought to myself how everyone’s personalities were really coming through as the Discord call ended.
“Ah, this is a headache…”
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: What’s this about scrims now]
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Do we have to schedule them ourselves lol ]
[ This is really a headache.. ]
[ What are we supposed to do with a bunch of losers like this lmao ]
[ It’s gonna be so frustrating lol ]
[ How the hell do we schedule scrims lol ]
[강후민입니다: Just schedule them with people you know quickly ]
[강후민입니다: Others have already done it ]
But I couldn’t rest.
I looked at the chat and saw that everyone else had already arranged their scrims.
Feeling annoyed, I started contacting the others.
And the next day.
We met at about the same time as yesterday.
“Did everyone practice the assigned lanes a bit?”
I asked, even though I knew no one had really practiced.
I did!!!
Parsley responded loudly with a big tone.
“Which champion did you play?”
I was hoping she’d played a champion different from her usual ones.
When I asked,
I played Zilean!!!
That was an unexpected answer.
I had expected her to say Yasuo or Zed, but she chose a supportive champion to help the team.
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: I kind of like her now?]
[ This is really likable lol.. ]
[ From playing Yasuo and Zed to practicing Zilean, that’s actually really impressive ]
[강후민입니다: Please tell me she practiced AP Zilean ]
[ Her curses are ridiculously strong lol ]
[ Kang Hoomin’s on the same team, at least cheer for him lmao ]
I was impressed and opened my mouth.
“Alright, let’s start the scrims today.”
After I left the Discord and walked around a bit, I barely managed to secure a scrim.
Our opponent was Pine.
Ming and Sarok had already arranged their scrims, so there was nothing I could do.
“I’m nervous.”
I couldn’t help but feel nervous.
This was my first time trying to play a serious team game like this.
It felt like I was bound to make a mistake.
I sighed as I waited.
And then...
I’ll carry!!!
Parsley said, brimming with confidence.
I had no idea where that confidence was coming from.
As far as I knew, her tier was low, but...
I thought to myself, “I just hope she does at least one thing right.”
The game started.