Gender Swap: The Introvert’s Broadcast

chapter 120 - Why do you All Like Tops?

Even if it’s a streamer I’ve never seen before, I don’t really mind much.
After all, we’re all broadcasting on the same platform.
There’s no need to make it a big deal.
But right now—

“Ah, yep.”
This is the first time I’ve seen a streamer make such a loud entrance.
Having passion is great, but it’s a little overwhelming when it goes overboard like this.
[🗡️All-Powerful Cthulhu: Ugh, so loud, this guy.]
[🗡️All-Powerful Cthulhu: Can you turn the volume down?]
[Seriously, so loud.]
[Does he think making noise will get attention? Pathetic.]
[Kang Hoomin: Why are these guys so sensitive? Haha, it’s just a newcomer, cut him some slack.]
[If you’re a new streamer, at least have some awareness, jeez.]
[Why is everyone complaining like this? Haha.]

But seeing all these complaints in the chat, I couldn’t help but feel a bit of sympathy.
If I had to put it negatively, maybe it was a rebellious streak.
Anyway, I felt that way, so I wanted to protect Parsley a bit.
“Alright, everyone, it’s not like Parsley did anything wrong. Stop complaining. If anyone says anything weird, I’ll ban you on the spot.”
[🗡️All-Powerful Cthulhu: This guy.]
[🗡️All-Powerful Cthulhu: He’s probably the one cursing the most quietly.]
[🗡️All-Powerful Cthulhu: Hmm...]
[It’s like Cthulhu can see through our minds, haha.]
[But yeah, I bet he’s thinking that.]
[So funny, haha.]
[Kang Hoomin: I have my doubts though, hmm...]

Some suspicious comments started to pop up in the chat.
Even if they said something like that, I didn’t mind.
After all, Parsley couldn’t see these comments.
It was my job to cut it off at my level.
I was thinking that when—
Nice to meet you!!!
Parsley greeted us with yet another loud introduction.
Honestly, it was a little annoying, but... I didn’t need to say anything about it.
If he kept doing this, someone else would step in and tell him eventually.
With that thought, I kept the conversation going.
“So, are we all here now?”

It seemed like everyone was here.
I thought it was about time we started talking to each other, but just as I was thinking that—
How’s it going?
Someone with a very awkward tone entered the Discord.
It didn’t seem like there was an issue with their intelligence, but I had a feeling they were probably a foreigner.
I remembered watching Harin’s stream a long time ago, and their speech patterns reminded me of Harin back then.
[🗡️All-Powerful Cthulhu: What’s this?]
[🗡️All-Powerful Cthulhu: Is this Harin?]
[This voice is so familiar, haha.]
[Harin, what are you doing here?]
[This is exactly the old Harin, haha.]
[Kang Hoomin: Looks like they’re a foreigner.]
[Kang Hoomin: You can tell by the way they speak.]
[Did Harin assign a foreigner just because they’re a foreigner?]
[Seems like a reasonable suspicion.]

Could Harin really do something like that?
Harin was known for never mixing personal feelings into these things.
I thought about it and then greeted the person.
“Hello. Are you Haton?”
Yeah, that’s right.
“Then it seems like everyone’s here, so let’s go ahead and introduce ourselves one by one.”
Normally, someone who’s been streaming for a long time would lead the introductions, but... looking at the people here, I didn’t feel too confident.

‘How did we end up with Kang Hoomin and Rimaldo on the same team?’
They probably had plenty of streaming experience, but if we’re talking pure stream time, I might even surpass them soon.
They only stream when they feel like it.
I thought it was a bit ridiculous as I decided the order.
“So, I’ll go first, then Kang Hoomin, then Rimaldo, then Haton, and finally Parsley.”

It was a careful arrangement.
I placed Parsley last so the person introducing afterward wouldn’t forget.
With that plan in mind, I started.
“Well, for those who know me, I’m Dama, usually streaming Leore on Twitch.”
There was no need to mention my age.
Since we were all going to be using polite language anyway.
After my introduction, a little later,
Ah, I’m Kang Hoomin, I mainly stream coins and stock trading on Twitch.
Kang Hoomin gave a neat introduction.

‘...I feel like I should add something though.’
Shouldn’t I also mention some of the controversies surrounding Kang Hoomin?
I was thinking this when Rimaldo began his introduction.
I’m Rimaldo, I mostly stream card games on Twitch. I’m here because I heard about this tournament and wanted to participate.
His tone was completely different from what I had heard on his stream.
He usually spoke so harshly on his streams.
I thought it was funny and waited for the next person to introduce themselves.

Hey, everyone. I’m Haton, and I’ve just started streaming here in Korea. I mostly do Leore and casual streams, so please welcome me.
[🗡️All-Powerful Cthulhu: ?]
[🗡️All-Powerful Cthulhu: What is this?]
[Haha, seriously.]
[Isn’t it because he’s a foreigner that they assigned him like this?]
[It’s kind of funny, but...]
[Kang Hoomin: How does someone sound so unlikable in their introduction? Haha.]
[Hwanhee: This is just ridiculous.]
It hadn’t been long since Haton entered the chat, and he’d already earned two strikes in the unlikability department.
I was impressed by that, and then I waited for the next introduction.
And shortly after—

Hello!!!! I’m Parsley, and I stream Leore on Twitch! Please visit my stream, everyone!!!
[🗡️All-Powerful Cthulhu: These guys...]
[🗡️All-Powerful Cthulhu: Why is everyone self-promoting?]
[If you’re really craving for attention, just go ahead, haha.]
[Seriously, this is ridiculous.]
[Kang Hoomin: You can really tell it’s their first time streaming, so cute, haha.]
After everyone finished introducing themselves, there was a brief silence.
Alright, I’m assuming you’ve all contacted each other by now, so I’ll let you decide your lanes. Don’t worry about balance, I’ve adjusted it while watching everyone’s streams.
Harin casually said that.

We had to decide our lanes.
It didn’t seem like it would be that hard.
Since Harin probably checked the lanes roughly before forming the teams.
I thought that and spoke up.
“Alright, shall we figure out our lanes?”

There must be people with preferences, so it shouldn’t be that difficult.
But then—
Haton suddenly spoke up.
I’ll go top lane. I prefer top.
“Ah... noted.”
I wrote it down in my notepad.
[ Haton - Top ]

I like top too!!!
[ Haton - Top ]
[ Parsley - Top ]
This was fine for now.
I could adjust things and move them to different lanes later.
But then—

[ Haton - Top ]
[ Parsley - Top ]
[ Rimaldo - Top ]
[ Kang Hoomin - Top ]
“...What the hell.”
This was too much.
Was this even a legitimate team?
I thought something had gone seriously wrong, so I picked up my phone and contacted Harin.

[Me: Harin]
[Me: Is this right?]
[Me: The five of us all have top lane?]
[Me: Did you seriously mess this up?]
I figured I would contact her and suggest a correction.
After a moment, I got a reply.
[Harin: That’s something you should figure out.]
[Harin: I just assigned the teams... You’re on your own.]
[Harin: Good luck.]

After that, Harin didn’t contact me again.
“Ugh, this is unbelievable.”
I thought it was ridiculous as I reluctantly returned to the Discord with the team members.

[🗡️All-Powerful Cthulhu: Hahaha.]
[🗡️All-Powerful Cthulhu: Seriously, no responsibility at all.]
[Harin’s crazy...]
[Nothing has changed since she started streaming, huh.]
[She really is nuts.]
[Kang Hoomin: Harin, change this right now, how are we supposed to win with this roster?]
“Alright, let’s figure out our lanes.”
It was going to be tough, but I had no choice.
It was an important step to determine our roles.

‘...How should we do this?’
It seemed like a lot of people wanted top lane, so...
“I think mid is fun. Who wants to take mid?”

I threw out the question.
Mid is boring. There’s too much to worry about.
Haton suddenly interrupted.
I barely held back my urge to bang my head against the desk.
“Anyone want mid? I’ll make sure you’re properly set up for it.”
The Challenger’s setup.
I’m sure a lot of people would want it.
With that said, a moment later—

I’ll go mid!!!
Parsley boldly declared.
My main champions are Yasuo and Zed!!
It came with an ear-piercing noise.

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