Game of Thrones: The Frozen Throne

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: The Collusion of the Ironborn and the Skagosi?


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Maester Luwin touched his chain. "Lately, the Skagosi raiders seem to have grown more rampant. Could it be that the salt depot has provoked these savages?"

Ser Klar wore a sky-blue robe adorned with sapphires and emeralds. "Maester Luwin, are you suggesting that these barbarians have come to steal salt?"

Luwin shrugged. "The Isle of Skagos has long been shrouded in terrifying cannibalistic legends, and few captains dare to trade with the Skagosi. Winterfell imposed a sea ban on Skagos years ago. Although the North lacks the naval power to enforce a blockade, the Skagosi rarely trade with the North, leaving the outside world with little knowledge of their situation. I do not know if they lack salt."

Smalljon Umber's armor was stained with blood, indicating that he hadn't removed it for days. He spoke sternly, "Maester, do you really believe the Skagosi sailed across the sea just to steal salt? That's impossible. They destroyed three of our coastal salt depots, showing no interest in the abundant sea salt at all. They came purely to pillage and slaughter."

Eddard listened quietly, his anger growing, though he restrained himself. Losing control in front of his bannermen and family would serve no purpose. "Did you capture any prisoners?"

Greatjon Umber replied, "We did. I interrogated them, but they refused to speak, so I beheaded them all."

Eddard sighed. "You acted too rashly. You should have imprisoned them and questioned them thoroughly."

Greatjon was a fierce warrior but clearly lacked the patience for interrogation. Eddard turned to Rickard Karstark of Karhold, a distant kin of House Stark. "Did Karhold manage to capture any prisoners?"

According to the reports from Karhold's maester, the Skagosi raiders had not only destroyed the coastal fishing villages and salt depots in Karstark lands but also sailed up the Last River, massacring and pillaging along the way, staining the river red with blood.

Rickard Karstark's face turned red with fury. "Those damned raiders fled the moment they saw Karhold's cavalry. We caught a few who failed to board their ships in time and locked them in Karhold's dungeons, but those savages managed to break the cell doors, killing three of my guards. I personally had them all cut down."

Fortunately, Roose Bolton did not disappoint Eddard. "Lord Stark, I captured six of them. The damned Skagosi raiders ventured into the swamps of the Weeping Water to plunder and got stuck in the bogs—right in my favorite leeching grounds. I dragged them back to my dungeons, and at first, they spat at me, swearing they'd rather die than speak."

"Then I brought out the flaying knives, a proud Dreadfort tradition. I started with their fingertips and toenails, slowly skinning—"

Eddard felt sick. "Spare us the gruesome details."

Roose Bolton smirked. "They eventually revealed some secrets."

Eddard leaned forward. "What did they say?"

Bolton's gaze fell upon Theon Greyjoy. "The Ironborn and the Skagosi conspired to launch this assault on the eastern coast of the North."

A hush fell over the hall. Maester Luwin, Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Catelyn Stark, Sansa, Bran, Arya, the gathered servants of Winterfell, the Umber and Karstark delegations, and the Dreadfort retainers—all turned their eyes toward Theon Greyjoy.

After all, Theon was the only Ironborn in the room—and the heir to the Iron Islands.

Theon had been standing at Eddard's right side, serving as his sworn sword, his usual smirk of mockery playing on his lips. But the moment Roose Bolton accused the Ironborn of colluding with the Skagosi, Theon's smile vanished, his face contorted with anger.

"Lord Stark, this is utter nonsense! Everyone knows that the Iron Islands lie to the southwest of the North, while Skagos is in the northeast—separated by the entire northern continent! Even if some Ironborn pirates were to defy my father's will and raid, they would sail from Ironman's Bay straight to the Cape of Kraken or the Westerlands' coastline. Why in the Drowned God's name would they take the long way to the eastern shore?"

"And besides, why would the noble Ironborn join forces with those savage, filthy Skagosi? Roose Bolton is slandering us!"

Eddard raised a hand to calm Theon. "Do not be so hasty. Lord Bolton has made his claim—let us hear his reasoning."

The Stark heir's other sworn sword, Domeric Bolton, spoke up. "Lord Stark, given the severity of these accusations, I believe it would be best if Theon stepped away for now."

Greatjon Umber, Rickard Karstark, and half the hall agreed, demanding Theon leave the chamber.

Theon glared at Domeric.

Eddard clenched his fist and raised it. The hall fell silent. "Theon is my ward. He has lived in Winterfell since he was ten and has not returned to the Iron Islands since. I trust that even if Balon Greyjoy did conspire to attack the eastern coast, Theon had no part in it. He is my man."

Theon gave Eddard a grateful look, though he was still furious at the others for treating him as a traitor.

Eddard met Roose Bolton's cold, calculating gaze. "Now, tell me exactly what you learned from your prisoners."

The Dreadfort lord's soft, chilling voice filled the hall, and everyone listened intently. "A Skagosi warrior from the Crowl clan broke under torture. He claimed that Samro Crowl, their chief, united the nine major clans of Skagos through force and cunning. Even the smaller clans have sworn fealty to him. And where do you think he got his weapons?"

Theon snorted. "The word of a single Skagosi prisoner? That is hardly proof."

Bolton replied, "His confession was corroborated by the others."

Rickard Karstark added, "Lord Stark, survivors from my lands reported that the ships the raiders used resembled Ironborn longships."

Greatjon nodded. "Aye, when my coastal folk first saw them, they thought it was an Ironborn raid—until they realized the raiders were Skagosi."

Roose Bolton extended his hand, and a retainer brought forward a battle-axe, while another produced a broken breastplate.

"Lord Stark, the Skagosi arrived on Ironborn longships, wielding Ironborn-forged weapons, wearing Ironborn-forged armor. Our Dreadfort smiths confirmed that these are of Ironborn craftsmanship. If you doubt it, your Winterfell blacksmith may inspect them himself."

Eddard gestured, and Winterfell's blacksmith, Mikken, stepped forward. He ran his hand along the axe's edge, then examined the broken breastplate.

"From the metal, the craftsmanship, and the finish—this is indeed the work of the Ironborn."

-* Thanks to venkat for subscribing in warden of the Realm *

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