Chapter 4: Chapter four: Tavern in the lost bay
Kaijo stands up from the fire and goes through the white sand and light mist covering the lost bay. He proceeds on to the town that is built out mostly out of wood and stones. The houses are all interconnected with wooden planks going across them. He goes in and it feels as if he is being watched. As he continues the doors open and lots of undead wearing thick cloth and using swords jump out attacking him. They don´t swing their swords around wildly and are calm and collected. He responds by throwing vertical cuts to keep them at bay it takes two to three hits per undead. He finishes the rest of thrusts and barely survives. He drinks his healing flask and an arrow flies through it finishing him off. "You died!". He wakes up at the fire again. "Shit! I didn´t see that coming and them taking two strikes at minimum to kill isn´t good and the rapier isn´t good at cutting either. I´ll have to rethink my approach. How about I use that axe the old iron soldier dropped and find a way to get up there to deal with the archers and a shield if possible." he says equipping the iron axe. "Only able to use while two handing it". "Right I´m not strong enough to wield it properly yet." he says. He takes two swings and can only do a third that uses all of the stamina. He also slams the axe down the same way as the old iron soldier did. "It´s a little slower but should be great to use for crowd control and should hopefully kill them in one swing." he says going back in. He goes in with his axe and waits on one site of the buildings to quickly kill the undead going out. He has arrived and the undead jump out. He hides behind the door and ambushes them. Killing them all in one swing. The other undead come running at him he swings two more times killing them all leaving him with no stamina. He is hit with an arrow in the head and quickly runs into a house and heals with one healing flask. "Healing flask:4." "Good thing I can survive the arrow shots." he says looking around he sees something glowing in the house next to him. He runs in avoiding getting hit. He picks it up. "New item acquired: old iron necklace. damage: 20. Item description: An old iron necklace with a round disk depicting a old forgotten saint. Can be used to cast spells." "Spells huh? Haven´t found any yet." he says running out through the buildings he sees a large building that has a shield hanging saying tavern. He goes through the door and finds multiple undead sitting at the table looking at him and running at him. "OH, am I interrupting something?" he says swinging his axe once backing up and repeating that process. He ends up back outside. He enters again going further in. The chandalier comes crashing down dealing massive damage. "hp:20/50" "Ouch!" he says in pain. Following that some undead throw bombs at him killing him by setting him ablaze. He burns in the painful flames only to awaken once again at the fire. "Holy!" he says waking up in shock. "Those little rascals! Using bombs after crashing down the chandalier!" he curses. "Let´s go back and use my crossbow to shoot it down using it against the undead. He runs back in with no regard and kills the undead taking only two hits. "hp: 35/50". He runs into the tavern and shoots the chandalier down killing multiple undead the rest rush him but he starts swinging killing them in one fellow sweep. He sees the bomb coming at him he and jumps out. He is hit and it drains his hp down to 5. He immeaditely takes two swigs of his healing flask. "Healing flasks: 3" He enters back in hits the undead with the crossbow making them angry enough to come running at him. He kills them in one hit. "Phew!" "+500 souls". he says wiping the sweat off. He finds multiple shining items and picks them up. "Item acquired: Gamberson. Defense 200. A thick set of cloth able to effectively deal agains slashes." "I´ll put that on right now!" he says equipping it. The set comes with a metal helmet covering his head leaving only his face revealed. "New spell acquired: Gust. Mp cost: 5. A light gust of wind capable of dispersing mist and extinquishing fire. May be useful to deflect light objects like small stones." "A spell huh? I´ll equip my old necklace then!" he says equipping the old iron necklace wrapping it around his hand. He tries the spell out. A gust of wind is summoned and blows in a circle around him. "Not very fancy." he says blowing the dust off the tables. He proceeds behind the bar counter finding a bowl with a white powder in it. "Item acquired: Bone dust. Item description: Bone dust is used to raise the potency of healing flasks. The remaining vigor found in bones which is capable of recovering wounds." "Finaly found some. It´s a shame there is no fire here. He proceeds up the stairs going into the rooms upstairs looting the place finding throwing knives and money. In one of the rooms two undead attack him which he kills after being hit badly. "Wha-" he screams in terror. "Phew! Killed them. That scared the shit out of me!" he says drinking his healing flask. "Healing flask: 2" "+350 souls" "There really is nothing up here?" He proceeds searching behind the stairs that are packed with crates and some rattling. He goes closer and two big rats jump out attacking him. "Ouch!" he says stepping back swinging his axe. "What´s with this green dust?" he wonders seeing green dust floating around. "Probably something nasty!" he says using gust to blow it away. He drinks another flask. "Healing flask: 1". "I´m running low on my healing better find a fire!" he says trying to open the door. "Locked. It´s shaking and feels unstable." "Take this!" he says slamming the door with his axe. It breaks and reveals some steps leading into a cellar. He looks around seeing a lot of wine and alcohol stored on some shelves and some barrels full of ale and beer. He finds a slightly bigger barrel that is open and shows a very clear alcohol. "Seems to be flammable". He gets his torch out and puts it in it. The alcohol catches fire and he can rest at it refilling the healing flask and burning the bone dust in it increasing the healing potency. "Healing flask +1: Now recovers 25 hp." "It definetly is more but not by that much" he says.