Forever Is a Long Time

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

The epicenter of the Soul Society known as the Seireitei was a circular City with four main entrances ten days apart from each other and protected by four giant guards called the Gatekeepers. The walls of the Seireitei were crafted of a unique stone called the Sekkiseki, well-known for its natural ability to null and void all Spiritual Energy.

However, these stones also brought into being a barrier surrounding the Seireitei, blocking anyone from entering without authorization. This barrier could not be breached even from the ground as it was in the form of a sphere.

"Red alert! Red alert! Intruders have been sighted in the West Rukon district. All squads are to report to their barracks and wait for further orders from their Captains." An urgent voice sounded through the Seireitei, causing all the thirteen squads to look around in alarm considering the fact that not many were stupid enough to attack the Soul Society. "All Captains are to report to the Head Captain barracks immediately!"

The squads were further alarmed, bearing in mind that the Captains were summoned only during critical circumstances, signifying that this was not a drill.

The 1st Division Barracks was the residence for the first division squad members as well as the Head Captain and his lieutenant. However, the Assembly Hall within the barrack was used to hold meetings between the Head Captain and the Captains of the Gotei 13.

The barracks also held a room assigned for the meetings between Lieutenants of the various Divisions. Directly underneath the Divisions barrack was the Central Great Underground Prison. As the name indicates, it was built to hold traitors and enemies of the most dangerous sort.

"Alright, the meeting between the Captains is hereby called to order." An old man with long eyebrows and a long beard reaching to his stomach with purple crisscross lines drawn upon it, called firmly. This was the Captain of the 1st Division as well as the Head Captain of the Gotei 13, Yamamoto Shigekuni Genryusai.

The head Captain roamed his ancient eyes over his subordinates while they stood silently, waiting for his someone to begin.

"What is the emergency, old man Yama?" a lazy voice drawled out from among the silent Captains, catching the attention of the Head Captain.

The lazy voice belonged to a tall light skinned man with high cheekbones, grey eyes and long wavy brown hair. His hair was tied in a long ponytail, with a long bang covering the left side of face. He was wearing a sugegasa straw hat and a pink, flowered kimono draped over his shoulders atop his captain's uniform. This was Kyoraku Shunsui, the Captain of 8th Division.

"The Research and Development Department picked up the presence of unidentified Spiritual Energy signatures entering the Senkaimon without any permission from the Soul Society," a tall white haired man announced firmly.

The sickly pale man was wearing the standard captain uniform with captain Haori with the symbol for 13 drawn on the back. This was Ukitake Jushiro, the Captain of the 13th Division.

"Yes. While that is true and all, it is not what I'm interested in. What truly caught my attention is the fact that the intruders were somehow able to destroy the Cleaner without a trace of Spiritual Energy. Anyone able to accomplish such a feat is sure to prove a worthy test subject." A maniacal voice sounded.

The man had a skeletal look and a skull like visage, his face was painted white entirely with the inner portion of his face painted black except his nose, his eyes golden color and constantly bared teeth gave off a truly creepy aura. This was Kurotsuchi Mayuri, the Captain of the 12th Division as well as the President of the Research and Development Department.

"What?! That can't be true! No one has been able to destroy the Cleaner in the past, and without any Spiritual Energy no less!" The smallest of the present Captains exclaimed in shock, the others fairing no better. The Cleaner was there for a reason! No one has been able to hinder its trajectory, let alone destroy it!

"Are you questioning the validity of my squad's research and info gathering, Captain Hitsugaya?" Mayuri asked threateningly with his ever present maniacal bared teeth smile.

The aforementioned captain was a short boy with turquoise eyes and short spiked white hair. He was garbed in a standard captain's uniform and Haori with a green sash around his shoulders, held together by a round, star-like clip, holding his sword.

"I'm certain Captain Hitsugaya was not implying any mistakes regarding the validity of your Squad research Captain Kurotsuchi, but merely displaying his surprise which is to be expected, considering none of us ever took that particular scenario into account," a kind and calm voice interrupted before Toshiro could respond.

The voice belonged to a slender, beautiful and very youthful looking woman with blue eyes and black hair, worn as a large braid in front of her body. She was wearing the standard captain uniform apart from using an Obi instead of a normal sash, a kind and motherly look on her face. This was Unohana Retsu, the Captain of the 4th Division.

"Yes, do calm down Captain Kurotsuchi, he was just curious. No need to get so worked up over a simple question," a voice tingling with barely concealed amusement piped in.

Mayuri turned to the source of the voice with a sneer on his face. Standing in front of him was an unusually thin and tall man with sharp features, bearing silver hair. He was keeping his eyes constantly narrow and his face set in a wide mocking smile. This was Ichimaru Gin, the Captain of the 3rd Division.

"Nobody asked you, you damn snake!" a bloodthirsty voice retorted. "I have no interest in this meeting whatsoever; I just hope they are strong so I can cut them with my sword."

The voice belonged to a tall, muscular man with a wild and aggressive appearance, a long face with pronounced cheekbones and hairless brow ridges, green eyes, stringy black hair with small bells attached at the top, and a black eye patch over his right eye.

A noticeable trait in his appearance was a long thin scar running down the left side of his face and across his eye, a bloodthirsty smile on his face. This was Zaraki Kenpachi, the bloodthirsty Captain of the 11th Division.

"Such barbaric behavior," a calm and arrogant voice directed at the insane Captain spoke, "I still find your competence to lead a Squad exceedingly debatable."

"Oh, the high and mighty Byakuya addresses us commoners," Kenpachi said sarcastically, eyeing the calm man.

Kuchiki Byakuya was a tall man with gray eyes and black hair kept up by intricate white headpieces, wearing three on top and two on the right side of his head. He was wearing a standard captain uniform with a white scarf around his neck and white fingerless tekko covering the back of his hands.

"Head Captain, how could these intruders have the means to enter the Senkaimon, as it can only be accessed by Shinigamis?" a soft spoken man asked curiously. The man was mildly featured with brown scholarly hair enhanced by square glasses along with soft brown eyes, wearing a standard captain uniform with a captain's Haori. This was Aizen Sosuke, the Captain of the 5th Division.

"I'm not sure. But the fact remains the same that they have entered and must be stopped." Turning to a short woman in her mid-twenties, the elderly Captain spoke firmly once again. "Captain Soifon, it will be the duty of your Stealth Force to get as much info as they can regarding the Ryokas, and if possible, destroy them."


Soifon was a relatively petite woman with narrowed grey eyes and short black hair, with two long braids bound in white cloth ending in a large golden ring. Unlike the rest of the Captains, underneath her captain Haori, she was wearing the uniform of the Commander-in-Chief of the Stealth Force.

Tosen Kaname, the Captain of the 9th Division, and Komamura Sajin, the Captain of 7th Division remained silent throughout the conversation, seeing no reason for them to waste their breath. Any order issued was to be followed to its utmost degree regardless of their personal feelings. 

Komamura Sajin was a tall—in fact the tallest of the Captains—individual, wearing light brown helmet with matching bracers and shoulder pads as well as large plated boots. He was wearing a standard captain's uniform with a white Haori.

Tosen Kaname was a dark skinned man with dark brown braids with pupil-less lavender eyes. He was wearing the standard Shinigami uniform with the sleeves rolled up to the shoulders and a captain coat over it, tied with a purple obi sash. He was wearing an orange scarf around his neck, white boots, black fingerless gloves and clear goggles over his eyes.

"All Captains are to remain vigilant and issue orders to their squads to secure the gates and prevent the intruders from entering the Seireitei! This meeting is over, until further notice!"

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