Chapter 11: Chapter 11
"This is my Flower Crane Cannon."
The group entered an enormous room with a solitary black pillar in the middle, no doubt the aforementioned 'Flower Crane Cannon'. They had spent the night here in the Shiba's family compound; Kukaku had graciously allowed them to stay on the condition that she is provided with sufficient Sake to last for a month.
With Haruto's unidentified and immeasurable stash, it had been a trivial price to pay. They could have been on their way, but Ichigo's apparently terrible control of Spiritual Energy had left them no choice but to stay.
The requirements for the cannon were to have knowledge of how to channel one's Spiritual Energy through a crystal orb called the 'Spirit Core'. The Spirit Core would establish a barrier around the user to both protect and make it easier to pass through the barrier of the Seireitei.
The rest of the group had learned it reasonably quickly, however, since Ichigo never really had any control over his Spiritual Energy in the first place, they had to stay momentarily and teach him how to channel it properly.
Haruto and Naruko had apparently found their drinking buddy in Kukaku and had been constantly getting drunk. When they were approached about the issue of the Spirit Core and their part in its stability, they had flat out refused to even stand up, let alone train.
Yoruichi had been increasingly getting frustrated and a little bit jealous of the two.
Kukaku and Naruko would drink while leaning on an equally drunk Haruto—sometimes shamelessly groping each other—and refuse to leave him even for a second.
While she had certainly expected that sort of behavior from Naruko as she was his wife after all, she had been more surprised and angry at Kukaku for behaving in such a vulgar manner, not that their constant teasing and taunts helped matters any.
"You don't have to worry about smashing through the walls, because with this baby… I'll send you through the air!" Kukaku grinned, clearly relishing in the disbelieving and incredulous expressions of the team.
"Through the air!?"
"Yep!" the busty black haired Shiba replied cheerfully. Scanning around, she realized something or more specifically someone was missing. Chad, Orihime, Ichigo, Uryu, Ganju and Yoruichi, even Naruko was present, but not Haruto. That was a totally unexpected surprise, since Naruko and Haruto were always together.
"Hey, where is that hunk drinking partner of mine?"
"He said something about walking out for a while to enjoy the scenery. But he'll be back soon. Which also reminds me, why are you so worried about him all of a sudden? And why are you calling him a hunk all the time?" she finished with a twitching eyebrow.
"Hey, we are drinking partners; I'm calling him a hunk because he is the perfect example of a hunk, besides is that jealousy I'm feeling from you Ms. Shihouin?" Kukaku grinned widely when she saw a dangerous looking vain pulse on Yoruichi's temple and a slight redness developed on the cat's face.
"D-don't be ridiculous, I'm not jealous of you for getting with that redhead idiot."
"Now who said anything about me getting with him, not that I mind? Is it maybe that you want to have a piece of him?" Kukaku teased with a wide mischievous grin.
"Yes, Kukaku is right, if you have a thing for my husband, you have my permission to go for it" Naruko had an equally evil and mischievous smile on her face while Yoruichi palmed her face in anger and embarrassment.
After being so rudely left all hot and bothered, she had endured the explanation with a forced smile on her face. However, as soon as the explanation regarding the requirements of the Spirit Core was over, she had transported a surprised Haruto to a faraway forest in the Soul Society and had satisfyingly 'extracted' her due reward!
Honestly Kukaku was enough, why did the busty blonde have to start too? She coughed into her hand to regain her composure and looked at the team; however before she could attempt to think of a way to shift the conversation, the talk of the day arrived grandly.
"Alright team! I, the Great Haruto-sama, have refreshed myself and am ready to save shorty's ass from those sword carrying idiots!" Haruto announced grandly and walked through the door of the massive room, waving his hands around as if he was waving to his invisible fans.
"Who are you calling a sword carrying idiot?" Ichigo yelled as he glared at Haruto for unknowingly insulting him as well.
"Oi, you orange haired asshole, I never said anything about you!" Haruto retorted.
"Have you forgotten already? I am one of them, you idiot!" Ichigo replied with a twitching eyebrow, though he neglected to point out that he was only a Substitute.
"Oh yeah, sorry… Wait, I'm not sorry at all" Haruto snickered "Man, now that I think about it, you really do resemble those idiots"
"Yeah, I'm glad to see someone agree with me on that front. Haruto, you are a plus in my book!" Ganju said in his usual boisterous voice.
Ichigo's hand itched to reach for his sword and cleave the redhead as well as the self-proclaimed Boss-man of West Rukon in half! Both of them were thoroughly getting on his nerves. He couldn't help but wonder why they needed him and that Ganju guy?
"Alright enough" Tossing a crystal orb to Ichigo, Kukaku skimmed her piercing gaze across the group "Take that 'Spirit Core' and all of you channel your Spirit Energy into it and stand inside the cannon so we can begin"
The group nodded and cautiously marched into the spacious center of the cannon and waited anxiously for the inevitable discharge. Naruko was eyeing Haruto questioningly, seeing as he had a somewhat confused and sorrowful expression on his face. Something was obviously bothering him. Had she really drained him that much?
Love, is something the matter? I didn't tire you out too much, did I? she asked through the link. She had to admit she had been rather forceful and wild, but he hadn't exactly endured her passionate, impatient and enthusiastic… bouncing without dashing it right back.
Tire me out? You wish!' Haruto snorted, but no… it's just something I have been feeling since we entered the Soul Society, more precisely a fraction of my Chakra. Quite frankly it's making me a little anxious.
So that's why you went outside?
Don't worry about it, we'll cross that bridge when the time comes.
"Oi, you love birds, get in there already," Kukaku teased with a wide grin.
Haruto grinned and stepped into the center of the cannon followed by Naruko "Haruto, if you don't visit me after the rescue mission, I will beat the crap out of your ass. I ain't gonna let an interesting guy like you simply walk away"
"Sure thing" Haruto smirked "And I may have a present for you the next time I visit."