Chapter 3: understanding eachother.
Silas resumed his strange actions, as Fiele held back gasps and soft moans. Silas simply couldn't get behind what he was trying to do here. This felt so familiar to fighting, but he wasn't fighting. He wasn't fighting at all. He was doing all sorts of things, but it was definitely not fighting.
Silas just sort of stopped tugging at her shoulder, before he raised his head above Fiele's. The area around his eyes were a little red, and he was looking a lot more healthy now that he had some blood. His eyes were skitting around wildly, he was really nervous. He just didn't know what to do...
"Fiele,... I... Let me just..."
Silas' hand interlocked fingers with Fiele's hand, resting above her head, Silas slightly opened his mouth, his face moving closer to hers, his eyes looking at her lips. They looked so soft and sweet, almost... Such a soft part of her body, something he could definitely bite through with ease. His lips softly brushed up against hers, and Fiele would nervously and carefully open her mouth as well, slightly puckering them..
But Silas would pull back, his hand letting go of hers, and his other hand sliding out from under her tunic. They couldn't be doing this. Not right now. And... Not ever? Silas thought about. In the past, Silas saw Fiele as this stubborn subordinate in their small party of four, before they each split up to do their own things. Why did she even come with him on his adventure? More importantly, why did his qualities of being a leader diminish so much? And why was he so obsessed and crazy over Fiele?
Anyways, he got off Fiele, placing his hands on her arms to pull her back up onto her feet, before pulling her into a hug.
"Maybe... Maybe when it's safer?..."
"We'll see..."
Silas' head bent down onto hers as his arms hugged her tighter.
"Are you hungry?.. I'm.. sorry about the whole biting thing.. I.. I should've told you sooner about it."
"If it helps... Your blood tasted really sweet.."
That statement was met with a kick to the guts, and once he buckled, letting go of Fiele and grasping his own stomach, Fiele went ahead and struck his head with the handle of her handgun. Silas immediately grabbed his head and rolled on the floor from the pain.
"Try apologising another time, another way. I can still feel your teeth around my collarbone!"
"And yes,.. I am hungry. I don't think that does well when paired with having your blood sucked out!"
Silas, standing back up, simply nodded, still holding his head.
"O-okay... I am quite certain there is a horse stable in this location.. we could take their horses and—"
"I know there's a horse stable here, moron... Let's just go already.."
"Hey.. take my overcoat.."
"Already have."
Fiele left without any other words, and Silas looked around for his clothes. His cravat... Was she mad at him? She seemed quite willing to share her blood with him.. and was also quite inviting when he began to kiss and... Maybe she was mad at him for concluding it so quickly, before reaching the climax of that interaction? He'll make it up to her, he swore it. They just needed a better moment to do it.. anyways, onwards they should go. They were not far away from Silas' targets.
Silas went outside right as he threw on a rough looking duster coat he found laying around. Most likely discarded by it's last user. His estoc carried his bags, and followed suit, clanking and clicking against the ground and snow as it hopped behind Silas.
Silas liked this place, as it was so thick with fog, the rays of sunlight that would usually burn his skin couldn't pierce through the fog as efficiently, losing their power. He could walk freely under the fog. He caught onto Fiele, seeing her standing outside a stable with a horse in tow. It was a huge horse, with immense amounts of fur and musculature. Perfect for this weather.
"No other horses?"
"None, this one was the only one."
"Alright, let me just get on—"
"Now, don't be so hasty. I'll be riding the horse, you'll have to sit behind me and point me in the right direction, alright?"
Silas easily jumped atop the wonderful beast, waiting for Fiele to get on as well. Unfortunately, Fiele was just a bit too short to get on top of the horse, her efforts to jump on meeting failure.
"Give me your hand!"
Silas complied, and gave her his hand, pulling her up on top of the horse with ease. He grabbed his bags off his estoc and attached them to the saddle of the horse, then he grabbed his estoc and sheathed it. Meanwhile, Fiele was fumbling with the bridle and reins. He noticed that her feet didn't even reach the stirrups, but that even she didn't seem to notice those...
He put his feet on the stirrups, and placed his hands over Fiele's, making her hands closer around the reins.
"Alright. Look, if you softly squeeze your calves on the sides of the ho—"
"No no, this is what we're going to do, okay? You'll help me ride the hors—"
Silas didn't want to continue listening to Fiele's stubborn speech, so he simply resumed as he would, alone. The horse rearing upwards all of a sudden as Silas pulled on the reins, holding Field closely and tightly, and the horse began to gallop onwards with refreshed vigor.
"This is a really good horse... Wouldn't you agree!?" Silas yelled out in joy.
Fiele didn't reply, but just screamed into her hands as the sound of rushing air overwhelmed her hearing, and the snow passing by her ears and additional fog that would make sound have difficulties passing through really just dampened her scream.
Silas then realized he forgot his hat in the shack. Oh well. Bummer. The horse's gallop increased in speed the longer it went on, and through the snow and fog, Silas could see that they were passing by multiple small huts, and was seeing tall, stone structures in the distance. Eventually, the horse's hooves hit a material that definitely wasn't snow or stone. It was wood. The wood of a lowered gate. Silas pulled on the reins, making the horse rear back, before ultimately stopping.
"We are here."
Silas said, and paused.
"Something's wrong."
Silas got off the horse, dragging Fiele down with him. Fiele looked around, she found it to be a pretty place, noticing that there was noticeably less fog here, and plenty of torches were visible when they were inside. She put the horse into a stable that was present in this castle.
"Is this the end location? Of, you know, whatever your goal was?"
"Yes. They must all be here. The vile cancer that is the Wulfgar clan."
"Are they all, you know, less caring about someone who NEVER rode a hors— forget that. Are they all like you?"
"I think a better question would be if I was like them. I've been trying to distance my characteristics from theirs, but I suppose nature, especially of this variety, has a strong hold over your life and behaviour. A beastly bloodline, this is. Let's go inside."
Silas said, grabbing a torch off the walls, and taking Fiele's hand, pulling her into the castle. It was hard to see the dimensions of the castle outside, but when you were inside, you could see just how huge and spacious it was. It was also quite dark.
As they entered, they noticed that the hair on both of their heads were standing up, frozen in a rather awkward position. They mutually agreed to not point it out and just let it thaw back to normal...
"So... Is it safe to assume you used to live here?.."
"Not only. I was born, raised, and tortured here. At birth you're thrown into combat, forced to undergo feral training, and then you're given outsiders as targets just to make you numb to taking a life and finding joy in it. They're very good at what they do, and for that reason, they are so impure. It's... Really strange."
"Aha... I see... That sucks.. and you were here for how long?"
"Give or take, eighteen years. That is the age at which my contract here had reached it's final stage, and I was bound to become a slave to the highest echelon of rulers here. Naturally, I transgressed and slaughtered them, ironically, very fitting for a Wulfgar. That is when I became exiled, and when I became... Err.. the dreadful mistake of the Wulfgar that they so wish to erase."
"You don't catch any breaks, do you?"
"You don't seem to, either. Don't forget the fact you spent most of your time living in a prison."
"That is true... Anyways, it's really unfortunate such a rich... And beautiful culture just went to waste inside these walls. Gone to violence and, what, pursuit for more power?"
"Precisely. I'll end it all."
"No more Wulfgars?"
"There will be me. Maybe some descendants of mine."
"Think taking care of them will make sure they don't act up?"
"I'm sure I just need to get these kids from a stubborn woma—"
All of a sudden, they were interrupted by a sudden volley of bats that went right for them. Their little black squeaks in the dark and flashing eyes in the dark approached with concerning speed. Silas covered Fiele with his body as the many bats passed by and tore at that duster he was wearing.
"Now, that's gone, too, huh..."
"Meh, I don't think it fit you anyways."
Silas exclaimed, but Fiele merely giggled and laughed as she pointed at Silas.
"Oh, if only you could see how red you are!"
Silas paused and grabbed at his face, trying to hide his evident embarrassment. Then he realized something— he was a vampire, his face wouldn't redden much. His face of realization caused Fiele to burst into laughter again.
Silas sighed, looking at Fiele laugh. He was fascinated by her already. Her voice was so nice, even if it aimed to annoy or hurt him. He couldn't be mad at her. He could never be upset at her. He simply smiled and chuckled a little bit. Fiele noticed this and quickly looked away, her own face reddening slightly. Silas didn't realize this though and already began to look for where his family could be at.
"Er, hm. Maybe we shouldn't be so loud. This family of mine aren't exactly very docile and weak..."
"Neither are we though.."
"I suppose that's true..."
Silas reached a hand out to Fiele, and she took it.
"Just because it's hard to see in the dark, and you're holding onto that torch.."
She muttered beneath her breath, following after Silas. As they walked through corridors and halls, there were many beautiful paintings and illustrations the likes of which no other place had. They were so beautiful and delicate in their majesty. Almost life-like, yet so obviously not. It felt divine.
"Who makes these? They're so beautiful.. I want one."
"These? They're based on Llewellyn Wulfgar's style. It's a secret style of art that is taught only to a select few who will be drawing all requested pieces until their ends or replacement. I used to have one, but mine was burned at the day I was, well, converted to slave."
"Yes, I'll try to get someone to make one for you."
"Yay! Thank youuu!"
Fiele exclaimed, surprisingly thankful. Silas couldn't help slightly smile, and he even felt s tingling in his cheeks. That was pretty nice to hear. After walking for the longest time, they both stumbled upon a ginormous gate. It was beautiful, golden and had many artistic touches given to it. Very obviously a shared work, as there were different styles and such on it. Silas placed his hands on the gates, and pushed them open, while Fiele now held the torch, since he gave it to her beforehand. The large gate led to a ginormous, no, ginormous is an understatement, a colossal room. With massive stained glass windows, some of which were open, letting in the cold blue shine of the sun. The floor was smooth and polished, and attached to the ceiling were many large chandeliers, each of them having a few candles lit on them, hardly illuminating the colossal ballroom.
And in the middle of the ballroom, stood a tall and very imposing figure.
"Who is that..?"
"Not one of yours?"
"Absolutely not."
"State your name, your function, and where the others are!"
Silas yelled at the stranger, who would slowly, and menacingly, turn around. His full appearance now in view of both Silas and Fiele. He was an awfully pale man, with white hair that reached down to his shoulders, and a grown out beard. He was dressed in regal, sanguine clothing, with classic aristocratic touches. Safe to say, this guy was huge, almost one and a half heads larger than Silas. His arms stretched out, revealing that each finger had long and sharp nails.
Silas and Fiele started closing the distance between them and the stranger slowly.
"The filth such as yourselves have no right asking for my name. You will know my name only when you submit to me. As for my function, well... Suppose I am the one who assigns functions here. I am ruler of this castle. The Wulfgar clan sold it to me in exchange for my blood, in order to experiment on lesser Wulfgar soldiers. And who are you two, mongrels?"
"I am Silas. Silas Wulfgar."
"And I am Fiele."
"No family name? How very sad... Do you want to belong to something greater? To a great, beautiful family that will rule over this region very soon?"
"She is well on her path to taking on the name of Wulfgar, as well. Thank you."
"You horrid piles of excrement. Wulfgars. You will all be the first to go once I set everything in motion. So violent for no purpose whatsoever. Even in an agreement, a Wulfgar chose to cockily slash at me."
"Looks like we share a common ground.."
Fiele could feel that a fight was approaching. She placed her hand on her handgun, reaching into another bag to look for something that might work better. Maybe some better bullets?
"What shall it be, Wulfgar? Will you be the first to fall by my hand, or will you serve me to aid me in my plans, and I'll spare the ones you cherish most?"
"I will kill them all myself. The fact you think of killing them in my stead sickens me. They're my targets. I will end them. You cannot take that from me."
Silas said, his very familiar cold tone surfacing once again. One that Fiele knew very well. The large man before Silas thought this guy to be quite... Strange. Such a strange man. It'd be best to just kill him quickly.
"What are you? Where are the rest?"
"I am a superior lifeform to you humans. I am a vampire, one of such pure blood, I am a true vampire, I stand at the PINNACLE of vampirism. The Wulfgars simply left. I believe they went further to the east...
But that doesn't really matter now, does it? Not particular information you can make good use of, seeing as your fate seems to be sealed quite well at this point..."
Silas looked back at Fiele, giving her a thumbs up. This served as basically permission to aid in case she saw an opening, as well as a sign that they got it.
"Do you fail to see the vampire before you? I will feast on your flesh and get stronger. I will take that greatness you pride yourself on so much, and-"
A powerful slamming noise resonated through the entire ballroom as the strange vampire raised his hand and struck Silas. Silas naturally struck back almost instantaneously, with such immense power and and strength that the vampire's hand was sure to break. And break it did, the bones in his hand and forearm had shattered, Silas felt the crack and snap of bones under his knuckles, but when he looked at it, the vampire's arm was fine?
Silas quickly kicked the vampire, pushing himself back. How fast did this vampire heal? This speed was insane. A strong enemy... It enticed Silas, but so did it entice the vampire.
"It seems I underestimated you. I placed too little energy behind that strike... Rest assured, my next strike will crush the bone and flesh under it."
Meanwhile, Fiele had managed to get into position behind the vampire, and shot out multiple bullets at the vampire. These were silver bullets, which properly hurt and actually hindered the vampire's movements. It was good enough that the vampire actually perceived Fiele as a larger threat to his life, as she had found a means to actually ensure he could not heal those wounds. Silver made sure these wounds don't heal as easily. The vampire turned around, and began to quickly step towards Fiele, but Silas dove up behind him, and delivered a spinning kick to the vampire's head.
"Shoot him again, Fiele!"
Without a word, Fiele loaded up some more bullets, these would have an even greater effect, but their ferocity was so great it'd have to ricochet off the walls of the ballroom so they wouldn't hurt Silas, too. And while these bullets did successfully hit the vampire in good places, such as the upper left shoulder and liver, burning away his clothes somewhat and causing good damage, the power of these shots also partially backfired onto Fiele, as her handgun was now... Well, jammed. And it had a multitude of other issues that would take a while to fix. But that wouldn't be an issue, as Silas was there to hold him back, and maybe even finish the job, right?
With a rough grunt, the vampire grabbed Silas' head, slamming Silas into the ground before him, but Silas managed to slash at the hand that grabbed him just quickly enough for him to let go.
"These bullets... They're mere obstacles I can easily pass by. You call yourself a vampire, but you're... You're so weak in terms of being a vampire."
"Less talking, more fighting, you leech!"
Silas said, striking the head of the vampire, who was hunched over. The flesh of the vampire was noticeably softer, seems to be a product of the bullets that Fiele fired. But, again, it happened. The wounds Silas inflicted on him simply healed.
"If he heals almost instantaneously after every hit I put on him, I'll just have to hit him faster than he can regenerate!" He thought to himself.
And it began, Silas' punches began accelerating as he repeatedly struck the vampire's head, noticing that it was actually working, and he was actually outspeeding the hunched over vampire. There was hope.
And with one quick swoop, the vampire grabbed Silas, even with his left arm, which was damaged, and tore off Silas' right arm with ease.
"Enough playing games... Let me show you how a REAL vampire does business..."
Silas felt fine for the most part, but the pain was immense as he fell to his knees and the vampire before him got back up, laughing evilly as he seemed to be winning now. Silas reached for his estoc, not even thinking anymore. What good would an estoc even be in this situation? But the vampire struck Silas' hand, sending the estoc flying out of his hands.
The vampire chuckled, before kicking Silas into the ground, this time creating a small crater under Silas' body. Silas gasped for air, that strike was directed right at his chest, he felt as though he was choking. The vampire began to walk towards Fiele, was still tweaking her gun to make it work again. With every step, it seemed more and more that they'd lose. But once he stood over Fiele, and Fiele looked up at the giant, horrid figure before her, the vampire heard a loud, sudden, sharp, clanging noise. Turning around, he saw nothing, but when he looked back at Fiele, She was pointing her gun right at his head.
Another silver shot. He grabbed his head and turned back, hunching over again as he screamed.
Before the vampire could turn around again, Silas was back up on his feet and another strike met with the vampire's face. The vampire let out an annoyed grunt. Were all Wulfgars this stubborn. But he noticed something odd about Silas' arm. It seemed wet and it smelled funny...
Suddenly, Silas' arm ignited into violent flames of shifting colours. Burning with such immense fire. This was the chimeric fire.
"No... This is... This is that oriental taboo, no, no, you'll kill yourself as well!"
The vampire's movements became sluggish and he seemed especially weak to the chimeric fire.
Silas pushed this punch through, sending the vampire's jaw flying off, and the vampire struck Silas' face as well, but Silas struck him right back, this time, blasting the weakened points of the vampire that Fiele caused, with the chimeric fire. The vampire got pushed back and struggled to stand upright.
The vampire babbled, as a rudimentary jaw shape tried forming back in his face. Silas merely grinned, watching the vampire fall down to his knees. Silas' own body beginning to catch on fire, as the shifting colours of the chimeric fire spread. A clicking and clacking noise came, metal hitting against the ground repeatedly as Silas' estoc jumped up, cut off Silas' arm, and while now coated in the chimeric fire, delivered the final strike to the vampire's head, paired with another brutal shot from Fiele, and a kick to the face, crushing and completely destroying it.
"Because this is how... No, I don't have anything to say."
Silas pulled his foot back, only then realising how dangerous this stunt was. He could've gotten shot in his foot and stabbed, or the estoc could've deflected the bullet right back at Fiele or even Silas... Not a lot of communication in the heat of battle, huh? But this was alright.
The chimeric flame left Silas' body when his estoc cut off his arm, as it was the source of the spreading fire. He had rubbed the infused corpse wax on his arm when the vampire went for Fiele, but he made a mess, wasting the entire stomach worth of corpse wax, as he applied it by holding it with his teeth.
"You dolt..."
"I'm pretty sure I can regrow these arms pretty easily, Fiele..."
"I'm sure you can but.."
"What? Are you alright?"
Silas' arms began to slowly grow back, until they fully grew back, coming into being after blood filled in the missing limb and solidified and turned to flesh.
"Come, Fiele. Let us dance.. and we have enough time. We have safety. We could... Resume our act..."
Fiele looked up at Silas, her face reddening. The high of victory both made them immensely excited and gave them a desire to be immensely happy. They were both so dirty and exhausted.
"After this intense of a situation... Maybe we do deserve this bit of peace..."
"I'm... So tired of looking... I hoped they'd be here but they're not. I..."
Fiele was interrupted by Silas kissing her. He placed his hands on her face, holding her head, as he kissed her quite intensely. He had no clue as to how he should kiss, so he just did whatever. He pushed his tongue around in her mouth, pressed his lips intensely against hers, softly moaning and whimpering into the passionate kiss.
Silas and Fiele pulled back from the kiss, both of them were panting with open mouths, trying to get back to their senses as they both now just got even more nervous. Fiele looked around and saw some door, dragging Silas to it, they stepped into a separate room. Even though they were alone in this castle, an enclosed space seemed nicer.
Silas and Fiele both wanted eachother, but neither one of them knew how to do it. Neither understood how or what they should do. Both simply sat down on the carpet, and resumed kissing eachother. Calmly this time, as hands moved to relieve eachother of the burden of clothes. Their skin pressed against eachother, tongues tasting each other's sweat and saliva. Silas' hands held onto Fiele's hips, while Fiele grasped at his back and his shoulder, occasionally digging her fingers into his back...
The language of love is expressed in moans of passion and whimpers of desire.
"I love you.."
"I love you.."