Different world of Naruto's sexual life

Chapter 42: Chapter 31 Part 3

Inoichi chuckled. "In my experience, an involved girl like that would be great for advancements."

Ino scoffed. "Please, any advancements that girl makes would end up badly for everybody and only work for herself." The elder Yamanaka laughed and patted Ino's back, the completely off topic conversation brightening him up, and breaking his meditation stance. Ino chuckled as well, also breaking the meditation stance. "So what happened? Did she give you the slip?"

"Apparently, she didn't want to live with slavers and potential rapists."

"Rapist? She actually said that?"

Inoichi nodded. "Apparently she had been raped before, by both male and female, and didn't want to experience that again, especially coming from a `torturer' like me."

"Did you do anything like that when you had her?" Ino yelped when her father smacked her hard in the back of the head, just like Naruto loves to do. "Sorry."

"You talk to your mother?"

"Yeah I did. I'm just wondering just how attached she was to the girl."

"Iris really liked her. Good hand to have around the shop."

"Now she'll have to do the stuff herself..." Inoichi chuckled. "Or rather get you to do all of it." That smile turned into a frown and Ino chuckled, placing a hand on her father's thigh. "Look, having Kin was a good experience, but once again, I want to tell you. Just talk to master, share your experiences. You'll learn more with him. Hell, if you want to try it again, just ask him to borrow one of us, hell, ask to borrow me if you want! Just don't be afraid to ask for help...you-ahhhhh." Inoichi yelped when Ino suddenly dug her nails in his thigh and let out a strained scream. "God that bitch!" Ino said after it passed. "She didn't have to spike it."

"What's going on?" Inoichi said, also through strained teeth.

"Sakura's calling me. I have to go." Ino relaxed her grip on her father's thigh and stood up, giving him a kiss on the forehead before heading to the backdoor. "I'll try and see you later." Ino didn't wait for a response before going back into the house and giving her mother one last goodbye before heading to the library. She left afterwards and went onto the path toward the library. It wasn't that far but it wasn't that close either and Sakura seemed to remember that, calling on her a full twenty minutes before it was time. Ino suppose she should be thankful for Sakura calling her because had so not, she most likely would've stayed past that time and end up having Naruto, a little ticked off, come to her house and drag her out kicking and screaming.

It took a bit of time but Ino finally got to the library and with a couple of minutes to spare. She entered the quiet realm of the library and found her sisters lounging on one of the many sets of chairs for reading purposes. Actually, `sister's' was the wrong sense of the word as it was just Sakura and Junko in one of their usual deep discussions so that let her go up to them and smack the back of Sakura's head, causing the girl to yelp and swerve around.

Junko, of course, saw the girl coming but chose to remain silent.

"What the hell was that for?" Sakura shouted, but was quickly shushed by the surrounding patrons.

"You know exactly what that was for." Ino whispered, taking a seat on a couch opposite of them. "I was with my father."

"Still doesn't stop her from spiking it." Junko added with a slight chuckle. "So how did it go anyway?"

"They're not that affected by it but I think daddy is going to do a lot of thinking in the near future."

"You going to tell master?" Sakura asked.

Ino shook her head and leaned back. "Nah, like I said before, daddy will go to him himself. Speaking of Naruto-sama, have you seen him or Tenten?"

"No." They spoke together. "We just got here a few minutes ago."

"Oh, that reminds me. Have either of you seen Tenten today?"

"No, why?" Sakura and Junko were still speaking together.

Ino smirked. "Oh you'll see."

Sakura and Junko looked at each. That smirk on Ino's face was familiar and it told them that they would be in for a treat the next time they see Tenten. Ino didn't say anything else and she apparently decided to lay back and close her eyes, waiting for Naruto and the girls went back to their previous conversation.


By the time Ino came to the library, it was about 25 minutes until 1:45 so all they could do was wait. As the twins chatted with each other and Ino took a cat nap on the couch, it was peaceful. Because of her position, Junko was able to see the entrance way so when somebody came from the edge of the large bookshelf, Junko's eyes flicked to it and when she saw who it was and what she was wearing, she did a double take and her mouth dropped open in surprise.

Sakura, noticing her twin's reaction, turned around and also did a double take. "Holy crap." She whispered.

There, in full view, was her brunette sister wearing her beautiful designed spandex outfit proudly and with her head held up high. Her boots thunked on the floor as she walked toward them, a slight weary look on her face. That must have been what Ino was talking about. Tenten was drop dead gorgeous in that outfit. Naruto had never ordered Tenten into spandex. Leather sure, but never spandex. Tenten reached behind her and took off her backpack and tossed it on next to the chair before plopping down on it, letting out a long sigh.

"See what I mean." Ino suddenly said from her supposed nap. "I told you."

"You didn't tell us she was wearing spandex." Junko said, a little outraged.

"How was it?" Sakura asked. "Wait...where's master?"

"He'll be along in a bit. As for your first question, despite my earlier reservations, I have an extremely good time. The spandex felt really good and I got really horny." Here Tenten let out a long sigh. "Unfortunately Naruto-sama only let me cum twice to get the edge off. He said that what he planned on will get my attention off of my lust."

"Did the two of you have sex?"

Tenten shook her head. "No, just some really good fingering. I sucked him off quite a few times though, but other then that, we just had a good time out."

"How did people react to you?" Junko asked, her eyes shifted back and forth.

Tenten shrugged. "Hard to say. There were some hard looks but the vast majority of them were surprised to see me wearing such tight spandex."

"And when she's petting my hair..." Naruto's voice suddenly sounded, causing Sakura to jump in surprise as the voice came from behind her, as he took Sakura's head and hair into his hands. "While I'm sitting on her lap, I'm purring like a lovable kitten. I tell you, the sight is too adorable to hate." Sakura didn't move as Naruto buried his nose in Sakura's hair, inhaling the sweet scent. "But other then that..." Naruto's muffled voice sounded out. "No problems."

While Naruto got his fill of Sakura's scent, she glared at her twin. "Is it too much for me to ask that you tell me when someone's sneaking up behind me?"

"I could..." Junko said with a smirk. "But that'll take all the fun out of it."

Sakura huffed. Despite more then a year of training, Naruto still had the skills, or luck, to sneak up on her and surprise her, but with Naruto's breath in her hair and his hands caressing her face, she couldn't stay mad. "I hate it when you do that." She whispered to Naruto, the boy smirking in response.

"Now what kind of master would I be if I made things easier for you?" Naruto chuckled as the girl huffed again, but didn't offer any responses. He looked up at the girl he just spent the last few hours with. "Ten..." He spoke, drawing her attention. "Get out of the spandex and into something causal."

"You sure?" When Naruto raised his eyebrow at her, Tenten was sure. "Right."

Naruto's eyes moved to Sakura's darker haired twin, Junko. "Junko..."


"Come with me." Naruto released Sakura from his grip, the girl letting out a confused sound, and walked beside Junko as she got up, wrapping his arm around the girl, leaving the rest of them behind to wonder exactly what Naruto was thinking in that skull of his. Sakura looked at Ino, who only shrugged, and looked at Tenten, who shrugged, and she huffed.

She hated being in the dark.


Junko tried her best to control her hands as both she and Naruto walked away from her host and family. The close proximity of her master, the boy she hadn't fucked for nearly two months, was having a profound effect on her sex drive. The small massaging Naruto was giving her only further frustrated her. She couldn't do anything though until they were quite a ways from them and out of earshot. She knew why Naruto wanted to talk to her but the pace in which he was walking was getting even more frustrating. He knew what he was doing to her, the smug look on his face told her all she needed to know.

So when he finally stopped, well out of earshot of the family, looked around the section with the table and chairs surrounded by books on the shelves and nodded, Junko sprung into action. Swinging out of Naruto's grip, she grabbed Naruto's shirt in a tight grip and swung him around, slamming him against the towering books, and kissed him hard on the lips. "My my...aggressive much?" He said with a smirk that only infuriated her more when she moved back.

"You know EXACTLY why I'm so aggressive!" She shouted, shoving him against the books once again. "Two months...two months since we had sex. You damn right I'm aggressive!" This time, Junko lifted Naruto off the ground and kissed him again so that she didn't have to bend down a bit to kiss him. While Junko was busy ravaging his mouth, Naruto couldn't help but smirk. Even though Sakura can be aggressive with him, it never compared to what Junko did to him. If he had to list, Ino would be the least to be such aggressive with Tenten a close third to Sakura but Junko is the one who takes the prize. In fact, some of his favorite sessions were the `fights' he has with Junko.

As long as she has a stable body.

Taking ahold of her shirt, he pushed her off, the girl stumbling back. She growled as he smirked, taking off his jacket and tossed it, just as Sakura started to advance on him again. He met her halfway though and the two bruised each others lips as they kissed again. "You...are a real...bastard you know?" Junko said in between kisses, gasping as Naruto went for her neck. "Last time we talked, you refused to have sex with me. I tried but..." Junko squealed as Naruto bit her in the neck. "You nearly broke my arm when I tried."

"Tormenting you...is half the fun my little spy."

Junko narrowed her eyes and growled, grabbing Naruto and swinging them around, somehow landing on the table with Junko on top, her hand around his throat. "I haven't had a dick in me for two months!" She whisper shouted. "The ghosts only took the edge off and I so badly wanted it again. You know how maddening it is seeing the two of you fuck but am unable to do anything but lie their and only feel what she feels? If you weren't my master, I rape you over and over again till I had my fill and so much more." They were making a lot of noises and it wouldn't be long until somebody came to check it out but they'll cross that bridge when it came. Junko's hand was still on Naruto's neck and there was anger in her eyes. "And it was even worse when you gang bang her!"

Deciding he had enough, Naruto's fist shout out and punched her in the nose, Junko letting him go and giving him the chance to rise up and tackle her to the ground and straddle the girl, taking the dominating position. He reached down, grabbed her shirt and lifted her up, nearly biting her mouth as he kissed her again, the girl below him propping herself up with her elbows and returned the kiss with anger in her movements. "I do...what I do..." Naruto spoke, nearly hissing. "Because I love it!" The twin yelped as Naruto threw her to the ground and ripped off her shirt, immediately diving down and bit into her breasts, sucking and licking at the girl bucked at the sudden pain and pleasure, but she wasn't one to be outdone. She took him by the shoulders and rolled them over and once again took over the commanding spot.

The blood was pounding in her eyes as she tried to undo his pants but the damn zipper was stuck. Thankfully Naruto helped her unzip his pants and the girl nearly threw them off, exposing his stiff meat stick. She was hungry for it and nobody was going to stop her from tasting it with both her mouths. She stuck her tongue out as she went down, the boy bucking up and shoving the entirety of his prick into her mouth. She wasn't able to move out as Naruto wrapped one of his legs around her back and brought her down with him. She choked but was able to breath as she started using her skills to full effect.

Naruto allowed himself a couple moments pleasure before he decided he wanted more. He sat up and grabbed one of Junko's legs and lied back down again, his hand forcing Junko to spin around so that they were in a 69 position. A second after Junko realized what had happened, she let out a muffled scream as Naruto bit her on one of her labia folds. Her fingernails drew blood as she clenched them and decided to return the favor. A rush went through her body as she came from the pain and pleasure. Even though she had a clone body, her internal works still functioned and she came...heavy on Naruto's face who lap it up like a greedy dog. She took him out and wrapped her lips as much as she could around the side of his cock and bit down, the boy screaming in pain. She could feel him growl and he responded to her biting by dragging his nails from the top of her butt cheeks and dragging them down, drawing blood.

Junko growled in return and looked back just as he flipped the both of them over. She got a little dizzy as he did that and spun her around and pulled her under him, his fangs red from the bit he gave her. "Crazy bitch." He muttered.

"Fucking bastard." She retorted.

"Why are your shorts still on?"

"Give me a moment brat and I'll have them off."

That wasn't as fast as Naruto wanted so he pulled them off for her and tossed them with the other discarded clothes. His head was still looking at the pile so that gave Junko the chance to wrap her hand around the back of his neck and pull him down, burying his head in her bosom. It may look like she was trying to suffocate him but she wanted to feel the sensation of his head in between her breasts. Naruto struggled and finally got out of them but Junko grabbed him again before he could grab her and slammed him to the ground, planting herself right onto his face, her breath letting out shuddering moans as she felt him move and his breath flowing across her pussy. She was well aware welts on her butt but that only encouraged her to grind herself on his face, giving her more pleasure by the fact she was sitting on his face.

Good thing she cleaned herself last time she went to the bathroom.

Despite Naruto hitting her ass trying to get her off, she was reluctant to as she was having so much fun, however, she was unaware of the fact that Naruto's hand was moving up her back. It reached her hair and he grabbed it, yanked on it, and sent her yelping toward the floor. He didn't give her a chance to recover as he grabbed her, flipped her over, and slammed her head into the wooden floor. "Now..." Naruto said, gasping for breath. "Before I get distracted again my spy..." Junko yelped as he started grinding her head into the floor. "What do you have to report? Tell me about what happened after Sakura woke up."

"She understands why you punished her. She was really surprised that you only stopped at choking. She was expecting a lot more like being sent to be Ibiki's plaything for a month." Junko whimpered as she felt Naruto's dick rub against her pussy.

"Believe me the thought entered my mind." Naruto growled.

"Why didn't you?"

"Saving it for later. Well? I didn't tell you to stop. Keep going!"

Junko screamed through her teeth as she grabbed Naruto's arm and used her strength to flip them over. She pinned Naruto's arms down by moving them under his butt and putting her weight on that region. When she was confident Naruto's arms were secured, she continued speaking. "Since my last report, they haven't gotten into in trouble that I know of."

"You sure?" He asked, letting the sensation of Junko straddling him close his eyes and moan while keeping his hands where they were.

"They go to Sakura for everything." Junko said, slinking down and moving like a snake over his torso. "She's their confidant, someone to tell if they betray you, to get her advice. Yeah, I'm sure." Naruto giggled as he felt Junko's breath tickle his chest hairs. She was kissing his chest and he loved the feeling. "Ino found out something a couple of days ago that dealt with her family."

"Anything severe?" He asked, gasping as Junko started to lick his erect nipples.

"Something like that. You should be expecting Inoichi to approach you sometime soon. Nothing to worry about Ino though as it won't pertain to her." Naruto had his eyes closed so he didn't see the smirk on her face. He noticed her hands go to his nipples as if to pleasure them but Junko had something different in mind. Grabbing them, she gave him a purple nurple. Naruto screamed through his teeth and opened his eyes as Junko leaned forward, a smirk on her lips. "But besides that, the family has found out something big, huge, something absolutely mind-blowing."

"You going to tell me?" He spoke through gritted teeth.

"No." She announced, letting go of Naruto's nipples. "I happen to agree with their reasons for not telling you so that's that."

Naruto growled and grabbed Junko, swinging her forward and forcing her forehead to hit the edge of the table which caused the girl to be disorientated for a bit while Naruto knocked her back onto the ground. A snarl was on his face as he rounded on the recovering girl. "Who originally found out the information?" When she didn't answer right away, he decided to give her some incentive so he moved down and bit her nipple. Junko kept her mouth shut although she wanted to scream. "It was Ino." Came the strained answer. "That's all I'm telling you." That seemed to sate Naruto as he let go of Junko's nipple, but she grabbed him and brought him up and kissed him. "So are you going to fuck me or not?"

He rounded on her, grabbing her neck. "I'll fuck you when I'm good and ready."

Junko didn't like that answer so she grabbed him and they rolled again, trying to get their dominance in play. They rolled under the table and Naruto finally pinned her down and bared his fangs. Junko needed to be put down a notch. Grabbing her head, he moved it to the side and dove in, sinking his teeth into her flesh.

Junko whimpering as she felt him break the skin and her blood roll down her neck. He was trying to get her to be more submissive like she should but she wasn't. To do that was to give up and Naruto...hated quitters. Wrapping her legs around him, she pulled, forcing Naruto off of her neck. To keep his mouth busy, he put it on her lips, the both of them getting passionate in their tongue war. "Anything else to report?" He asked once they broke apart.

"They're wondering what the hell you're planning today. That's about it."

Naruto smiled and moved down, nuzzling Junko's face in deep affection. To him, the time for abuse and fighting was over and he wanted to enjoy receiving the gifts a female can bring him. He adjusted his position so that his painfully hard cock lined up to Junko's ready and waiting pussy. They were both ready to do this but just as Naruto moved, there were voices that got closer. Voices that caused both of them to freeze and their eyes to widen in shock.

They weren't alone.

"I'm telling you Kei. It should be over here. Lady said it should be."

"Aiko...you have a cold. You should be in bed, not gallivanting out in looking for something to read while you're bed-ridden. Seriously, you got plenty of books at home."

Two males, seemed to be friends, mid-20's or 30's, and one of them seem to have a cold as evident by Kei's statement and the sudden bout of coughing. Both Naruto and Junko held their breath, looking out from under the table at the feet moving around. They haven't spotted them yet but they soon realize that their clothes were still out there, but Junko's attention was short lived on what was happening outside. Her body was burning as she needed him and his body.

So confident in her ability to keep quiet, she placed a hand on Naruto's mouth to get his attention as she wrapped her legs around him and started to slowly pull. Naruto quickly turned to Junko and shook his head but Junko kept nodding and pulling. Naruto opened his mouth and Junko turned her hand sideways and forced it in Naruto's mouth. Naruto, however, bit down hard. The girl winced but she kept pulling. She even grabbed Naruto's hand and shoved it in her mouth and bit down, just to let her know she was serious. Meanwhile, the two friends continued talking.

"Aiko, it's not here. Let's go."

"Alright...hey, what's that?"

"Looks like clothes. Now lets get out of here before you get even more sick."

"But why are they here?"

"How the fuck should I know? Maybe a couple of kids are streaking I don't know."

Naruto finally gave up and pushed himself inside Junko. If they were going to get caught then they might as well do it while they are fucking. However, once the fright passed, there was a rush in them. The excitement that there was somebody there and they were so close to getting caught that, once they got started, they couldn't stop. They kept their hands in each other's mouth though, just to keep themselves quiet.

Someone took a seat on the table and their blood got even faster. His foot was a two inches away from Junko's side. If he moves that foot, he's going to feel them. "Hey Kei...remind me again. What was that kuniochi's name, that girl that slaughtered a bunch of people recently?"

Naruto perked up, just as his friend took a seat on the opposite side. Now things were really getting scary.

"Tenten...I think."

"Yeah, that's it. I was still sick but have you heard anything about that?"

Kei sighed. All I heard was that a group of people committed treason and she executed them."

"Is that all?" Aiko erupted into another bout of coughs. "I know you like the rumor mill so let's have it. There's no way a single girl could take on all them on."

There was silence amongst the friends while the two under the table continued their slow fucking. They were indeed taking a great risk. If they can't hear them, then they were bound to smell them but it seemed the cold clogged up one nose but there was still the other.

"Well, I may have heard something. Keep in mind this is just rumor. You know that boy she's dating, Uzumaki Naruto?"


"Well, they attacked him and nearly killed him and she went into a state of rage because of that. I heard she actually went feral, you know, fangs and claws and all that, and basically just brutalized them. No one was kept alive."

"Dude...that's awesome."

"What?" Kei sounded confused and so were Naruto and Junko.

"Seriously, doing something like that is something out of a fairy tail or something. Seriously, if that was actually true, that would be so awesome. It means that ninja can love a lot and not be so emotionless like those ANBU I rarely see."

"So you don't really think less of her?"

"Of course not!" Aiko started coughing because of the shout. "It just tells me that I made a good decision living here. If she's like the rest of her friends, then I feel safe."

Naruto paused and relaxed his bite on Junko's mouth. He was shocked at the statement the man told. He had thought that Tenten was going to be generally disliked but if others shared Aiko's opinion, then there's hope after all for her. Junko was thinking the same thing if the understanding look on her face was any indication.

He looked up when Aiko started coughing again and his friend got up from the table. "Alright Aiko, time to go. You're staying in bed this time even if I have to tie you down."

But despite what was going on above the table line, they never stopped moving, never stopped fucking. They did slow down, however, but they never stopped. They were both close to orgasm and both wanted to prolong it as long as possible. When the two friends left, Junko reached out and grabbed Naruto and picked up their pace once again. They seemed to have gone into a missionary position and Naruto was hovering over Sakura as he got close and close to release.

With her slight moaning and panting, she manage to crack open an eye and found herself looking at Naruto's neck and if on cue, the hickey on her neck flared up. Naruto bit her god knows how many times and she wanted revenge. There was just one more angry act in her and she was determined to do it. So...somehow propping herself up on her elbows, she buried her head in the nape of Naruto's neck and toy with the area that she knew where Naruto loved to be toyed with. She wanted her bite to coincide with their orgasms and with the rapid increase, she knew it was close by.

The time came as both of their bodies seized up and Junko bit down, the boy hissing at the sudden inclusion of slight pain in his orgasm. She let go and manage to catch sight of the hickey she had given him. It wouldn't last for very long but she would always remember it. Naruto collapsed on the ground, rolling to the side as they panted, the girl seeking out his hand and holding it. She smiled as they looked at each other. "God I love angry sex."

Naruto couldn't help but agree.


Despite wanting to lay there with one of his favorite girls, he knew it was only a matter of time before somebody else came and caught them. They were lucky before and Naruto didn't want to risk getting caught and end up getting banned from the library and not to mention he had an appointment to keep. "Aww man..." Naruto looked over to Junko as he was pulling his clothes back on to see Junko looking over her ruined clothes. "You ruined my clothes." Junko pouted and gave Naruto a cute sad look.

Naruto couldn't help but chuckle. "So sorry..." He apologized but both of them knew he wasn't being very serious about it. He ripped up her clothes on purpose. "Cover yourself with the henge."

"But Sakura is going to realize and she's going to keep bugging me, especially when she smells me." She whined but Naruto just ignored her, zipping up his jacket. Junko sighed and gave up. He wasn't going to budge and it wasn't worth arguing over something as small as this so she concentrated for a moment and clothes shimmered on her body. "So what exactly are you planning for today?"

"It's a surprise dear pet." Naruto held out his hand and Junko took it, the both of them heading back to where the family was, but Junko couldn't keep her eyes off of Naruto. What was he planning? Hearing his instructions from Ino, she was sure that whatever he had planned involved all of them, even her. Naruto had wanted her out. Now if he just wanted her monthly report and a quick fuck, he would've said to go back to Sakura's mind but he didn't. He still wants her out.

What the hell was he planning?

In no time at all, they finally reached the area where they left the rest of their family. Ino was napping as well as Tenten, but Sakura, even though they could only see the side of her face, could tell she had a frown and it was quite possible that the reason is the same one that Junko is mulling over. The instant they came into view, Sakura turned on them and her frown deepened, her senses telling her what happened between them. "Oh, you two go get to go have fun with my twin while leaving the rest of us out to dry?"

"Believe me sis, I had no idea what he was going to do." Junko muttered and then crossed her arms and looked at the boy. "And I still don't."

"Patience patience..." Naruto sat down on top of Ino's legs. The girl was already awake when Sakura started speaking so she didn't jerk awake. "Now...am I correct in assuming you have your dresses all picked out?" Everybody nodded. "Complete with boots?" They nodded again. "Now...do any of you have any plans for today that I should be aware of?" Everybody shook their head. "Good..." Naruto stood up and patted himself down. "Now let's go. We're going to be late."

"What are you planning?" Tenten asked, speaking what everybody thought.

But Naruto kept silent.


When they left the library, Naruto took a right turn and the girls followed. They still had no idea what was going on so they just followed. He was taking his time, however, as his pace wasn't in any hurry. Ino and Tenten took position on either side of Naruto while Sakura and Junko stood side by side behind him. They wanted to be on Naruto's side but their sisters had already taken that spot. Naruto didn't really say a word, he just stayed silent as he walked. The girls tried to make conversation with him but he didn't really respond, only nodding and movements like that.

The only ones who did any talking were the twins and somehow, they got into one of their `what if's' talks. This time it seemed to be another one of their `zombie plans'. "I'm telling you Junko, my plan is sound."

"Your plan is stupid." Junko responded.

"Oh yeah? Zombies are dead...zombies have no body heat, therefore, when in sub-zero temperatures, they'll freeze like corpsicles. It's brilliant!"

"It's idiotic. You'll be dead long before you can get to Snow and even if you somehow manage to get a decent enough boat WITH supplies, there's no guarantee you'll survive the sea or that they'll let you in once you get there."

"Not with my stealth abilities." Sakura pointed out. "I'll be able to take my time getting supplies and a sea-worthy boat. And what about you? You change your plan again? You still doing that kamikaze stunt?"

"It's not a stunt!" Junko snapped. "It's a perfectly sound plan if I'm stuck in one location and can't leave." Tenten's ears perked up. "I'll find a big house and fortify it as much as I can and sneak out for supplies when and if I can and I'll make my own explosives, as powerful as I can make them, fueled by what I can get my hands on with maximum shrapnel coverage, then when I'm out of supplies and about to die, I'll bait and get as many zombies as I can and let them in before going out in a blaze of glory."

Sakura scoffed. "Now that sounds like something Tenten would do."

"It should." Junko smirked. "I stole it from her."

"WHAT?" Tenten swerved around but kept on walking backwards. "Make your own plan bitch!" She turned with a huff and kept walking.

"What is your plan?" Sakura asked, a narrowing of the eyes. "We talked about this before and you always seem to change your mind."

"Well..." Junko placed a hand on her chin in thought. "In real life, I know you would use me as fresh meat. Even the zombies have any memory they'll know ninja have the ability to use clones and if they don't, that'll make it better. I'll run, causing them to run after me. If you put me into a bomb body..." Bomb body refers to the Bunshin Daibakuha technique where the body is literally a bomb and can be quite powerful depending on how much chakra you put in. "Then once I get far enough, I'll detonate and go back to you."

"Well that's a reasonable plan." Sakura said, nodding. "None of us want to die though."

"I wonder if master has a zombie plan..." Junko whispered, leaning toward her twin. "He never gets into our talks."

"That's because our arguments are probably annoying to him."

"Actually, I have 25 different zombie plans."

Sakura was taken aback by Naruto's sudden statement and suddenly had the thought that Naruto was going into his General roleplay. "Wow, that's a lot of preparation. I'm impressed Naru..."

Naruto suddenly rounded back, getting into the twins faces. "Don't be dirtbag, 24 of the 25 plans involve using your fresh corpse as bait, so I can make my initial escape, from the legions of the undead!"

`Oh great...' Ino thought with a sigh. `He's getting into his Sarge mood. Might as play along.' "What happens when you run out of bodies?"

Naruto turned and grinned, slipping in between the twins and wrapping his arms around their shoulders, slightly forcing them to bend down a bit. "As for my last plan, I knowingly infect myself with the zombie virus, just so I can devour you!"

At the mentioning of devouring them, Junko paled. "Master you got to be kidding me."

"Why do you think I keep one of you with me at all times? You got to be ready at a moment's notice! HA!" Naruto broke apart from the twins and continued walking. Tenten was the first to follow. Ino sighed and shook her head before continuing.

"Well..." Sakura stated. "Now we know what his plans are."

"You don't think he's serious do you?" Junko asked Sakura, but the girl only ignored her and started walking. "Sakura...he's kidding right? Sakura? Wait up!" Junko sprinted for a second to catch up to Sakura. She wasn't going to leave this alone. "Sakura, answer me!"

"Of course he's kidding. It's only a fantasy like the roleplay he just did. Why are you so bummed about this?"

"I hate vore." Junko answered. "Just the thought of being eaten by a cannibal disgusts me."

"Oh yeah, now I remember. First time me and him talked about it, you made your opinion about it quite clear. Hell, you even go deep into my mind whenever he puts me on a spit."

"Don't remind me." Junko said with a harsh voice, hitting Sakura in the arm. "I hate it when he does that."

"You do what he says." Sakura said, hitting her back. "No matter what you think."

Junko didn't respond but she returned another hit, this time harder and on the side of Sakura's stomach. This started a fist fight between the two girls. Sakura lunged and tackled Junko to the ground, her fists pounding on Junko's defenses, hoping to get a strike in to her face. This always happen whenever those two are side by side. Something always gets said that starts a fight between them and they always get injuries because of it.

But not this time.

Junko's defenses dropped for a second and Sakura moved to strike but just as she moved forward, something stopped her and she turned her head to see Tenten grabbing her and she pulled, throwing her into an alleyway, Junko following shortly after courtesy of Naruto. Before they could recover, Naruto reached them and grabbed them, throwing them against the wall. He grabbed their necks and pinned them. "ALWAYS!" He shouted. "THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS WHENEVER YOU TWO ARE TOGETHER! Every single time, you fight fight fight." Naruto took a deep breath and calmed down some. "Now...I don't mind your constant bickering or your arguments or talks or discussions or whatever you call them. Hell, I don't even mind your fights." That caused the girls to look at each other in confusion. If he didn't mind them then why did he stop them? "Its fun seeing you two fight and argue. The constant bickering can definitely brighten my day, but NOT today. Today has been an extremely good day for me and I do NOT want you two arrested for disorderly conduct. That, combined with my extremely good day being ruined by your arrest, will cause me to leave you rotting in jail for a WEEK! On any other day, I wouldn't care and I would keep you out but with exams the next day, I don't want anything to risk me and Tenten getting kicked out. On any other day, I don't care of you fight but not now, not today. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"

"CRYSTAL!" The girls chorused. They understood the seriousness in his words.


"CRYSTAL CLEAR SIR!" They really hoped that he believed them. It was true what Naruto said, almost all the time they fought, sometimes over little things. When they did fight, Naruto rarely stopped them, preferring them to let out their anger. Only time when he did stop them, he didn't have much patience at the time and their fighting several reduced his patience.

He leaned in and his eyes moved back and forth, looking at each pet, searching for any deceit. When he finally spoke, he seemed to still doubt them. "You better." Then like the flick of a switch, Naruto's mood suddenly turned happy, like nothing just happened, and he let them go before grabbing their collars and pulling them up. "Well then...what are we waiting for?" Naruto slipped in between them and wrapped his arms around them, smiling like an idiot and walking out of the alleyway and back onto the path.


"This...is your appointment?" Junko asked, completely shocked and her mouth, as well as the others, hanging wide open. The building in front of them was one of the most expensive and reputable spas in the village. The services provided there was top notch and every massager's hands were top notch and everything else was first class, the best of the best.

However, it was their regular spa, their place to go and relax when they had earned it.

It wasn't the place that completely shocked them, it was the meaning behind it. With the exams the next day, Naruto's stubborn secrecy, and what had happened to him not a few days earlier. There were no words, but when they realized what exactly he had planned, it meant worlds to them that can never be translated into words. They looked at him with eyes that understood, that despite what happened, he wasn't willing to be depressed. Despite knowing him for such a long time, they were still learning something new about him.

"What are you staring at me for?"

The girls snapped out of their staring and Sakura apologized for all of them. "So...all of us?" Naruto nodded. "Even Junko?"

"What? You don't think she deserves the same treatment you get?" Naruto responded, noting Sakura's tone, causing Junko to glare at her sister. She wanted to hit her twin for that comment but stayed her hand due to Naruto's earlier outburst from the last time they fought.

"I didn't mean anything by that." Sakura tried to defended herself.

"Yeah, you didn't." Junko stated, turning around in a huff.

Naruto, knowing that if he didn't step in, things could get ugly between them in the future. "I believe what Sakura meant to say is that the only massages you get are from the family. She's surprised by the fact that I'm letting someone else touch you."

"Yeah...what he said."

There were a couple moments where Naruto and Sakura weren't sure what sure what was going on in that head of hers. Naruto knows all too well what a simple statement can do to a friendship. Suddenly Junko let out a short laugh and she turned around, a smile on her face. "I'm just pulling your leg. I knew what she meant." She slung an arm over Sakura and gave a friendly kiss on the cheek. Naruto nodded as well and turned but as he turned, he gave a slight nod to Ino who nodded back.

That was an order to make sure Junko was telling the truth.

"Well then..." Naruto continued, confident Ino could do it. "let's go inside."

Everybody nodded and followed Naruto inside. Once they got in, they saw the place halfway packed with people waiting to get into the very capable hands of the very talented staff. Naruto approached the receptionist and she looked up and smiled. "Ah Naruto...right on time." Yumi spoke, going to her appointment book and checking Naruto and the family. "I see you have paid for the premium package for five people is this correct?"

As Naruto nodded and starting chatting with the cute receptionist, the girls looked at each other and starting whispering. "Premium? Isn't that the most expensive thing here?" Sakura mouthed.

Ino nodded. "And it's per person so yeah, it's expensive for him." She replied, continuing using no voice. "Not to mention the massive tips he usually gives. Is he trying to bankrupt himself?"

"Isn't he rich enough so that it wouldn't matter?" Tenten asked, getting their attention. "He has four incomes coming into this house."

"I know but still...premium for five people...that's definitely going to cut into the budget."

"And not to mention he still has something planned for tonight."

They turned their attention back to Naruto who laughed at something. "Alright...one more thing, Junko and Tenten here..." Naruto motioned to them. "Don't have regulars so I would like two females for their massages."

"I'm sure I can find someone." Yumi said with a nod. "Now, if there's nothing else, we're ready for you right after you take your shower."

Naruto nodded and turned to his pets and motioned to them and they headed toward the showers. This is the same for all spas. Everybody must be cleaned before they enjoy the services they paid for. Included with any service is free laundry for the clothes that the patrons wore on the back so that when they put them on again, it'll be fresh as their bodies. Upon reaching the showers, they quickly stripped, save Junko who just dissolved the clothes on her, and turned on the showers. There were private showers for each gender and there was a co-ed shower for those who didn't mind or care about other genders seeing them.

While showering, Ino took the opportunity and brought Junko aside to talk. Before Ino took Junko aside, she had activated her passive telepathy so she could make sure Junko was alright. Naruto wasn't taking any chances with bad blood between Sakura and Junko.

Even if Ino didn't outright say it, Junko knew what Ino was doing and she thought it was completely unnecessary. She was having fun messing with Sakura and if Naruto really thought she was serious, then she had a hell of an acting skill. Once Ino was satisfied, they returned and she reported back to Naruto. When Naruto was satisfied everybody was clean, they dried themselves off and pulled the provided robes on and stepped out but everybody had a single question that was on their minds.

Why spend so much on them?

Their first stop was something called a `volcano' bath. Despite the name, people don't take baths in lava but rather the ash formed by volcanic events. A staff member, when they approached the room, informed them that only two baths were available due to a problem with one and another currently occupied. Naruto nodded and turned to his pets. In an instant, he chose Sakura to accompany him and told the rest to do what they wanted. Tenten immediately voted to go to the hot springs but Naruto denied that choice, saying that they'll do it together. They can get their massages if they wanted.

Ino nodded and grabbed Tenten and Junko and headed for the massaging room while Naruto and Sakura went with the staff member for the volcanic baths. They took position next to their tubs and quickly stripped, giving no pause to the elderly worker helping them. He was quite familiar with Naruto and his family as he was always their attendant whenever they wanted these baths. Now these baths are not like normal baths. Water is not in the majority of the compounds that make up the ash baths so as a result, it takes quite a bit of effort to push their bodies through the mud and get settled in. Once their bottoms hit bottom and everything from the chin down was buried in hot mud, that sweet sensation running through their bodies, did they relax and let cucumbers be placed over their eyes.

Sakura could feel her body being slightly held in place by the mud. It felt nice. Not only was there a bondage aspect of the mud, the heat seeped into her body, relaxing her muscles and preparing her for the massages that were probably next. The cucumbers over her eyes didn't really serve a purpose but to let her eyes relax and smoothing them. Once she did get settled, she decided she wanted some answers. "Naruto-sama...if I may, I have a question."

"Ask away." Naruto was comfortable himself.

"Yumi said that you paid premium."

"That's right."

"And that unless you have a voucher or something like that, it's per person."


"And you paid...for all of us."

"That's correct. Is there a question there?"

"Why?" Sakura finally asked. "Why would you spend so much? I don't mean to so ungrateful but you are so self-conscious about your money and you spend it all like this?"

"Sakura..." Naruto let out a long sigh. "Every once in a while, I just feel like spending it all on you."

Despite the simple answer, Sakura was still confused. "Sometimes..." Sakura spoke, letting out a sigh of her own. "Sometimes I just don't understand you master."


Time in the baths had a time limit of an hour and by the time the bell rang, Naruto actually dozed off from the warmth and Sakura was close to falling suit, but alas it was not meant to be as they reluctantly got out and headed to the showers to clean off the excess mud. Once clean, they redonned their robes and headed toward the massaging area where they assumed the rest of their family were.

They found them there, along with their teacher, Asuma, conked out and snoring on one of the massage tables. Ino and Tenten looked up, smiled and waved. Sakura looked at her twin and saw her conked out as well but had a very relaxed expression on her face.

`Apparently it was VERY good for her.' Sakura thought with a laugh as Ino punched Junko's arm, waking the girl up. "Have a nice time?" She asked, bending down in front of Junko as she yawned and stretched.

"I'm definitely asking him to retain her." Junko said with half-lidded eyes and a smile on her face. "She's got really good hands and feet." She finished before plopping her head back down on the rest. "How was your bath?"

"Extremely relaxing. I think he's going to let you have a turn next."

As if on cue, Naruto tapped her on the shoulder and she stood up. "The girls are going to have their turn in the baths." Naruto whispered. "When we're done in here, we'll meet up in the sauna."

"Alright." Sakura had given up trying to get answers from Naruto so she would just go with the flow. As the girls got up and donned their robes, they waved goodbye again before walking out alone with their massagers after they cleaned up. Asuma left as well after being woken up. The two kids had to relocate to a different massaging room where they were ready for them. Reaching it, they stripped and settled onto the tables. A few minutes later, their regular massagers came in. Naruto's regular was a young woman named Kiro with blonde hair and brown eyes. The reason why Naruto retained her is her uncanny ability to seek out the knots in his body and unravel them and with the events in the past few days, there are sure to be a lot in him.

Sakura's massager was a blond Yamanka Kichirou, who used his mental skills to make a hell of a living finding just the right spots that she wanted, no needed, to be relaxed. When Ino found out who Sakura's regular was, she actually punched Sakura. Every Yamanaka knew about Kichirou's skills as a massager and his success where he failed as a ninja.

They exchanged greetings and immediately got to work. With only a towel covering their butts, they were ready to be pampered. Naruto hissed a bit as the cold oil was poured on him but it quickly warmed up and let out a low moan as his hands started to go to work. His body started to relax and let go under the skilled hands of his massuse. His body seemed to melt under her warm and tender hands and he let his mind wander.

He had his reasons for doing this and what had happened a few days ago had no bearing on today and what was going to happen tonight. For the girls, it was easy to forget just how much he truly appreciated them so he does stuff like this from time to time, gifts that shock them. Money was never an object, not after he got Sakura and she taught him as much as he taught her, or even just little things.

Sometimes, he just got the urge to spoil them senseless.

As Kiro worked her way down, he allowed her to remove the towel so she could continue uninterrupted. He took a quick glance to his side and saw Sakura enjoying Kichirou hands. There was a at peace look on her face and knew she was alright. He settled his head back into the rest and smiled. They didn't speak throughout the entire session and they didn't need to.

Nothing needed to be said.


By the time Ino and her sisters finished with their mud baths, cleaned off, and got to the sauna, the rest were already waiting for them. They were having one of the best days of their lives and their bodies reflected it. They entered the sauna room and stripped down, following their master's example due to his nude state. They were alone in the room and that's just what Naruto wanted. Once they were inside, Naruto shut the door and turned to the `control panel' next to the door and placed his hand on it.

There were seals all around the rooms that generated heat and steam, the same seals that Naruto uses in his hotbox on the side of the house he uses to punish Sakura and her sisters. Unlike the rest of her sisters, Sakura loves the cold and Naruto quickly learned that the freezer wasn't a good idea for punishment so he had borrowed the seal designs from the spas and created a hotbox for Sakura who hated the heat.

Pushing chakra through the seals, the veins connecting the panel to the seals gave them their chakra and they started to warm up. In order to limit heat stroke, they placed heat and time limits on the seals to safely maximize their effectiveness. By the time Naruto laid back down on the bench, steam was already oozing off the woodwork.

"I'm sure Sakura has already asked you this..." Ino suddenly said as sweat already becoming apparent on their bodies. "But why are you doing so much for us? I mean, granted it's nice that you're doing this for us, but still..."

"Ino..." Naruto interrupted her, his stare boring into her eyes. "Do you have your P.T. on?"


"Turn it off, right now."

Ino was a bit taken back by the sudden sharp tone but did what she was told, making a single seal and turning off the cacophony of voices echoing in her brain. The voices were easy to separate after months and months of practice, it was second nature to her to isolate Naruto's and her sister's voices, including Junko's, recognize them as being who they are, and focus on the nearby people.

Once Naruto was sure she couldn't read his thoughts, he relaxed. "You all won't let up once you got an answer will you?"

"No." Came the blunt answer from Tenten.

Naruto sighed and closed his eyes and everybody perked up. It seems like he was going to share and the silence was getting unnerving. At last, he opened his mouth to speak. "And I'm going to leave you wondering." There was a loud groan coming from everybody, realizing that Naruto was still keeping his reasons to himself. "Now...all of you, shut up and clear your nose. Breath in and breath out. Clear out your nose." Then as an afterthought, he added `please'. They nodded and stayed silent. If Naruto wanted nothing but silence then they would give him silence and if Naruto wanted Ino's snooping jutsu turned off, then she'll indulge him.

But that only added to the mystery of what the hell Naruto was thinking.

Each girl and boy let the steam and heat penetrate their bodies, their pores getting cleared out. They breathed deep, letting the steam flow into their noses and clearing the nasal passages. As time passed, no one spoke and they didn't mind. The silence was good and it was rare that they had the time to just sit and relax and just enjoy the present. However, about five minutes before time was up, Naruto finally spoke up, keeping his eyes closed and his hands behind his head. "Remind me again slaves..." He waited a minute for Tenten to kick Junko awake. "All of you like the aromatherapy session right?"

"Yeah, our noses love the mix of smells." Junko answered. "It's a rush when they go up our noses, like drugs...not that we tried them."

"And I would kill you if you did in your real body. The only thing I want you addicted to is me."

"We understand...we really do. We never touched the stuff, clone or not." Sakura defended them and the lack of a bell in Naruto's head confirmed that.

"So why do you ask?" Ino spoke, trying to get attention away from drugs.

"I plan on going there next." Everybody perked up at that. Because of the enhancements they were given, their sense of smell had been given an upgrade and because of that, smells have a newer affect of them, especially Naruto with leather. To put it simply, aromatherapy is like being high on drugs only without the drugs and the withdrawal. However, before anyone could thank him, the buzzer sounded off, signaling the end of the sauna session. Naruto stretched as he sat up, a pleased look on his face. He turned and looked at his pets as they stretched too. "So...enjoying the day so far?"

"The best." A chorus of voices sounded out, showing Naruto one of the few moments where he was certain they all possessed some form of sibling telepathy. Sakura and Junko were a definite but this was all of them.

"It's only getting started." He said in a low voice, so low that they were able to hear them.

Because of the sweat and the body odor that comes with being in such a hot place, there were shower stations connected to the exit so that they have to pass through the showers before rejoining the general population. Being quick to clean themselves off, they dried and donned fresh robes. However, when Naruto passed by a clock, he stopped and looked at it, frowning as he realized the time. "We spent too much time getting massages." He muttered. He turned to his pets, who wore confused looks and slightly worried looks as well. "I'm afraid that we're going to have to cut the aromatherapy session to fifteen minutes and we're going to have to cut the springs completely out. Now that caused a little outburst but when Naruto held up his hand in the familiar seal of their punishment seals, they sealed their lips. "I apologize, I really do but if I had managed to get an earlier appointment, we could've taken our time. I'll make it up to you later but right now, we need to get back on schedule."

Naruto didn't wait for an acknowledgment as he pushed through them, everybody following but Sakura who stared at the clock, wondering just what he was planning. She had a general idea since he ordered them to pick out something nice for tonight so maybe he had dinner reservations or something. `You never know with him.' Sakura's last thought was before she rejoined her family.


Unfortunately, Naruto only allowed everybody to stay in the room for ten minutes. It was long enough to have them affected but not long enough to have it remain in their system for a long time so fifteen minutes out of the mass of smells and in the fresh and open air of the garden, they returned to their regular state and their high came down. It was then Naruto announced that there is one more thing to do here before they have to leave for their next appointment.

However, Naruto refused to share what exactly the last appointment was. He only grinned as he told them to close their eyes and to stay in a straight line as Naruto put Sakura's hand on his shoulders. They weren't exactly sure where he was leading them too and their senses weren't telling them anything. Naruto suddenly stopped and everybody bumped into each other. "You got your eyes closed sweetie?" He asked, knowing full well that they were closed.

"So what's the big deal?"

"Go ahead and open your eyes." They did and gasped at the sight. "Tell me...when's the last time you had a full service manicure/pedicure?"

"Five months..." Everybody whispered. They were standing inside of a salon/hair place, one of the best in the village, but they rarely come here to this particular place by Naruto's wishes. He wanted trips likes these to be special moments. Self-manicures and other salons were fine but the expert hands from this particular salon are a rare treat.

"Feel free to do whatever you want to look good, but I do want all of you to get your hair cut and done, understand?"

Sakura looked at Naruto and that smile on his face. He nodded and she nodded, before an ear-splitting smile crept onto her face and a face winching squeal erupted from her mouth before her and the rest shot forward, two went directly toward the hair side and two went to the salon side. Naruto chuckled, gently put his hands behind him and followed Ino and Sakura to the hair side.

No sense in getting left out.


To the great surprise of his pets, Naruto also let himself get pampered by the staff here. Without a word, he sat in the chair behind the sink and let the female staff member wash his hair. Sakura looked at Ino and just shrugged before following suit, the smile returning to her face. Ino looked at Naruto, then Sakura, then Naruto again, and wondered why Naruto was doing this. She wasn't complaining, hell no she wasn't complaining, but Naruto always does stuff for a reason and he keeps refusing to tell them why and she was really interested in why.

It's her job.

She's been with them for a long time and Ino believes she has a decent enough understanding on the way Naruto's mind works, even more with her last trip into his mind. Hell, if she had to guess, Naruto was doing it just for the hell of it, just spend money on them, spoil them to hell, but that couldn't be the real reason. Not with what happened to him so why the hell is he spending money like there's no tomorrow? It wasn't like it was really going to hurt them since he had four (plus his side businesses) coming into the house, but still...why?

"Ino-pig...stop thinking so much and just enjoy it." The comment coming from Sakura snapped her out of her musings and she looked down at the girl. She had one eye cracked open, staring at her. "There's no point in getting anything out of him right now. When we're home, try then but for right now...just relax." With that, Sakura closed her eyes and relaxed.

Ino looked at Naruto who remained silent and unmoving through the short conversation and sighed. Sakura was right. When they were home, she would probably have a better chance at figuring out just what the hell was up with him.

The next half hour, everybody had their hair done as well as their nails. They were just waiting on Tenten now, who was fixing her hair, retying it into her usual twin buns style after the stylist messed it up. When she finally finished, the girls soon realized that their clothes were gone. When Sakura asked, Naruto replied that he had those sent back to the house. They didn't need them anymore. Before Sakura could respond to that, Naruto said to go into the locker room and change into their dresses that they had picked out. Naruto left after that, not seeing the glances the sisters shared with each other.

Like Ino, they too were confused why Naruto was acting so...strange.

Once they got dressed and rejoined each other, everybody's eyes were on him as he lead the group somewhere. It was past seven and the streets were calming down, thinning out. People were going home to retire for the night, except those who want to party. Sakura took her focus off of Naruto for a second and focused on her own body. Her whole body was tingling with excitement. The massages, mud baths, even the short time in the aromatherapy room, made her body feel extremely fresh, new. Add that to the sensations her body was feeling all fancied up, the dress on her body, the high heels on her feet, and the necklace around her neck that actually complimented her collar. Her right arm was behind her back, holding onto her left arm which was hanging down.

Naruto hadn't said a word since they left the spa and nobody said anything. If Naruto wanted something, then he would say something but he stayed silent, taking everybody to some unknown destination. Despite the good feelings running through her body, her mind was starting to imagine that Naruto had some bad news and he was only doing this to soften them up for it. If that was indeed the case, then they'll be able to handle it. One would think that being Naruto's masochist sex slave would have hardened her against bad news.

One would be wrong.

However, now that her family has now expanded, it's not that bad to take bad news. She now has others to share the burden with and they would gladly help her with anything she needed help with and she would do the same for them but it doesn't change the fact that she couldn't do anything, not even despaire or be relieved, if that blasted boy won't share anything. Naruto had ordered Ino to turn off her passive telepathy and keep it off, only turning it on during their walk to and from their destination but with strict orders to turn a deaf ear toward his thoughts.

But, Sakura believed, he was doing his best to keep his thoughts away from whatever he didn't want Ino to know.

However, when Naruto suddenly stopped, she thought that he was going to say something, but when he turned to the building beside him, they finally realized why he wanted them all dressed up. `Summer Garden' stood before them. While not the biggest or popular, it was Naruto's favorite and they had good food here as well as a friendly atmosphere. "You have a reservation here?" She asked, the boy nodding in response. He then took her hand in his and squeezed it before walking inside, the rest following. After checking in with the greeter, they were led to their seats and sat down, menu's being place in front of them in the process. Naruto knew what he wanted so he didn't need it.

When everybody got settled, Sakura was the first to speak. "What's going on Naruto-sama? All day, you're acting like you're guilty about something or you have some really bad news. Quite frankly, it's unnerving seeing you be so silent."

"Sis is right..." Junko cut in. "This morning you were so happy and peppy and acted like someone on a sugar rush."

"Not only that..." This time Tenten spoke. "When we were together, you were being...err, how should I say this...overly affectionate. I didn't mind but considering what happened, it made me think."

"Is there something the doctor didn't tell us?" Ino asked, really tempted to look inside his mind. "Did the attack do damage that we don't know of?"

There was silence from Naruto and they were actually worried that something was wrong. Even more when he placed his head on his hands, hiding his face from them, like he was guilty. His body started shaking like he was crying and Tenten, who was next to him, place a hand out in comfort...and immediately shot it back when Naruto burst out laughing. Tenten actually scooted back as he laughed, really worried. "You really think I'm dieing? You REALLY think that I haven't told you everything?" Naruto manage to say in between breaths, his fists were banging on the table.

The girls stayed silent as Naruto laughed himself out, breathing heavily as he tried to recover his lost breath. Their drinks had arrived in the midst of Naruto's laughing and once Naruto calmed down enough, he grabbed his drink and took a couple of gulps. "Girls...I had this day planned out from three months ago."

"Three months?"

"Yeah, three months." Naruto took another couple gulps, and by the time it went down, Naruto calmed down again. "Three months ago, I knew that today would be a resting day so I shelled out a lot of money for today."

"There's more to it isn't it?" Ino said, staring at the boy, her therapist side coming into play. "You wouldn't have spent so much at the spa, even with the addition of Junko and now here? You didn't set a limit at the salon and you normally do that. You wanted us to be pampered."

"Which isn't necessary a bad thing." Tenten added.

"But still, you made us think that something really bad was going on."

Naruto chuckled. "That wasn't really my intention but still, it was actually kinda finny. When I realized what all of you were thinking, instead of telling you otherwise, I went along with it."

"So you're not dying?" Sakura asked.

Followed by Ino. "You're not leaving Konoha?"

Followed by Tenten. "You're not letting us go?"

Naruto laughed and shook his head. "No, nothing like that." A massive amount of relief flowed through everybody as their fears proved unwarranted. This was one of the most scariest moments in their lives, the uncertainty, the secrecy, and now they knew they were safe.

Sakura turned to her sister when she huffed and placed her head on her hands. "Well, now I feel completely guilty about thinking about tying you up and handing you over to Ibiki." Everybody stared at her. "What? It's a legitimate strategy."

"Besides Junko's...aggressive tactics..." Sakura spoke, turning away from Junko. "She does have a point. Considering what happened..."

"What happened had no bearing on today. Nothing whatsoever. It's just...(sigh) I'll admit that I had another reason. Sometimes I get the urge to just spoil you." Naruto sighed and held out his hand toward Sakura. The girl took his hand into hers. "But most of all, I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate you, all of you. All of you stood by my side despite what has happened to each of you. None of you tried to leave me...save Sakura."

"I didn't leave." Sakura defended.

"You were halfway out the door when I recovered. You really wanted to leave."

"What are they talking about?" Tenten whispered to Ino. She didn't remember this in that history book.

Ino leaned in and spoke in a whisper, not to disturb Naruto and Sakura. "You remember when Kyuubi took over him right?" When Ino said `kyuubi', she winked, letting her know that she remembers Kaosu.

"I remember that part."

"Yeah, when he managed to get control back, he was so devastated about what he did. Once he managed to get clear headed enough, the first thing he said to her was to give her the chance to leave, absolutely no strings attached. If she left, he would give her her life back, her name, a house, a sizeable bank account until she can get her own job, etc. When he made the offer, she actually stood up and went to the front door. She was halfway out the door when she stopped. She stood there in silence for four minutes, thinking it over. She didn't want to go through that again but at the same time, she didn't want to leave him. She had been through too much to leave. Now at this point, Naruto had his eyes closed, just waiting for the sound of the door closing."

"I really thought she was going to leave." Naruto interrupted them, still keeping his eyes on Sakura. "I was preparing myself for that disappointment."

"But when I slammed the door and stayed, you can imagine the complete and utterly shock and surprise on his face when I laid on the bed, and covered him with my body, assuring him that I will never leave, that I sealed my position has his pet."

"But...what would have happened if you had left?"

"Then I most likely would have killed myself out of depression." Naruto answered for Sakura.


Naruto smiled and patted Tenten on the shoulder. "I never had any doubt she would really leave."

Sakura laughed. "You told me yourself you were thinking on how best to kill yourself at that time."

The blonde boy smiled and leaned back. "Well, we'll never know will we? Because if I do try and kill myself, a large number of people will fight to stop me. So...are we ready to order?" Everybody nodded, their spirits in much better shape then they were ten minutes ago. Naruto whistled and singled for the waiter. As he walked toward them, he spoke to his wives. "Now, with the thought of letting you go wild with my money, I just want to put a few suggestions out there. Sakura, Junko..." They perked up when he called their names. "Please try to keep your hands off of each other and that means affection and violence. I don't want you two fighting and ending up kicked out. Affection I'll be a little lax on but nothing too serious." The twins nodded, understanding. "Ino...please oh please lay off the wine." Ino whined at that. She loves wine. "You spend a lot on wine and while you can't normally get drunk like a person, try and control yourself with the wine selection. I don't want to have to cut you cold turkey." Ino nodded, already picking out the years she wanted. "Now as for you Tenten, I know how much you like spicy food but you know it goes straight through you so please, take it easy. You don't want to have to keep enemaing yourself do you?" Tenten nodded. The waiter arrived and everybody placed their orders. Everybody, save Junko, knew what they wanted.


Unfortunately, Ino got drunk.

The stuff she ordered were strong and was too much for her metabolism to handle to stay sober and Ino ended up drunk. However, she managed to keep herself composed, barely, enough to stay. However, it got worse when she accidentally picked up Sakura's sake bottle and downed it, the alcohol reinforcing the wine already in her. Deciding that it would be better, Naruto revoked Ino's alcohol privileges and put her on a water diet to hopefully, save her the headache in the morning.

She did get overly affectionate with Junko though, but Naruto allowed it as it was a source of amusement for him. Dinner and a show as it were and gave her a soft applaud when Ino collapsed on the table. When they were done, they packed up the left-over and headed toward the counter where he paid for everybody's meal. It was a bit more expensive then he would've hoped for but he had said that he would pay for everything and so he did. Ino was partly awake and hanging off of Tenten with Sakura and Junko holding the leftovers.

Once finished, everybody left and went onto the path to their home. Ino was mumbling, saying nonsense words and using her hands to make half-assed attempts of doing something. Thankfully their home wasn't too far so they didn't have to stay out too long. However, shortly after they left, Naruto could've sworn he heard a distant scream. The others heard it too and picked up their pace. They were close to home and whatever happened, they would leave the ANBU take care of it. A few minutes later, a familiar person came into view and when Naruto saw who it was, he turned to the left some, giving Gaara some room. It was a good thing too as the wind carried the smell of blood on him.

Thankfully, Gaara stayed on his course and didn't even blink an eye to the Uzumaki family and the drunk girl hanging off their shoulders. They passed each other without incident and got a few steps in between them but they heard his voice call out to Naruto. "Yeah?" Naruto answered, looking back, seeing him stopped and their back toward him.

"Good luck with the exams...I look forward to fighting you."

Naruto didn't even pause in his response. "Same here Gaara. I know you will put up a good fight." Gaara nodded and returned to his walk.

Without a word, so did Naruto and in no time, they came home. Upon coming home, Naruto announced it was time for bed, saying he wanted plenty of sleep for tomorrow so they went upstairs to the bedroom and first deposited the sleeping Ino onto the bed, her carrier stripping her clothes before doing the same with herself. After that, she adjusted Ino's position so she was more comfortable. Naruto was the first to return to the bed and immediately jumped onto his bed, moving himself under the cover as well as Ino. Not a couple of moments after, Sakura felt Junko return to her mind, the girl as happy as she could ever be from having spent an entire day in the fresh air.

Tenten came back into the room and settled into bed as well, taking place on Naruto's side while Ino adjusted herself to lay halfway on Naruto. The boy only chuckled in response and turned to the last person standing up, Sakura. With his free hand, he motioned for her to come in and to lay on top of him. He wanted her to be his blanket beside the blanket currently on him. He wanted flesh blankets, courtesy of his pets. Sakura nodded and climbed on, slightly avoiding the cage and the legs. Despite Naruto's smaller form, Sakura knew how to correctly sleep on him without crushing him or stopping his natural breathing. Once she settled, she saw a smile on his face as he closed his eyes, letting the warmth flow over him in waves. She knew it was one of his most favorite things to do. There was nothing like natural warmth from a female lulling him to sleep, the thought in his mind telling him that he wasn't alone.

Not anymore.

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