Chapter 32: Chapter 28 Part 1
-The previous night-
Within the mental structures of Tsuchi Kin's mind, the blonde jounin interrogator roamed through the prisoner's mind, destroying any resistance in his searching. Inoichi knew from the moment he entered her mind, she wasn't trained in any mental defenses. The few he came across he easily destroyed but everything he laid a hand on and changed, was slowly destroying her mind.
The mind is a fragile thing and from a family that was training in the art of the mind, the Yamanaka's were harshly training on how to safely handle the mind without destroying the owner but for an interrogation, safety was the last thing on his mind. It was his job to destroy her will, to remove all resistance.
That's why the Yamanaka's were the most preferred in torture and interrogation. In the time a normal person takes to break someone, a Yamanaka can cut that time in half and they were able to maintain a connection between the mind and body.
During his roam, Inoichi broke down the doors to her memories, further damaging her mind, and the memories flooded his mind like a wave and the memories transferred to his earthly body and it got translated onto paper. In a hallway setting, like Kin's was, Inoichi knew what parts represented Kin's mind. However, the man could hear the girl pleading at him, begging him to stop as he violated the privacy of her memories.
When he came across a painful memory, he could hear the girl cry her eyes out as she was forced to relive the memory but the man was immune to her cries. He had to be if he worked side by side with his old friend, Ibiki.
There were columns in these hallways and Inoichi knew that these represented the strength of her will and from the beginning, he destroyed every single one he came across and as a result, the strength of the doors and obstacles got weaker and weaker.
The stuff he learned made him start to realize that the girl was just a pawn. For one, she never saw the real Sound village. All the places she and her teammates went were just small satellite villages. She was never told anything important, just what Orochimaru told her to do. He also noticed that her trainer always held back on her. Like just teaching her a couple of stuff and not going any further.
Then, when he witnessed the memory of Orochimaru telling them they were going to Konoha for the chunnin exams, there was a certain look in his eyes that told him that he knew they were going to die.
Soon enough, Inoichi has accomplished what he needed to do. He explored the entirety of her mind and destroyed all the columns he could find, which surprisingly, there weren't that many. In fact, out of all of his interrogations, this was the easiest one.
Back in the real world, Inoichi took a deep breath as his mind returned to him and took his hand off of the girl's head and the girl collapsed on the floor, her eyes soulless...dead.
Inoichi completely destroyed her.
The blonde's companion and long time friend, Morino Ibiki, put down his book and joined him. "Well?"
"The girl is just a pawn. From what I saw in her memories, Orochimaru set her up to die." Inoichi grabbed his head and shook it, the experience of the walking taking an effect on him. He looked up when Ibiki place a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Why don't you take the rest of the day off and get your head on straight? I'll do the follow-up."
"Thank you." Inoichi walked out of the room, heading to the one place where he can mediate and get his thoughts together. When he left, Ibiki snapped his fingers and two ANBU appeared, grabbing the girl, offering no resistance, and strapped her in a chair while Ibiki went to his drug cabinet and pulled out sodium amytal, a truth serum, but this had its own pros and cons but as long as you questioned the suspect right, you'll find out what you need.
Ibiki approached the girl and put the vial in her mouth. She didn't try and resist and drank what she was ordered to and Ibiki waited a couple of minutes for the drug to take effect. "Now then...tell me about the places you lived in your life."
It took the rest of the night but Ibiki was able to confirm the information that Inoichi yanked out of the girl and complied it all into a report for the Hokage. To his surprise, Inoichi came back and volunteered to deliver the report to the Hokage. Ibiki refused, saying that it was better for him to deliver it but Inoichi insisted, saying that being on the receiving end on the Hokage's anger will help him snap out of it.
The scarred jounin sighed and handed him the large file and nodded. He wished him good luck and the blonde left while the ANBU took the girl from the chair and delivered her to her cell.
"So you're telling me that this was all just a waste of time? You destroyed the girl for NOTHING!" Sarutobi boomed, causing the blonde interrogator to wince at the Hokage's anger, over the report he was just given.
"She was just a pawn Hokage-sama." Inoichi reported. "From what we've been able to find out, Orochimaru kept this team away from the real location of the Sound Village. We got what we could about her training and anything else that was significant, but...(sigh) I get the feeling that from the start, Orochimaru trained her to die. From her memories of her fight with Sasuke, it was clear that she was an inch from death, but somehow managed to survive."
"It's unfortunate but due to the level of my probing, her mind shattered and now she has no more will, similar to Sakura when Naruto finally broke her."
The old man groaned and sat back, blowing out smoke as his former student continued to cause trouble for him and he didn't need this, not at this age. He took another look at the report and shut it. "What is the status of the girl?"
"She's in her cell. I went back into her mind and confirmed that she is broken."
"I see. Well, if she's broken, I suppose I'll hand her over to the brothels. She..."
"Excuse me Hokage-sama..." The Hokage turned to face the Yamanaka. "If I may, I think I have a better idea."
The next morning
It's a known fact that for a new slave, having sex for the first time with Naruto tires you out very fast and even sometimes after the first time. With his stamina, he can go on and on and on and cause his partner to pass out in exhaustion, even with the older, more experienced kuniochi.
This was the same for Tenten, but, to Naruto's surprise, she lasted for far longer then her sister's did their first time. She lasted until 2:00 a.m. when they only started at eight, but was even more surprising is the fact that she's waking up right early in the morning.
A groan escaped the lips of the exhausted girl as she shifted, her body demanding that it stop moving but her mind telling her to get up. `So tired, but so thirsty. I need water.' Despite her body's objections, Tenten forced herself up, Naruto's arms sliding from her back.
She lost her footing as she tried to stand up and ended up tumbling onto the floor, but Tenten was able to recover by grabbing the bars of the cage and forcing herself up. As she found out, she had to hold onto something to keep herself steady as she traversed the hallway.
Back in the room, in the cage attached to Naruto's bed, a pink haired girl's eye opened.
With some difficultly, Tenten managed to get downstairs and get to the kitchen. She went for the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. As soon as she closed the door, she collapsed on the nearest chair and started to drink out of the bottle. She was tired but she had enough energy to get some water in her.
But that also meant she was unable to detect Sakura pulling up a chair beside her.
Sakura reached up and slowly turned Tenten's head toward her. When Sakura turned Tenten's head around, she let out a chuckle. "Kami look horrible...and hungry. Why don't we try and get some food in your stomach?"
"St-stow it." Tenten whispered but it fell on deaf ears as Sakura stood up and walked away toward the fridge. She reached it and opened the door, digging out foodstuff that was high in calories, proteins, nutrients, etc. Everything that Tenten's body needs to kick start its new processes.
She quickly shut the door and put the items down on the table and retook her place in the chair. She had to force Tenten's head back toward her but after that, the girl stopped resisting and allowed Sakura to feed her. "That's better slave. Remember, you need to eat much much more to keep up with your body. If you fail to do this, you'll end up in the hospital due to malnutrition and master's going to punish me for failing to make sure you're fed."
To Sakura's pleasure, Tenten didn't resist as she was fed. She managed to get some food in her when she suddenly felt Tenten go slack in her arms. "Huh? Tenten? You alright?" Receiving no answer, Sakura put down her chopsticks and moved Tenten up and looked at Tenten's face and smiled.
She was snoring.
"Alright, that's enough food for now." Sakura gently picked Tenten up and carried her to the living room. She gently placed her on the couch and covered her with the blanket. "Have a good sleep pet." Sakura placed a kiss on Tenten's brow. "Master has granted you permission for some time in the tentacle room."
The girl stood up and walked back toward the kitchen, for one to clean up her mess and to start supper. Her master will be up shortly and she needed to have the food ready but there was one thing on her mind.
Where the hell was Ino?
`It's been too long.' Ino thought as she stood in front of her former home. `Kami I miss my family and the fucks me and my mom share. I would love to do my father but master will never allow that. I wonder how mama is?' Finishing that thought, she reached into her pocket and withdrew her keys. Thankfully she was allowed to keep the keys to the house so she would always have a place to go to.
Unlocking the door, she stepped inside and startled the woman in the living room, the book that was in her hands flying to the ground. "I-Ino? Is that you?" She asked, completely surprised to see her.
"Yeah mama, it's me."
Iris shot up from her position on the couch and ran to her daughter, grabbing her in the tightest hug she could muster and Ino hugged back, the mother smothering Ino's face with kisses. "He finally let you go?"
"Yeah, he did." She replied, smiling while letting her mother squeeze the life out of her. She missed this. She missed being in her mother's embrace. "So where's daddy? I tried going in front but the shop is closed."
Ino knew something was wrong when her mother suddenly tensed up. She looked up when her mother moved back some so they could look at each other. "Your father...well...he's..."
"Mama...what's going on?" Ino became more worried when her mother took her hands off of her and took a step back. "Mama? Please don't tell me you guys are getting a divorce."
"What? No no, nothing like that." Iris defended him.
"Is he having an affair?" Ino was started to get scared.
"Ino would you calm down? He's not having an affair and we're not getting a divorce. He's fine."
"Fine?! FINE!" Ino was getting hysterical. "You're acting like he died or something. How am I supposed to react at that?"
Before Iris could respond, the sound of the lock being turned was heard and both of the females turned around just as the door opened. Ino's face brightened when she saw her father enter the doorway but when she saw a girl follow behind him, that smile disappeared but when she saw her father's hands and the leash in his hand. She followed the leash and her eyes stopped at the collar on the girl's throat.
When Ino saw her face, however, is when she realized who that girl was. "Daddy...what's going on?"
"Ino?" Said father replied, shocked as hell that she was here. "Wha...what are you doing here?"
Before Ino could respond, her mother came behind her and placed her hands on her daughter's shoulders. "Naruto finally let Ino come home and visit. Isn't this great? You two haven't seen each other in such a long time. Why don't you take Kin upstairs and get her settled in?"
Inoichi nodded and tugged on the leash, ordering her to follow while Ino only looked on in shock. When the two disappeared up the stairs, the daughter turned to her mother and demanded answers. "What is going on mama? Why is there a collar on her?"
Iris sighed and motioned her to sit. Ino did and waited while her mother took a deep breath. "Kin was interrogated and your father did the job. When he finished, her mind was left in pieces. At first the Hokage was going to send her to the brothels but your father somehow managed to convince him to let her become his slave."
Bewildered, Ino sat back in the chair, shock on her face. It wasn't the fact that her father has a slave now...well maybe a little, it was the fact that her father convinced the old man to do it. She fully knew the rules for getting a slave and it was impossible for Inoichi to get one, never mind he broke the girl in the first place.
"Sweetie...are you mad?" Iris spoke to her daughter, a little worried.
That snapped Ino out of her mind. "What? No. I'm not mad. I'm just shocked that my dad managed to convince the Hokage, of all people, to give him a slave. I mean, what kind of reasons did he give to convince that stubborn old man to let him keep the girl? What makes him think he's capable of taking care of a slave? I mean, not to be mean or anything, but I'm not exactly sure the two of you can take care of a POW." When Iris didn't answer, Ino looked at her mother and saw her eyes not on her but above her. "Daddy's right behind me isn't he?" Iris nodded and Ino yelped as her father smacked the back of her head. "Sorry daddy."
"You underestimate me darling." Ino chuckled sheepishly as her father took a seat on the couch beside his wife. "Ino, the Hokage agreed to this because I wanted to learn more about Naruto's desire to be a master."
There was silence as Ino processed her father's words. Her parents was started to get worried but when Ino burst out laughing, they were confused. They watched as Ino stood up and walked toward them. To Inoichi's shock, her daughter straddled him and placed her arms around his neck, a evil grin on her face. A blush came onto his face as he felt his body react to this, his penis growing due to the feeling of a female's flesh on him.
It didn't matter that Ino was his daughter; his body can't tell the difference.
"My darling father..." Ino spoke, her body slowly grinding against the male organ. "You don't have to be ashamed." Before Inoichi could respond, Ino closed the distance and kissed her father's lips.
Beside them, Iris let out a gasp at Ino's actions.
For Inoichi, he wasn't sure how he should be feeling. He knew that his daughter wanted to do him, like she does with his wife, to help them get closer to each other, but she had told them that Naruto had forbidden her from letting his dick enter any of her holes. He could tell she was disappointed so he kissed her on the lips to cheer her up.
Inoichi was brought back to reality when Ino broke off the kiss. "Ino..." He tried to speak but she placed a finger on his lips to quiet him.
"Look daddy...I know you. I know about your curiosity and your desire to learn about different subjects once you heard of them. In some ways, you're like Tenten. But what I'm confused about is why you didn't go to master and ask him. You know he would be perfectly willing to educate you on the subject. Hell, he probably would've let you borrow one of us for a while. You'll learn how to take care of a slave and making sure her needs are meet, especially sex slaves, while the girl herself is able to make sure she herself is alright.
"Don't you think I know that?" Inoichi said, moving the finger off of his lips, but that finger didn't stay idle as it started to caress his head. "I actually considered it one time but I decided I wanted to learn about it myself."
"We visited several of the sex clubs here." Iris spoke. "The lectures were quite informative."
"Lectures and experience is two completely different things mama."
To Inoichi's relief, the girl moved off of him and retook her spot on the chair. "So...what are you going to do with her?"
"Well...I'm hoping to get her trained enough to help in the shop. Ibiki is coming by tomorrow to help set up the perimeter."
"Where's she going to bunk?"
The parents didn't respond at first and they looked at each other with an expression that Ino knew that she wasn't going to like their next words. "Yeah, about that..." The mother said and Ino gulped. "We have to redo your room."
"She's...going in my room?"
"Yeah, sorry." Iris apologized but Ino stood up and walked toward the window, causing the parents to be worried that they did something wrong. Iris stood up and approached her daughter, but when he saw her daughter's teary face, she was worried. "What's wrong darling?"
Ino sighed. "It's nothing."
"Ino. I'm your mother. You can tell me." She stated as a matter of fact.
The girl looked at the woman for a couple of seconds before she sighed. "I've been least, I think so. I wanted to be the only girl in your life and now...she is here." She answered, a hateful tone in her voice when `she' came out of her mouth. She twirled around, facing her mother. "How am I supposed to feel when you and daddy constantly say that I will be the only girl in your lives and you turn around and do this?"
Now this was surprising for the parents. Ino had never acted like this in her life...ever. They would never even think about replacing Ino, but she thinks that they were and that was strange. In fact, it was almost like she was jealous.
"Ino...are you jealous?" She asked, realizing that she was when the girl humped and turned away, crossing her arms in the process. "Ino?" When she didn't respond, she frowned, grabbed her, turned her around, and threw her against the window and closed her hand around Ino's throat. "Now you listen to me you fucking bitch! You are my child and as such, you will always be number one in our lives so don't you fucking dare say that we replaced you! That girl may be here but she's just a servant. She has no place in our hearts. DO you understand me?"
Ino's eyes were widened in horror and shock as her mother, her OWN mother, barked at her just like Naruto does. What's worse is that the look in her eyes is a look that she sees frequently in Naruto's eyes. When Iris shook her and repeated the question, she answered. "Ye-yes ma'am."
"Good, now sit that ass of yours down."
Ino whimpered and shook out of her mother's grasp and quickly sat down in her spot while the father joined his wife at the window, also shocked as hell. "Why do you think I spend so much time with Naruto and Sakura?" She answered with a question to his unspoken question while she went back to her chair.
`Naruto what have you done with my wife?'
"All things aside honey..." Inoichi spoke returning to his couch. "I have a big favor to ask of you."
"Go ahead."
"I want you to swear to me that you won't tell Naruto about Kin."
"At least for now."
"Dad..." Ino sat up. "How dare you. You know the laws of the slave. We tell him everything and keep all of the master's secrets! What makes you think you have the right to ask me to do this?" Ino stood up in her rage and advanced on her parents. "I can't believe this, my own parents are asking this."
"Now Ino calm down."
"Calm down? CALM DOWN? My sister asking me to keep a secret is fine as it's within the family but may be my parents but you are not part of the family. I thought you knew better. Blabbing secrets is a mortal sin and keeping secrets from him is also a mortal sin. Not to mention the secret itself, a prisoner of war being taken as a slave. Don't you think he would want to know something as big as this?"
As Ino ranted, the parents could see Ino...change. They saw fangs start to grow on her teeth and they were afraid. They knew fangs were possible but they never experienced it up close. Now they have. Finally, Ino seemed to rant herself out and closed her eyes to calm herself down. After a while, her breathing returned to normal. "Sorry." She apologized. "I got carried away." Ino's tongue explored her mouth and she discovered the fangs. "Ah crap...not again."
"Are you alright sweetie?" Iris asked.
The blonde sighed and moved her hair out of her way. "Yeah I'm fine. These fangs always grow when I get mad and it takes such a long time for them to go away. I love them but they grow at such bad times. I have to hide them quickly. You know Kiba actually thought we were his long lost sisters when he first saw these? Granted, he was a little drunk at the time but still..."
"I...see." The father said. "Look Ino, the reason why I asked you to keep it a secret is because I want to talk to Naruto and know what I'm saying. I want us to be able to have something to talk about besides you."
"So? He can still know and you can do what you want. In fact, he'll help you. Master didn't get to be Sakura's master on his own. He had help. In fact, go to him and he tell you everything you want to know about slavery. Trust me, he can go on for a very long time. Just ask Tenten."
"I know but I don't want to be pressured by him. He had the exams to worry about and training Tenten and I want to learn on my own pace and not to pressure him."
"(Sigh) Look dad...being a slave means you have certain responsibilities. One of which is keeping the secrets of your master. You can do what you want to the girl and she is honor bound to keep her mouth shut. However, this also means keeping your mouth shut if the information is going to hurt the master. Are you going to speak to master?"
"In a few weeks, yes. I want to have a civilized conversation with him."
Ino sighed again. "Alright daddy...I'll forgo telling master about Kin. Who knows that she's a slave?"
"The few people that know will keep their mouth's shut. Orochimaru is Konoha's enemy and thus the Sound village. When the exams are over, Kin's situation will be known but for now, she'll be kept out of sight."
"I see. Like I said before, I won't tell master but on one condition. I tell my sisters." Ino held out her hand to silence her father. "I'll be able to convince Saku and Ten to keep silent for now but they need to know because if they come over and find out, they are going straight to him, but after the exams are over, I am telling him."
"Fair enough."
The girl let out an exasperated sigh as she flopped down onto the chair once again. "So how much slave training has the girl received? Maybe I can give her a few pointers on how to deal with a couple of blockheads like you."
As Sakura expected, Tenten was asleep for the rest of the morning. Even when Naruto finished his breakfast and went off, she stayed behind to keep an eye on her sister. Before Naruto left, he told her that Ino was visiting her parents finally and that he doesn't know when she would be home. Sakura was surprised that he let her go and she let him know that.
Naruto chuckled and said that there was a price to this; however...she had to miss Tenten's first ride in the tentacle room. If Sakura was drinking at that moment, she would've spit it out and asked when he is going to let her in. He smiled and said that he wasn't the one who was going to do it, but her.
At that instant, Sakura bowed in respect to him and thanked him for allowing her to do this. Naruto just smiled and patted her head before leaving. When he turned the corner, Sakura jumped and shouted in joy that she's able to experience the room again.
However, Naruto peeked his head back in and said that only Tenten can use the tentacles and left again.
Sakura stood still for a moment before she slumped down, her mood completely shattered and slumped back to the couch.
" head." The brunette said as she slowly moved up from Sakura's lap. She moaned as she was suddenly assaulted with new senses, her gift from Naruto becoming aware to the girl, and she started to get dizzy.
"Are you alright darling?" Sakura asked, concerned.
"I don't feel so good."
"Alright alright, let's get you up." Tenten was helped up by her sister and was led through the house and to the back door and was led out. Suddenly Tenten was assaulted with new sensations. "Now take deep breaths, let your mind and body adjust."
Tenten did what she was told and took deep breaths. Her dizziness passed and she was able to steady herself. Soon, she began to notice differences in her bodily functions. Her hearing was sharper. She could hear the leaves shifting in the wind, the footsteps of people walking by and surprisingly, a faint heartbeat of the girl next to her.
`Is this what it is like to be a half-breed? This is weird. I can hear better. I wonder about my eyes.' Slowly, she opened her eyes and let out a whine at the brightness but as her eyes adjusted, she could tell the difference. Things were sharper, more detailed and she could see smaller things better. "Is this what it is like for you sister?"
"It may be a little disconcerting at first sister but it'll soon become normal for you. All you can do is train and learn about your new senses." Thankfully, Tenten was able to get ahold of herself and steady herself. When Sakura saw that Tenten was alright, she led her back into the house and to the kitchen where lunch was set up for her. Sakura sat her down on the chair and told her to wait.
While the girl went off, Tenten found herself staring at the food in front of her. The smell, heightened by her new nose, begged her to eat them. Her throat bobbed as her stomach growled, demanding that she put that food in her. She was about to sneak a bite when a vibrator was placed in her hands.
"As you will soon experience pet..." Sakura said, taking a seat beside her. "Master forces our bodies to become addicted to the pleasure and pain. The chemicals involved with pleasure and pain can become addictive and that's what master wants. He wants us to be dependant on him and our sisters. Added onto that fact that our bodies are solely for him, we are forced to behave if we are to not to experience withdrawal. Now, did you know that having a vibrator running in your body in the morning helps to wake you up? The pleasures get your blood pumping and it'll help you wake up."
"So you want me..." Tenten trailed off, seeing Sakura nod. She sighed and lowered her hand. She had to move her body a bit so she could put it in. She moaned as it slid in her, her eyes closing in delight. She stopped, leaving a little sticking out but Sakura didn't want that as she reached down and shoved the rest in it, causing the girl to let out a small yelp.
"Now then, while you eat, here's what I want you to do." Sakura started, placing the remote in her hands. "When you start, turn this on to low. When you're about halfway done, turn it on medium. When you're done, turn it on high and leave it running while you wash the dishes."
"What about when I'm done?" Tenten asked. "Am I just supposed to leave it running?"
"Until I come back, yes. When you're done with the dishes, you may go to the living room and wait for me. I'll be back in an hour." Sakura stood up and kissed Tenten on the cheek before leaving the girl behind. When the pink haired girl disappeared, Tenten sighed and looked at the remote before moving the button up to low and gasped as the toy in her started shaking. She closed her eyes and moaned as she felt the pleasures run through her body.
After a couple of minutes, she opened her eyes and started eating, a thought in the back of her mind telling her to eat with one hand and use the other on her body.
When Sakura eventually came back, she was pleased at the sight she came onto. The kitchen was all cleaned up minus the juices on the floor leading from the chair, to the sink, and finally to the couch in the living room where Tenten was moaning and withering and masturbating to her hearts content.
Seeing no reason to stop her, she decided that she would join in. She walked up and straddled Tenten's face, the girl immediately going to her core. Sakura had to grab onto the backrest while Tenten had another lesson on how to service a female. She was better this time. Last time, she sucked...horribly.
Sakura looked around and spotted the remote on the table. Quickly grabbing it, she started to slowly lower the setting on Tenten's vibrator. She could feel the girl react below her to the slowing buzzing. When Sakura finally turned it off, she looked down at the girl. She looked like she was in pain and she knew that it was only frustration. "Have a good time?"
"I hate you." She replied but Sakura only chuckled and patted Tenten's cheek.
She moved off of Tenten and motioned the girl up. Tenten complied and she was about to take the vibrator out but Sakura stopped her. "Did I say take it out?" Tenten shook her head. "Then don't take it out. Now follow me."
Tenten followed Sakura as they walked down the hallway, but Tenten could feel the vibrator shift in her and her eyes were fixed on the vibrator remote in Sakura's hands. Suddenly, the thumb moved and Tenten squeal as the toy was revved up and she almost lost her footing but was able to stay on her feet. She breathed a sigh of relief when Sakura turned it off and almost ran into her.
"You wanted to know about the armory here." She asked, looking at the girl as they faced the wall.
"There's no armory here." Tenten stated. "Just a blank wall."
"That's where you're wrong."
Tenten kept her eyes on Sakura's hand as she place it on the wall. For a second, nothing happened but suddenly an outline of a large door appeared and Sakura pushed, the wall giving away. "A chakra door?"
"Jiraiya installed this as the mechanics is too advanced for master right now." Sakura motioned for Tenten to follow as she stepped inside and she followed. When Tenten stepped inside, she was shocked at the stuff here. "We have everything we could need. Explosive notes, smoke pellets, knives of all kind, small fans for wind jutsu, and a whole bunch of stuff. We even have sections for each of us, the weapons that belong to us. It'll be a while until we get your section up but you'll have room for more if need be."
"This...this is amazing. Are there any rules concerning these weapons? Do you have to get his permission to try these out? What kind of explosive notes do you have? Do you have the termite chemicals?" Simply put, Tenten was excited and started rambling and Sakura wasn't able to shut her up with her voice so instead she revved up the vibrator and that shut her up.
"From the beginning." Sakura said with a smile on her face. "No. No but you have to sign every time you take anything out. We got from cherry bombs to very high explosives. Yes we do, although supervision is needed for that. Now there's something I'm curious about. You haven't said a thing about master's present last night."
Tenten tilted her head to the side in confusion. "His present?" Her face wore that confused look for a couple of seconds but she began to remember the previous night, that confused face turned shocked. "HIS PRESENT! WHERE THE HELL IS IT?" Tenten patted her body like she was trying to find something but realized that she was nude and bolted from the room.
Sakura sighed and thumbed the remote again, hearing a crash. She went to one of the drawers and pulled out a card. About a minute later, Tenten came back limping in. "You talking about this?" Sakura held up the pass to the ANBU Demolition Corps building. When Tenten caught sight of it, she bolted for her but Sakura held out her hand. "HALT!" Tenten screeched to a half just inches from Sakura's hand. "SIT!"
Sakura's mouth curved into a smile as her sister obeyed and she thumbed off the vibrator. "That's better. Now listen, there are some conditions that come with this. You have to attend orientation and then attend the four day safety meeting. Once you have been cleared, you'll be able to be to start your internship. However, you may NOT bring anything home until master says okay. He'll be sent progress reports weekly and if he's not satisfied with your progress or he feels that you are lacking, he'll pull you out. Do you understand me?"
The girl quickly nodded. "Good, now orientation starts in a couple of weeks. Now Ten...there's something else that I learned from the Hokage today. When the exams end, you'll be detached from your team and be marked as a standalone genin. In addition to your Demo internship, you'll be studying under Dr. Azumi so you can have an arsenal of medical jutsu under your belt."
"I'm going to be detached from my team?" Tenten whimpered. "But...I love my team. Why is master doing this to me?"
"It's not just you darling. We are all going to be studying our desired specialties and we're going to see each other even less. I'm going to be at the hospital while Ino is at the I/T division and master is going to be studying under Jiraiya. It's going to be hard but it is necessary. That's why we're spending as much time as we can together."
Sakura replaced the card in the drawer and pulled up Tenten by the collar. She pulled her out of the armory and closed it and swung the girl to face her. "Now, take a half hour and rest alright? When I come back for you, I'm going to give you your reward for giving master an awesome fuck."
Before Sakura came back for Tenten, the girl was worried what kind of reward Sakura was going to give her. She quickly learned that pain can be a reward and she was hoping that it wasn't the case this time. During her rest time, she wondered where Naruto was since she hadn't seen him at all this morning.
When Sakura did come for her, she asked the girl where Naruto was and she replied that he was busy but he'll be back soon but for now, she's under her control. It was then Tenten noticed the smirk on her sister's face and gulped when Sakura motioned her to follow.
She couldn't resist so she stood up and followed Sakura as they went back downstairs. She followed as they entered the right room and to the other side. When they arrived, Tenten saw a slightly opened door with keys in the lock. "Now you remember when master told you about the tentacle room?" She said, opening the door.
"Yeah?'re not saying..."
Sakura smirked as she stepped aside, letting Tenten see inside of the room. It was empty save for a few chairs as well as some bondage equipment, but the strangest thing about the room was the complicated seal diagram in the middle of the room. "This is the result of five months hard work, failed experiments, and the near destruction of the Seal Research building." Sakura pulled Tenten in the room and shut the door behind her and led her to the middle of the room, right in the middle of the seal work. "Now, all you have to do is send your chakra down through your body and to the seal work. It doesn't take much."
"How does it know how long?"
"The default is thirty minutes, although anybody can shorten that time. Only master can extend it."
Sakura walked back, leaving Tenten by herself. The girl looked down and gulped, worried that something was going to go extremely wrong but she trusted Sakura so she was going to do this. Slowly, she started to channel her chakra to her feet. She could feel the floor start to absorb it and after a couple of minutes, the absorbing stopped and she prepared herself.
Suddenly, she jerked when she felt something on her leg. She moved back a little and looked down to see several tentacles rising from the floor and going to her. It was strange, the tips of these tentacles were penis shaped and they even had a hole where it was supposed to be. However, when she jerked, they shot toward her feet and grabbed onto her, causing her to fall.
"Tenten! The more you struggle, the harder it holds on!" Sakura advised.
"NOW YOU TELL ME!" Tenten responded, struggling as more tentacles started wrapping themselves around her limbs. She was then lifted off the ground as her legs was spread. The prisoner suddenly squealed when something caressed her silt and she looked down to see a brown, veiny, tentacle rubbing itself on her. She also saw smaller tentacles head toward her breasts. `I can't do this. This is scary beyond all imagination.' "SAKURA I CHANGED MY MIND! I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS! MAKE IT STOP, PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!" She screamed, pleading to Sakura.
"You're acting like you have a choice slave!" Sakura responded. "Master's gratitude is nonnegotiable! TRUST ME, YOUR FEAR IS UNWARRENTED! JUST ENJOY IT!"
`I hate you Sakura! I so fucking hate you!'
While the large tentacle in between her legs continued rubbing itself on her sex, another one, a purple one, with a silt strangle shaped like a mouth went to her clit and started licking her and a small, almost snake like tongue. Tenten bucked when that happened and a moan erupted from her lips.
To her horror, she found her will to resist disappearing. `Kami what is going on? I can' feels so good. I...I can't ke-keep my thoughts together. Oh god..' The small tentacles that were heading for her breasts started wrapping themselves around the mounds, squeezing them while the heads latched themselves onto her nipples.
Tenten threw her head back in pleasure as she arched her body. Sakura was right. Her fear was unwarranted. Feeling something touch her face, she opened her eyes to find the penis-like limb aim itself for her mouth. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth, letting the appendix enter her. `Oh wow...and here I thought it was going to be disgusting. In tastes like grape. Huh...' The girl was interrupted from her thoughts by a sudden intrusion and Tenten squealed.
Her ass just got rammed.
She squealed as she was turned again, this time she was upside down. The thing in her ass and mouth started pumping at a rhythm, while those two tentacles at her pussy continued their movements although it seemed like they slowed down to the point of teasing.
While she was getting pounded, her limbs were held out and restrained. Now matter how hard she pushed and pulled, they held onto her. In her mouth, Tenten started to notice a strange taste coming out of the thing. `Can this thing cum? It tastes familiar for some reason. Actually, I think it tastes like master's cum. That's impossible...isn't it? I'm just thankful that it's not going deeper.'
Suddenly, all movement stopped. Almost all of the tentacles started withdrawing while she was being righted. In a daze, she opened her eyes to see Sakura walking toward her and felt her body being moved so that they can be face to face. "So...what do you think?"
"I...I love it." She whispered. "It feels so amazing."
Sakura laughed. "That's good to hear." She chuckled when a couple of limbs reached up and started to caress her. "Ah it's good to see you boys again. I missed you." She said to them while a third one went to her core and slowly entered her, moving up and down, causing her to moan at the penetration. "Something you should know about these things my little minx." Sakura held up her hand to her face and one of the tentacles caressing her went to it. "These things produce a mild aphrodisiac. This helps first-timers calm down and enjoy it while it helps regulars heighten their experience."
"Can it (gasp) cum?" The reason for that sudden gasp is that the same limb that was in her ass went back and now started to pump slowly.
Sakura smiled. "I'm glad you asked. Yes it can cum and the best part? This thing was created based off of master's DNA so all the cum produced by this thing is the same as cum from his body." Sakura chuckled as she lowered her hand and caressed Tenten's wet core causing the girl to moan. "You really are beautiful. I tell you...when you go on the market as a sex slave, you'll be a popular choice."
"Market? What are you talking about?"
Sakura's hand stopped stimulating her and took it back and her face wore one of confusion. "Master didn't tell you? He didn't did he? (Sigh) Look Tenten, a downside of being a slave is that you are considered property and thus...can be sold. Master has created two separate catalog of services. One catalog is a handyman service. He sells us to anybody who needs us. If someone needs roof work done, master gets called and we get put to work. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as we know how to do the job, we get sold."
"Now the other catalog? It offers sexual jobs ranging from being a mistress to someone to having some time in here. One of these services is the offer to have one or all of us as a fuck buddy. Now in this case, the offer only applies to females and to the few that master absolutely trusts. I'm a popular choice while Ino is a very close second. Some customers include Inuzuka Tsume, Yuuhi Kunerai, Mitarashi Anko, and various other females. Even Azumi sometimes rents us for her medical fetish. Now master sometimes gets rented as well."
"So...(grunt) we're whores?" Tenten asked, grunted as the appendix in her speed up a little bit.
Sakura thought about that question for a moment. "I suppose you can call us that, but anyway...the only people that we are rented to master trusts. He may watch just in case but in all the months master had this service going, we never had a problem with our customers. In fact, I remember one time Tenzo rented me for a fantasy he had that he wanted to act out. The both of us had fun and we walked away happy."
"I thought you said no males."
"True but a male can go to master and explain what he wants. If he's fine with it, he'll let him rent us but when that happens, they are always being watched because even though master trusts him, his paranoia takes priority. There was another time I remember when both Asuma and Kurenai rented Ino and master to act like a prostitution ring that was getting busted."
"Which role was master?"
Sakura chuckled. "Believe it or not, his role was the same as Ino. A sex slave." Seeing Tenten's eyes widen in shock, she smirked. "True story I kid you not. He actually had fun that night." Suddenly Sakura let out a gasp and moaned as a tentacle shot up her ass. "Oh I wish I can join you. It's been a long time since I've been in here."
"When...when was the last time you here?"
"A month, but it seemed like a lifetime." Sakura answered and then she looked at the clock. "I better let you get back. You only got ten minutes left."
Tenten's eyes widened in shock. "Ten minutes...wha..." Tenten was suddenly muffled by a tentacle that rammed itself in her mouth and she screamed as the assault on her body began once again. She was moved back so she was horizontal and her legs were spread apart. She managed to look up just in time to see a juicy tentacle along with several smaller ones line themselves up and in one swift motioned, buried themselves in Tenten's pussy.
The girl screamed and thrashed and moaned and grunted as all of her holes were assaulted. The small strands attached to her nipples increased their efforts as her hands were moved behind her head. Suddenly, Tenten's screamed one of the small tentacles entered into her utheral and started to fuck that. `Oh kami I don't think I can take this anymore. Oh god oh god oh god...'
Suddenly, all at once, cum filled up her body to the brim. Cum splattered out of her ass and pussy as it was quickly filled up. As the tentacles came, she also came, her body seizing up and tightening as the orgasm washed through her.
To Tenten's disappointment, the tentacles started lowering her while removing themselves. When she was laid down, all of the tentacles removed themselves from her and withdrew back into the floor, but the girl didn't move as she was too high to move. She looked at Sakura when she entered her sight. " you doing?"
Tenten's only answer was a smile.
It was strange but Naruto had a weird feeling when he came back. It tugged at his mind and he couldn't figure it out and it was driving him crazy. When he stepped inside of his home, he shook his head and wanted to see how his newest pet handled her first ride in the tentacle room, so he made his way downstairs and to the room that contained the tentacle room and was pleased to find the girl alive and well being petted by his first pet, Sakura. " two look like you had a good time."
Sakura chuckled as she looked at him. "We did."
"How did she do?"
"Well, she struggled at first, begged me to take her off, but the aphrodisiac did its job and she began to enjoy it."
Naruto nodded, pleased with Sakura's report. "Good good...that's good to hear."
"Master, are we still going to do Tenten's whipping today? I ask because Ino's been gone a long time and...well..."
"If she's not back in an hour, we're going to start without her. Right now, I'm going to take a nap. I'm tired." As Naruto turned away to leave, he stopped when he heard Tenten finally speak. Turning around, he saw Tenten adjust her position. "Yes?"
"When are you going to put me on market?"
Naruto's eyes flicked to Sakura who started to rub the back of her head in embarrassment. "Yeah, I thought you already told her. Sorry."
"I see, well..." Naruto sat on the bed beside Tenten. "Do you know of a woman named Inuzuka Tsume?"
"I...think so." Tenten was positive she heard that name before. She thought back to her academy days and she remembered. "Isn't she the clan head for the Inuzuka's?"
He nodded. "The very same. Her husband was a good man but he died a very long time ago. About a year ago, shortly after Sakura has been broken, I came across her, extremely sexually frustrated, but I just talked to her and found out that she hadn't had sex since her husband died. She was desperate and masturbation wasn't doing anything for her so being the generous person I am, I helped her."
"So what happened afterwards?"
Naruto chuckled. "I had to take her home afterwards. I didn't want to answer questions that were bound to pop up so I snuck to her room and left her there, locking the door and leaving through the window. Luckily most of the family was out and I was able to escape unscathed."
"Well wait...doesn't she have a canine companion?"
"Why do you think I wasn't mauled? Kuromaru was there. Anyway, the next day, Tsume visited and we had a long talk and we reached the agreement that any time her frustrations was getting in the way of her duties, she would call me and pay me for my services. One day, I brought Sakura along because I didn't trust her alone and to my surprise, Tsume pounced on the girl and gave me one of the greatest shows ever."
"When the night was over, she paid me for Sakura's services and we left. On the way home, I began to think. How can I do this? I started a brainstorming session with Sakura and we came up with two sets of catalogs. One set had handyman jobs and other jobs like it. The other one had services both me and her can provide. If someone wants a mistress, Sakura can play that role. If someone wants a slave for a night, she can do that as can I. If someone wants a master, I can provide that service. It all depends on what the customer wants."
"What kind of clientele do you have?"
"Some of the jounin, several ANBU of the I/T division, the Hokage a couple times. Basically I only rent us to people I absolutely trust. Now as for you, I already got you down for the job market. The next time we are hired, you'll be coming with us. As for the other one, I'm not going to put you down until at least a month or until I feel you have been fully trained."
"So we're whores?"
Naruto shrugged. "If you want to think that way. The only people you actually fuck are females. The few males that manage get convince me to let them have them don't dare do anything. They know the extremes I can go to when one of my pets are violated. Out of all the times we worked, we never had any problems. Besides..." Naruto grinned. "I already got a bunch of preorders on you. I tell you what...when I visited Tsume today and told her about you and your skills so far...(whistles) I tell you, the woman can't wait to get her hands on you. Both her and Anko have the majority of the preorders."
"Anko?" Tenten asked, shocked as hell.
Naruto chuckled and nodded. "She just came back from a mission today and ran into her. She seemed unusually interested in you. Do you know why?"
"No." She immediately lied. She knew exactly why Anko wanted her but she couldn't tell him why. She was too embarrassed and scared to admit it.
Naruto just stared at her for a couple of minutes, like he knew, when in fact he did. "Tell me something you know how I feel about liars?"
Tenten gulped, suddenly feeling very scared. "Y-yes, you hate t-them with a passion."
"I see. You know one of the perks of marking my pets the way I do? As soon as one of the girls tells a lie and knows it, there's a signal that goes off in my head. Kinda like a tingling. Even I am amazed at the range my little detector has and I can tell when my pets are lying to each other."
`Oh crap, he's going to kill me. He must have found out about my bondage class.'
Tenten snapped out of her musings when Naruto patted her cheek. "Just something to keep in mind from now on darling. Now I'm going out for a while. Make sure you obey your sisters."
The brunette gulped again. "Ye-yes sir."
The blonde master chuckled and kissed her on the cheek. "See you later."
As Naruto stood up and started walking, Tenten couldn't take her eyes off of him. It was strange, despite Naruto's size, his stance demanded respect. "You know Sakura..." She said, with a low voice. "To this day, it amazes me that for being such a shrimp, Naruto can be taken seriously. In fact, I wonder how many times he was laughed at when he was serious."
That's when it all went wrong.
The instant she finished that sentence, Sakura's hands latched onto her mouth, muffling her grunts as the girl pulled her close to her, facing Naruto. Speaking of Naruto, he stopped in his tracks, the air in the room suddenly filled with malice. Tenten could've sworn she heard a growl come from the boy as he turned around but when she saw his face, she became frightened.
His eyes were narrow and a mixture of light red and blue.
"What...did you say?" He said, dark is his tone.
"She didn't say anything master." Sakura quickly said, standing the both of them up and slowly backing away from the advancing boy. "She's doesn't know what's she's saying. She's crazy...insane...cuckoo. She..." Sakura suddenly yelped when Naruto grabbed her and tossed her aside, the girl crashing into the wall, leaving Tenten all by herself.
The girl didn't dare try to run. She knew better then to try. To do so would only increase his anger. She whimpered as Naruto closed in on her and suddenly, his hand shot out toward her throat. His hand closed around her neck and he slammed her head on the wall. "I may be small bitch...but I have long since earned the respect of my peers and I don't need any shit from you about this. Slaves don't judge, they obey!"
"Ye-yes sir!"
Naruto growled at Tenten and the girl couldn't help but be afraid for her life. "Now I'm not going to punish you, but instead I want you to think about what might have been." The angry boy let go of her, leaving her to collapse on the ground while Naruto stormed out of the room.
She waited until the marching footsteps receded to stand up. Her entire body was shaking at what she just went through. However, she forgot one very important thing.
Sakura was still in the room.
"OW!!!" Tenten cried out in pain as she was hit in the head, causing her to fall back onto the floor, her body twisting around to face a very pissed off sister. "Sakura, what are you doing?"
Sakura's response was to send her foot flying into Tenten's stomach, causing the girl to lose her breath and stare at the pissed off girl above her. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU FORGOT! How many times did we tell you?! MASTER...HATES...BEING...CALLED...SHRIMP!" Sakura said while striking the girl with each word.
"I'm...sorry." She breathed out. "I-I forgot." It was true, she did forget. She's been having a lot of fun and she didn't think when she spoke.
Sakura only growled and rubbed her forehead, extremely irritated with this girl. "I can't believe this. Master was happy before this and now...I can only hope master takes it easy on Ino. Now as for you..." Tenten screamed when Sakura reached down, grabbed her hair, yanked it up, and started dragging her. "Master may not punish you but I will."
"Wait Sakura! I'm sorry! Please spare me!" Tenten pleaded with Sakura as she dragged her, but to her displeasure, her sister turned a deaf ear to her as she dragged her down the hallway, going down the stairs and down the other set of stairs to the dungeon.
Tenten found herself being thrown onto the cold, hard floor. She panted for a few seconds before looking her, her eyes widening at her sister and the object she was holding. "This will help you remember from now on."
The door slammed as the Uzumaki's other blonde finally came home. She was scared. For one, she spent WAY longer at her parents then she thought. In addition to catching up with her parents, she gave Kin quite a few pointers on how to be a slave and how to act. While they talked, Ino couldn't help but remember a similar situation with herself a while ago.