Chapter 215: The Diplomat and the Warmaster
Janus drove his dagger deeper into his target's back as the Demon let out a weak gurgle before collapsing onto the ground. He scoffed before wiping his blade on his red cloak. He gazed around him for a moment, taking in the surroundings. The barren red sands stretched on as far as the eye could see.
This was the realm of Treachery. Despite the name, it was a place of redemption. Traitors from across the rings were sent here when they were discovered to have betrayed their masters. In the beginning, Treachery did not exist; it was only after Magne Morningstar created this world using the Black Heart that Treachery came to be.
Janus could still hear the old stories. Morningstar created this realm because traitors were being killed, and there were a lot of traitors, which, in her opinion, was a waste of perfectly good resources. So Morningstar created this place, a plane of existence for the betrayers to seek redemption. There was a way back to their home realms…
Janus gazed down at the collar with the chain attached to it and grimaced as he looked at the chain. The fifth link of the chain only slightly cracked before returning to normal.
Janus sighed as he sheathed his dagger and he looked around at the six bodies around him. They tasked him to kill six other demons alone, and he got this scrap for payment. Only when his chain was wholly gone and shattered was he allowed to return his home in the Gluttony Ring.
He sighed as he bent down and started looting the bodies. He was looking for any Debt Marbles, if he found any he could use them to progress his chain further but alas he came up dry. Debt Marbles were fragments of the power of higher demons. The lords of the Rings would occasionally commission contracts in Treachery that allow them to exert control over Morningstar’s most cruel trick.
The most valuable and powerful metal in Hell is made from Infernis Ore, and she moved a third of it into Treachery and divided the rest amongst the other Rings, minus Limbo. In a twist of irony, Treachery is the most resource-rich plane of existence in hell. This inevitably led to much infighting, and since Treachery has a large population, most of the Lords just prefer to hand out contracts to those trapped here to do their bidding.
Some of the Ars Goetia even have residences in Treachery, and so the demons here can earn back their place in the Rings by completing contracts. With each contract completed and each Debt Marble consumed, their chains grow shorter until they are eventually freed and transported back to their Rings, stronger than ever before.
It was a deviously cruel system that forced those that failed their ambitions into a crucible. All are given one chance for redemption, clear your chain and return. Or die in this pit filled with faithless traitors.
Janus gave the nearby body a disdainful kick before trudging away and heading back to the city.Two days later, Janus arrived at the edge of the city. When he reached the first guard post, the guards looked at him uneasily and lowered their heads.
“Greetings, Warmaster.” one of the guards stammered.
Janus just ignored him as he marched right past. Usually, entrants into the city need to pay a toll, but the last guard who tried this on Janus was gutted from balls to brain. Word travelled quickly and the other guards soon learned to leave him alone.
Janus trudged towards the Temple of Redemption as he resisted the urge to spit at the statues of Magne Morningstar adorning the streets. They were made of some indestructible material so her visage was eternally cursed to leer at the creatures she has damned.
He would try to spit at the statue but insulting Morningstar was a good way to end up dead. It was mostly just a superstition but some suspect there really was some kind of curse. Honestly as much as Janus hated her guts he was not about to risk a curse over some simple emotional satisfaction.
The strings of Morningstar stretch far and wide, they say even in death the demons still dance to her tune. But then again, many say she is not dead and Janus himself agrees. A monster like that does not die easily.
When he entered the temple, the first thing he did was to head for the bounty board. It was abit of a routine these past few centuries, he would go the temple, take the best contract there was, complete it and then rinse and repeat. If only Morningstar didn’t impose the one contract limit he would take on multiple at once.
As he reached the bounty board, he felt movement behind him. He glanced over his shoulder, daring the person to strike him. Instead, he saw a cloaked figure staring at him. ʀAℕОΒΕŞ
“You are?” Janus asked.
“A freelancer, I have a contract for you Warmaster.” the figure said, his voice crackling behind some kind of magical device designed to hide his voice. The voice was just clear enough to identify him as male.
“From?” Janus asked as he turned around.
“Lady Beelzebub. The Daemon Prince of Gluttony requests your service. A contract with a reward you cannot refuse.” the figure said.
“And what reward might that be?” Janus asked as he took a step forward but the figure remained unfazed merely staring down Janus as he approached.
“Go to the Gate of Limbo, seek a Beast of Gold.” the figure said without replying to the query.
“Seek the beast and do what?” Janus asked and the figure simply took out a scroll and unfurled it. Sure enough as Janus examined the scroll it only just said to seek the Beast of Gold near the Gate of Limbo. Typical games of the Daemon Princes, vague instructions, odd requests, it was all just a game to them.
His gaze wandered down and sure enough he saw the seal of Beelzebub fixed to the parchement. But as his gaze went further down his eyes widened at the written reward.
The figure spoke true, this was a reward he could not turn down.
Lady Beelzebub does not offer to reduce your sentence
She offers absolution…
Complete this contract and you are free…
I looked down at the Crowfather as he approached me. He was in his human disguise and his oversized robe billowed lightly around him as he walked. For all intents and purposes he looks like an aging man with blonde hair and blue eyes.
He gave me a bow before straightening his back. He truly was ancient, even Mahaila’s vitals jumped slightly when she got close to me. But for the Crowfather, his vitals didn’t even twitch. He was perfectly calm, like a placid lake.
When Mahaila approached him, they both embraced for a moment before separating.
“Are you sure?” the Crowfather asked.
“Yes, I’m good at infiltration, but talking well… that was always your strong suit. They did use to call you the Warrior Diplomat.” Mahaila said.
“Sure you just don’t want to be here?” the Crowfather asked wryly.
“Oh I definately don’t want to be here but regardless with the Daemon Princes now sticking their hands into things, it might be best if you took the lead.” Mahaila stated with a wry grin.
“Well I do owe Beelzebub a drink.” the Crowfather replied with a small smile.
“Careful she might want more than a drink. She does rule Gluttony afterall.” Mahaila said with a shrug.
“She’s still better company than Leviathan.” the Crowfather replied.
“True.” Mahaila conceded with a shrug.
“Now go on, the Empress cannot be unguarded, especially not now.” the Crowfather said and Mahaila nodded.
I silently watched as Mahaila shot towards the World Gate and turned to look at the Crowfather.
“I thought you would say something.” the Crowfather said.
“I like to talk but sometimes silent observation has its uses.” I replied with a fanged grin.
“Were you obeserving me?” the Crowfather asked, his voice light and calm.
“Of course, I observe everyone. Now come let’s see how much of the legend is true.” I said as I turned towards the Treachery Ring Gate. Let’s see what Beelzebub has in store…
The moment we popped through the gate, I looked down to see the mysterious cloaked figure staring up at me. This was one was quite powerful, he could give the Ars Goetia a run for their money. If this one was stuck in Treachery then he must be a loser in one of the great games of intrigue that the demons love to play so much.
“Hmm it has been awhile Janus.” the Crowfather said calmly.
“You know this guy?” I asked as I glanced at the Crowfather.
“We are aquainted.” the Crowfather said as he slowly approached the demon named Janus.
“Phizaros.” Janus said as he reached for his weapon.
“No need for that Warmaster, if we are to cross blades you will not survive it.” the Crowfather said calmly making no effort to reach for his weapon.
What neither of them noticed was that the scroll on Janus’s waist was now giving off a small ether signature. It was as if a simple spell had been triggered.
As the spell ran its course, I decided to run a simple analysis. Interestingly, I could make out the text “Go to the gate of Limbo, Seek the Beast of Gold,” which turns into “Assist the forgotten horror, Acquire the greatest treasure.”
“Huh, that’s interesting.” I mused and the pair paused as they turned to look at me.
“Look at that scroll, something has changed.” I said and Janus paused before he cautiously started reaching for the scroll. I watched him open the scroll, his eyes widened, his face twisted and then…
FUCK YOU Beelzebub!
Janus roared as he threw the scroll into the dirt.
“Abit extreme of a reaction.” I mused and Janus just started stomping on the scroll.
“He accepted the contract, so he must carry it out. Beelzebub just gifted you a powerful minion.” the Crowfather said.
“Well, he doesn’t seem too happy about that.” I said as I glanced at the raging demon in front of me,
“Warmaster Janus used to be one of Lady Beelzebub’s top generals. He used to be Ars Goetia until he lost quite badly during one of the usual blood feuds in the Daemon Courts.
As far as I know Beelzebub cast him into Treachery to earn his peanance. From what I can assume Beelzebub offered him absolution from his sins.” the Crowfather said calmly.
“Which is why he accepted the contract in the first place. I assume only Beelzebub can offer him absolution?” I asked and the Crowfather nodded.
“Absolution ends the sentence rather than going through the usual trials. It is a tricky strategy since once the target is freed they are free to do as they please. Janus could very well join the ranks of a rival Daemon Prince out of spite.” the Crowfather said.
“A bold strategy.” I mused as Janus hurled the scroll a good ten metres.
“Beelzebub is the Lady of the Gluttony. She is famously self-indulgent. But for one with such an appetite to rule for so long, she also has excellent self-control. In my opinion Beelzebub is one of the most cunning Daemon Princes.” the Crowfather said with a distasteful curl of the lips.
“Is that so?” I asked curiously.
“Yes, she is almost always in the background. She prefers the likes of Satan, Lucifer and Mammon to take the stage. She is never truly interested in taking the stage despite her self-indulgent nature. Although she does go rather even with Leviathan on their associated schemes. Leviathan himself is also a rather unique Daemon Prince. He is perhaps the closest thing you can find to a loyal individual in the Searing Hells. He swears absolute devotion to Magne Morningstar.” the Crowfather said.
“Interesting, it seems this game runs deep.” I mused.
“Indeed, Mahaila made the right choice of sending me. I am far her superior at navigating the schemes of the Searing Hells. Initially, we had no idea the Daemon Princes were plotting to aid us, we assumed we would be operating alone. But now that we have been inducted into the game, then I would be a more suitable companion.” the Crowfather said and I nodded in understanding.
“I assume thats why Beelzebub sent Janus, you said he was Ars Goetia.” I said and the Crowfather nodded.
“As far as the great game is concerned, Janus has been playing it for far longer than Alastor.” the Crowfather said as he glanced at Alastor who gave him a begruding nod.
“He lost.” I stated and the Crowfather gave me a conceding nod in response.
“But he lost to Beelzebub herself. Alastor has never had to go against a Daemon Prince and never against one as cunning as Beelzebub. The Daemon Princes all expect treason in one form or the other, but for them to deign a response is more of an admission of talent than anything else.
Afterall in the case of Alastor the Daemon Princes just gave Alastor to you. He was not deserving of punishment. He was a pawn nothing more.” the Crowfather said and I could sense the silent fury from Alastor.
Still, a failure was a failure. But to be fair, Alastor had failed too. Only problem is that I really don’t trust this Janus guy. I mean he just shows up, I find out he got fucked over by Beelzebub and then in attempt to unfuck himself he gets fucked over again?
I mean I can see the logic of why Beelzebub did this. Once I rule hell, it won’t matter if this guy walks free since the Searing Hells would be under new management. If Beelzebub does well I will naturally keep her around and so whatever Janus does is meaningless.
As for Janus…
Err… well I guess he can follow along?
It doesn’t seem he is going to stop anytime soon.
Oohhh thats a good throw, the scroll went a good hundred meters. Oh it teleported back to his waist again. This guy really has anger management issues.
Oh well. I’ll just give him some time to clear his head.
Hey Alastor go grab him when he gets it out of his system
We’ll just be going ahead first…