Dead Gods

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Ember

Single Part

Ahead of the group was a large number of goblins driven mad by the Abyss, and at the back, a large goblin holding a torch and looking at them with bloodlust. The flames of the torch reflected in the goblin's malicious eyes, his yellowed fangs gleaming as he snarled orders to his underlings.

The adventurers were surrounded, the tension in the air palpable. Broke gripped the hilt of her sword, her eyes quickly assessing the situation. "Get ready," she said in a low, firm tone.

"They're coming."

Without warning, Garen charged from the back to the front, his sword raised and a battle cry echoing through the corridor. "For glory!" he shouted, swinging his sword in a wide arc that cut the first goblin in two, blood spraying and staining the metal floor.

Lirian was next to attack, his reflexes quick and precise. He nocked an arrow with impressive speed and released it, the arrow whistling through the air before piercing the chest of a goblin rushing towards the group. The goblin fell dead, its expression of surprise frozen on its face.

Ellen wasted no time. As soon as Garen advanced, she darted behind him, moving with the agility of a shadow. A goblin tried to exploit Garen's blind side, but Ellen was ready. With a swift move, she slid under the goblin's attack and drove her dagger into its throat, hot blood spraying over her hand.

"You should pay more attention, big guy," Ellen said with a mischievous smile, pulling out the dagger and letting the goblin fall dead at Garen's feet.

"I was just warming up," Garen replied with a fierce grin, spinning his sword to face the next enemy.

But he didn't see the goblin that slipped past him and Ellen, heading straight for Ethan. Ethan quickly drew a dagger, his eyes locked on the approaching enemy. However, before he could strike, a huge blade flashed in the darkness. Broke, her greatsword already drawn, decapitated the goblin with a precise and brutal stroke, its head rolling to the floor as its body collapsed.

"Stay alert," Broke said, not taking her eyes off the battlefield.

"They're faster than they seem."

Ethan nodded gratefully, but before he could respond, both of their eyes turned to Thalon, who was a little further back, completely focused on his magic.

Thalon was surrounded by an aura of growing power, his hands extended forward as he muttered words in an ancient and inhuman language. His eyes were closed, and his face showed an expression of deep concentration. At his feet, unknown scriptures began to glow with intense fire, forming a circle of mystical symbols that pulsed with energy.

The orange flames danced around the inscriptions, creating a hypnotic spectacle. The air around Thalon seemed to vibrate with power, and the temperature in the area rose noticeably. The scriptures burned more intensely, spreading a light that contrasted with the oppressive darkness of the Abyss.

Broke advanced to the front line, her greatsword cutting and tearing through the goblins with brutal ease. Her battle cry echoed through the corridor, a mix of determination and pure adrenaline. Each strike was lethal, cutting the goblins in half and spreading chaos.

"Come on!" Broke shouted, her laughter echoing as she advanced, relentless.

Garen and Ellen watched as Broke carved a path through the horde of goblins, her fury and skill leaving a trail of mutilated bodies. Broke's confidence seemed unshakable as she advanced, each movement calculated to maximize carnage.

Then, just as Broke was about to reach the large goblin leading the others, an enormous club came down from above. The impact was devastating, hitting Broke with tremendous force. She was thrown back, flying several meters before landing heavily next to Garen and Ellen, her body bleeding and visibly injured.

Garen and Ellen rushed to help her, their eyes wide with concern. Garen immediately positioned himself between Broke and the large goblin, his eyes narrowed in concentration. "Careful..." Ellen said in a low, urgent voice.

"That's no ordinary goblin. He's a goblin commander, and they're extremely dangerous."

Ellen held Broke, helping her up. "Are you okay?" she asked, her concern evident.

Broke spat blood and nodded, her gaze fixed on the goblin commander. "I'm fine," she said, her voice firm despite the pain.

"Just a scratch. But that's bastard going to pay for it."

The goblin commander snarled, his yellowed fangs gleaming in the torchlight. He wielded the enormous club with ease, his eyes filled with hatred and bloodlust. The flames of the torch in his hand cast sinister shadows on his deformed face.

As they paused, the three inadvertently gave the goblins a chance to launch a group attack. In the blink of an eye, the goblins were charging fiercely, foaming with hunger and rage. Their eyes glowed with malice, and their sharp claws gleamed in the torchlight.

However, before the goblins could reach the group, the ceiling above them began to glow with intense heat. Flames appeared out of nowhere, illuminating the darkness with a blinding light. The air became hot and started to boil, waves of heat emanating from the ceiling as large fireballs formed without waiting to fully materialize. The fireballs fell like meteors, hitting the goblins squarely and spreading voracious flames around. The screams of the goblins' agony echoed through the corridor, mixing with the crackling of the flames.

Thalon, with his arms raised and eyes glowing with unknown energy, continued to channel his power. The scriptures on the floor shone with supernatural intensity, feeding the magic he conjured. Each fireball was more powerful than the last, turning the corridor into a burning inferno.

But then, through the flames, a wind slash cut through the air, dispersing the fire in a burst of sparks and smoke. The goblin commander, now visible amidst the embers, had swung his club with force. He roared in rage, his tribal tattoos beginning to glow with an intense purple, pulsing with mystical energy.

The remaining flames burning the goblins around were dissipated by the club's swing. His eyes were fixed on Broke, Garen, and Ellen, the bloodlust shining intensely.

"He... he dispelled the flames!" Thalon shouted, incredulous.

The goblin commander let out a guttural, threatening sound that reverberated through the metallic walls of the corridor. With a quick movement, he charged toward the three, his tribal tattoos glowing even brighter. Each step made the ground tremble, and the intensity of the purple tattoos seemed to grow, emanating a menacing aura.

Garen and Ellen quickly moved out of the way, but Broke held her ground, facing the goblin commander head-on. Her gaze was fixed and determined, her sword raised and ready for combat. The goblin commander lunged with a roar, swinging his club with destructive force.

Broke dodged the first strike, feeling the wind of the impact pass by her. She counterattacked with a horizontal slash, but the goblin commander blocked with the club, the remaining flames illuminating the creature's tensed muscles. They exchanged fierce blows, Broke's sword flashing in arcs of steel against the sturdy club.

"He's tough..." Broke growled, dodging another blow and delivering a slash that cut the side of the club.

"But not tough enough."

With a shout of effort, she delivered a powerful strike to the center of the club, her sword blade penetrating the wood and breaking it in two. The goblin commander staggered back, surprised and furious, throwing the pieces of the club away. Without hesitation, he charged again, this time using his fists.

The goblin's punches were fast and devastating, but Broke held firm, blocking and dodging with her sword. However, the brute strength of the commander began to take its toll. Each punch Broke blocked sent waves of pain through her arms, the pressure increasing with each moment. Finally, a powerful punch struck her stomach, breaking part of her armor and sending her flying back. Broke hit the ground with a groan of pain, struggling to catch her breath.

Garen and Ellen wasted no time. Seeing their companion injured, they attacked the goblin commander from behind, their weapons ready to tear into the creature's flesh. Ellen struck first, her daggers flashing as she aimed for vulnerable points. Garen followed closely, delivering a powerful blow with his sword.

The goblin commander screamed in pain and fury, spinning rapidly and delivering a punch that struck Garen and Ellen, throwing them forcefully backwards. Both landed heavily on the ground, stunned by the impact.

Meanwhile, Thalon was again casting magic, his hands forming a symbol together. Unknown scriptures began to surround his body, glowing in intense emerald green. Magical power surged around him, the scriptures moving like serpents of light that twisted into the air, forming a circle of energy around him.

But the goblin commander advanced to attack Broke, who was still lying on the ground. Before he could complete the strike, his body began to glow with intense green light. Thalon's magic had finally manifested. The goblin commander abruptly stopped, his body contorting grotesquely. His arms began to bend unnaturally, breaking and coiling around his body. His legs tangled, twisting in a way that threw off his balance, and he fell heavily to the ground.

He roared in pain and fury, unable to move as Thalon's magic held him paralyzed, his form twisted and deformed. The purple glow still emanated from every tribal tattoo on his skin, pulsating with mystical energy that intensified with each roar of pain.

Screaming in unison, Garen and Ellen seized the opportunity. They ran towards the goblin commander, their weapons gleaming in Thalon's green magic light. Garen raised his sword, aiming for the commander's head, while Ellen prepared her daggers for a lethal strike.

"For the Wildlings!" they shouted, their voices echoing down the corridor.

With a coordinated strike, Garen and Ellen attacked simultaneously. Garen's sword deeply cleaved into the goblin commander's neck, while Ellen's daggers pierced his eyes. Blood sprayed everywhere, a red torrent that covered the floor and stained the Adventurers' clothes.

The goblin commander's head was severed, rolling across the floor as his body finally succumbed to death. Broke, still on the ground, was bathed in the blood of the defeated enemy.

"You did well," she said, a tired yet satisfied smile briefly appearing on her face before fading. She slowly got up with Garen and Ellen's help.

"That was... intense," Ellen said.

Thalon lowered his arms, the green glow around him diminishing until it disappeared completely. He approached the group, his eyes still shining with a trace of mystical power.

"We did it," he said, a sigh of relief escaping his lips.

"Let's get out of here before more of them show up."

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