Dead Gods

Chapter 1: Prologue: The Garden

In a grand mansion, a luxurious room exuded opulence. Cream-colored velvet curtains hung from tall windows, allowing soft rays of afternoon sunlight to filter through. A canopy bed with silk sheets occupied the center of the room, while elegant furniture adorned the space.

A little girl sat on the edge of the bed, gazing out the window. Her thoughts wandered freely, a rare moment of tranquility before the approaching social storm. She sighed, wishing the night could pass without her.

"It's time, Broke!" The voice of an older woman echoed through the room. She entered gracefully, impeccably dressed for the ball. Her crimson amaranth satin dress shimmered in the light, and her smile was warm and welcoming.

"You need to get ready for the ball," the young woman continued, advancing with light steps. Behind her, three maids followed, carrying a magnificent dress and a collection of sparkling jewelry.

Broke frowned. "I don't want to go, sister," she said, quickly rising.

"I... I just don't want to go."

The older sister smiled patiently, approaching the younger sister. "I know you don't enjoy these parties, but everyone is expecting you. Besides, this ball is important for our father."

The maids began arranging the dress and jewels on the bed, ready to assist Broke. But she stepped back, determination shining in her eyes.

"I really don't want to do this this time," Broke said, her voice firm. Before her sister could respond, Broke ran towards the door, her dark loose hair swaying behind her.

"Broke, wait!" The young woman called out, but her sister was already running down the corridors of the mansion, her footsteps echoing on the ornate walls. She passed through glass doors that led to a vast and beautiful garden. The setting sun bathed the flowers in golden light, and the fountains murmured softly, but Broke paid no attention to the beauty around her. She needed to escape.

The garden seemed like a maze, but Broke knew every corner. Her bare feet barely touched the ground as she distanced herself from the mansion, entering the surrounding forest. Tall trees closed in around her, blocking out the sunlight and enveloping her in comforting shadows.

She ran until her heart pounded in her ears, finally stopping when she found a small clearing in the dense forest. In the center of this clearing, a single tree stood out. It was dead, its twisted branches resembling skeletal hands pointing towards the sky. However, hanging from one of its branches was a single fruit. It seemed to glow with its own light, its appearance incredibly enticing.

Still panting, Broke approached the tree. The fruit seemed to call to her, an irresistible force she could not ignore. She reached out and plucked the fruit, her fingers trembling slightly. Without hesitation, she brought it to her lips and took a bite. The taste was sweet and bitter at the same time, a combination that surprised her.

As she chewed, a terrifying cold sensation spread through her body. Something didn't feel right inside her.

Her vision darkened, the world around Broke distorted. The brightness of the sky disappeared, replaced by a desolate landscape, a land of shadows. The sky was gray and lifeless, and a cutting cold surrounded her. Voices whispered around her, murmuring her name, calling out to her.

"Broke... Broke..."

She looked around, terror growing inside her. Figures made of ashes, crumbling like sand, emerged from the ground. They were familiar faces, distorted by suffering and despair. Her family, her friends, everyone she knew, reached out their hands, pleading for help.

"Please, Broke, help us..."

"Save us, Broke..."

"Don't abandon us..."

She stepped back, her heart beating uncontrollably. "No... this can't be real..."

The voices grew louder, more insistent. The figures drew closer, their hands trying to grasp her. Broke tried to pull away, but her feet seemed rooted to the ground, as if invisible roots held her in place.

Suddenly, the ground shook. A towering figure emerged in the sky, mounted on a horse made of shadows. It was a knight, his black armor seeming to be made of twisting, moving shadows. His face was a golden skull, gleaming with a sinister glow, crowned with thorns entwining his head.

Broke was paralyzed, terror gripping her body. "Who... who are you?" Her voice trembled.

The knight looked directly at her, the empty sockets that should have held eyes seemed to pierce her soul. "Everyone who loves..." he said, his voice whispered like a distant echo.

"Do not escape death."

Broke tried to step back, but the hands of the shadow beings held her tightly. "I... I don't want this..."

The knight slowly advanced on his shadow horse, galloping through the air. With each step, he seemed to suck the light and hope from around him.

The tormented figures began pulling Broke towards the ground. She struggled, trying to break free, but her strength was fading. "Please...!"

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