Chapter 14: New beginnings

Charles' point of view.

"Ace, my perfect ace daughter, had done it again, she had been ace. She hacked the vault open and made us long for it." 

That was what Milan, my wife, said after Ace decoded the vault.

She hacked the vault and replaced it with the name of her sister.

When I asked her the reason she did it. She said it was because she sustained an injury.

When she was done with her food, all her sisters gathered in front of her except for Vesta. She called Vesta to input her name, and the vault opened.

We were surprised, but she told us she already it was her that changed the code to Vesta's name.

"Straight down my digestive system, I wish these stones could be flushed down there." 

That was Swiss's speech after setting eyes on the diamond. She meant the stones are lovely.

The hands of orphanage girls on diamonds. It is funny how the world goes. They find it hard to believe their eyes. They kept putting their hands in it, and taking it.

Oscar was even shedding tears. 

Of all the family members, it was only Ace who was sitting calmly and not freaked by the look of the diamond.

The truth is that she did it in the middle of the night, and for me. It was my first time setting eyes on a diamond too.

I allowed the daughters to celebrate the victory and see the diamonds as much as they wanted.

Afterward, we collected all the diamonds and put them back in the vault, and we commenced the search for a bigger house that would accommodate us properly.

During the time of the search, I went to a very close friend of mine, Polowski. 

A Polish man he is, but most of his life was lived in America. We went to the same high school, and we have been friends since then. He now has his own establishment. A manufacturing company that produces wear. One here in America, one in his native country, Poland, and one in Africa.

"Trust" is what matters most in any kind of ship, friendship or relationship.

My friend and I trust each other. I know he won't betray me even with a gun to his head.

I went to him concerning he should make wears for us, a customized one. 

Polowski has been a brilliant guy since our school days. I trust he will come up with something great.

I explained the whole thing to him, and he asked me to come check later.

When I went back to him, he made us customized vests, caps, hand gloves, head warmers, hoods, and funny enough, he made us customized bags too in which we would refund, and donations would be made.

Everything he made he designed logos that were customized out of the word DAUGHTERS.

The word DAUGHTERS was written in fire, and eight stars to it.

Two stars at the top, and the remaining six, were aligned underneath.

That logo was a thing of beauty. The two stars at the top represent Milan and I, while the six under it represent the six daughters.

Vesta, Helen and I left the search for a new house to Milan and others. 

We put on our new vests and caps. Helen and I. Vesta wore the vest and head warmer. It fits her better.

I chose Helen and Vesta to travel with me to Mexico because of their abilities. Vesta is crazy, and Helen is tough.

We were going to a place where we could change diamonds for money. Anything could go wrong. I trust those of them the most.

When we got to the place, the people were nicer than I thought, we were respectfully welcomed, warmly attended to, and we were not delayed at any cost.

The deal went smoothly. We gave the diamond, and we were given our money.

One hundred million dollars was the amount I was expecting. They gave us one hundred and fifty million dollars instead. That was what the diamond was worth.

We got home and separated the money into three parts, fifty million dollars each.

A sum of fifty million dollars was put in our new customized bag, and was returned to the deceased's son. The main owner of the diamond that was duped and killed at the mansion.

A part was dropped at home for us, and the last part was split into ten equal amounts, and five million dollars was donated to ten orphanage homes in our name, "DAUGHTERS".

Before we came back from our trip, Milan and the rest had acquired a new home which was best to their taste, and it was excellent for me.

It really was an excellent acquisition for me, a big building sitting all alone in the remote area along the road.

Not too far from the city, and it had an excellent curtilage for training.

They were waiting for my thumb up for it, and I did give it. We started setting it up, and all the facilities needed for our job were acquired and put there. It was a new beginning.

Helen's point of view.

I went with my father to Mexico along with my eldest sister, Vesta. When we were leaving, we had weapons hidden in various parts of our bodies.

Knives, handguns, grenades and a sword which was in disguise that father used as a walking staff. None are useful, because we had perfect and reliable negotiations.

We even collected more than we expected. I was expecting shooting and fighting, well-prepared for that, but the guys were such respectful people.

We took home our money safely, and the money was shared equally. Ours was used to acquire a new home. A very beautiful one and in a nice and lovely environment. I don't have to go to gymnastics now before I train.

The new home has its own networking system. Very lovely woods behind it, and a shooting yard that was not too far from it. 

There is a lot of space now, unlike where we were coming from.

The new home would surely make our work easier judging by the way it was set up.

No police or any agencies should be able to trace us down here, or notice any strange things.

It's quite a new beginning, and father has just made another discovery.

Gold to go after.

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