Chapter 264: Chapter 261
"Where I'm from, you're old," I looked at her, "although, I have to say after looking at you now I can't wait for my Kitten to mature too. Honestly, you're like fine wine only getting better with age."
Felicia's eyes went wide, her cheeks tingling red a little, "y-you certainly aren't my Peter Parker. He never would have said that, even if he wasn't married."
I chuckled, "yeah, I guess. Honestly though, this version of me is weird. Did you know he has a goatee? Honestly who is that man trying to be? Tony Stark?"
Felicia chuckled, "well, at least you both have a sense of humor, that's nice," suddenly she winced, holding her cheeks in pain.
My hands went up immediately touching her bandaged face with worry, "are you okay? Should I call a doctor?"
"No, it's fine, it just stings is all," she replied as I continued to caress her cheek, I couldn't help but to worry. Her hands cupped mine as she looked into my eyes, "tell your world...there's a version of me?"
I nodded, "yes."
"I see….and...are you friends?" she asked with thinly veiled hope.
"No," she looked saddened by that, "she was more than that. She was the love of my life."
Felicia's eyes were widened, "w-what?"
I chuckled, "yeah. I heard you and this world's Peter dated?"
Felicia nodded, "yeah...what about you?"
I felt my smile drop, "we...we did date, for a long time we were happy but….she left."
Felicia's eyes widened, "why?"
I sighed, "her dad was in SHIELD custody, she wanted to save him. She knew I couldn't go with her so...she just left. I wanted to go with her, but...she said she wasn't worth it. She didn't listen, stubborn fool."
Felicia sighed, "it's like I manage to fuck things up in every dimension."
I smiled, "you broke up with Peter in this world too?"
"Yes….things were...difficult," she sighed, "plus it was obvious he still loved there an MJ in your world?"
"Yeah," I nodded, "but I don't see her as anything more than a friend. I can't. I'm still in love with you," I looked at her and she gasped in surprise. Immediately I blinked, "ah, wait, no, that came out wrong!"
Felicia immediately burst into chuckles, "yeah, you're Peter Parker alright," she smiled motioning towards a seat as we sat down before a table. "So, tell me about yourself. How long have you been Spider-man?"
I smiled, "well, I was Spider-man for about a year...before...well, I got hurt. Really bad and...after you left, I honestly didn't know if I should keep doing this. It was...difficult for me. Still is."
"Hey, you shouldn't give up being a hero just because a girl dumped you," Felicia scolded, "even if that girls me."
I smiled, "I know...but I-"
"-But nothing, listen...if I am anything like your Felicia, then she didn't leave you because she was selfish...she did it because she knew that you being Spider-man, is much more important than you being with her."
"Is that why you and he broke up? Because you felt you didn' didn't deserve him?"
Felicia stiffened before she slowly nodded, "yes...that man..he has a special place in my heart. But...he's my's too bad it never worked out between us."
I looked at her, the way she smiled when she spoke about him, the way she laughed. It hit me like a bullet, "you still love him...don't you?"
She smiled, "yes...I do. But...I also love my husband, I did and I love my daughter and son above them all and my wife too but...Peter Parker will always be my biggest mistake...and my greatest love. Well, other than Felicity."
I chuckled, "right….she and May are amazing fighters...they would make one hell of a team."
"That they would," Felicia smirked, "wait, May's technically your daughter isn't she? That must be strange."
"No stranger than you marrying Flash," I shivered, "honestly Kitten, what were you thinking?"
Felicia shrugged, "he's a sweet guy, trust me. It takes a moment for him to grow up, but he really matures after school."
I rolled my eyes, "I'll believe it when I see it. Anyway, yeah, it's a little awkward, especially when the one who I really want to be the father off kissed me a few days ago," I shivered, "Felicity really does take after you."
"She kissed you?!"
Felicia groaned, "oh dear God. That girl...despite everything, she still so headstrong on defying my every wish."
I smirked, "sounds like my Felicia, her mother and her didn't get along."
Felicia nodded, "same with me."
We sat down next to each other, I looked at her, "so...what do you think I should do?"
"Me? Personally? I think you should continue kicking ass and taking names," Felicia smiled, "maybe she isn't the woman meant for you, maybe there's someone else out there, but no matter what Peter. You should never give up being Spider-man. Forget Felicia if you have to...but, don't ever lose yourself, because seeing a broken Peter Parker is the last thing anyone wants"
I smiled, "and I hope my Felicia feels the same way you do."
She pressed a soft kiss on my forehead, "I'm sure she does." And we sat, through the night we talked, just talked.
She told me about her life, about her daughter and son. She wasn't close to her boy, he was too much like his father, but she still loved him. She had a wife, I actually chuckled a bit at that, she didn't' understand why until I told her my Felicia was bi-sexual as well, another odd similarity.
Around 2 in the morning I left her, now asleep in her bed. I wanted to kiss her, seeing that beautiful face again...I honestly did. But this wasn't my Felicia Hardy, no, she wasn't the same person.
So I left, but not before I planted a kiss on her cheek causing the sleeping woman to smile.
I swung my way back to May's house and snuck into her attic to put away the costume. I had just finished changing when the light turned on and I saw Peter Parker sitting on the bed by the night lamp.
"That was awfully cliched Peter," I snorted as I put on my jacket.
"Is she safe?" he asked.
"Yeah, she's safe," I told him, "thanks...for the costume I mean...I wouldn't have been able to do this otherwise.."
Peter looked at me and grinned, "I love it when I'm right," he got up using his cane and limped to the attic door, "oh, and don't forget to wash the damn thing. Spandex gets smelly really quickly," he limped down the stairs, it looked painful.
"You know, I can build you a proper prosthetic leg," I called out, "one that doesn't make you feel like a cripple."
Peter stopped and looked over his shoulder, "Reed offered that before."
"Why did you turn it down?"
"Because I'm not Spider-man, not anymore," he said turning off the lamp.
"Right," I took off the mask and costume, "hey...can I ask you something?" He stopped, "why did you and Felicia break up?"
Peter looked at me, "I was still in love with MJ. just wasn't right."
I nodded, "yeah….when I get back to my world...I decided. I'll be Spider-man again...there's no point pretending I won't. But….I'm also going after my Felicia, I'm not giving up on her. And one day, I'm sure I'll find her."
Peter snorted, "you wouldn't be Peter Parker if you didn't go after what you wanted. Goodnight Peter. Oh, and stop calling May 'kiddo', only I can do that."
"Technically, I am you," I chuckled.
Peter groaned, "no wonder everyone called me a loud mouth."
Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…
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