Chapter 262: Chapter 259
The big black man who had punched Felicia's teeth out nodded and quickly ran to the door. His hand landed on the knob and was about to turn it open when suddenly the door exploded off it's hinges sending the man flying back with the door smashing into his face.
Richard's eyes went wide, "what the fuck is-"
That sound, that sound sent a spark through Felicia's body, she remembered that sound. She fought with that sound, she loved that sound, she broke up with that sund. She looked up and like a ghost from the past, a figure in red and blue spandex stood under the door frame with webs coming out of his hands.
'P-Peter?!' Felicia asked in disbelief, but there he was, looking like he hadn't been gone a day, standing in his old costume with the red and blue practically glowing off the single light tube in the room. The only difference was he now wore a metallic helmet over his head instead of a cloth mask.
I pulled the web line pulling the man in white into my arms. I grabbed him by the neck and pulled him into the air and held him there. I looked around, four men, one under the door woman.
I couldn't help a gasp escaping my lips, "F-Felicia?" Her eyes went wide, I think it was hope, but I couldn't' tell. Immediately my surprise was replaced with horror and then pure anger.
I turned to the guy I held up by the throat, "I'm going to assume you're in charge here yes?" I asked, slowly squeezing my grip on his neck.
"K-kill him!" he cried out.
Immediately the other four thugs took out guns from under their coats and leveled it at me. But I didn't care. Two red and blue burs moved besides me, jumping into the room and kicking the thugs unconscious.
The girls were in costume, May as Spider-girl and Felicity as the Scarlet Spider. They made short work of the men, kicking away the guns before hitting them hard enough to knock them down.
"Mom!" Scarlet spider cried out as she ran to Felicia's side and took off her mask revealing her face.
"F-Felicity?" Felicia asked in such surprise it almost made me what to laugh, but I didn't no, I was far too angry for that.
"Oh my god mom, what did they do to you?" Felicity asked with tears in her eyes as she saw her mother's battered form.
"I-I'm fine," Felicia stuttered before her eyes came to me, looking surprised, "what are you doing here?"
I turned to man I held up, "apparently, I'm here to kill this guy, tell me white boy, do you know how it feels to have your neck snapped by someone who can bench a ton? No? Would you like to find out?"
"No!" Felicia cried out, "don't do it!"
I turned to her, "he hurt you Kitten," my nickname for her coming out by accident, I couldn't help it, seeing her after all this time...and like this...I couldn't help it.
"No, please, he needs to face justice," Felicia said as Felicity and May unbounded her and helped her to her feet. She walked towards me, her legs wobbling with pain, I could smell it, the pain, it was like….it was the worst smell I ever smelt. I didn't even want to describe it.
She rested her hand on my shoulder, "please...this isn't you….this isn't who your daughter would want you to be."
I chuckled, "I don't," I looked at her, pleading eyes looking back, "...fine, I won't kill him," I let him go, dropping his like a sack of potatoes.
He rubbed his throat, panting in horror as he looked up at me, eyes wide open in fear. I looked down at him, "Richard Fisk, your father ran away from this city with good reason. Consider this your only warning. If you even think about coming back here," my stingers came flying out ripping holes in the spandex costume.
I pressed the sharp claws against the man's neck, I could hear Felicia gasping in shock as she saw the bones slowly draw blood.
I hissed, "I'll gut you and hang your fucking corps off the Empire state building. Got it?"
The blonde man nodded, frantically. His eyes never leaving my claws.
"Good," I pulled them back into my body before slapping his across the face hard enough to knock him out. I stood up and turned to the women, Felicia looked at me disbelieving while the girl's' expression was unreadable, because of their masks.
"We need to go," I told them, "I called the police, they'll be here any moment."
"Right," Felicity quickly came up to her mother's side, "come on mom, we need to go."
"N-no," Felicia said, finally drawing her eyes away from me and to her daughter, "I need to be here when the cops come."
"Mom they can handle it! We need you to get to the hospital! Now!"
"No," Felicia shook her head, "I've been after this man for weeks, he never left any evidence, until now. I'm the proof of his crimes, I need to be here and testify against his crimes. You three on the other hand need to leave, immediately."
"I'm not leaving you here!" Felicity cried out.
"Felicity, don't argue with me, not now, please," Felicia said in almost a pleading tone.
Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…
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