Building an Empire in Another World

Chapter 8: Ch 7. Capital, Part 1

After Walter's remark, a sense of understanding began to settle over everyone present: Bruno would summon their families and they would keep their positions. In return they would help him however they could. They are, after all, still loyal to the Imperial family, a result of indoctrination practices established within the educational institutions of the nation some generations ago.

"For now get some rest, and we can begin in the morning. Lord knows tomorrow and the coming days are going to be long". At Bruno's suggestion, those present give their agreement, and begin to follow guards to their assigned tents. After some time Bruno to finds himself in his temporary quarters, a decently sized tent with a cot, table and chair, and nightstand. Such a sight reminds him of the bunker in which he stayed during the war, albeit more peaceful than it was back then. After laying down on the cot he's suddenly overtaken by a deep sense of exhaustion, claiming his consciousness before he realizes it.

The next morning all the ministers, Karl, Heinrich, and Bernhard gather at the same table as last night. While eating a breakfast made of field rations, Bruno starts the day's discussion by taking out the map he received from his benefactor.

"This is a map of the region we find ourselves in. I haven't had the chance to study it myself, however it should take a considerable amount of strain off of us in regards to finding a suitable location for the new capital."

At this, Bruno moves aside his empty plate and unfurls a large map in its place. To everyone's astonishment it contains detailed topographical information of what appears to be a continent, with a red x at the mouth of a large river. The map revealed that the continent is roughly the size and shape of the later Russian Federation, only it lays vertically on the map extending from an Arctic north to a set of Mediterranean isles in the south with a handful of large natural harbors and numerous smaller ones. Furthermore there are countless inland rivers, vast swaths of ariable lands, massive forests and large inland lakes, and finally numerous vast costal cliffs.

Bruno, turning towards Heinrich: "Send a reconnaissance unit to confirm our location with what's shown on the map. We need to make sure of our location before acting further."

Heinrich: "Yes my Kaiser. I'll send out a motorcycle team both north and south of us. If whe are where marked, they should return within an hour or two."

Curt, who is overlooking the map: "Assuming this is correct there is a lake a few kilometers upstream of the river, which is further connected to several major river networks. It is honestly an ideal place for the capital. Connected to major arteries for transportation and easily defensible with a river fleet, similar to what the Russians use."

Hearing this, Bruno nods his head in agreement, turning towards the others to hear their opinions. Over the course of the next hour, several items are ironed out on the assumption that the map is correct. First is the location of the capital, on an elevated hill overlooking the nearby lake. There is plenty of space to expand as things progress, and the lake and connected rivers will not only provide access to a source of food, but also reach several nearby plains for farming. To add to the mysterious nature of Bruno's power, he adds that he can summon entire buildings and, if need be, an entire city or military.

After hearing this bombshell statement, and before the discussion can continue further, an officer enters the tent and hands a bundle of reports to Heinrich, who then hands them to Karl, "It appears the map is correct, with the mouth to a major deep-water river located 2 kilometers north of here. The details of the mouth match what is marked on the map."

Helmut: "If we were to order a march to the lake now, we could make it before nightfall. The infantry should have little trouble traveling, but the armor would have some difficulty. The tracks are more narrow intended to move over the hardened earth of Europe, not deep and loose sand and mud."

Curt: "We could leave the armor to secure the mouth of the river. It's the perfect place for naval fortifications. With his majesty's power we can immediately build a fortified position on the hill to be later rebuilt into the Imperial estate."

Alfred: "About that. Before this whole summoning incident, me and and several of my colleagues had recently finished plans for a proposed new state building called the Volkshalle. It was intended to be the new parliament building, replacing both the Bundeserat and Reichstag. Perhaps it could serve as the new center of the capital."

At this Bruno begins searching through the list of available buildings, and quickly finds the Volkshalle. To show others he purchases a scale model of the building, placing it on the table. "It appears I can summon not only things already made, but also those that have been planned as well. At least in regard to buildings."

As the ministers lay eyes upon the scale model there is a consensus that it should indeed be constructed, but those with military knowledge, like Curt deny that it should be the home of the Imperial family. Several minutes of discussion later, Bruno raises his hand to quit the others.

"I agree that it should be built, but not as the home of the Imperial family. It should serve its purpose as intended, bridging the growing gap between the upper and lower Houses of Parliament. It's also not easily defended."

Curt: "I agree. The palace is not only the home of the Kaiser, but also one of the most strategic positions in the city. Its positioned on an elevated hill, and one of the first structures to be built."

Anna: "What about Charlottenburg Palace? It's a culmination of our heritage."

Fritz: "I second this suggestion, and we could even make a bastion fort around the base of the hill to make it easier to defend."

Curt: "Hmmm… it is indeed feasible, but bastion forts are outdated with the evolution of war."

Heinz: "Perhaps, but with flaktürmes a bastion fort may be nearly impenetrable. Construct 1 G-tower on either side of the fort with an L-tower on the other 2. The L-towers guard the gates while directing fire for the G-towers, and the G-towers can cover the airspace over the capital. Meanwhile the bastions and fort walls can be constructed with bunkers and gun emplacements to support the L-towers in dealing with ground targets."

Paul: "Flak tower? What is that?"

Heinrich: "Large anti-aircraft towers. G-towers are equipped with few heavy and several dozen medium anti-aircraft guns for engaging long-range targets. L-towers are smaller and focus primarily on gathering intelligence and directing fire for G-towers using radar and other devices, with medium anti-aircraft guns. L-towers also act as command and listening stations being heavily equipped with gun emplacements, and have heavier security screening to protect classified information. Constructing them above the entrances of the fort is quite practical. The gun emplacements can be focused on a single point dramatically increasing the difficulty of forcing an entry. The Palace grounds would essentially become an impenetrable fortress, with the only weakness being decided on how much supplies is stockpiled inside."

Otto: "Agreed. This would also allow me to concentrate my agents on the entrances, making it dramatically harder to infiltrate the grounds. From a security standpoint, this is the best possible solution."

Walter: "What of appearances? I know it comes second to security but image does matter, and the people will need to be able to see the Palace from the city proper. It will have a dramatic impact on internal politics. The more the people can see the Imperial family and Palace the closer they feel, and more loyal they will be."

Alfred: "If the height data is correct, the walls of the fort will be low enough to see the top Palace from the ground. High points like churches, distant hills, hotels, etc. will have a perfect view of the Palace. There's nothing we can do about the towers as they need to height to offer proper protection and detection capabilities, but viewing the Palace from the city proper shouldn't be an issue. If I may, I would recommend placing the entrances facing North and South respectively. This will allow the lower L-towers to give an impressive view from the lake shore and the North. This path can be completely cleared and circle around the fort, acting as major artery in the city with awe inspiring sights."

Bruno: "It's decided then. I'll summon the Charlottenburg Palace atop the hill that overlooks the lake, with a bastion fort modified with flaktürmes guarding the base of the hill. When the city proper is to be built, a major roadway will run from the lake shore to the north, circling the fort. Any other opinions?.... No?… Good. Heinrich, give the order to break camp and make for the lake. The tanks are to guard the mouth of the river alongside a battalion of infantry. We will move as soon as possible to arrive and complete this before nightfall."

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