Chapter 8: Behind Walls
In the castle park, large celebrations took place. The raider flags were taken down and burned, and in their place, the flags of Andorra were raised. The Prince of Andorra gave a speech through a kind of speaker that spread sound over the entire crowd. Neither Herald, nor Charles, nor Elizabeth understood what he was really saying, but Alizandro translated for them.
After the event, where all three heroes (yes, three, because Roberto had already left) were congratulated, they went to the left of the castle towards the dark and uninhabited alley. After the overthrow of the Neo Leo dictatorship, all the alley's residents had returned to their homes, including Alizandro.
The previous house where they had spent the night turned out to be Alizandro's shop. His actual home was located in the very center of the alley, which now was almost as lively as the city center. As they walked towards Alizandro's house, balloons were released all around them, music played, and laughter filled the air. Everyone was celebrating the liberation of Andorra. Countless people passed by, and beautifully ornate carriages ferried the city's guests.
When the friends arrived at Alizandro's house, the host himself inserted a key into the door and turned it. As the door swung open, a very cozy interior was revealed to them—furnished with elegant furniture, modern technology, and also a cat. Elizabeth immediately approached to pet the kitten.
"What a lovely house," Charles remarked. "We just need to find a background."
"What background?" Alizandro looked at him in confusion.
"It's a kind of setup that... oh never mind, it's a very long story," Charles explained.
Herald and Charles began to discuss the search for a background. They agreed that it should be sought in the castle. They were already about to invite Elizabeth along.
"No, guys, I already arranged with Alizandro that he will help me set up an apartment in Andorra, which means I will stay here to live!" she concluded happily.
"Ah, well then, we should say goodbye," Charles stated.
After that, both he and Herald shared one last group hug with Elizabeth. They also shook Alizandro's hand. Then, having properly said their goodbyes and uttered one last "farewell," both friends left, closing the door behind them.
The guards, without objection, allowed both scientists to enter through the castle's mighty gates. They greeted the tall prince, and, having received permission, they continued to search for a background.
"If I were a background, where would I hide?" Charles pondered aloud.
"Either in the deepest basement or the highest tower," Herald suggested.
They decided to split up to make the search somewhat faster. Charles went to conquer the countless steps and balconies of the towers, while Herald set out to uncover the darker secrets of the dark basement.
Herald, opening the green wooden door to the dark basement, almost stumbled inside. The heavy door was indeed weighty, requiring considerable effort to open, and when he finally succeeded, his sock barely managed to tear away from the ground to avoid getting trapped in the doorway.
Herald found no better sight in the basement than the slippery steps leading straight into the black void. But once he descended into the heart of the basement, he was pleasantly surprised. The dark basement was not so dark after all; it had a kind of gloom. It also was by no means small; it was a royal-sized basement, but that could already be expected from a castle's basement.
Down below were various supplies: ancient wines, lovely jams, shiny precious metals, and other interesting odds and ends. Just as quickly as the cellar began, it ended, and Herold had no choice but to turn back. After about half an hour, Herold realized he was completely lost.
Charles had a slightly better experience. He quickly flew up and down the tower stairs. One by one, he inspected the towers. However, the big problem was that the artifact had still not been found. Until the scientist climbed the last tower - the highest tower. There he found part of the artifact.
Getting closer, he realized that it was only half of the device. But where was the other half? Bridgton grabbed the other half and decided to assist Herold. Perhaps the other part was hiding in the cellar.
After descending to the first floor, Charles was about to ask the royal guards if they had seen Herold coming out of the cellar. At the last moment, he remembered that he couldn't speak Catalan.
The large doors of the cellar were wide open. "Then Herold must be right there," Charles thought to himself. He made his way down to the cellar, half climbing, half crawling, and sliding. There he almost immediately found the second part of the artifact, but there was no sign of Herold.
Herold Rimny the Almighty III! - Charles knew that his friend would respond to his full name, but he forgot to call out his second name - Valheims.
But then, unexpectedly, from some dark tunnel to his left, Herold came running out. He looked genuinely desperate.
"Run!" That was the last thing Charles heard before he saw the terrifying monster behind his friend. Bridgton quickly grabbed Herold by the hand, and they both literally sprinted for the first floor. When the dusty cellar doors slammed shut behind them with a loud bang, they could finally breathe.
"What in the name of all saints was that!?" - Herold was still very nervous.
"I don't know what it was, and it's not relevant right now. While you were playing tag with the cellar beast, I accomplished something useful. I found both parts of the artifact," Charles pulled out the assembled artifact from his pocket.
"This time it was in two parts?"
"Yes, exactly, but now, are you ready to listen?"
"Of course, spill it!" - Herold cheered enthusiastically.
Charles hadn't quite put the pieces together properly. When he realized this, he assembled them correctly, and finally, the recording began. As usual, it was a hologram.
"Ahem, finally I have more time to talk to you. Let's start with the biggest news: the raiders have taken Luxembourg, the king's army has fallen. Everyone who was on the king's side is now a slave obeying the vile orders of the raiders. Next, very important information for the future. The raiders' main bases are as follows: Bergenheim, Luxembourg, New Geneva, Tivoli, and certain places in the Russian Empire, particularly in the newly emerging independence movement zones - Belarus and Ukraine… Now your main mission is this: you must get to Rome and stop the raider uprising. They intend to fully occupy Rome and thus Italy, but… don't go there via the Mediterranean, as there is currently a severe sandstorm happening due to that dirigible you shot down. Unfavorable..."
The substances were released during the awakening and were blown towards Monaco... Make your way to Geneva and then proceed to Rome; you'll meet there in an unusual way. And also, beware of the raiders patrolling the mountains… well, good luck! - the conversation was interrupted.
The recording ended rather abruptly. Both friends sat silently, reflecting on everything they had just heard.
Hmm, so much has happened without us knowing. - Charles straightened up, as they were sitting on the floor like children.
Yes, an entire country has ceased to exist. - Herald lamented.
Well, at least it's in the hands of others. Poor king, he didn't deserve that.
Yes, and the storm we partially caused. I hope everything will be alright for those people. - Herald continued the conversation.
Wait, wait, what did he say about our transport, that it would be different?
I don't know, maybe we should ask the Prince of Andorra, perhaps he has some special transport. - Herald suggested and they both went to look for him.
Having found the prince and asked him about the transport, he remarked: - It's funny that you ask about this, because when I learned about the nearby airship crash, I immediately sent my best mechanics there. They restored it within a few hours! - Meanwhile, Herald had turned on the translator so that Charles could understand. The prince was speaking to Herald in Spanish at that moment, so he didn't need a translator himself.
It's not far, as I mentioned, so you don't want me to take you there? - the prince offered out of nowhere.
Well, okay. - Herald hesitantly agreed.
And so, within a few minutes, they were already traveling through the mountains in a sort of carriage that ran on gasoline.
I thought that the nobility didn't drive their own transports. - Herald shouted, struggling against the wind.
Let's just say, this is not an ordinary monarchy. - the young prince bluntly replied while sitting in the driver's seat.
They didn't notice that they had already arrived at the airship. It seems the prince had taken a super short route.
Here it is! - the prince, stepping out of the gasoline carriage, gestured grandly towards the airship.
Does it work? Could it theoretically take us somewhere? - Herald asked some very clever questions.
Of course! It's just not inflated yet. - the prince replied eagerly.
We can inflate it, right?
Of course, we can inflate it, and I can take you wherever you want! - the prince cheerfully declared.
Meanwhile, the translator device was working, and Charles was also catching the train of thought.
So then, what are we waiting for? - Herald, getting impatient, asked the prince. - It's time for an adventure!
The mighty body of the airship was untied, and the balloon slowly began to fill with helium. A line of men carried in huge crates and supplies. While all this was happening, Herald and Charles were waiting outside in the heat. They felt like they had never experienced such a temperature before. The sun was already at its peak, and strong hot winds were blowing down from the mountains. There wasn't a trace of even the smallest cloud in the sky.
Charles's stomach rumbled, as he hadn't eaten properly in quite a while. He could barely stretch to carry the travel bag, which occasionally contained food and water. The friends were gathering all supplies, as they had a feeling they would need them later. Charles snapped out of his daydreams when the prince approached them.
"Come on deck, the balloon is inflated!" - the translator conveyed to Charles in a comprehensible language.
Charles and Herald struggled to get to their feet and made their way to the mighty airship. The friends entered the ship's cabin and were then taken onto the deck, where the large blue balloon towered above them.
So, do you know where you want to go, that is, fly? - the prince asked.
Nothing specific comes to mind. - Herald lied. - But I think it would be nice if we went northeast, somewhere to the Alps.
So you're not tired of the mountains yet, huh? - the prince smiled.
Then he arranged with the navigator to set the course northeast.
Who will steer this ship? - Herald asked somewhat casually.
I will, of course! - the prince replied too confidently.
The two scientists watched with their mouths agape as the prince glided towards the control center. After a brief wait, the mighty propellers of the dirigible roared to life in the back. The wings unfurled, and the airship lifted off the ground.
The thing was that it moved forward and slowly rose higher, but there was a mountain ahead. The captain-prince deftly maneuvered the airship away from the mountain into open skies.
At least it looks like he knows what he's doing. - Herald muttered quietly.
There was some bustling on the deck. Almost always, someone was monitoring the airship's status, air pressure, and quality. That "someone" was a group of scientists. Charles and Herald both wanted to talk to their friends-the scientists about science, but then they remembered that they wouldn't know how to communicate with them. However, the friends realized that they were foreign scientists and spoke perfect English. In the end, the friends decided to go chat with them.
The sun was approaching the horizon, but just as it had been, it remained in the sky. One couldn't miss the fact that the sky was unnaturally blue. And at this altitude, it wasn't very warm. Generally, the dirigible was flying, or sometimes even above the clouds.
That evening, Charles and Herald had an excellent opportunity to have a good meal. The meal was served below deck, mainly featuring traditional Andorian and Catalonian dishes. Everyone was invited, including the prince, who had set the ship on autopilot.
Some sang, some laughed, some cried, but everyone was having a good time. Charles ate so much that he could barely breathe. He decided that it was necessary to take advantage of the opportunity to fill up well. While eating, he thought about how great it would be to have a device that specifies the exact location - like a map, but better.
Charles decided to go outside onto the deck to observe the romantic skies. Herald was the only one who noticed him leaving. It was completely silent on the deck, only the whispers of the wind and the hum of the dirigible's turbines could be heard. Charles approached the very edge and leaned over the railing.
The sail moved westward, casting many warm tones across the sky. Charles hadn't even noticed how Herald had sneaked up.
What are you thinking about?
What can we already think about… is there any point in continuing this journey… and also, that I urgently need to go to the hairdresser, I can barely see through my hair!
Yeah, that's true, but speaking of this trip… it's actually quite interesting, we have been to many places and even made a lot of new friends, what's wrong with that?
Maybe it's that we don't know who sent us to these places and what we are going to solve… maybe it's the fact that we really caused a person's demise. - Charles shouted the last part.
On the other hand, we have saved many others, and after all, Elizabeth shot that arrow, not you or me. - Herald leaned in.
You're right, but can we travel forever? And why do raiders hate us? We haven't done anything bad. - Charles voiced loudly.
Herald was about to say something, but the prince came on deck.
I just came to see if everything is alright with you. - the prince said in Spanish.
Yes, everything is fine. - Herald replied.
After a brief discussion, they were shown their sleeping cabins. They were located below deck, as expected, and behind the dining hall. Each had their own room because there was enough space below deck. When the prince left alone, Charles immediately climbed into bed and slipped under the blanket. He just had to place his head on the pillow and he instantly sank into the world of dreams.
Brighton felt like he was waking up, but everything was completely wrong. Charles stood on the airship's deck, looking at the pale pink sky. Then suddenly, the airship got caught on something. Charles noticed it was some very, very long ribbon or thread. He traced it with his eyes. It twisted infinitely far, but there, in the far distance, was a bright light. It sparkled like a star.
The scientist was amazed that one could see so far, regardless of the curvature of the earth. Then, turning his gaze back to the ship, he noticed how raiders were landing on it… and darkness. Charles tried to grasp what all this meant. The name "Adam" echoed in his head, incessantly and with resonances. Brighton felt like he was in the center of a tornado - everything was spinning.
Charles could hardly bear it. He was all sweaty, but he was cold, mercilessly cold. As usual in cases of insomnia, he went for a walk. The corridor was quiet. There was a clock in the corridor. "4:30" Charles mumbled to himself, sleepily, in the dark.
He, fumbling against the wall, found a coat left behind by someone and quickly put it on. Climbing onto the deck, he saw how in one corner the sky started to get brighter, in the first hints of morning.
The scientist approached the edge of the ship, and looking down, felt dizzy. Far down and in the distance, the beginnings of the Alps were visible. Charles quietly sighed to himself.
What are you doing here, at such an early hour? - A voice startled Charles, it turned out to be just the Andorran prince.
Charles quickly considered how much to tell. In the end, he summarized the entire dream with feelings.
Sounds terrible. - Charles's pocket translator translated what the prince said. Charles also used it to understand what the prince meant.
After all that strange morning commotion, and about an hour later, they landed at Geneva airport.
We have reached our destination, go have fun! I will recharge the airship at the same time! - the prince cheerfully explained to everyone as they had just landed.
Charles, having searched for Harold, went towards the city.
I have always wanted to go to the majestic Alps! - Harold rejoiced, while Charles merely grunted in response.
The view from the outskirts was epic - a massive airship with currents flowing from it. And, of course, the Alps in the background.
Both friends had a few hundred Andorian francs, which they exchanged for several tens of Swiss francs at the Universal Bank. They started to look for a coffee house.
Having bought delicious, steaming coffee, they exited the café and sat at a nearby wooden table. The coffee was already at the perfect temperature; the Alpine air must have cooled it down. As they sipped their coffee, the friends noticed that two burly policemen were approaching them.
They had appeared so unexpectedly that one might think they materialized out of thin air. Then one of the Swiss policemen suddenly addressed both friends in a friendly and composed tone. Charles had the translator switched on so they could understand what was being said.
Good day, guests of Geneva, we will need to take you to our precinct for a moment to verify your documents' legitimacy. Can we? It will take less than 10 minutes! - the shorter of the policemen explained.
Why? - Charles bluntly asked with the help of the translator.
Ah, well, you haven't done anything wrong, but both of us saw you getting off that airship around the corner. As you know, Switzerland has strict controls. I hope you understand. - the businesslike policeman spoke somewhat strangely, but Charles couldn't quite comprehend how.
We understand. - Harold replied thoughtfully.
After that, the friends were seated in a lavish police carriage. The smaller of the policemen sat down next to the driver's seat, while the taller policeman continued down the cobbled road, looking for more loot.
Charles and Harold were able to relax - they were not being arrested. At least, that's how it seemed to them. Suddenly, the policeman swiftly removed his humanoid mask, and something horrifying was revealed underneath. Given everything that had happened, Bridgton was hardly surprised that the policeman turned out to be a raider.
The raider-policeman laughed with evil, accusatory laughter. The friends were already calling for help, but it was too late. All the carriage windows had now closed shut. The carriage had transformed into a cage on wheels.
After a considerable time, traveling in silence, the trio arrived at some fortress, possibly a prison. Of course, no document checks took place. Instead, the friends were thrown into confinement so quickly that they couldn't even really comprehend how they went from the carriage to the cell.
This must be the New Geneva that that guy mentioned in the recording. - Charles pondered aloud, as if all this didn't affect him at all.
Harold merely stared in disbelief. And so they sat in that prison. They were too confused to realize that they should be afraid or react to their current situation. An hour passed in silence, talking about love and artistic nonsense. Their dialogue was interrupted by some footsteps outside.
"Hey, you down there!" - the Prince of Andorra called from the upper window.
"Prince, how did you find us?" - Herold sounded very relieved.
"There's no time to explain, I'll get us out of here right away." - the young prince whispered, so only his friends would hear him, not their enemies.
He pulled out a rusty pipe end from the corner and started to pry open the metal grates. The Andorran tried to find a way out; it came easily because the metal grates quickly yielded. The prince extended his hand so that Charles and Herold could both get outside into the fresh air.
"Who knew that a drainpipe could be SO useful!" - Herold complimented the monarch's ingenuity as the three of them ran down the rocky slope toward the bastion.
Bridgton threw a last glance back. There he noticed a large sign - "New Geneva." Then everything became clear.
"Prince, we will need your high-level guard." - Herold announced as they walked through the city streets.
"For what reason?" - the prince inquired.
"We are being pursued by some bad guys; they look like black knights." - Herold continued.
"Why didn't you say that right away? Good, when we get back to the ship, I will assign some guards for your safety." - said the prince, and he did just that.
Charles and Herold didn't leave the airship after the traumatic event. They stayed there until the end of the evening when the dirigible ascended above the Swiss mountains.
"Where to now?" - the Prince of Andorra asked his friends, who were each settled on their side.
"Hmm." - Herold pretended to think. - "I have always wanted to go to Rome."
The road to Rome was much windier and rainier than to Geneva. At one point, several food boxes tumbled overboard. The wind swirled, and lightning tore the sky apart. Almost everyone had crawled into the lower cabins. At first, it seemed like any other ordinary storm, but soon it became clear that this was not the case.
The storm grew stronger with each passing hour until it became unbearable. As a monumental wonder, the airship still held in the air. It was currently being steered by autopilot since the prince was in the cabin with the others. Suddenly, a resounding bang echoed against the airship's hull. The pilot (the prince) immediately steadied himself, and despite the life-threatening conditions outside, he went to see what was happening.
Everyone remained where they were until, of course, a terrified prince's scream echoed. Then everyone else went to see what had happened. Hurriedly rushing outside, Charles and Herold practically stood with their mouths agape.
The entire front of the ship was shrouded in darkness. There had been some sort of collision with another airship! Charles thought he would see raider symbols or the dreadful raiders themselves, but to his great surprise, there was nobody there.
The dirigible crew scrambled in confusion, running around. They didn't know what to do. This uncertainty was further intensified by the moment when dark, humanoid figures began to emerge slowly and awkwardly from the darkness.
Charles suddenly remembered his dream and understood its meaning. The raiders always know where they are because they have installed "nets." The dream had already warned him of the impending attack and… Adam! The Prince of Darkness from Norway. But what could he do here now? Wasn't he defeated last time? Bridgton shivered, remembering how Adam had evaporated into dust. That means he could still be alive!
Let me know if you need any more help!
Charles was brought back to reality by Herod's calls and hints. The clever sock pointed to a powerful and tall figure, who was proudly emerging from the darkness with a leisurely gait. It was the Prince of Darkness himself - Adam. This time, unlike their first encounter, he was dressed almost entirely in black clothes, probably to blend in better with the darkness that was slowly engulfing the entire airship.
"Here you are. I wasn't mistaken in tracking you down. I'm never wrong." - The Prince of Darkness spoke in such a malicious voice that it would make even a grown man pale.
"What do you want!?" - Charles shouted at him.
"Nothing evil. Before you leap to attack, hear me out. Please." - Adam almost pleaded.
"Alright, go ahead." - Charles urged him to speak with an impatient gesture.
"So. I know you hate raiders... and I do as well. So we could join forces in the fight against this evil that has seized Europe!" - Prince Adam proposed.
"Wait, you're not in league with them?" Hmmm, then how do you propose to cooperate?" - Charles cautiously inquired.
"Heh. Quite simply. You, with your exceptional navigation and problem-solving skills, will help us find the remaining puzzle pieces. Fonus, or whatever they were called. But if you agree to this alliance, please, Charles, hand over to me the collected puzzle pieces." - Adam dropped his sword and spread his arms wide.
"Now Charles, respond to the offer!" - Herod quietly urged his friend. Charles froze, staring defiantly at Adam with a stern expression.
"We could use the additional help." - Herod continued to encourage Charles to make the right choice.
As Charles was about to remove the heavy bag from his shoulders, suddenly, out of nowhere, the Prince of Andorra jumped in.
"Don't trust him! He's a deceiver! Can't you see, he rules over darkness; that can't mean anything good." - The voice of the Prince of Andorra resonated unnaturally, as if it came from the very heavens.
"Hm, the Prince of Light, Fortez. I should have suspected you'd be here." - Adam glared angrily at the Prince of Andorra.
With a mighty pull, the Prince of Andorra ripped off his princely pilot clothes. Beneath them were completely different, elegant, light white and gilded garments of the Prince of Light.
"I don't think you'll recognize me, old boy." - the former Prince of Andorra began. "Well then, let's settle this matter once and for all!"
"Heh heh... Alright, let's begin!" - Adam shouted, and they both lunged at each other.
Charles and Herod quickly hid to avoid getting caught in the midst of this epic battle. The Prince of Darkness aimed to hit the Prince of Light, throwing darkness at him. Fortez was too agile for these tricks, and he didn't get hit by the darkness at all.
Next, Adam called forth dark creatures from the shadows. They charged straight at Fortez, who in the meantime managed to draw his light sword. As darkness rushed past, he slashed through it. The dark creatures evaporated into nothingness.
Now it was time for close combat. Adam drew his dark sword, and the battle could begin. Both the Prince of Light and the Prince of Darkness exchanged strikes. They blocked, thrust, dodged, and deployed a bit of magic.
While Adam was still recovering from the massive storm of swords unleashed by Forteza, the Prince of Light seized the opportunity. He stepped onto the opponent's foot, causing him to retreat. Then he thrust with the blade, which made Adam retreat even further.
A timely gust of wind completed the task. The Prince of Darkness was pushed off the deck. As Adam fell into the clouds and mountains below, the darkness that had consumed the ship receded.
The darkness withdrew to the black airship that had crashed into our friends' ship from the side. The dark ship pulled back and flew away with its master down into the valley. Now the friendly airship resumed its graceful motion.
All of this happened in a matter of minutes. It was hard to immediately understand what was happening. Charles and Harold, having pondered, emerged from the hiding place where they had been observing. The Prince of Light had transformed back into the old good Andoran prince.
Knowing him, he doesn't fall easily, no jokes about it, the new prince stated as his friends approached closer.
We've had a run-in with him before, but that's not important; we need to get to Rome immediately before something bad happens, Charles critically assessed.
Good idea, I'll go start the additional turbines, the prince said and headed toward the control center.
The rest of the journey went smoothly. The wind speed was balanced, the air quality was perfect, and nothing indicated any impending extreme weather. Adam had taken the last storm with him, or at least that's how it seemed to everyone.
Slowly, slowly, with no one suspecting anything much, a storm was brewing, unleashing its enormous fury just a few kilometers before Rome. The airship swayed but managed to stay airborne. Until from the blue skies, rather dark blue skies, a lightning bolt shot down and struck somewhere on the airship, and no one quite knew where.
Since the airship was electric, the entire system immediately failed, and the airship flew closer and closer to the ground.
17:02, the dirigible crashed into a park in the city of Rome. The storm was already behind them, and ahead lay a bright day. As if the storm had never happened, but to the north, the sky was thick and dark. Everyone survived an immense miracle.
Oh, how are we still alive? Charles expressed his thoughts on the slanted ship's deck. – Why didn't the balloon catch fire and explode?
I turned off the helium at the last moment; right now, the balloon is full of oxygen, the prince called from an unknown location.
Charles looked up and noticed the prince hanging precariously from the dirigible's balloon. Harold, having crawled closer, exclaimed, "Hey, what the hell are you doing up there!?"
I just turned off the helium, the prince declared heroically.
I see, Harold muttered bluntly.
It took a while for everyone to safely get down from the sideways ship. It required critical thinking and the ability to perform various maneuvers, but after a good gym class, the whole large crew was down on the ground.
The ship is more heavily damaged than I initially thought, the Andoran prince somewhat sadly announced. It will take at least a few days to repair it completely. In the meantime, you can entertain yourselves; I will also come soon, I just have to coordinate a few tasks.
Charles and Herald, having said a temporary goodbye to the prince, ventured deeper into Rome. Above the grand entrance to the park, the name of the park was written in large, rusty letters. Unfortunately, the only recognizable part was "Villa be," so the friends decided to come up with their own name for this significant park. Herald suggested "Rome Central Park," and Charles did not dispute his hypothesis.
After admiring Rome Central Park, they proceeded further into the city. They didn't have to walk far when they crossed paths with two familiar figures who were currently studying the local architecture.
Mūr, Pampelpap! - Charles called out one name, while Herald called the other.
The addressed individuals turned towards the callers with wide eyes. Mūr, a lively young man, quickly ran over and handed each of them five. The older Pampelpaps, however, limped over quite a bit later.
What are you doing here? - both parties simultaneously inquired of one another and then laughed at such a coincidence.
Well, it's better for you to start first! - Herald encouraged Mūr and Pampelpaps.
Well, after your departure, we read about the Olympic Games and where they are happening this year. - Mūr began.
They are happening in Rome this year. - Pampelpaps added.
Yes, and I had to plead with the good old captain to take me there on his magnificent ship. - Mūr looked at Pampelpaps, who seemingly confirmed the legitimacy of what was said with a nod. - We sailed through the North Sea and along Western Europe, through the Strait of Gibraltar and into the Mediterranean; the adventure was simply colossal!
And what about you? What's your story? - Pampelpaps asked the two scientists.
Well, in short, we have been up mountains and down valleys, heh, but seriously, we were in the Netherlands, Luxembourg, um… France, Andorra, Switzerland, and now we are here! - Charles briefly recounted.
Someone else joined their group from behind.
Ah, and this is our current traveling companion, meet the Prince of Adnora. - Charles introduced the acquaintance to the newcomer.
They don't understand you. - Herald whispered to the prince in his ear as he was about to say something.
Charles conversed with Herald and handed the portable translator to the prince. He then shared with the captain and the young man his adventures with the two scientists.
The Olympic Games start tomorrow, so Bridgton, Rimnijs, and the airship pilot agreed to stay in the captain's and his crew's hotel room. Along the way, a question was raised about Pampelpaps' ship; he indicated that it was currently at some distant dock since Rome is not by the sea, and it is guarded by a stout guard.
When they entered the room, Charles just nibbled a bit and fell into bed. This day was saturated with adventures and new impressions; he needed to recharge his internal battery.
A new day - a new beginning of adventures! Charles was woken by the hustle in the room. The captain was practicing yoga near Bridgton, the prince and Mūr were seen on the balcony discussing something, and even Herald was preparing everyone a morning cake. Charles was the only one still sleeping in bed; actually, he was on the floor of the bed because there was only one room with one bed in the hotel room.
The morning gathering was slightly interesting, but eventually everyone came together at the small coffee table. They watched in admiration as Herald served his famous morning cake on the table. There were no chairs at the table, so Herald dug out some old, rusty wooden stools from behind the curtain, which had no back support.
Everyone was eating and drinking eagerly; it was like a morning feast. This made everyone forget about the Olympic Games. The only one to remind them was Pampelpaps, who, glancing at his new watch, concluded that the games would start in about half an hour.
"We need to hurry to get the best seats!" the captain urged the others.
"Or any free seats at all," Mūrs added.
The hotel room was arranged at record speed, and now the whole group of friends set course for the Colosseum. Since the renovation, it regularly hosted thousands of spectators and athletes.
The distance from the hotel to the Colosseum was about 2 kilometers. Upon arriving there, the friends discovered a considerable hustle and bustle of people. But miraculously, they managed to find free seats, perhaps because the Colosseum was enormous.
"How are things going with Berots, is he sending you anything?" Mūrs remarked as everyone settled down.
"What do you mean?" Charles asked expressively.
"Remember how each of us had a magical device, and when we put them together, Berots appeared and announced something?" Mūrs explained in more detail.
"Oh, that's what he's called… yes, we're still traveling because of him," Bridgton answered somewhat reluctantly.
"Wait, weren't we supposed to…," Herald started, but Charles interrupted him immediately.
"Correct!" Bridgton exclaimed, turning pale over his absent-mindedness.
As great misfortune would have it, the Olympic Games were just beginning, but Charles, Herald, the prince, Pampelpaps, and Mūrs were now rushing out of the enormous Colosseum.
"Hey, what's going on?" asked the Prince of Andorra, wide-eyed.
"We need to get to Tivoli right now and stop the raiders!" Charles quickly explained.
The prince was the only one who didn't know who the raiders were.
"Therefore, Mūrs made a clarification for him, and now he was already in the loop. Suddenly, Captain Pampelpaps pointed with his long, crooked, and old finger at the inscription "Tivoli 20," and the whole gang turned there.
Everything happened quickly - Pampelpaps, with Mūrs's help, jumped into the empty Roman-style carriage, with the others jumping along. Then the captain cracked the whip, and the colts, with a shout, dashed straight ahead, pulling the wagon along - towards Tivoli.
Knowing the raiders, they would definitely attack during the Olympic Games. - Mūrs, who was sitting next to Herold, said.
I hadn't even thought about it. - Herold replied beside.
With raiders, you must stay one step ahead. - Mūrs insisted before the carriage made its way around several buildings and corners.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they noticed the sign on the roadside - Tivoli. The settlement looked as dire as Charles had imagined. The village was all right, but the fortress rising above it was not. The fortress looked as though it was painted pitch black; each turret had a menacing fire pan, and, of course, in the center, there was a comically large letter "R." The great gates of Tivoli were closed, so they had to break through them with the entire carriage.
Hm, it seems no one is here; either they are inside the castle or have already set out for Rome. - Mūrs and Charles both concluded after a short pause.
It had begun to drizzle a silver rain, so the friends decided to enter the menacing bastion. The carriage was left ready for a quick getaway. The sharp castle doors were miraculously open. Rushing inside, they found several splendid staircases leading to even more varied stairs.
Some walked, some ran, some both walked and ran, but in general, everyone was trying to catch the raiders, and Charles focused on finding a background.
Pampelpaps taught me countless combat techniques. - Mūrs said from a nearby corridor. - So there is nothing for you to worry about, hopefully.
Our prince knows a thing or two as well. - Charles called from somewhere behind.
The gang split up and then partially regrouped. This repetition happened dozens of times. Plus, the staircases branched out and led here and there, then forward, then back. It was simply a labyrinth that went higher and higher. All, with quiet determination, rushed through this labyrinth. It finally paid off when they were all together again - in a spacious hall of black marble.
Spiral columns lined the walls, but otherwise, the hall was empty. The only interesting thing was a podium at the far end of the hall, on which proudly stood a golden cage with a captive background.
There it is! - Charles called out joyfully.
Not so fast! - Pampelpaps issued a warning shout, but it was already too late.
Arrows flashed from the sides of the walls, narrowly missing Bridgton, who was almost at the end. Then, quite unexpectedly, a part of the beautiful ceiling opened like a hatch, and down came the mighty captain of the raiders, right above Charles's head. The raider's landing caused the scientist to stumble backward, back toward the others.
I knew you would come... ha, now you will be in my trap! - the raider captain spoke in broken human language, yes, human language! Not English or..."
"Spanish or whatever else, but in the language of all people!
Let's do without unnecessary words. - Pampelpapa measured the raider with a swearing gaze.
Then came the graceful drawing of Pampelpapa's slender sword from its precious sheath, and then he lunged at the opponent with a speed that was quite admirable for his age. It was hard to believe that this same man had been limping just yesterday.
Be that as it may, the captain had already leapt into the air—there would be a touchdown any moment now! In an instant, a square of tiles rose from the floor, forming what looked like a pillar. Pampelpapa's sword struck there. He skillfully pulled it out, but it was already too late. Other tile floor blocks began to close in around him. Now he was as good as imprisoned.
One down, four remaining. - the raider captain said wickedly.
The expression on Mūra's face hardened immediately. He searched for his pirate sword and began to execute strategic moves in all directions to avoid being cornered.
The raider snorted in dissatisfaction, and this raised Mūra's fighting spirit even higher. The wicked captain decided to change his tactics—a poisoned arrow shot past Mūra's head, but it was not an ordinary arrow; it was a poisoned arrow. It of course missed Mūra, but it still created some unrest. He managed to calm down and maintain his fighting spirit. He continued to advance almost elegantly, avoiding the poisonous arrows that whizzed past.
While this was happening, the other three companions who had been left behind due to a weapon shortage were now plotting. The Prince of Andorra had left his light sword in the pilot's cabin, and Charles and Herald were not fighters at all.
However, Mūra had finally gotten close enough to execute the final, devastating battle move. The young boy tensed and leaped forward—onto his hands, then flipped back onto his feet. He repeated this again and again—forward. The sword was drawn swiftly from its sheath just moments before the collision. Mūra struck with all his might, aiming for the raider's heart!
The raider, unaware, had closed his eyes. Only when he felt the sword catch empty air did he open them. The raider captain had practically teleported, and with a quick hand movement, he shot a net from the ceiling that engulfed Mūra. He flailed desperately, but the more he struggled, the tighter the net closed around him.
Two down, three remaining. - The Black Knight threw a glance at Charles, Herald, and the prince.
In truth, all of us are already defeated, but well. - Charles thought to himself.
However, during this time, some shaky plan had been devised. The Prince of Andorra began to execute the plan by signaling to Mūra, and then the next onslaught could begin!
The prince, evading the rain of arrows, rushed towards Mūra. Meanwhile, Herald and Charles, crouching to avoid the arrows, began to move forward from the other side.
As planned, these multifaceted movements bewildered the raider captain, as he was too accustomed to fighting one-on-one.
Then the Prince of Andorra began to charge at the Black Knight. Mūra, now freed, tossed his sword to his friend, who somehow caught it. Both of the others rushed in from the other side. Now the raider was surrounded.
Before the allies could figure out the next logical move, the raider captain pulled his sword from thin air. It was made of obsidian, and if you didn't know, an obsidian sword is the sharpest thing on Earth!"
The prince paled before the evil captain split the iron sword loaned by the wall like a matchstick. The prince of Andorra immediately began a strategic retreat. While the others were too busy marveling at the power of the obsidian sword, the two scientists had already broken into the fortress prison and obtained the device itself. They, with trembling hands, wasted no time in switching it on.
You won't defeat the raider captain right now; focus on his attack pattern. And speaking of the next background… This place is so familiar, this place is so dear, and isn't that the family tree!... You understood, he definitely did not. - the background informed and turned off.
Both friends now turned their gaze to the prince and the raider. The prince, while retreating, had stumbled over a bulge in the floor and now lay there on the ground like he was dead. The raider captain approached the fallen body with heavy and ominous steps. He had already swung his obsidian sword.
Just then, someone called for the raider captain, and he turned his head toward the source of the noise. Pampelpaps had somehow miraculously escaped from confinement with his two wooden legs. The raider was genuinely astonished.
Captain Pampelpaps, with the last remnants of his energy, leaped onto the black knight, knocking him off his stable feet. The obsidian sword flew out of his hands and slid further along the slippery tiled floor. The prince of Andorra wasted no time grabbing the powerful dagger. With a swift and forced run, just as the raider captain was beginning to rise to his feet, the prince stabbed the sword into the raider's heart.
The raider captain howled in a supernatural way before his life left him, and on the floor lay scattered armor.
We did it! We defeated the very raider leader! Now without a leader, they won't be able to carry out his evil orders.- Herald rejoiced with relief.
No, it's not that simple. As soon as this sword is pulled from the captain's heart, he will walk again. - Pampelpaps seriously warned.
We will have to stay in Rome and protect this armor, at least me and the old captain. - Mūrs explained the situation to the others.
Rome? But we are in Tivoli! - Charles remarked.
Yes, I know, so we will need to get the armor from there, as it cannot be left here. - Mūrs planned.
But how long will you protect it here? - Herald asked a logical question.
Until the time comes when you reach your final destination and destroy the raiders once and for all! - Mūrs explained resolutely.
That's right, every great journey has a great ending. - Charles, as if just waking up, uttered.
I will stay too. - The prince of Andorra, surprising everyone, spoke up. - After all, my airship is staying here.
Mūrs and Pampelpaps looked at the prince with astonished eyes, as they had just learned about his airship. Nevertheless, after a serious conversation, the friends helped each other safely bring the great armor back to Rome, where Mūrs, Pampelpaps, and the prince of Andorra would remain to guard it. But first, the prince helped both scientists prepare for the journey, possibly the last leg of it.
After stocking up on supplies and long, somber farewells, Herald and Charles were once again just two. But now these best friends knew what the ending would be - what the conclusion of the grand journey would be. And now they rushed towards the unknown with joy and new energy!