Breaking Down the Walls

Chapter 3: Porter Town/ The Temple.

By the time I walked out into the town, the sun had already began to set. I realized I failed to notice the trees that had surrounded the village, it was filled with fall color leaves that were beginning to fall. It was beautiful.

I wanted to walk over where I had seen the slimes, but I don't even know if I can even get near them since my powers haven't awakened yet. I looked at my hands and wonder what kind of magic will I have?

Rin was definitely interested in the town, but she was compelled to go by river. So she walked over, didn't see the slimes that she had seen earlier but she sat down by the river and watched the water rush down. She didn't realize how wide the river actually was and she saw some unique looking fish that seemed otherworldly. She heard a jump at the other end of the water and looked up to see a long wooded fence and that seemed went on for miles and saw a figure by what looked be stables, it was a very handsome figure. The man had long dark blue hair that had gone down to his waist, he was tall and slim with porcelain white skin and seemed to be dresses in a dark green kimono, gently stroking one of the horses mane.

Rin thought.. there is just something about a handsome man being kissed by the sunset. Such a beautiful scene she thought. Rin couldn't look away.

The Man had looked up and had spotted her back. Which, he too sort of lingered for a moment and then a woman shouted his name " Haru! How dare you make me call your name." As a Young Woman who didn't look much older then 17 came out with a few other men that were by her side.

The woman approached the man, and spotted me looking at the scene unfold. The woman chuckled, and grabbed his face and shoved her tongue down his throat while sliding her hand into chest. When she finished devouring him, she whispered in his ear as he panted as he cheeks were flushed in red and at that he followed her inside. She glanced at me once more and smirked, making it known that he was hers.

" Haru" Rin softly said it suits him she thought.

Rin stood up, and went to explore the town as she had originally planned to do so.

Rin came across a food stall that had been smelling of roasted beef, so Rin walked over and made her first purchase and bought 4 spicybeef skewers and went for her stroll. As she was browsing the shops, she placed the meat into mouth and the meat began to melt in her mouth. It was so juicy, spicy and sweet at the same time.

Rin came across the store with close and went in and saw some dresses she liked along with some shoes and some scarf accessories and made her purchase. When she left the shop, she walked over to the antique store and saw there was some homemade peach jam, and purchased that as a gift for Peggy. As she was checking out the woman at the register was speaking to an older woman about the town and what there plans were for opening another business somewhere.

So as Rin approached, the woman looked behind her and saw what looked like a little girl. " I'm sorry Miss, are you new to this town?"

"No my Lady, I've been living with my sister over at the Inn with my sister Peggy. " As Rin responded

"Peggy" the woman rubbed his chin, she knew of Peggy and only remembered she had a pet Fox. As the man looked at Rin, she looked at her ears.

" Your that fox??" The woman shouted in surprise.

" Yes my lady, how do you know Peggy?" Rin was curious.

" I am the Countess, Lord of this town, My Name is Stacey Lynn Graham. I know everyone in this town

" In that case, I am Rin and I am seeking to buy a new establishment such as a new restaurant and a new house."

" Oh, is Peggy looking to move her business?" Stacey asked

" No, this is something I want to have prepared for her and also I would like to suprise her so I would like to be discreet" as Rin lowered her voice

Stacy looked at her for a moment " Alright, I will send you carriage to bring you to my estate in a few days so we can discuss details. What do you say?"

Rin exhaled in relief " Yes that sounds perfect!"

"Great, I will send my assistant to give you details on our appointment and then we will meet on that scheduled date. I look forward to our talk Miss Rin." As Stacy finished her business at the boutique and walked out the door.

After an hour of shopping, Rin came back to the Diner and had dinner with Peggy, although not fully telling her all the details. She let her know what her plans were with Lady Graham.


The next following morning Rin, she got dressed wearing her new pink dress with some flaws and headed out for the Temple.

Rin walked out the Diner and boarded the carriage that she had ordered the previous night while she was out on her night stroll.

As The Driver set off, Rin couldn't help but watch in amazement to her surroundings. Of course eyes landed on the river, and the looked up to see if she could spot "Haru"

Though of course, there were signs of men taking care of the horses but she didn't see the man who was beginning to invade her thoughts tending to lovingly to the horses.

So Rin sighed to herself and looked around to the world around her as the carriage headed towards the temple.

Although she tried to look away, she couldn't help but notice how long that woman's mansion was. " I guess she really can have whoever she wants. "

As Rin arrived at the temple, she was absolutely speechless. It was was a white marble chaple with a few angel statues place outside the front, and as she walked up to the doors. She was greeted by another beautiful man that she had ever seen before.

The man had long lemon blonde hair and beautiful ocean blue eyes and when he greeted her, she had witnessed his white pearly fangs as he spoke. " Welcome, if you need any help or guidance please let me or the other priests know."

"Th...the library, where can I find the library?" As Rin began to blush at the site of this man

"Ah, that will be on the 2nd floor. May I guide you?" As he too, couldnt take his eyes off of Rin.

" Wh..what about the other guest? I wouldn't want to take away from them" as Rin's heart began to pound

"Well, luckily I'm not the only priest that is here." As he chuckled.

" A..alright then" as the man held out his arms for her to escort her.

Rin hesitated for a moment..." Are Priest suppose to lend out there arms to women they first meet?

The man laughed " Well, I don't know about other priests. But I would like to make sure a lady such as yourself to make it to your destination with no issues."

Rin wrapped her arm around the man's arm as he lead the way. As they were walking she couldn't help but notice his smell which reminded her of the forest and found it rather pleasant.

Rin wished she could awaken soon so she can also charm this man, as she looked down to her feet.

" My name is Julius Hugher, may I ask for your name?" As he began there conversation

" Julius....Julius Hugher" as Rin repeated.

" I am Rin, and I'm a newly awakened fox." As she became to shy to meet his eyes, at this point her face was red as a cherry tomato.

" Ah, yes. I know of the fox demons. I myself, believe it or not, am a wolf." As Julius confirmed his species

"My I ask what you are looking for in the library?" As he spoke again

" I want to know everything." As Rin became a little more comfortable.

"Everything? " As Julius raised his eyebrows

" I want to about the fox demon tribe, magic, how i can awaken my powers and this land we are on, as well as who we are worshipping. As Rin finished her answer

Julius pulled her closer to him as he leaned down to her ear. " You do know it's almost forbidden to talk about them, don't you?" As he brushed his lips passed her ear

As they finally arrived at the library, Rin was not able to hide her infatuation for the massive and beautiful room that stood before her. As he guided her in, she saw a huge water fountain in the middle of the library decorated with beautiful plants along side the windows, and on top of that. There were thousands, and thousands of books.

" Incredible" as Rin stood became stunned

Julius bent down to her once more, close to her ears..." Now that you have arrived, would you like me to help you gather some books?" In his low voice

As he pulled away, Rin gazed at his beautiful features and to his lips that were beautifully shaped and then spoke.. " I...I think I'm going to explore this room, besides.. I can't keep hogging you for myself."

Julius chuckled " I don't mind if you keep me all to yourself, and you know there's not only the library. There are a lot of other beautiful places here I can show you, and if you want to. You can even move into the dorm rooms. "

Rin chuckled herself "I don't know about living here, but I definitely believe I will be a frequent visitor. " As she looked up to see a blushing Julius

" Well, in that case. I better make sure to catch you everytime you come here then" as he looked back down to Rin

" Why would you do that?" As Rin stepped closer, becaming more assertive in flirting back with this man

" W..well, to take responsibility. I showed you to this library, and It's my duty to make sure I guide you thoroughly and make sure you are given the correct information" as Julius became nervous

" So you will be my tour guide then?" As Rin gazed up at him.

" ye...yes! Now. Where do you want to start with the books?" As Julius began to lead her towards the books.

Rin couldn't help but find this man cute. Never during her past life, has she ever found anyone as quirky as him.


Later on in the evening, Rin was resting back in her bed after soaking in her bath, moisturized and dresse and finished off with some milk tea.

Rin thought about the past couple of days, she received a lot of information about her next transformation, the different types of magic that lies in the world and about the history and empire itself

Both lifetimes, her mothers have sacrificed there lives. She has vowed she will not allow people to take her families life for granted anymore. Now that she has Peggy, she definitely needs to protect her as well.

While at the library, she read in order help awaken her powers. She must engage in sexual contact with her first mate. The benefit to having mates isn't just producing offspring. but it extends your lifespan, it actives your awakening and gaining power. After you have mated, the mates that you gain will spend there life serving you, taking care of you and protect you.

Rin also read there are times when someone will discard there mate, and when that happens it's almost as if there facing death.

Rin clutched her stomach, " I could never throw someone away. Whoever throws there mates away or mistreats them is just sick."

There was another book about magic, it was very detailed on the 6 different elements of magic. Fire, water, earth, wind, light and dark magic . The most attributes someone can have are 3 different types, but for the most part people in the Empire at are most are 2.

There is also the amount of mana can measure in a person and you can use a magic tool to discover it.

Finally Rin began to think about the men she saw the past couple of days and looked down to her body.... " How do I even become intimate in this body?" As Rin sighed to herself.

As Rin's mind wandered about the recent occurrences, her mind finally settle and finally rested her eyes and drifted off into sleep

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