Chapter 20: Chapter 20
Jimin sat on the cold floor, his body shivering as he wrapped a thin blanket around himself for warmth. He gazed out the small window, watching the night grow darker. He wanted to see the stars, but there weren't any, as the sky was dark, contorted with thick smoky clouds.
"Will the doctor be able to understand the painting?" He thought, but no answer came out.
The only light in the room came from the flickering bulb hanging from the ceiling. He felt suffocated and exhausted, but he had grown used to the haunting loneliness that filled the space.
Tears filled his eyes, traced the way down to his cheeks. He rubbed his ears, trying to rid of the haunting whispers, as the dead pale figure of Jisun appeared in front of him again. He stood near the window wall, staring at Jimin.
"Why did you kill me?" He asked in a cold voice, that sent shivers. "I was so young, back then."
Jimin hide his face in his forearms, suppressing his cry, he wanted to speak, but as if his voice got stuck down to his throat, his body refused to move.
All Jimin could do was sit in silence, hoping that Taehyung would be able to understand the meaning hidden behind that painting. Yet he felt afraid, what if like all the other doctors, Taehyung too would fail. The thought lingered in his mind and raised his heartbeats. Making a such painting and showing Taehyung to the darkest secrets of himself was a biggest risk.
"That doctor won't be able to understand anything" Jisun said as if he read Jimin's mind, a devilish smirk appeared on his dried lips, as he stepped closer to Jimin. "But you have to face a cruel punishment this time since you are trying to open your mouth." Jisun threatened.
Jimin stood up in hurry, looking back and forth for anything, that could make him rid of that haunting ghost of Jisun, but there was nothing. His heart pounded loudly in his chest, each beat echoing in his ears.
Petrified, Jimin took a step back as Jisun's eyes glowed with anger, the way he looked at Jimin, it seemed clear that not Jimin triggered him by revealing the secret through the painting, but it also brought a great consequences . With a fierce look, he took another step towards Jimin and grabbed him by the neck.
Jimin struggled to breathe, his hands shaking as Jisun pushed him back to the wall and began to choke him. "Please... stop," Jimin said in a quiet, weak voice. But Jisun just stared at him with cold, angry eyes. The grip around his neck tightened, making it harder to breathe. Jimin's mind raced, trying to find a way to escape.
Since the last ten years, for the doctors, Jisun was merely a part of Jimin's hallucinations, they strongly believed that Jimin was diagnosing with schizoaffective, because of his guilt of killing his younger brother, but for Jimin the truth was much more darker than the infamous tale.
Despite being dead, Jisun had never left this world, he kept haunting Jimin, hurting him Ina way that nobody could understand. Yet Jimin remained unable to tell the truth, to explain his pain. But when Taehyung heard his silent plead, Jimin thought that Taehyung might be able to free him from this torment.
"Everybody think that you're crazy, you're hallucinating about me, but you know what is the truth? I never left this world Jimin, even after death, I'm stuck here and haunting you, isn't fun? Huh? Tell me isn't fun?" Jisun yelled hysterically, with each passing second, he tightened his grip against Jimin's neck, digging his nails into his skin.
Jimin gasped for air, his vision starting to fade as the pressure on his neck increased. His chest burned with every shallow breath. He tried to push Jisun's hands away, but Jimin was too weak to fight against a angry ghost of Jisun, his heart raced, and fear gripped him tightly.
Tears blurred his vision as he stared into Jisun's furious demonic eyes. His mind screamed for help, but the words wouldn't come. He felt trapped, lost in the darkness with no way out, like every night, he was alone and nobody was there to help.
"I.... I'm sorry." Jimin whispered, his eyes turned red and he prayed desperately to end this torment.
"Your sorry won't do any help, that new doctor won't be able to help you." Jisun said, his voice began to get thicker, it almost sounded ghostly, like in a horror movie scenes. "You'll be stuck here forever... remember....there is no escape." He said hysterically, his voice deepened with each word.
Jimin squeezed his eyes shut, his body trembling as he gasped for air, protesting against the firm grip of Jisun, but his every attempt remained failed. Jisun's anger reached at it's peak as he he forcefully choked Jimin, and now Jimin stood on his tiptoes.
"I would kill you tonight, that's way we'll be together forever." Jisun said, he loosened his grip against Jimin's neck.
Rolling his eyes, Jimin fell on the floor, laying helplessly, he clutched his throat and coughed deeply. But Jisun refused to give up, with every passing second, his dark powers increased. The faint bulb flickered insanely, the bed trembled through the energy Jisun released.
Jimin felt helpless, he always knew Jisun wasn't just a mere hallucinations but something more than it, he remembered his parents not believing on him, claiming him as a Psychopath. However, in a last ten years, Jimin never witnessed the horrifying anger of Jisun, though he always keep punishing Jimin, but tonight it seemed like Jisun had crossed all the boundaries.
Jimin sobbed in silence, "Pp\_Please...Ll\_leave... Mm\_me." He pleaded.
Jisun scoffed, he looked at the bed, gesturing his hands and pulling the sheets through his powers, Jimin coughing crazily, stood up, he sat over his knees unable to understand anything.
Suddenly, Jisun wrapped the sheet around Jimin's neck and pulled him to the bed, he tied a knot of sheet with the bed's pipe and sat over the bed, and then with his all force he pulled the rope he made through the bedsheets.
Jisun suddenly grabbed a bedsheet and wrapped it tightly around Jimin's neck. He pulled Jimin toward the bed and quickly tied the sheet to one of the bedposts. Climbing onto the bed, Jisun sat down and, with all his strength, pulled on the makeshift rope.
Jimin couldn't get a chance to protect himself, as Jisun moved too quickly. He gasped, his heart pounding in his chest as the bedsheet tightened around his neck. A painful groan escaped his lips, his face turned red and his lips starting to turn blue. Panic rushed through him, and he struggled to breathe, his hands desperately trying to loosen the rope. His body trembled with fear and weakness, unable to escape from Jisun's grip.
"Is the end?" Jimin thought, "I want to live...I want to tell everyone that I'm not crazy, but if my life would remain like this wouldn't be great to end." He loosened his grip against the rope, his body grew week and he began to loose his consciousness.
Juts then when Jimin loosened all his hopes, loud footsteps echoed outside of the room, as Taehyung arrived on the fourth floor soon as Mr. Kwon informed him about the weird voices coming from Jimin's room.
Jisun released Jimin from the rope and stood like a tower in front of him. Jimin lay weakly on the floor, he had no energy left in his body, he coughed hysterically, his lungs burned and he struggled to breathe, but Jisun still seemed like he was going to torment him even further.