Break The Silence

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Taehyung stepped out of his car, ignoring the guard who bowed respectfully in greeting, and made his way toward the building. As he reached the entrance, he accidentally bumped into Dr. Hoseok.

"Oh! Dr. Kim!" Hoseok exclaimed, steadying himself.

"I'm so sorry," Taehyung said, his voice apologetic. "I wasn't paying attention."

"No harm done," Hoseok replied with a warm smile. "Actually, I was looking for you. Congratulations! I heard you finally got Jimin's response and are treating him. That's quite the achievement!"

Taehyung blinked in surprise. "Wait, you knew about that?"

"Of course," Hoseok said with a chuckle. "Everyone in the hospital knows. Dr. Kim taking on the challenge and winning, it's all everyone talking about. You're becoming famous for treating Jimin."

"Famous?" Taehyung asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Absolutely," Hoseok continued. "You know, all the doctors who've treated Jimin before became well-known too. But here's the strange part, they all left their jobs shortly after they stopped working with him."

Taehyung's brows knitted together in confusion. "They left? Why?"

Hoseok shrugged, his tone dropping slightly. "That's the mystery. No one knows for sure, but it's happened to every single one of them."

Taehyung's eyes narrowed as suspicion stirred in his mind. "That's… unusual. Too much of a coincidence."

Hoseok nodded. "Exactly. Be careful, Taehyung. Jimin's case is more than just another challenge, it might be something bigger."

Taehyung nodded slowly, knowing that it could be another malicious act of management or Dr. Lee. "I'll keep that in mind." He said, heading towards his office.

Taehyung tossed his bag on the table, and approached the restroom, washing his hands aggressively. He fixed his gazed on the mirror, observed his exhausted eyes, as he hadn't sleep since a very long time, but Taehyung knew, it was just a begining of a tough journey.

Today, Taehyung was supposed to meet with Min Yoongi, to take a further step. He had planned each and everything, and now he needed a one evidence, that could prove Hospital's nonchalant behavior regarding Jimin.

He turned the tap and rubbed his hands with the towel, then Taehyung returned to the table. A heavy sigh in frustration escaped his lips, as he observed the stuff scattered on the table.

With an annoyance, Taehyung organized the table again, placing the stuff at the right side as usual.

Once Taehyung satisfied himself, he sat at the chair and took out the packed food he bought on the way, as he decided to have breakfast with Jimin, another attempt to get closer to him.

Just as Taehyung stood up, Mr. Kwon entered in the office. "Dr. Lee want to see you." He said.

"Okay I'll see him later." Taehyung replied.

"He asked me to come with you, I think it's urgent." Mr. Kwon insisted.

Taehyung sighed heavily, he stood up, placing the boxes back on the table and followed Mr. Kwon outside.

"You hadn't breakfast?" Mr. Kwon asked.

"Hmm!" Taehyung replied shortly. They walked through the narrow hallway and approached Dr. Lee's office.

Suddenly, Taehyung heard faint noises, as if someone screaming agonizingly.

"One of the patient on the fourth floor lost his control." Mr. Kwon said.

"Shhhh!" Taehyung guestured Mr. Kwon to be quiet, then he pondered over the noises. "It's Jimin." He said, his eye widened and he looked petrified.

"You're being suspicious Dr. Kim, it's not Jimin, did you forget, he's on morphine and he barely response to anyone." Dr. Lee interrupted, as he emerged out of his office.

Taehyung shifted his attention on Dr. Lee, Mr. Kwon in the meantime took his leave.

"I was wondering why you're so emotional when it comes to Jimin, and I believe you're hiding something." Dr. Lee said, he walked closer to Taehyung, his eyes hidden beneath the wrinkles observed Taehyung's anxious face. "The hand gestures you used for Jimin, I believe it's an old memory you're trying to trigger in his mind" He continued.

Taehyung's heart raced as Dr. Lee's words surge inside. He clenched his jaw, fighting his rising anger and confusion. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said firmly, his voice cold, refused to show any weakness.

"Well I'll tell you clearly as I digged in your background." Dr. Lee revealed, he gestured Taehyung to headed inside his office, "Why don't we share a cup of coffee and talk with each other."

Taehyung took a few steps closer to the office. Once again, he heard the same agonizing scream. Now, he could certainly assumed, it was Jimin, yelling desperately at the top of his lungs.

Taehyung's heart raced as fear and shock flooded him. "I'm sure It's Jimin," he whispered, instantly recognizing his voice. "What did you do to him now?" His voice trembled as he asked.

Dr. Lee carved a malicious smirk on his face, "It's not me but you who destroying Jimin Dr. Kim!" He exclaimed. "I don't know what you're trying to do with him, but it effected him in a worst way, you can check yourself." He offered.

Taehyung quickly turned back and approached the stairs, with each step he took towards the fourth floor, felt heavy at the moment. His heart thudded loudly in his chest, Jimin had already endured so much, he had left no strength to suffer more. For a moment all the sinister act of Dr. Lee wandered into his mind and he felt petrified.

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