Bloodlines part 1 [Book of Jakai]

Chapter 8: Training

I look at him dumbfounded....

'Has my first question finally come true!? Will he actually teach me how to fight, while getting stronger'

I look at him with a new vigor of energy in my eyes, he motions his right fist to me. Signaling a challenge to attack, i raise my arms in a boxing like stance.

He looks at it and smiles "son....sigh don't get knocked out"

He rushes toward me, at a speed I barely react to, his left fist rushes toward my side. I nearly get hit in the side as I block the blow using my elbow.

The impact making my bones shudder from the attack, I back away using my left leg. But he anticipated my move, after I look at him...his eyes are full of exploiting my open defense.

I raise my hands up to block my head, but a blow from below hits my ribs. Cracking 2 or 4 as I fly back to hit a tree, I cough out some spit.

"Training over" he looks at me, a little disappointed...but relived?

"Son you handled it well" he says proudly....

'I would terribly disagree, I got ruthlessly attacked and knocked down by his 2 attacks.'

I felt if I could do better, I stand up clenching my ribs...and walk toward a tree for support.

I look at the tree I crashed into, it's splintered in a torso like shape making the tree almost hollow.

I ask my dad for a water, and for him to make breakfast...he gives my the water, as I greedily drink down every drop in seconds.

I wipe my mouth drying it using my sleeve, a thought hit me with as much force as a train...

Wait....what about showers! I've just realized my dad never packed any extra clothes to use...then i cover my face anxiety hit me for a moment.

Jeez what a horrible time to think about hygiene, and clothes, also still terrified that I could die any moment if my powers suddenly explode.

Destroying my body entirely, leaving only my bones...

'Darn it jakai! No useless thoughts!' I stand up, bones are healing fast...but still shattered, I move slowly and carefully.

Trying not to fracture my healing bones more, I hum while slowly walking trying to lighten the mood, while feeling bearable amounts of pain.

If only I had actually known how to fight, I would've lasted much longer against my dad. Strength isn't everything, even the strongest of foes, lose to master skilled fighters.

The sun reaches the tip of the sky, as morning ends.

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