Chapter 2: (2) Spartacus Answers the call!! my first bey, Gladiator Spartacus!
Okay so it turns out I suck ass at drawing the designs out, so you will have to use your imagination to see what I describe, I need to find someone who can make 3d visuals.
Also should I give the heroic spirit beyblades to people? And I'm not talking Willy Billy I'm talking like the spirits themselves have to choose the person as their weilder, it's just a thought but I figured second opinions wouldn't hurt.
But anyways onto the chapters.
I stop at my new shop/home as I take a look at the sign that was installed, and true to what was shown on my briefcase it shown the holy grail with the Name throne of heroes beymakers under it.
"Im not sure if that's tacky or not." I say to myself as I go into the alleyway in between my shop and Medoka's, I see a dumpster at he end of the alleyway and I see a garage door near it, "I guess this will be where I'll store my motorcycle."
I open my briefcase and find a keycard in it, the keycard was golden with the logo of the shop as well, and on it was my name with the letter M on it, "so this is the master keycard, I should probably place this somewhere I won't lose it."
After putting my bike into the garage I take a look around, and I find what looks like a door to a basement, on the door was a sign labeled storage, in it I find various parts ranging from fusion wheels to even small bey stadiums.
"Okay so I know where I can get more beyparts, but none of these part scream heroic spirit." I remark as I pick up a storm fusion wheel, inspect it and put it back and go into the other door in the garage and I find myself in what looks like a fully stocked with parts and launchers alike all in display cases and a register filled with bills and coins.
"Okay ive explored the shop, I can explore the upstairs later, but for now let's take a deeper look at the system." I take a seat at a nearby table and open the briefcase, and a prompt was shown inside.
(Are you ready to make you first personal bey?)(yes/no)
Curious I click yes and I find myself looking at a virtual screen showing the usual parts, energy rings, fusion wheels, spin tracks and performance tips, only the face bolts were blank.
I decide to click on fusion wheel just to find seven other tabs.
(Fusion wheel)
(Assassin)(saber)(archer)(rider)(lancer)(caster)(berserker) (Pts:500)
"Well that's…different." I mutter as I try clicking on the saber tab, but it wouldn't open, I try the assassin tab, no response, I keep clicking the others only to get no response, but when I clicked the berserker tab the prompt screen changed.
It was showing fusion wheels that's weren't in any beyblade continuity, each needing points to unlock that part, some needing real money to unlock, but a bunch of them needed tens of thousands of points to unlock!
"Okay fuck it I'll look at those below 300." As I browsed through each of the ones that were 300 and below I saw one that caught my eye completely, it was a twisted fusion wheel, but there were 6 Gaps in the circular wheel, and it was only 100 points.
"Gladiator huh…okay I'll buy it." And with the press of my finger I purchase and the fusion wheel appeared in front of me, I take a closer look and I see that while it was heavy like a twisted fusion wheel it wasn't as bulky, but that wasn't the only thing I noticed, it was brimming with power, almost like it was alive.
So putting it down I switch to energy ring and did the same thing, I went to the berserker class and was looking through the energy rings and I see one that looked interesting, the energy ring had 3 points that looked like blades on a sword while the other three points were shields, and it was called SSd.
"Hmm, system explain what makes this energy ring special."
(This energy ring is called model Sword and Shield, now don't let this energy ring fool you, this is two energy wheels that combine together to make one energy wheel, the shield absorbs spin speed and the sword counters any attacker, this energy wheel is a reverse rotation variant.)
After hearing the prompt I didn't hesitate and spent 100 points and both energy wheels(rings?) appear next to the gladiator fusion wheel, I take a moment to put the two energy wheels(rings?) together and put them in the gladiator fusion wheel.
The power I felt when I was holding the fusion wheel intensified the moment I combined the energy wheels(rings?) to it!
(Are the plastic(or metal) rings called energy rings or energy wheels?)
"Okay either im hallucinating or when i choose the right combination like it says in the system the feeling means im on the right track." I say as I move onto spin track, and off the bat I see one what was 250 points and it looked like the spin track of evil befowl, but from what the model was showing the blades retract into the spin track itself and a spiral torsion spring gets coiled in the process.
"System can you show me a video of what spin track C-WMG(crying warmonger) does?"
As I ask that a video of a generic beyblade used by a background character, their bey equipped with the spin track, an enemy bey attacks it, and as it does the bladed parts of the spin track absorbs the attack and retract, coiling the spring in the spin track, "so it only absorbs attacks?" I say to myself before I see something that leaves me speechless.
When the blades fully retract the absorbed kinetic energy from the attacks gets released into the bey making the bey that was about to stop spinning suddenly gained spin speed at a rapid pace.
(In Fgo(according to google) Spartacus' noble phantasm is called crying warmonger, and it has a passive ability that absorbs damage to heal Spartacus and make him stronger over time, so I'm basing the spin track on his noble phantasm, hope that makes what I tried to describe make sense-thelostswordsman)
I look at the costs to buy it and saw I needed to spend 250 points, and I only had 300 points left! So with some internal struggle I click buy and I install the spin track, now I needed to buy the Facebolt and the performance tip.
I look at the face lots and realize they didn't cost anything, it was a blank face bolt that costed no points, I click to buy and I go to performance tips, and the only performance tip I could afford with the last of my points was a sharp wide defense tip(SWD) for 50 points.
And after buying it I put the tip on and now the power it was emitting was nearly visible, now all I needed to do was screw the face bolt in and watch in awe as the face bolt start shining as I see a spartan helmet appear on it, and infer the bey I see a pale muscular man wearing what I can only call an ancient gimp suit.
"The oppressors shall fall before my love!!" I hear the man say as I see a notification.
(Congratulations, you have created the heroic spirit beyblade, Gladiator Spartacus!)
Gladiator Spartacus C-WMG WSD
Attack-5⭐️ (A)
Defense-5 ⭐️ (A)
Stamina-6 ⭐️ (EX)
(Now I don't know how to convert the parameters into beyblade parameters, so I'm going to convert the letters to stars, where E is one star and EX is six stars, and im basing attack of the strength of a heroic spirit, the defense will be matching the attack unless proven otherwise, and endurance will be for stamina.)
Well thank you all for reading this chapter, im actually having fun making this series, but I noticed I made a typo in my last chapter, it was supposed to say one week before canon, so please continue with that in mind.
Also is what I'm doing parameter wise in terms of conversion sound? Because I'm trying to make it work.
But besides that I hope you all enjoy, I'll see you all soon, peace😁✌️