Chapter 2: 2nd chapter
Kiyomi POV:
My name is Kiyomi Usumaki and I'm a five year old girl.
The place I live in is a ninja village called Konoha.
I had a very bad childhood.
From the first time that I can remember, the villagers always mistreated me.
Whenever I go around the village, the villagers will look at me with hate, fear and anger.
Some of the villagers will talk and say "that's the demon fox" "why the Hokage doesn't just kill it?".
I don't know why they say that about me.
For four years I lived in an orphanage but like everyone, they mistreated me.
I would get little to no food for days.
The clothes I got were ragged and old in the color of bright orange.
When I was a baby and I pooped in my diaper, no one would come for hours to change my diaper.
When I was four years old, I was kicked out of the orphanage for the reason of "we had enough of you demon girl ruining stuff around here".
After that, I lived in the streets of the village searching for food in the trash and slept in some narrow alleys that could protect from some of the harsh weather.
Every year at my Birthday the villagers will come in mobs and beat me up with knives, glass, feet, hands and more.
They will yell "you should have died with the yondaime", "you killed my father", "this year we will kill you demon".
Every time they came to beat me up, I would shout "I don't know what you are talking about, please leave me alone" but the villagers didn't care about that.
Today is my fifth birthday and like every year they came and beat me up.
After beating me up for hours, they finally went away and just as I was losing my conscience, I saw a cloaked figure coming towards me and picking me up.
Kuroi POV:
After finding the girl's location, I found that a mob was beating her up.
I teleported there and didn't do anything.
The girl had to learn that humans are one of the most brutal races there can be.
The beating was brutal.
The villagers used knives to cut her many times, glass to stab her and all the while they never stopped punching and kicking her.
As the angry mob finished taking their anger on the girl and went their own way, I went to her and pulled her to my embrace.
The poor girl was all beaten up and looked miserable.
It's not the first time I encountered this thing as I visited many planets and saw many things.
While waiting for the girl to wake up, I thought about what I should do.
The first thing I needed to do was gain the girl's trust.
It will take time, but time is not something I lack.
After gaining that, I should make sure that she will be smart as no matter if you are strong, if you are stupid, a smarter, weaker opponents will be able to beat you up.
While I was making plans, the girl finally woke up.
As she woke up, she seemed to be startled and tried to get up, but I made her stay down.
I said "you should not move around that much after the beating you got."
"I have a proposal for you and you can choose to accept or to deny.
I want to take care of you and I ask for nothing in return as I have my own reasons for wanting to take care of you.
So what are you saying?".
Kiyomi POV:
When I woke up, I found myself in the embrace of the cloaked figure.
I tried to get up, but the cloaked figure pushed me down.
The cloaked figure talked in a woman's voice to me and gave me a choice to make.
I didn't understand why she would want to raise me, so I was suspicious.
But the offer of getting a home with food, water and clothes made me think before rejecting her offer.
After some time I decided to agree, but if she mistreats me, I will run away.
Kuroi POV:
The girl eventually agreed, as I thought, but she doesn't seem to understand that what she is seeking is not food or clothes.
What she really wants is a place to call home and someone she can call a friend or even more.
3rd person POV:
After accepting the offer, Kuroi said, "well, now that you agreed, come with me, I will show you your new house".
Kuroi walked into the woods near the village, while Kiyomi followed her to the woods.
When they got to the woods, Kiyomi found that there was a two story house between all the trees.
and if you didn't know there was a house there, you most probably miss it.
When they got to the front of the house, Kuroi said, "let's get inside.
I will show you the interior of the house".
On the first floor there was a kitchen, living room and a bathroom.
The kitchen had a fridge, stove, microwave and a counter.
Under the counter were cabinets with kitchen utensils in them.
The living room had a big large sofa, bookshelves, and a round table with six chairs around it.
On the second floor there were two bedrooms and the bigger bedroom even had a connected bathroom to it.
In the bigger bedroom there was a king size bed, a closet and a couple of boxes full of toys.
The smaller bedroom had only a queen size bed.
All the while Kiyomi looked at everything in the house in amazement as she had never been inside a house before.
After giving Kiyomi a full house tour, Kuroi said "the bigger bedroom is yours will the smaller one is mine".
When Kiyomi heard that, she quickly said, "no no, how can I get the bigger bedroom when it is your house".
Kuroi answered back, "I made that decision so you don't need to reject it".
After that, Kuroi said "you should go and shower and there are clean clothes in the closet".
Hearing that, Kiyomi looked at herself and saw her bloody mess and said "ok, thank you".
While Kiyomi showered, she felt like this was a dream.
The house was so big and she had her own room and the bigger one at that.
After enjoying the hot water shower and cleaning herself, Kiyomi opened the closet and found lots of clothes for her.
She chose a regular red shirt and black pants.
After changing into clean clothes, Kiyomi went down to the living room.
When Kiyomi went down the stairs, she smelled a wonderful smell of food.
When Kiyomi entered the living room, she saw Kuroi in the kitchen making food.
When Kuroi felt Kiyomi entering the living room, she said "the food is almost ready. you can go and wait at the table in the meantime".
Kiyomi answered with a nod and went to the table.
While Kiyomi waited, she looked at Kuroi, making the food every move of hers were like a professional.
Kiyomi was so immersed in the way Kuroi made the food, she didn't register when Kuroi put the food on the table.
When Kuroi put the food on the table, she said "you can start and eat now".
Kiyomi hearing that came from her revelry and started eating the food.
While they were eating, Kuroi asked, "I don't know your name yet. mind telling me?".
When Kiyomi heard Kuroi say that, she said, "oh, sorry, my name is Kiyomi Uzumaki. What is your name?".
Hearing Kiyomi's question, Kuroi answered "my name is Kuroi".
For the rest of the meal, the two didn't say anything else to each other.
At the end of the meal, Kuroi said "in about a week, an old man in Hokage robes will offer to give you an apartment and monthly allowance.
if by then you decide you don't want to stay, I won't force you".
After the meal ended, Kuroi took the utensils to wash them and said to Kiyomi "you should go brush your teeth and go to sleep.
you had a rough day and you need a good night's sleep".
Kiyomi answered "ok have a good night".
After brushing her teeth and getting to bed, Kiyomi thought about the day's events and how the day is like a dream.
Kiyomi also thought about what Kuroi told her at the end of the meal.
While thinking about all of that, Kiyomi finally fell asleep.
This was the first of many nights she will fall asleep with a happy smile on her face.
Kiyomi POV:
After waking up in my bed, I was startled for a second until I remembered that I was now in kuroi's house.
I got up, changed my clothes, brushed my teeth and went down.
When I got down I saw a plate with hot pancakes on it.
Kuroi was in the kitchen cleaning a plate.
When I entered the living room, she said "the plate at the table is for you.
I have some business to do, so I need to go out. After you finish eating, put the plate at the sink. I will be back in time to make lunch".
As I ate the pancakes I was very happy as I slept the best I can remember and had a full meal to eat.
I asked Kuroi if she could play with me tomorrow and she said that tomorrow she doesn't have anything in the morning so she can.
So after eating the pancakes and putting the plate at the sink, I went to my room to play with all the toys that were in my room.
As I played, I didn't feel the time passing until I heard Kuroi shouting for me to come to eat lunch.
When I went down to the living room, I saw Kuroi putting two plates on the table with a full chunk of meat on each of them.
Seeing that I was very excited as I never ate meat and now I have one just for me.
I ate lunch with Kuroi as whatever she had to do she finished and now had time to eat with me.
After eating lunch, I helped Kuroi clean the plates and after that I went outside to play some more.
After playing until it was dark, I went back to kuroi's house.
When I opened the house door, Kuroi was standing there as if waiting for me.
As I entered the house, Kuroi said "before you do anything else girl, you should go and shower".
Upon hearing that, I looked at myself and saw all the mud on my hand and clothes.
Seeing that, I ran to my room to take a shower.
After showering and changing, I went downstairs and just like yesterday, I smelled the wonderful scent of food.
When I got downstairs, Kuroi didn't even look in my direction, but knew I was there as she immediately said "the food is almost ready.
you can go to the table and wait until the food gets ready".
This routine happened all week: I would wake up, get ready, go down where every second day Kuroi would eat breakfast with me.
After that I played with my toys and if Kuroi was at home she would play with me.
lunch will be meat.
After lunch I will go playing outside and after getting back I will shower and eat dinner with Kuroi.
Today was exactly a week since Kuroi started raising me, and as she said a week ago, an old man who wore, from what I could tell, the Hokage robes.
He came to me and started to talk about how sorry he was about how I am treated and that my parents died while fighting the Kyubi.
He said that he can give me an apartment and some monthly money.
After a week of getting everything I wanted to have and having someone I can call a friend, I didn't want to let it go.
So yesterday I didn't play after lunch.
No, I was walking in the woods thinking what I really wanted.
I understood that the life with Kuroi was the best thing I had since forever.
So after the old man said that, I answered "thank you for the offer, but I don't need that, so you should give it to someone that needs it instead".
After saying that, I went back to the house, but this time Kuroi didn't greet me at the door.
I started to panic because if she suddenly disappeared, I would feel lost again.
After checking the whole house and not finding her, I was depressed.
I started thinking that just after I decided to stay, the one I wanted to be with me disappeared.
But as I came back to the living room, I saw her sitting down on the sofa.
After seeing her, I ran to her and hugged her as tight as I could.