Chapter 49: The Vampire's Secret
Osmond sets down his book - to his surprise, his incantations succeeded. The Memory Stone flashes to life, releasing intense cyan light through the dark room.
The demon takes a deep breath, his heart beating through his well-muscled chest in intense anticipation.
The time has come. He will learn the vampire's secret.
Osmond's hand reaches out to touch the glowing Memory Stone. He'd done this only once before, on the day he was created. The Lord of the Apocalypse presented him with a Memory Stone, and from it he was infused with his entire personality.
'Could this be a Memory Stone used to train someone, like what happened with me?' Osmond can't shake the thought. He might be peering into someone's entire essence. And who knew how much of this could bleed into his own personality, once he's overwhelmed with that amount of memory?
Osmond steels himself. Nothing like that could happen, he is certain. His love for Maria is unbreakable.
His mind drifts and merges with the Memory Stone, as the truth of its contents is revealed to him…but this is not the story of Adea and Adon - this is the story of Francois Lauren Villeteux.
It takes only a second but he sees - understands - everything about Francois. Who she really is. What she's trying to accomplish.
If what he saw is true - time is short. He needed answers - immediately. She left this message for him specifically, after all.
"I must talk to Francois," Osmond realizes. He resolves then and there to head to the Pale Court, and departs in a hurry, without letting anyone know what - or why - he's going.
Elsewhere, In Dimartino Castle:
"Eldrie, why don't you take the afternoon for yourself?" Maria offers. She's kept a close eye on him for the past week, and he's started to earn her trust.
"O-oh? I would love to, Princess! I've been so eager to meet new people in town."
Maria gives her best smile. "Why don't you do that, and I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning?"
"Of course, ma'am. Thank you!"
Maria watches him saunter off. 'One less thing on my plate today,' she thinks to herself.
She takes a quick walk around the castle, checking all of Osmond's usual haunts - though she doesn't find him anywhere. At the moment, she pays it no mind. Osmond could take care of himself, after all.
Right as she is about to give up on her search, she stumbles into a familiar face - Underhill - as he lurks through the castle halls.
"What are you doing here?" she asks, surprised.
"I thought this was public property," Underhill shrugs. "Arrest me. Oh, wait…"
"Speaking of arrests, any news on the homicide?" Maria shoots back.
"Well," Underhill confesses. "We do have two suspects, but the evidence is circumstantial on both of 'em. But I do want to talk to them each. That's why I'm here. Seems both suspects hang out around the castle pretty often. Maybe you know them. We got a…demon lord named Osmond, and a blood-woman named Haima."
Maria's body chills. "Keep searching," she suggests. "It's neither of them."
"Oh? And what makes you so sure of that, sweetheart?"
"I was with Osmond the night of the murder, and I can vouch for him. Before that, he was with Barns the entire day."
"Gotcha. An alibi, I see," Underhill writes something down on a notepad. "And Haima? Assuming she was with you all too?"
Maria grits her teeth. She wonders if Underhill is trying to turn this murder investigation into some kind of political hit job.
"No," she confesses. "I didn't see Haima at all that day. But it's not her. She wouldn't be capable of such a thing. Have you met her? She's an angel, not a murderer."
Underhill does a little dance as he flips through his note pad. "She was seen the night of the murder, around 4AM, walking down Castleton Avenue. That places her within an hour of our estimated T.O.D. Seem a little funny to you?"
"Haima is a hero," Maria corrects him. "And a valued ally. I'd like you to refrain from baseless accusations and come to me when you have some actual leads."
Underhill clicks his tongue, turning away from Maria in dramatic fashion. "Well maybe she saw something, hm? I'd better talk to her regardless."
"Do what you must," Maria says. "But if there's an issue here, I'd like to remind you of your place. You're police chief because you asked to be - not because we need you to be. I can find a new head of police easily."
Underhill still faces away from Maria while his face contorts into a twisted grin. "Yes, sweetheart. I suppose we're all in turbulent waters, hm?" He tilts his head and darts his eyes just enough that he can see her in his periphery. "A new police chief would certainly muddy the little deal you and I made the other day, wouldn't it?"
Maria tenses up. Was Underhill threatening her?
"Don't worry," Underhill says quickly, diffusing the tension. "The project I have underway with the artisans for you - that's not going anywhere. I'm a man of my word! And it's still our little secret."
"Sounds like you have plenty on your plate," Maria snips. "Best get back to work, Underhill."
"You as well, Maria. You still have your end of the bargain to hold up as well."
He gives her a quick claw salute and heads on his way, leaving Maria to her own thoughts.
'Why would he want to speak to Zelia, anyway?' Maria wonders. Those were the terms of his conditions - but she has no intention of granting his request. At least, not until he comes through with his own offer.
On the other side of the castle, Eldrie is enjoying his newfound freedom for the day. He's eager to get to town, and just as he begins trotting away, he runs into a familiar face.
"Ah, Yunie!" Eldrie calls, running to catch up with her. "Heading to town too, I take it?"
She peers over her shoulder at him and beams. "Eldrie, right?" she asks. "Maria's bodyguard?"
"For now," Eldrie huffs. "I think she still doesn't fully trust me. Can't say I blame her. I was one of those monsters just a few days ago…"
They begin to walk in sync as Yunie reflects on his words. "We were all monsters, not long ago," she says wistfully. "Even Maria, in her own right. But trust can be fickle, isn't that right? I'm sure you will earn it in time."
"I sure hope so," Eldrie says, as they descend into the forest.
"But all the same, how trustworthy is someone who gives away their trust so freely?"