Adventures Of The Ero Bunny

Chapter 4: First Blood

"Well this is just great..."

Looking around myself, I could only see trees and shrubs with nothing else to break up the monotony, and if I looked upwards I wasn't even able to really see the sky; golden light peered through the canopy at random to illuminate the forest floor.

Twigs and leaves were scattered about, left to decay and nurture the forest in a never ending cycle of self sustainment, while the various flora around me were completely unrecognizable to me besides being 'red berry bush' or 'orange three petal flower', which... was likely because I rarely went into the wilderness in my world.

I mean, why bother when I could just visit a park if I really wanted to see nature and all the shit that came with it?

But now I was thrust deeper into it than Aethi had been into me and I definitely wasn't enjoying this, especially since I had no idea where I needed to go to find a way out of this green prison... or what was in this forest with me.

Probably goblins if this followed the typical isekai handbook that Bunny was likely reading from, or maybe this was just a small yet dense forest that would take me into a village or city of some kind that I could really start to figure out what to do in this life.

I was also purposefully ignoring the fact that just an hour or so ago I was brutally murdered and dumped into my own bathtub until I was eventually found who knows how long afterwards... because if I didn't ignore the fact that this might just be a last second hallucination meant to make dying easier then I would probably go insane.

So this was either a dream or I had really met an absolutely gigantic, busty Goddess who thought it'd be fun to throw me into a new world because fuck it why not, and honestly the later was what I was hoping for...

In a new world with a sword I had no idea how to use and magic that was definitely going to need a whole lot of testing since I wasn't exactly the brightest bulb ever... but hey, if I could make it out of the forest I could probably start learning magic!


For now though the goal was to get OUT of the forest without dying again, so I just picked a direction and started to walk, moving as quick as I could without making too much noise or exhausting myself, because I just had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was going to happen...

And when minutes began to trickle by and turn into hours I started to realize that I really hated being in the forest, the constant sounds of the trees simply existing and having their leaves and branches falling at random was enough to strain my mind as I worried that something was out there, waiting for me.

Waiting to strike, waiting to kill...

That was testing my mental fortitude, and I hadn't even gotten to how exhausted I was physically, my body drenched with sweat that caused the thin clothes beneath the leather armor to stick to my skin like white on rice.

My hair was plated and I definitely stunk something fierce as I continued to drag my feet through the forest, but adrenaline was one hell of a drug since the moment I heard a growl from nearby, all of my exhaustion was magically gone~!


What was not so yippee was the fact that - from the forest around me - I could hear that growl again, reverberating through the trees and inching ever closer to where I was right this moment, so I unsheathed my sword and began to scan my surroundings, hoping that the thing making the noises would just... go away and leave me alone.

And yet not even a second later something leapt out of the tree line and screeched at me in excitement, something that I was both terrified and 'relieved' to see; it was maybe four foot something tall and stick thin with dark, emerald green skin that was covered in a thin coat of grease.

Just like I had expected, the goblin that leapt out was barely clothed and drooling like a rabies infested beast, the loincloth it wore barely managing to conceal the half a foot long penis that swung side to side with each movement.

Clearly a shower and not a grower, the goblin growled at me and began to stalk around the perimeter of this little clearing, inadvertently letting me see even more of its penis that was disgustingly arousing...

Dozens of bumps riddled its cockmeat that made me question Bunny's claims of no sexual diseases, while the tip was almost double the size of the goblin's shaft, promising pain in abundance if it managed to get ahold of you.

The longer it stared at me the harder the goblin got, and its penis grew just a bit longer while its fanged grin turned menacing as it ogled my body, its hands twitching as it fought the urge to begin masturbating.

Instead it grasped for its heavy wooden club and cackled as it began to approach me, its beady eyes glowing with malice while its thin lips pulled back as far as possible to reveal its gleaming fangs.

The short futanari monster was grinning like crazy as it lunged for me, that club rising above its head as it aimed to knock me out so that it could rape me with that rather alluring penis... but I didn't want to have sex with a monster, so I swallowed down my fear and lifted my simple weapon to defend myself.

Pointing its tip at the green skinned monster that was jumping for me, I was quite surprised to find that the monster hadn't thought this through that well, and while its club was threatening to slam into my skull my sword was far longer and my reach was nearly double as well, so before it could actually reach me the monster threw itself onto my sword.

The tip punctured its throat and slid easily through the flesh, cutting through the bone and severing the jugular of the monster as it managed to make my first ever kill the easiest thing in the world.

Choking on its own blood, the goblin dropped its club and clawed at my sword, attempting to push itself free and fighting to live, but anger rushed through me as I stepped into the attack and stabbed the goblin completely before twisting the weapon and opening a hole in its throat.

No longer was it erect, and no longer was it looking at me like I was a piece of meat; as suddenly as it had appeared it was suddenly now dead, and that meant that I was back to being alone in this forest, just with a goblin corpse to keep me company... if I stayed here, anyways...

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