Chapter 32: Chapter 33 Chaotic Concert
Chapter 33 Chaotic Concert
By: Major144
Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time. This is just a story for fun.
It was the big night of the concert. Several people from all around Ooo had come to attend the concert at the cemetery. Finn and Jake were walking through the crowd, when they ended up bumping into Tobe.
"Hey your that ninja!" Said Jake.
"Hey Tobe." Said Said Finn.
"Greetings Finn and Jake." Said Tobe.
"So what brings you here?" Asked Jake.
"I came to the concert to see Marceline and to apologize to her for my past actions." Said Tobe.
"That's great man." Said Finn.
"I must also apologize to you two. My actions were dishonorable." Said Tobe.
"Relax man we forgive you. I guess being trapped in stone would drive anyone nuts." Said Finn.
"Yeah we're cool man." Said Jake.
"Your forgiveness is greatly appreciated, but I still owe you a debt for saving me from Crimson." Said Tobe.
"Sure man. If we have any big dangerous adventures will bring you along to help." Said Finn.
"I would be honored to accompany you." Said Tobe with a nod of his head.
"Come on guys lets get up close to the stage." Said Jake as he lead the way through the crow followed by Finn and Tobe.
Marceline and Lucinda had just finished some last minute prepping and had decided to explore the cemetery a little. The cemetery was apparently really old with dates going back to the 1800s and several ethnic groups had used it in the past. There were words in English and Spanish on the tombstones. Marceline checked her watch and realized it was time to start the show. The two cousins headed back to the makeshift stage that was set up and prepared for the show.
Up in the sky above a large silver ship was approaching the graveyard. At the controls was Sylvester, sitting behind him was Lightning, Hydro, Crimson, and Me-Mow.
"Will reach the graveyard in twenty minutes." Said Sylvester.
"Excellent." Said Crimson.
Outside the ship Alister floated a few yards behind. The Vampire King had an evil grin on his face as he waited in anticipation for his revenge.
At the graveyard the Scream Queens were getting on stage.
"You ready to rock Ooo?" Asked Lucinda as she faced the audience.
"Alright here are new song Howl." Said Marceline as she and Lucinda played their guitars and began singing.
(Author's Note: The song is Howl by Florence & the Machine)
If you could only see the beast you've made of me
I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free
Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart
Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart
My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in
You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl
My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in
You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to
Howl, howl
Howl, howl
Now there's no holding back, I'm making to attack
My blood is singing with your voice, I want to pour it out
The saints can't help me now, the ropes have been unbound
I hunt for you with bloody feet across the hallowed ground
Like some child possessed, the beast howls in my veins
I want to find you, tear out all of your tenderness
And howl, howl
Howl, howl
Be careful of the curse that falls on young lovers
Starts so soft and sweet and turns them to hunters
Hunters, hunters, hunters
Hunters, hunters, hunters
The fabric of your flesh, pure as a wedding dress
Until I wrap myself inside your arms I cannot rest
The saints can't help me now, the ropes have been unbound
I hunt for you with bloody feet across the hallowed ground
And howl
Be careful of the curse that falls on young lovers
Starts so soft and sweet and turns them to hunters
A man who's pure of heart and says his prayers by night
May still become a wolf when the autumn moon is bright
If you could only see the beast you've made of me
I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free
The saints can't help me now, the ropes have been unbound
I hunt for you with bloody feet across the hallowed ground
The crowd cheered and roared in excitement. The music traveled through the crowd and the graveyard. The music even went below and into the ground. Deep within the ground there was an old black and red coffin. In the coffin was an ancient slumbering being. The music reached the being and awoke him. The coffin's occupant listened to the music with interest. He reached next to him and grabbed a gold color guitar and began to strum it a little.
"Time to make an entrance."
Up above the ground started to shake and something started to rise from the ground in the cemetery. The crowd backed up in confusion not sure what was going on. Then a coffin popped out of the ground and hovered in midair. Everybody except the Scream Queens starred at the coffin in confusion. Then they heard the sound of a guitar being played coming from inside the coffin. The mysterious music was going along with the Scream Queens's music. After a few seconds the coffin suddenly exploded and a figure holding a gold colored guitar stood before the startled crowd.
The newcomer wore cowboy hat with a skull symbol, a red poncho, black boots, brown pants and a brown shirt. The figures face was hidden by his hat, but everybody could see his bone like white clawed hands playing the guitar. The figure played his guitar a little then leaped into the air. Everybody watched as the mysterious newcomer flew through the air as if he weighed nothing and landed gracefully on the stage next to the Scream Queens and began playing his instrument along with them. Marceline and Lucinda stared opened mouth at the newcomers amazing guitar skills as they played their own instruments. After a while the newcomer stopped and lifted his hat up revealing a grinning human skull with two glowing white eyes. The skeleton then addressed the audience.
"Hello out there! Good to see that there's still people out there who know how to cut back and rock. After all without music life would be dull. Am I right?"
The crowd cheered in agreement and the skeleton strummed his guitar.
"I'm Django of the Dead and let me tell y'all something. The more you rock the happier you'll be!"
(Author's Note: Yes I'm using Django from the show El Tigre, but I've changed him up a bit.)
The crowd cheered in approval and Django grinned and tipped his hat. Marceline and Lucinda stared at the skeleton who stood about their height. The cousins called a quick intermission and they lead Django off to backstage.
"Hello ladies I must say you two sing as beautifully as you look." Said Django with a nod.
The two cousins blushed at the compliment. Then they introduced themselves.
"So Django what's your story?" Asked Marceline.
"Well believe it or not I'm the son of Death." Said Django proudly.
Marceline and Lucinda starred at Django not sure what to make of this information.
"You see a long long time ago I had a mother named Sartana, she was a beautiful women with a sweet voice, who showed great respect to the dead by working at a church cemetery. Sartana would always sing at funerals and bring peace to the grieving families with her sweet voice. She sang so sweetly that Death himself fell in love with her and they married. Later they had me. I was human at first. I possessed my mother's musical talent and a degree of superhuman abilities from my father. After my nineteen birthday I fought some outlaws and ended up dying. That's when my true powers kicked in. My flesh weathered away and I became a skeleton. My father gave me this guitar that gave me magical abilities. This allowed to change my appearance and walk amongst the living. For a a few centuries I journeyed across the world, but then some weird war started up and I decided to sleep in this here cemetery, until your amazing music woke me up." Said Django.
"So you like music?" Asked Lucinda.
"I love it! It's a message from the soul." Said Django.
"Amen to that." Said Marceline.
"Tell you what Django, you have some mad skills and the crowd sure dose love you. Why don't you join our little concert?" Said Lucinda.
"Count me in." Said Django.
The three of them went back on stage and started playing their instruments driving the crowd wild with their music.
In the sky above the villains ship hovered. Sylvester pushed a button on his controls and released the Iron Owls. Crimson watched as the robotic birds flew away.
"Showtime." Said Crimson as he used his powers to teleport himself along with Lightning, Hydro, and Me-Mow to the ground below.
Crimson looked at the gathered crowd before waving his hands to conjure up a small army of Crystal Ants and Hair Apes. The monsters charged forward and began to attack the crowd, causing people to panic. Then the Iron Owls showed up and things got worse. People ran around screaming in fear from the crazed attack. The Scream Queens and Django looked at the monsters in shock then in anger.
"Nobody crashes our concert!" Shouted Lucinda as she jumped off the stage swinging her war hammer base to crush some Crystal Ants.
"Not cool!" Shouted Marceline as she flew off the stage swinging her ax base, slicing some Hair Apes to bits.
"Nobody invited you guys, so scram!" Said Django as his eyes turned a bright menacing red.
The undead musician pointed his guitar up at some Iron Owls and fired a blast of red energy at them destroying them. Django whooped and jumped off the stage to join the battle. The other members of Scream Queens soon followed.
In the crowd Finn and Tobe had their swords drawn and were slicing Crystal Ants and Hair Apes. Jake made him fist giant size and smashed several of the attacking monsters about.
"Hey dog I'm going to skin you alive!" Shouted a voice.
Jake turned to see Me-Mow charging at him. The tiny cat laughed as she threw several needles at Jake. The dog raised his hands expecting to feel several painful jabs, but Tobe jumped in front of Jake and deflected all the needles away with his sword.
"Thanks man, you really saved my bacon." Said Jake.
"It is a ninja's duty to protect others. Go deal with the monsters. I will deal with the assassin." Said Tobe as he charged at Me-Mow.
"Bring it ninja!" Shouted Me-Mow as she pulled out two tiny knives out and leaped at Tobe.
The assassin cat unleashed a flurry of blows at Tobe, but the ninja blocked them with his swords and sent the tiny cat flying through the air with a sword swing. Me-Mow flew through the air doing a flip before landing on her feet. The assassin cat glared at Tobe and summoned a bunch of the Crystal Ants and Hair Apes to her aid. The monsters charged forward attacking Tobe alongside Me-Mow. The ninja dealt with the monsters while expertly fending off attacks from Me-Mow. Jake charged in and attacked the monsters with his fist. Me-Mow hissed and summoned more monsters to her side. It would be a long fight.
Elsewhere Marceline was destroying several Iron Owls, when all of a sudden she encountered Lightning. The mutant's hands crackled with energy, but he wasn't joining in on the attack. The mutant watched as the concert goers running and screaming from the attacking monsters. This felt wrong to Lightning as he watched. He then turned to face Marceline.
"What gives man? Why'd you attack us?" Asked Marceline.
"The master told us to." Said Lightning sounding a little guilty.
Marceline glanced past Lightning and saw Crimson a few yards away. Marceline became enraged as she recognized the figure, who had tried to use Phoebe to destroy the Candy Kingdom. It was that guy's fault that Phoebe was locked up.
Lightning fired some electricity at Marceline knocking her to the ground and knocking her weapon away. The vampire let out an angry hiss as she got up and hurled herself at Lightning knocking him to the ground. Marceline punched the mutant in his helmeted head stunning him. She didn't have time to deal with the mutant's moral issues. The only thing on her mind was Crimson. The vampire picked up her weapon and charged at the masked villain swinging her ax. Crimson saw the blow coming and dodged it.
"If it isn't Marceline the Vampire Queen. How nice to finally meet you." Said Crimson.
"Talk pal. Why did you attack my little sister and attempt to use her to destroy the Candy Kingdom?" Snarled Marceline.
"You mean that little fire elemental. I attacked, so she would lose control and cause a scene. I hated seeing all that destructive power going to such waste." Said Crimson.
"I'll tear you apart!" Shouted Marceline as she swung her ax at Crimson.
The villain flipped over the blow and landed a few feet away.
"As much as I would enjoy fighting you, I'm afraid I promised you to one of my allies. I believe his an old friend of yours." Said Crimson.
"Who?" Demanded Marceline.
"Me." Said a voice from above.
Marceline recognized the voice immediately. Though it had been nearly a thousand years since she had heard the voice she would recognize it anywhere. Marceline looked up and saw Alister the Vampire King grinning down at her.
"Hello there little Abadeer, it's been a while." Said Alister as he landed on the ground.
"I'll let you two have, your fun." Said Crimson as he walked away.
"So you take orders from creeps with mask now?" Asked Marceline.
"I do not. We are an alliance." Said Alister.
"What's with the mask? You ugly now?" Asked Marceline.
"In a matter of speaking yes. You left me with quit a nasty mark. Now I'm going to return the favor." Said Alister as he reached up and removed the mask from the right side of his face.
Marceline let out a small gasp of fear. The right side of Alister's face was fleshless. There was nothing, but red muscles. The Vampire King grinned evilly at Marceline's disgust.
"I'm going to take my time killing you." Said Alister as he pulled out a large knife from his pocket.
Marceline gritted her teeth as she charged forward swinging her ax at Alister. The Vampire King calmly raised his knife and blocked Marceline's attack. Marceline pushed with all her might, but she couldn't budge Alister. Marceline leaped back from Alister and repeatedly swung her ax at him, but the Vampire King easily blocked her attacks. Crimson stood by and watched.
"Hey Crimson!" Shouted a voice.
Crimson turned to see Finn charging at him with a sword. Crimson pulled out his own sword and began to exchange blows with Finn.
Elsewhere Lucinda was smashing her way through monsters, when she encountered Hydro.
"Stop it right there or...I'll hurt you!" Shouted Hydro trying to sound tough.
Lucinda could sense that Hydro didn't want to fight her.
"Look I don't know what your deal is, but I don't want to fight you either and I have people who need my help." Said Lucinda as she tried to get by the mutant.
At that moment Sylvester said Hydro's trigger word. Lucinda managed to hear the word with her werewolf hearing and wondered what hammerhead was supposed to mean. Before she could think of anything Hydro violently attacked her with a jet of water that smashed her into a large tree making her drop her war hammer. Lucinda struggled to get up, but Hydro continued to blast her with a stream of water. Lucinda decided to change tactics and began to use her shape shifting powers to change into a white flying fish. The fish swam up the stream of water towards a startled Hydro. Before the mutant could do anything the fish jumped out of the water and changed back into her regular form and punched Hydro in the head knocking him stunned to the ground.
Lucinda starred down at the mutant, she then reached down and pulled Hydro's helmet off exposing his blue skin and gills. Lucinda studied the mutant and then looked inside the helmet, she saw a microphone in the helmet. It didn't take Lucinda long to figure that somebody had been controlling Hydro. The poor guy was being controlled and manipulated. Lucinda was fixing to say something, but then she saw Marceline fighting Alister. The werewolf grabbed her war hammer and raced off to help Marceline.
Marceline swung her ax wildly at Alister trying to hit him, but the Vampire King just kept raising his knife and blocking her attacks. Then Alister swung his knife at Marceline. The Vampire Queen barely avoided the swing and lost a little bit of her black hair. Alister then delivered a powerful punch to Marceline's gut knocking the breath out of her and making her crumble to her knees gasping in pain.
"I've waited a long time for this little Abadeer. It is time for you to die!" Said Alister as he raised his up for a stab.
Before the Vampire King could commit the deed, Lucinda charged in and swung her hammer knocking the knife out of Alister's hand. Lucinda then quickly followed through by slamming the shaft of her weapon into Alister's gut knocking him back a couple of yards. Alister clutched his gut with one hand as he glared at Lucinda, who was helping Marceline up. Alister sniffed the air smelling Lucinda's scent. The Vampire King was slightly startled to smell the scent of an angle and a werewolf on the newcomer.
"Who are you?" Demanded Alister.
"The names Lucinda Abadeer the Werewolf Queen and nobody messes with any of my family!" Declared Lucinda as she and Marceline stood side by side with their weapons raised.
"I see that annoyance runs through the family. I'll kill you both!" Said Alister as he started to change into his monstrous bat form.
Marceline and Lucinda also began to change into their monster forms. Soon a ten foot tall bat creature and a ten foot tall white werewolf were standing in front of a thirty foot tall demonic bat creature. The monsters roared and charged at one another.
On the sidelines Finn was fighting Crimson. Finn swung his sword about and sliced at the masked villain forcing him to retreat back. Crimson blocked all of Finn's attacks with his sword.
"I'm must say you've improved since last we fought." Said Crimson.
"Why did you attack the concert?" Demanded Finn as he swiped his sword at Crimson.
Crimson nimbly jumped back and landed a few yards away from Finn.
"I simply wanted to cause a little chaos and havoc."
"Just what is your deal man?" Demanded Finn.
"I am simply a small part of something bigger. There are powerful forces at play mortal. Forces that you can't possibly comprehend." Said Crimson.
"What are you talking about? Who are these forces?" Shouted Finn.
"Listen well little hero. A day is coming where you will question your loyalties. Someone you once trusted will be your enemy and you will wage war against one another and the lands will become divided. Once you are done killing one another the true power of this universe will rise up and take what rightful belongs to it. Then you will know the truth that in this world there are no heroes and you are a failure who can not save a single person you cares about." Said Crimson.
Finn tightened his grip on his sword as he felt his anger grow.
"Oh isn't that just precious. The little hero thinks he can prevent the inevitable. I think I'll just kill you now and show you just how weak you are." Said Crimson as he waved his hand at some tombstones and levitated them into the air.
The masked villain then hurled them at Finn. The young hero shouted as he dived out of the way to avoid being crushed by the projectiles. Crimson laughed as he threw more tombstones at Finn forcing him to dodge about. Finn then decided to change tactics. Using his free hand he created a ninja ice star and hurled it at Crimson. The move caught Crimson by surprise and struck his left shoulder making him lose concentration and drop the tombstones. Crimson put a hand to his injury and examined the wound.
"Not bad. I think I'll let you live for now." Said Crimson as he put his sword up.
"Come on you coward, let's finish this!" Shouted Finn.
"Perhaps another time. I want you to live long enough to see the end and then you will understand utter despair." Said Crimson as he teleported himself away.
Lightning, Hydro, and Me-Mow were also teleported away and they all ended up back on the ship with Sylvester.
"What about Alister?" Asked Sylvester.
"Let him have his fun. If things start going bad will just simply teleport him here." Said Crimson as he took a seat.
On the ground Marceline charged at Alister. The massive bat demon swung a huge claw at Marceline, but she jumped over it and flew upwards to deliver a couple of powerful punches to Alister's face. The Vampier King roared angrily and grabbed Marceline in one of his clawed hands and attempted to crush her. Lucinda came leaping in from behind and bit her fangs into the back of Alister's neck! The Vampire King roared in pain as he tried to shake Lucinda off of him. Marceline broke free from Alister's grip and flew away. Alister shot one of his hands back to his neck and grabbed Lucinda. In one fluid motion he yanked Lucinda off of him and hurled her at Marceline. The vampire and werewolf crashed into each other and fell to the ground. Alister laughed in triumph and stomped towards the fallen cousins. However a small figure stood in his way. It was Django.
"Get out of my way." Said Alister.
"No can do pal. If it's one thing I can't stand its a guy who beats up on ladies." Said Django.
"What are you going to do about it?" Asked Alister.
"This." Said Django as he raised his guitar and fired a red blast of energy.
The blast hit Alister in the chest burning the hair and making the Vampire King stumble back shouting in pain. Django's guitar then began to glow and it changed into a scythe. The undead musician leaped high into the air towards Alister's head. Django sliced downwards cutting off one of Alister's horns and leaving a scar on the good side of his face. Alister shouted in pain as he staggered backwards. Django landed on the ground and the scythe turned back into a guitar.
Marceline and Lucinda got up and stood next to Django. Finn, Jake, and Tobe ran up and joined by their side. The six of them stood ready to face Alister. The Vampire King glared at them with anger clenching his massive claw hands.
On the ship above Crimson thought it was time to teleport Alister away. With a snap of his fingers Alister was on the ship in his humanoid form.
"Why did you take me away?" Shouted Alister.
"You were outnumber by a skilled band of warriors. Their combined efforts would have been to much for you and clearly you were filled with rage. You would have messed up and gotten yourself killed." Said Crimson.
Alister was fixing to argue, but thought better of it. He took a seat and began to let his powers heal his injuries. The ship took off and headed back to the lair.
At the graveyard Marceline and Lucinda had changed back into their human forms. The group surveyed the graveyard. There were crystals, hair, and mechanical parts everywhere. A few concert goers were still around, but they were leaving.
"Well this is a concert nobody will ever forget." Said Lucinda.
"Well at least none of the audience got hurt to bad." Said Jake.
"That's good." Said Marceline.
Tobe walked up to Marceline.
"I must apologize for my past behavior and I am willing to do anything to make up for it." Said Tobe.
"We're cool man. What happened in the past happened. Besides you helped take care of those monsters, so you don't have to do anything for me." Said Marceline.
"Very well. Until our paths cross again." Said Tobe as he walked away.
"Well this was more fun then I thought it would be. Catch you later." Said Django as he began to walk away.
"Where you going?" Asked Lucinda.
"Going to pay my pops a visit. I'll see you around and maybe will jam some more." Said Django as he walked off.
Finn and Jake decided to leave. Finn jumped onto Jake's back and they head home. Jake sensed there was something on Finn's mind.
"What's bugging you man?"
"Crimson said a bunch of weird stuff about how we're going to fight a war against someone we trust and some other junk." Said Finn.
"Man don't listen to that guy, his just trying to mess with your head." Said Jake.
"Yeah your right man." Said Finn.
The two of them continued on home.
Marceline and Lucinda were flying back to their home. Lucinda had told Marceline what she discovered about Hydro.
"Well that explains a lot. There's another guy like Hydro, named Lightning who shoots electricity. He doesn't seem bad either. I guess his being controlled to." Said Marceline.
"Things just keep getting stranger." Said Lucinda.
"Tell me about it." Said Marceline as they reach their home.
In the Underworld, Death was resting underneath a tree, when Django arrived.
"Hey dad."
"Hello Django. I see you woke from your nap. How have things been going?" Said Death as he stood to face Django.
Django told his father everything that happened. Death took these events words in and a grim look appeared on his face.
"What's wrong?" Asked Django.
"Dark forces are on the move in Ooo. Things have been quit, but I have a feeling that something big is going to happen and the world's going to need all the help it can get. Django I want you to help the people of Ooo."
"You can count on me dad." Said Django with a little salute before walking off.
Death went back to attending his garden wondering what the future held for Ooo and its inhabitants. One thing was for certain something bad was coming.
To be continued.