Adventure Time:Family By Major144

Chapter 30: Chapter 31 Wolf and Uncle


Chapter 31 Wolf and Uncle

By: Major144

Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time. This is just a story for fun.

Marceline was flying around Ooo at night. The vampire enjoyed her night flights. She looked down at the ground below and saw a large pack of wolves resting. Marceline saw a wolf with white fur and was several times bigger then the other wolves. The new wolf didn't look like a Why Wolf or a Hug Wolf. Marceline flew down closer to get a better look. The wolf looked fierce and wild. Marceline grinned as she hovered over the wolf then jumped on it.

"Yeah! Whoa!" Laughed Marceline as the wolf shot to it's feet and began running at full speed trying to shake Marceline off.

The wolf ran through some bushes and through low hanging trees trying to scrape Marceline off. The vampire just whooped and held on. The wolf then stood up on it's hind legs reached a clawed hand behind itself and pulled Marceline from her back to stare at her. Marceline stared at the wolf and saw intelligence in it's eyes.

"Your a strange one." Said the wolf in a voice that sounded like it belonged to a teenage girl with an English accent.

"Your one to talk fluffy." Said Marecline.

The wolf let go of Marceline, who just hovered in the air. The wolf studied Marceline.

"Your a vampire." Said the wolf.

"Yep and your a werewolf." Said Marceline.

The werewolf sniffed the air.

"Your a couple of other things to." Said the wolf.

"I am." Admitted Marecline.

"Well that makes two of us." Said the wolf as she started to change before Marceline's eyes.

In the wolf's place was a teenage girl with long white hair wearing clothes. Marceline saw a round circle of bite marks on the left side of the girl's neck.

"Names Lucinda Abadeer the Werewolf Queen." Said the girl.

Marceline was slightly taken aback by Lucinda's last name. As far as Marceline knew she was the only child of Hunson. Lucinda looked to human to be a child of the Lord of Evil. Marceline decided to tell Lucinda her name to see how she reacted.

"I'm Marceline Abadeer the Vampire Queen." Said Marceline.

Lucinda stared at Marceline slightly shocked.

"So you have the same last name as me. Tell me Marceline, what's your father's name?" Said Lucinda.

"My father is Hunson Abadeer the Lord of Evil. Who's your dad?" Said Marceline as she studied Lucinda.

"My father is Lawrence Abadeer the Lord of Good." Said Lucinda.

The two of them digested this information. Finally Marceline spoke.

"So I guess that makes our dads brothers, so that...means we're cousins."

"Well nice to meet you cuz." Said Lucinda with a smile.

"Nice to meet you to cuz." Said Marceline with a smile.

The two of them stared at one another for a few minutes.

"So you have anywhere to stay for the night?" Asked Marceline.

"No...I was just hanging with that wolfpack, until you showed up." Said Lucinda.

"Why don't you come with me? I got plenty of room at my place." Said Marceline.

"That be great." Said Lucinda.

"Awesome." Said Marceline as she descended to the ground.

"You don't need to walk. I can fly." Said Lucinda with a mischievous smirk.

Marceline watched in amazement as two white feathery wings sprouted from Lucinda's back and she took flight and flew a few circles in the air. Marceline flew up to Lucinda and grinned at her.

"Well your full of surprises." Said Marceline.

"Yep I'm part human, part angel, and part werewolf." Said Lucinda.

"Well I'm part human, part demon, and part vampire." Said Marceline.

"We just seem to be a part of everything." Said Lucinda.

"Tell me about." Joked Marceline.

The two of them arrived at Marceline's house a little later. Lucinda whistled in admiration.

"Nice place."

"Thanks." Said Marceline.

The two of them went inside the house and Marceline brought a couple of red sodas from her fridge to drink. Marceline began telling Lucinda about herself mentioning her experience with the War, meeting Simon and Betty, the adventures she went on, her encounter with the vampires who turned her into one of their own, raising Phoebe as her little sister, and meeting Finn and Jake.

"So what's your story?" Asked Marceline.

"Well I grew up in England being raised by my mother, who was named Gwen. Everything was good until the war and bombings started. My mom had feared the coming war and along with some friends had prepared a bomb shelter. One day while my mom was at market and I was being watched by some friends the bombing started. The friends rushed themselves and me into the bomb shelter. I remember it being dark and hearing the loud sound of explosions. When it finally stopped we crept outside. The city and world were in ruin and I never saw my mom alive again. I was only eight years old that day." Said Lucinda.

Marceline felt sad for her cousin. Suddenly a ghostly figure of a women appeared next to Lucinda.

"There. There. My daughter I am always watching over and I see you found a cousin." Said the spirit before she turned to face Marceline. "Hello there I'm Grace Abadeer."

"Nice to meet you." Said Marceline.

The spirits of Linda and Betty popped next to Marceline and introduced themselves. Lucinda smiled.

"It seems we both have the spirits of loved ones watching over us." Said Lucinda.

"You can see spirits?" Asked Marceline.

"My angel powers allow me to see them." Explained Lucinda.

The two of them sat there for awhile. Finally Lucinda continued on with her tale.

"After the bombing we searched the remains of the city and found some other survivors. We gathered together in the park and started to set up a little community. There were about forty survivors. It was a tough going but we managed to survive. For about ten years we survived by scavenging the land and growing some crops. But everything changed when the werewolves showed up. There was twenty of them and they came storming in and began killing everyone! The pack was lead by two nasty werewolves who were the King and Queen. They were able to tell that I was special by smelling me. The Queen pouched on me and bite me on the left side of the neck! Adrenaline took over me and I grabbed the nearest thing close to me. By luck the thing I grabbed was an old silver cross that was being used as a decoration. I stabbed it into the Queen's right eye and into her brain killing the beast instantly. I pushed her off and staggered to my feet feeling weird. The King saw what happened and became furious! I looked around and saw most of the people I had grown up with dead and in pieces. I felt my blood boil as I began to change into a white werewolf. The King and I charged at one another and collided. We crashed to the ground clawing and biting at one another. Then the King ended up on top of me prepared to kill me, but it seemed that luck was still on my side. One of the humans had survived and he had a gun. Though the man was badly wounded and bleeding he managed to fire his gun and hit the King in his left ear ripping it off! The King screamed in pain and pulled some of his weight off of me. I quickly attacked and ripped his throat out with my fangs, followed by stabbing him in the heart with my claws. The King fell over dead. The rest of the werewolves stared at me in fear and ran for their lives. I changed back and looked around me. All the humans were dead including the man who had saved me from the King. I went about burying the humans and giving them nice decent burials."

Marceline, Betty, and Linda stared at Lucinda with sympathy.

"Did you dad...ever come to visit you? Did your mom visit you in your dreams?" Asked Marceline.

"Years before the attack my father came to visit. He was devastated to find out what happened. He asked me if I wanted to go live with him, but I said no. I was scared and confused...and I didn't want to leave the home I was apart of. My father told me he loved me and he helped the humans by making parts of the park fertile for crops to be planted. He then told me a ritual to get to go to his realm the Lightosphere My mom visited me a couple of times before the attack. My angel powers became active after the Queen bite me. After the attack I hunted down the other werewolves in the pack and killed them. I then went exploring what was left of Europe. I visited the Lightosphere and my dad gave me a war hammer, which I turned into a guitar." Said Lucinda as she pulled the war hammer out of her backpack and showed Marceline.

Marceline then showed Lucinda her ax guitar. The two of them shared a little laugh and had a jam session, before calling it a night.

The next day Marceline took Lucinda and flew to the Ice Kingdom to meet Simon. As they reached Simon's home. Gunther looked up at them and her eyes turned red briefly. In the secret lair, Crimson stared at his crystal ball.

"Excellent. Now both the daughters of the Lord of Good and the Lord of Evil are in Ooo. The master will be pleased." Said Crimson.

Marceline and Lucinda arrived at Simon's place. The old wizard warmly welcomed them and introductions were made. Lucinda immediately liked Simon. She found him to be a kind and caring person, who despite all the hardships, he'd been through he managed to always be in good spirits. The two girls invited Simon over to Marceline's house for dinner. Simon agreed and the girls flew back towards home.

Marceline and Lucinda arrived home and began cooking a batch of meatloaf and spaghetti. Marceline decided to call Finn and Jake over for dinner.

"Hey Lucinda you want to play a little prank?" Asked Marceline.

"Sure." Said Lucinda.

Marceline and Lucinda exchanged mischievous grins.

An hour later Finn and Jake arrived at Marceline's house. As they headed towards Marceline's house they heard a strange growling sound.

"Man is that your stomach?" Asked Finn.

"Nah wasn't me man." Said Jake.

Suddenly a massive white wolf came out from behind the the house howling. Both heroes shouted in fear as the beast leaped forward knocking Jake to the side and knocking Finn to the ground. The creature grinned down at Finn.

"I'm going to gobble you up little boy!" Laughed the wolf in a shrill voice.

The monster flipped Finn onto his back and then picked up Finn by his backpack with his jaws and began shacking him around like a rag doll before tossing him to the ground. The beast approached the dizzy hero barring it's fangs. Sudden,y the air was filled with laughter and Marceline suddenly appeared holding a video camera.

"Cut! That's a wrap. Nice one cuz." Said Marceline as she turned to the wolf. "Great job cuz."

Finn and Jake watched in awe as the wolf changed into a teenage girl with white hair.

"Wait what's going on?" Asked Jake.

"Guys this is my cousin Lucinda Abadeer, she's a werewolf and we just pranked you real good." Said Marceline as she and Lucinda high five one another.

"Man you totally got us!" Said Finn.

"Nice to meet you guys." Said Lucinda with a friendly smile.

They went inside the house and later Simon joined them for diner. Lucinda told Finn and Jake her story. The young heroes were amazed by her story and they started to like Lucinda. Finn then became curious about Lucinda's father.

"So your dad is the Lord of Good?" Asked Finn.

"He is. You want to meet him?" Said Lucinda.

Finn and the others nodded. Lucinda went into the kitchen and grabbed some bug milk, she then pulled out a piece of chalk drawing a smily face. She then poured the milk on the smily face.

"Bonum vobiscum et cum spiritum!" Chanted Lucinda.

A white portal opened up and everybody saw a vas green landscape, with meadows, and beautiful golden buildings sitting on clouds that floated in the sky. Suddenly a figure wearing a blue business suit and white tie stepped through the portal and the portal vanished. Everybody looked at the new figure. His skin was white, he had slightly pointed ears, white hair, and blue eyes. The man looked at Lucinda and smiled, he went over to her and hugged her.

"There's my little girl." He said.

"Hey dad." Said Lucinda as she returned the hug.

They stopped hugging and faced the others.

"Everybody this is my dad Lawrence Abadeer the Lord of Good." Said Lucinda.

"How do you do." Said Lawrence.

Everybody greeted the Lord of Good. Lawrence walked over to Marceline and studied her.

"Your Hunson's kid aren't you?" He asked.

"I am. My names Marceline."

"Nice to meet you Marceline." Said Lawrence as he wrapped his arms around Marceline for a hug.

Marceline returned the hug.

"So you and Hunson are brothers?" Asked Jake.

"Twins actually. Both born to keep the other in check and make sure there is balance in the universe. Thought I'll admit I'm the one doing most of the work." Said Lawrence.

"Yeah that makes a whole lot of sense." Said Marceline.

Lawrence turned to look at Finn.

"Interesting I see we have a young aspiring hero and a human to. I can tell your going to become a great hero." Said Lawrence.

"Thanks man. I'm Finn the Human." Said Finn with pride.

Lawrence turned to look at Simon and saw the crown hanging from his belt.

"You I can tell by just looking at you are a good kind hearted person. I've seen that crown you have before and I know it's history and I believe it couldn't have found a more nobel and more worthy master then you." Said Lawrence.

"Why thank you, but I'm just a man helping out wherever I can." Said Simon.

"And a humble man at that. The crown chose wisely. The last person to weld the power of the crown was a greedy noble named Evergreen. He destroyed the kingdom he was part of and the Frost Father cursed him by turning him into a monster and banished him from earth. Last I heard he tried to conquer a few planets and was arrested. Currently being held in a special prison for villains where he shall stay for eternity." Said Lawrence.

"Yikes!" Said Simon.

Lawrence nodded. Jake walked up to Lawrence.

"Hey man can you like change into some incredibly powerful being like your brother?" Asked Jake.

"Sure I'll be glad to show you outside." Said Lawrence as he lead everybody outside.

Lawrence stood before the group and began to change, his skin glowed bright white with flaming energy, as two white feathered wings sprouted from his back, and a large golden halo appeared above his head.

Everybody awed at the transformation. Then Lawrence returned to his normal form.

"How did you do that?" Asked Finn.

Lawrence reached into his suit pocket and pulled a blue rhombus-shaped gem hanging from a silver chain.

"This here is the Lightosphere Amulet. It is an incredibly powerful item that holds orderly light energy. My brother Hunson as a similar item, but it is purple with a gold chain and it holds dark chaotic energy. These amulets have a long and interesting history." Said Lawrence.

"Tell us man. I love stories." Said Jake.

Lawrence put the amulet back in his pocket and waved his hands in the air creating multiply colored lights. Two groups of light gathered together to form humanoid shapes. One was gold with bright wings and the other was neon green with curled horns.

"Long ago in the beginning there were multiple dimensions. All the dimensions were young and starting up. The growth and progress of the dimensions were overseen by the Cosmic Owl. Some other dimensions were overseen by another powerful being, who ruled a horrific and terrifying dimension, he was simply referred to as End, though he went by other names. One day the End decided to come to this dimension bringing a horrible army with him. End wished to rule all realms and make them more like his own. The Cosmic Owl would not have this and so he gathered an army of other gods and heroes to battle End and his forces. A huge war was fought!" Said Lawrence.

Everybody watched as the figures of light flew through the air and classed with one another.

"The Cosmic Owl and End seemed completely evenly matched. Then the Cosmic Owl broke through End's defenses and ripped a couple of parts out of him." Said Lawrence.

Everybody watched as the golden figure ripped a purple orb and a blue orb out of the neon green figure's body.

"The ripped out parts of End turned into gems and the evil being became weak. End turned into a comet and retreated vowing to return and finish what he started. The evil army was imprisoned into a magical book by a band of gods and wizards and locked away. The parts of End were later passed down to me and Hunson, by our father the Lord of Balance. And the rest was history." Said Lawrence as he made the lights disappear.

"Awesome story!" Cheered Finn.

Lawrence bowed. Then he rolled up his sleeve to look at his watch.

"I must be going. It was good to see you daughter and it was nice meeting you all." Said Lawrence as a portal opened up behind him.

Lawrence waved goodbye as he stepped through the portal and vanished. After desert all the guys left to return to their homes. Marceline and Lucinda went to clean the kitchen.

"You like that Finn kid a lot don't you cuz." Said Lucinda.

"What?!" Asked Marceline as she blushed a little.

"You have a crush on Finn. I can tell." Said Lucinda.

"Yeah I kind of like him like that, but it's a little awkward. Finn is kind of the reincarnation of an old friend I used to have named Shoko. She was my friend several hundred years ago, now it's kind of weird to see her being reincarnated as a boy. Right now we're just good friends. I have feelings for him, but nothing to dramatic." Said Marceline.

"That's cool. I get it." Said Lucinda.

"Yeah I...just don't want things to get weird with us. I've had a few bad boyfriends and I don't want to mess up a good friendship I have." Said Marceline.

"Fair enough." Said Lucinda.

They finished cleaning and went to bed.

In the secret lair the Lich sat upon his throne, he raised one hand he conjured up a little version of the Cosmic Owl out of green flames. The Lich stared at it with hatred. He clutched his hand into a fist crushing the miniature Cosmic Owl into nothingness.

"Soon my hated enemy I will be restored and I will clip your wings." Said the Lich.

To be continued.

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