Chapter 24: Chapter 25 Dad Rampage
Chapter 25 Dad Rampage
By: Major144
Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time. This is just a story for fun.
In the time that followed Finn hung out with Marceline. The Vampire Queen found out that Finn had a crush on Bubblegum. Marceline suspected that Bubblegum knew about the crush and was using this to get Finn to do various task for her. On one occasion Jake asked Marceline to help convince Bubblegum to go with Finn to the Couples only Movie Night as a friend. Marceline agreed to help.
Jake and Marceline gave Finn different kinds of advice. Jake suggested going to Bubblegum wearing a Lute Suit and playing a lute. Marceline told Finn that girls liked excitement and asked what Finn liked to do for fun. Finn said he liked to wrestle, but didn't think girls liked to wrestle. Marceline told Finn to give it a shot.
Finn went into the castle to try out both plans, he began playing the lute for Bubblegum. The Princess thought it was funny. Finn then decided to try Marceline's plan and started performing wrestling moves on Bubblegum. This freaked Bubblegum out and she had Finn thrown out of the castle. Marceline blamed the Lute Suit and Jake didn't take it well, he took the Lute Suit and stormed off.
Marceline then told Finn that the only thing that girls liked more then fun was excitement. The Vampire Queen suggested that they should grab some wolves and make them chase Bubblegum. The two of them set out and found a pack of wolves. After a little fun and wrestling they grabbed a couple of the wolves and set them loose in Bubblegum's room. The Princess ran screaming from her room slamming the door. Finn appeared next to her and told her he put the wolves in her room because it was exciting. Bubblegum had Finn kicked out and banished, until he stopped being psycho.
Finn believed that Bubblegum didn't like him and became depressed. Marceline comforted him and told him that he would have grown board and restless from hanging out with Bubblegum. Marceline then decided to give Finn a playful kiss on the cheek to cheer him up. Finn then asked if Marceline wanted to go with the movies with him. Marceline thought about saying no, but then she asked Finn if this was a date or if they were simply going as friends.
"As friends." Said Finn.
That was good for Marceline. The two attended the movie, but found it incredibly boring. The two of them then came up with a wild idea to crash through the movie screen riding some wolves. Later they returned to Marceline's house.
"Thanks for hanging with me." Said Finn.
"No problem it was actually pretty fun." Said Marceline as she gave Finn a playful kiss on the cheek.
Finn blushed a little.
"Let me give you some advice Finn. Be careful around Bonnie, she's not as sweet as you think and you can totally find a better girl to crush on." Said Marceline.
"What's your beef with Bubblegum?" Asked Finn.
"Let's just say we used to be friends, but then she went all high and mighty and had someone close to me locked away." Said Marceline with a slight look of sadness in her eyes.
"What happened?" Asked Finn.
"I'll tell you later. Thanks for the good time." Said Marceline as she went into her house.
"Later Marcy." Said Finn.
Finn returned to his tree fort slightly confused, he wondered what kind of history Bubblegum and Marceline shared and who was the person close to Marceline, who Bubblegum had locked away. Oh well Marceline would tell him when she was ready.
A few weeks later Marceline had Finn over to help her lay down a sick beat for a new song.
"Ok this is a little different from what I normally play and it's personal, so no judgement ok. You just beatbox a little." Said Marceline.
"Ok." Said Finn as he got a tape recorder ready.
Marceline began sining and playing her guitar as Finn beatboxed.
Daddy, why did you eat my fries?
I bought them, and they were mine.
But you ate them, yeah, you ate my fries...
And I cried, but you didn't see me cry.
Do you even love me?
Well, I wish you'd show it,
'Cause I wouldn't know it.
What kind of dad eats his daughter's fries,
And doesn't even look her in the eyes?
Daddy, there were tears there.
If you saw them would you even care?
Finn looked at Marceline, with concerned as he stopped the tape recorder. He had no idea she had these kind of issues with her father.
"Whoa that's some serious sad stuff Marcy. Have you ever considered talking to your dad and telling him how you feel?" Said Finn.
"It's not that easy. My dad and I have a difficult relationship. My dad has always been distant and kind of cold. He lives in another dimension called the Nighosphere and there's only one way to open a portal there." Said Marceline.
"How do you open it?" Asked Finn an idea coming to mind.
"Well first you need to draw a smiley face, douse the face in bug milk, and then say Maloso vobiscum et cum spiritum." Said Marceline as she strummed her guitar a little not really paying attention to Finn.
Finn drew a smiley face on Marceline's wall, ran into her kitchen to grab a carton of bug milk, and doused the smiley face in the milk.
"Maloso vobiscum et cum spiritum!" Chanted Finn.
Marceline heard what Finn said and turned around to see a portal opening on her wall to the Nightosphere. Finn's eyes widened in horror as he glimpsed the fiery realm. The form of Hunson Abadeer stepped out of the portal and stood before Marceline and Finn smiling. The portal vanished. Hunson looked at Marceline and smiled.
"There's my baby girl." Said Hunson as he walked over to Marceline and hugged her.
"Hey daddy." Said Marceline as she returned the hug a little awkwardly.
Hunson stopped hugging Marceline and sniffed the air, his eyes then landed on Finn, who stared at Hunson not sure what to make of him. A grin appeared on Hunson's face as he stepped towards Finn.
"Now who is this delightful soul?" Asked Hunson.
"I'm Finn the Human, I'm the one who opened the portal." Said Finn as he gave a nervous smile.
For some reason Hunson creeped Finn out and a voice in his head was telling Finn to run and get far away from him.
"What a nice name for a tasty soul." Said Hunson as he opened his mouth incredibly wide and began sucking in air.
Finn felt something deep within in him being yanked out of his body and towards Hunson's mouth. Marceline quickly flew in and pushed Finn to the ground away from Hunson.
"Dad that's my friend, you can't suck his soul out!" Shouted Marceline as she gave her father a little glare.
"What's that?" Asked Hunson pointing at Marceline's ax bass.
"My instrument." Said Marceline.
"Well that won't do. Axes are meant to chop and kill. They are not instruments for music." Said Hunson as he snatched the bass from Marceline.
"Give that back!" Said Marceline as she tried to grab the instrument back.
Finn stumbled to his feet.
"So he's your dad?" He asked.
"He is." Said Marceline.
"I am Hunson Abadeer the Lord of Evil!" Declared Hunson.
"Lord of Evil?!" Said Finn as he studied Hunson.
"Indeed I am, now if you two would excuse, I'm quite hungry and I can smell a ton of souls just begging to be sucked up." Said Hunson with a big smile as he flew out of Marceline's front door.
Marceline turned to glare at Finn.
"What were you thinking, when you opened that portal?" She demanded.
"I just thought, you know it would be nice for you and your dad to make up with each other. I had no idea how bad he was." Said Finn.
"Yeah he didn't know." Said a tiny Jake as he popped out of Finn's shirt pocket and grew to full size.
"Have you been in there this whole time?" Asked Marceline.
"Yep." Replied Jake.
"Look I know I should have told you guys who my father was, but I didn't want to freak you out for good reasons. My dad is scary and kind of really evil. I didn't want you guys to see me as an evil monster." Said Marceline looking at the ground.
"We don't see you like that Marceline, you're are cool rocking vampire friend, who we enjoy hanging out with." Said Finn.
"Yeah you're one of the coolest people we know." Said Jake.
"Thanks guys." Said Marceline with a smile.
"Now come on we have to stop Hunson from sucking all the souls in Ooo and get Marceline's bass back. It's Adventure Time!" Said Finn.
The three friends took off after Hunson. It wasn't hard to follow the evil lord, because he left a trail of soulless people wondering around with blank lifeless looks on their faces. This urged the heroes to move faster. They soon came across Hunson in a large canyon stepping on ants and sucking up their souls.
"Ok there he is, so what's the plan?" Asked Jake.
Finn looked around and saw a large boulder perched on the edge of the canyon wall. An ideas was forming in his head.
"Ok Marceline I need you to get your dad under that boulder. Once he's under there will push the boulder off the cliff and it will land on top of him and make him spit out the souls his taken." Said Finn.
Marceline looked down at her father.
"This plan ok with your Marceline? I know, he's your dad and its alright if you don't want to fight him or hurt him." Said Finn.
"No it's alright, he's my dad and that makes him my responsibility. Besides his deathless, he'll be fine." Said Marceline.
Marceline flew down into the canyon and confronted her father.
"Oh hey Marceline, come to join your old man in a little soul sucking and terror brining?" Asked Hunson.
"No dad I've come to stop you. This whole thing you're doing isn't cool! This place is just recovering after the war and now you show up and start sucking up souls!" Said Marceline.
"Oh come on I'm the Lord of Evil! This is what I do. Tell you what why don't you try it, it'll be fun." Said Hunson.
"Noway, I'm not evil and I'm not sucking up anyone's soul!" Said Marceline as she sprung forward and grabbed the bass and began to engage her father in a game of tug a war.
"Oh yeah show me what you got!" Laughed Hunson as they flew back and forth all around the valley.
Soon they reached the spot where the boulder was perched. Marceline shot both her legs up and kicked her father in chest with all her might freeing the bass and sending Hunson crashing into the valley wall. Finn and Jake pushed the boulder off the edge towards Hunson, unfortunately Hunson saw it coming and punched the boulder with his fist easily destroying it.
"Nice try, but you have to be more clever then that." Said Hunson as he blew dust from from his fist and walked away.
"Great now what?" Asked Jake as he and Finn joined Marceline in the valley.
Marceline looked up ahead and saw the Ice Kingdom.
"Oh no Simon! Quick we have to hurry!" Cried Marceline as she took off through the air.
Finn jumped onto Jake and they took off after Marceline.
In the Ice Kingdom, Hunson had sensed a strange evil energy emitting from a penguin. The penguin happened to be Gunther. Curious as to why a penguin, would have a large amount of evil energy Hunson approached the bird.
"You know I've sensed a lot of evil in my time, but by far you are one of the most evil creatures I have ever sensed. What are your secrets little dark one?" Said Hunson as he studied the bird.
Gunther did not reply. Instead the possessed bird sent the image of Hunson to Crimson. The evil being stared at Hunson with his crystal ball. Crimson waved his hand over the crystal ball and the image zoomed in on Hunson's pocket. The crystal ball then showed the Nightosphere Amulet in Hunson's pocket.
"There's one of the master's belongings. That's one now we just have to wait for the other to show up. It's only a matter of time." Said Crimson.
In the Ice Kingdom Hunson was growing annoyed with the penguin and was considering hitting it, when a voice interrupted him.
"What are you doing here Hunson?"
Hunson turned slightly startled to see Simon with his crown on standing a few yards away from him. The Lord of Evil wondered how the mortal was still around, but then he remembered the magical crown he had.
"Hello there Simon it's been a long time." Said Hunson as he faced Simon.
"Not long enough. Tell how did you get here and exactly what are you up to?" Said Simon.
"Oh a young friend of my daughter opened a portal to my realm and I decided to see how my daughter was doing. I must say the world has been doing a lot better since last time I was here. So many delicious souls." Said Hunson.
Simon tightened his fist and glared at Hunson.
"Return the souls you have taken and return to your realm. The last thing the world needs is you running amuck and causing havoc." Said Simon.
"And if I refuse?" Said Hunson.
"Then I'll use whatever means at my disposal to make you reconsider." Said Simon as he raised his hands and unleashed a powerful burst of lighting that slammed into Hunson and plowed him into the snowy ground.
Hunson got to his feet brushing snow off of his suit and looked at Simon.
"I'll admit not bad, but you'll have to do better then that." Said Hunson with a smirk.
"I'm just getting started." Said Simon as he did a hand symbol and made four more ice copies of himself.
The Simon's charged forward and attacked Hunson from all directions with icicles. Hunson staggered under the blows and looked around, he sniffed the air and shot his hand to the right grabbing a Simon by the throat. The other Simons vanished in a puff of snowflakes.
"Good trick, unfortunately for you I can still smell your soul." Said Hunson as he held Simon up.
"Lucky for me, you're still as arrogant as always." Said Simon as he pointed one hand at the ground.
An ice pillar shot out of the ground and slammed into Hunson's face making him release Simon and crash to the ground. Simon took a deep breath as he faced Hunson, who was just getting back up. The Lord of Evil was looking extremely annoyed. He began to change into his more monstrous form and grow to about forty feet tall.
"Time to end this!" Said Hunson as he looked down at Simon.
"Oh boy." Said Simon as he looked up at the towering form of Hunson.
Hunson was about to attack, when a voice stopped him.
"Hunson stop!"
Hunson tilted his head up and saw the spirit of his wife Linda floating above him looking furious.
"Linda?" Said Hunson.
"Hunson stop what you're doing, you've already made a mess of things, but if you killed the good man who raised our daughter I will never forgive you and neither will Marceline." Said Linda.
Before Hunson could reply or do anything Marceline came flying in her giant bat form and slammed into the back of Hunson's head like a missile knocking him face first into the ground. Hunson groaned as Marceline got off of his giant head and returned to her human form. Marceline walked over to Simon.
"Are you ok?" She asked with concern.
"I'm alright." Said Simon.
Finn and Jake arrived on the scene.
"Man that was awesome, you plowed into your dad and smashed him into the ground!" Cheered Finn.
At that moment Hunson was getting back to feet, his eyes blazing red with anger. The group turned to face the towering giant. Finn gulped nervously. He may not be a genius, but he certainly realized that Hunson was way too big to fight and beat using regular means. Suddenly Finn had an idea. He reached into his backpack and pulled out the tape recorder from the jam session and played the song Marceline sang. Marceline's cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment. A confused look appeared on Hunson's face as he heard the emotion in Marceline's song.
"Marceline, do you really feel this way?" Asked Hunson.
"Dad, I..." Said Marceline.
"Marceline... of course I love you." Said Hunson.
"Dad..." Said Marceline.
"I'm sorry I ate your fries. I didn't mean to hurt you." Said Hunson
"It's okay, Dad. It's... it's really okay." Said Marceline.
"No, it's not okay. They weren't even very good. They were really cold. I love you, Marceline. Don't you ever doubt that. I know I haven't really showed it, but I do love you and I'm proud of you." Said Hunson
"I love you, too, Dad." Said Marceline.
Hunson shrunk down and returned to his more humanoid form. He walked over to Marceline and they hugged one another. Linda floated next to them.
"You showed your true feelings Hunson, I'm proud of you and Marceline you sung that song from the heart and it was beautiful. I love you both and you make me so happy." Said Linda.
Hunson and Marceline just smiled at Linda.
"Man this is so deep!" Sobbed Jake as he blew his nose into a tissue.
"It truly is. It looks like music soothed the savage beast. Good thinking Finn." Said Simon.
"Thanks it's the least I could do for accidentally bringing Hunson here in the first place." Said Finn.
"Oh I know your heart was in the right place, when you opened the portal. You made a mistake and took responsibility for it and in the end things worked out. That's a good sign of a mature and kind hearted hero." Said Simon.
"Thanks." Said Finn feeling happy with himself.
Linda was facing her husband.
"You have to release them." Said Linda.
"Fine. Fine. I'll release them." Said Hunson as he opened his mouth wide and made a weird coughing sound.
All the souls Hunson had recently sucked in flew out out of his mouth and returned to their proper bodies. Hunson then turned to Simon and walked over to him. The two of them stared at one another. Finally Hunson spoke.
"I know I don't say this often, but I'm sorry. I was a real jerk to you and I'm sorry." Said Hunson.
"Apology accepted." Said Simon.
"I also want to thank you for raising Marceline and for all you've done for her, I really can't thank you enough. I might be her father, but your the one who gave her what she needed, something I wasn't capable of and I thank you." Said Hunson.
"You're to hard on yourself. You obviously care about Marceline, you just have a hard time showing it sometimes and you realized that making her live in the Nightosphere would be a bad idea, so you let me and Betty raise her. In some regards your a good parent." Said Simon.
"Thanks that actually means a lot." Said Hunson.
"You're welcome." Said Simon.
Hunson opened up a portal to the Nightosphere and turned to Marceline.
"Goodbye Marceline. I love you." Said Hunson with a smile.
"Love you too dad." Said Marceline with a smile.
Hunson went through the portal and vanished.
"That was one crazy wicked awesome adventure." Said Finn.
Everybody agreed with the young boy. Everybody went home and Linda returned to Death World 51.
To be continued.