Chapter 8: Ryan
" Things are going to be busy." I said to the other bartender as I grabbed a cup from the counter.
I watched people coming without a care in the world. Most people here did not know that there was a better world just across the ocean. Out of nowhere a familiar face was sitting in front of me. I keep running into her literally most of the time.
" What rooms do you have available?" She asked
" I'm sorry what?" I asked
" You must be new." She said softly " I am asking what sex rooms are open."
" I know what you mean" I sighed " I was not expecting you to ask that."
" Do you know her" the other bartender asked
Before I could answer she said " Why does it matter? THis place is for people to come and be something that they are not."
I nodded " I have a room if you would like. Or I can go check since I am not sure right off the top of my head."
She thought for a second and smirked and said " lets see what you got."
The first part was a little sitting room, the next part was a full dungeon.
Turning to her I said " I generally start with seeing what the other is comfortable with."
" I am down for most things. I feel more subbie today." She said
" So you are a switch?" I asked
She nodded her head and asked " Is that a problem for you?"
" No." I said " would you like to get started?"
She thought for a second and asked " Can we just lay and talk? I have been having a hard week and since we see each other I want to ease into things."
" That is fine with me, or I can find someone else."
" No. I feel comfortable around you. With what little I have talked to you, I have felt safe." She chuckled and said " I know that sounds corny or weird that I am at a sex club to talk but it helps."
" Have you tried a therapist?" I asked
" I do have one but they won't let me lay naked next to them."
" That would be weird" I said as I pulled her to the bed.
We spent the next hour just talking and getting to know each other. I told her how I came from a small town called stormglen. She told me how she was taking two courses at the same time. We eventually made our way downstairs.
She gave me a hug and said " Thank you. I really need it. Let me know the next time you are working and I may hit you up for more than talking."
Smirking, I handed her a card with my number and said " Why wait for me to be at work. I might be willing to make a house call."
She smirked and walked off. Kenny was sitting at the bar when I walked over. He handed me a piece of paper.
" What is this?" I asked
" It is a list of people that I need information on." He said
At the top of the list was Olivia Ashborn. Pointing to it I said " She is going to be tough. I have access to most of the students paperwork but all of her things are redacted and she just started. But I can get you the rest."
" What do you know about her?" He asked with a look in his eye that meant trouble.
" She is a bad-ass, making trouble on her first day. She made herself that target of the top three that we have been looking into. She has all the elements."
" All the elements you say." He smiled " I will have my people to look into her. Get to know her more."
I went back to work and the other bartender kept giving me a side eye. 'Fuck him' I thought. 'let him hate me. I know what needs to be done' The gods have been pushed to the side long enough. I hope that one day the leader of the lunar will let me join the assassin group. I will be able to make a difference. But for now I need to focus on getting in Olivia's good books. Speaking of the devil, her friend Brenda texted me. I sent a quick reply letting her know that she did have the rite number.
I spent the rest of the weekend getting to know Brenda more, and in turn got to know more about Oliva. Monday morning rolled around so I decided to join Brenda for her morning run.
" Morning" She said cheerfully
" How can you be this cheerful?" I asked
" I do this every morning so I became used to it."
" Do you do this every morning? Even on weekends?"
" Yep. It is therapeutic for me. Why do you run?" She asked as we started to jog.
" To stay in shape." I answered.
We ran in silence for the rest of the time. After changing I walked into the classroom to find Atlas and the others surrounding Olivia. She did not look like she was in a good mood. The teacher walked in before anything happened. I was disappointed I wanted to see her in action again. She was doing so good in the duel until she just stopped. Brenda also did amazing but I could not watch too much of it . I did not want a hard on in front of others. Brenda walked in right behind the teacher looking beautiful in a pair of ripped jeans and a low cut shirt. Her hair was in a braid down her back. Olivia signed to her that she was wearing her pants. Brenda just shrugged and started to take notes. After class Brenda and Olivia walked over.
Brenda asked " Are you working this weekend?"
" yeah. Why?"
" Brenda wanted you to hang out with us this weekend. " Olivia said
"I'm sorry." I said " I don't think my boss will let me off."
Brenda looked at Olivia and asked " can you work your magic."
" What magic? I don't know his boss." she replied, giving her a look.
Brenda's smile grew wider as she said " But you do. He works at the Lunar."
Olivia narrowed her eyes on me and asked " Why not work at the club around here?"
I just shrugged my shoulders feeling like I was being interrogated. She shook her head and said " I will text Mark and let him know to find someone to cover your shift."
" Will he listen to you?" I was confused on why he would take orders from a kid.
" seeing as how she is his boss I would hope he would." Brenda said
Oliva shook her head and said " This is why you can be told anything."
Brenda laughed and pulled her away. Looking back over her shoulder she said " I will text you the time and place. Hope to see you."
That was one of the weirdest conversations I have ever had. But it did give me some more information. I sent a quick text to Kenny letting him know that I would not be able to make it to the weekly meeting. I spent the rest of the week waiting for the weekend.