Chapter 5: Atlas
Dads familiar tone came from the phone. When I called him I was not able to get a word in when he started to yell at me about calling him during working hours. It was the same thing every damn time. Do you know how important I am? Why can't you handle things on your own? You don't need a babysitter. I knew every line by heart. When he finally finished his usual lecture he asked " what do you want this time?"
" Can you get me information on someone?"
" It has only been three weeks since the school year started and you are already having trouble. What kind of son are you?"
" I'm sorry dad. She managed to get the slip on us at the beginning of the school year and I do not want her getting any further."
" That's my boy, don't let anyone get in the way. Send me her name and I will see what I can find. And if she gives you more trouble let me know and I will take care of it."
He ended the call without anything else to be said. I sat down on the bed letting out a sigh. Things have been complicated since I got my crystal. It was one of the times that dad looked at me with pride. I wonder how he will look at me when he finds out that I am not at the top of the class.
Noah bussed through the door interrupting my thoughts. He looked like he was super excited. I figure he found a new place to eat or something.
" I just found out that Olivia is adopted."
" What?" I asked
" She is adopted. I just met her adopted dad." He said
" That will help us. I just got done talking to dad and he is going to find out what he can about her."
" My dad said if we had enough people that wants her out then the school will put it to a vote. He said that he would use his pull to help. But if we don't get enough then we have to have probable cause." Trey told us
" Let's start with swaying peoples opinions of her. Noah finds out all that you can about her. If she does anything strange let us know." I said
"It will be tough" He said " She is always out or on her laptop."
" We will do what we can until dad can get us information." I said "We can work more things out later. We should get some sleep. We have ministry class first thing in the morning."
The classroom was empty when we walked into it. Mr. Lightwood was standing at his podium reading over paperwork. Without looking up he said "good morning boys."
"Morning Mr. Lightwood." Noah said
"What's today's lesson going to be about dad?" Trey asked
" It's about being ahead and knowing how to work your angles. Since the three of you are here first and have put in work the last two weeks I am giving yall advantage. We are having a pop quiz today and only you three know."
"How much would it cost to get a copy of the test to study?" Trey asked
"Depends on what you have to offer?" Mr. Lightwood replied.
Trey pulled out a few objects from his pocket and offered them to his dad. We had the advantage since he knew what his dad liked. Without a moment of hesitation Mr.lightwood handed us a test paper. While we studied the test other students started to pile in. For the most part the test was going to be easy. Other than one question about a law that was going through parliament right now. Once everyone was seated Mr.lightwood started class. People groaned as he announced the quiz and started to pass it out. Both me and Olivia stood up first to turn our test in. Had she not been on the other side of the classroom I would have thought she cheated.
I pulled out my textbook to study. Olivia pulled out a laptop. After all the tests were in Mr.lightwood stood in front of the class and said " Miss Ashborn what is one of the current laws that parliament is debating?"
"Ordnance 1285 equal footing." She replied
"And what does it state?"
"If a non magic person decides to take residency in a magical location they are to be given the same opportunity as one of us."
" This class is what we call wishful thinking. The whole reason that we are given power is because we are better. You will learn more as you continue your basic magic class."
Olivia raised her hand and asked " What's the point of our power if we don't help those weaker than us?"
" The point is to be on top to make the rules. The only reason that you are able to have this discussion is because you scored the highest. Class is dismissed early. I have a few things that I need to do."
As we were leaving Trey grabbed Olivia by the arm and asked " So you want to help the weak?"
She gave him a deadpan look and said " yeah. More people should think that way."
" Why don't you want to be on top?" I asked
Something flashed in her eyes as she said " I can be on top and still help people. I have been in a place where I needed help so I feel like it is my duty that I should help them."
I shook my head and said " you should save us all some time and just give up. There is not going to be anyone that will side with you."
" While that may be true right now I still have the right to give it a shot. I want to be able to help people like me"
" But your powerful" Noah said
She shot him a look and said " that does not mean anything."
She turned and walked away before we could say anything. I wanted to say something else but my phone buzzed with a text. It was a time and place from dad.
" Leave it." I said, " We have somewhere to be."
The alleyway was dingey Noah looked nervous as we walked through it.
" Relax man." I said " Trey is keeping an eye on us."
He looked up to watch him fly and just nodded. Standing at the end of the alleyway was a man around my dads age. He wore a fitted black suit and tie. He handed us a file folder without a word. No words were exchanged
" That was easy." Noah said
" Yeah" I said as I signaled Trey " Lets go to my room and see what it says."